The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 58 – We Shall Obey


Nuri was quiet for a long time, but she noticed many things while she observed Sonya. She was not like the ones who were so cruel that they treated her like food for centuries. She didn't want to be spared, and was genuinely upset for the trouble she caused. Finally, Nuri sighed a bit.

"Empress, I did suffer, but not at her hands. She only made my Offering a little unpleasant because I assumed only she wanted to be there." Nuri started to explain, but was cut off by Kyrie, who looked thunderous.

"That's even worse!" She said in anger. "The Offering is sacred! It can not be violated in any way for the benefit of anyone!" Her anger caused the clouds above to darken, and thunder to sound in the sky. Not only that, Haven also rumbled with her anger, as Haven was Kyrie's celestial body. Lena nodded.

"Agreed." Lena pinned Sonya with a glare and the gravity upon her body began to increase. Lena could not yet control her strength and power to the degree that Kyrie could, and so it leaked out to everyone around, just at a lesser degree.

"I would like her to be punished for the time that Nuri also suffered." Lena said. "But Nuri's self confidence was what made that even worse, not her actions at the Offering. She failed to believe in Nikki, and as a result, she believed the words of the priestess, not the actions of the ones she's known for a long time before she went to Haven." Kyrie sighed and nodded.

"Agreed. However, this is not over. Sonya. You shall become like Syl. A servant of the Empress, upon her planet, and only allowed off when the Empress lets you. You shall not be allowed to indulge in the pleasures of Haven unless the Empress allows you." Kyrie spoke her judgment, and Lena nodded.

"Agreed. Nikki. Syl. Sol. Nuri. Nadya. Consume her." Lena said firmly. "Shadows. When she is almost down to her bones, finish the job. I'll reform her and send her to my planet. She'll become the first companion for Syl, so she will no longer be alone."

"This existence will be difficult for a while, until Gallae completely transforms it. All you will have is each other. Learn to appreciate, and rely on each other, or you'll truly be alone." Lena said. She lifted her hand and lifted Sonya off the floor, to make her stand up.

"Take her to the tower. The one facing the town. The one facing the Great Desert is where intimacy is shared." Lena's eyes glowed bright white. "The one facing the town is where any will be punished." She looked at Valina.

"I shall not interfere this time, but your teeth have been strengthened to do the job. Bring her core to me when you're finished." Lena sighed tiredly. "I shall not watch." She looked up at the sky.

"Suddenly, I feel tired again. Why do people stain the purpose of the Offering with their own desires? It is pure and sacred to my Kyrie." Lena said and leaned against Kyrie, and immediately felt her arms about her.

"I do not know, but from now on, the guardians will be tasked with protecting its sacredness. As will the Shadows." Kyrie said, and the ground rumbled. Every Shadow within Haven, and upon Imera, knelt down.

"As the goddess instructs, so shall we obey."


* * *


"She encouraged Nuri to eat her eyes and tongue." Valina said.

"Let me guess. Nuri ate her breasts instead." Lena said as she took the core from Valina's palm. She watched the Shadow's cheek twitch.

"True. Did you watch?" Valina asked, as the event had a lot of tears, both Nuri's and Sonya's.

"No. I could not watch as this was a punishment meant to free Nuri of her burdens, and Sonya of her guilt." Lena said, and put the core into her mouth. She sucked firmly upon the core for a full minute, then began to puff up her cheeks.

"Right to the edge, love. You'll leave her with a memory that is harsh." Kyrie said softly.

"She'll know to be obedient from now on. The Offering is sacred. When it's time for my Offerings, she'll oversee them with jealousy, knowing that I tolerate nothing that will violate the Offerings, and their free will." Lena said, but without anger. She put the core on her palm, and softly kissed the surface.

"She's always been humble, but she feels contrite now. Like she was scolded by a mother." Kyrie said. Lena put the core on the bed and blew a white mist upon it. Her mind changed her own white light into a mist so it would be like her lover, Kyrie.

Sonya's body reformed, and though her lineage was Caedian, she was more slight than her ancestors. She had nice wide flaring hips, a nice shapely bottom on back of those lovely hips, and medium sized breasts that looked smaller than they should for her frame. When she opened her eyes, Nuri licked her lips.

"She was delicious, Empress." Nuri said. "I wouldn't mind eating her again." Nuri laid down beside the woman who now blushed brightly. "We once shared many nights together, keeping each other company, as she was my favorite to serve."

"Your favorite?" Sonya asked. She looked genuinely surprised.

"I did spend some nights with the guardians, and even with the acolytes. I even kept the temple priestess warm once a week so she wouldn't get upset. She said she felt left out, and I knew it was wrong to not spend time with her." Nuri lowered her lips and pressed Sonya back down to the mattress. Their kiss lasted a few minutes before she lifted her lips again.

"But you were my favorite. When Nikki was Offered, I felt lost." Nuri sighed a bit. "Only you were there to calm my nerves, and taste my tears." Sonya closed her eyes.

"Yes, Sonya." Lena said. "It was obvious to me that Nuri would have had you there, regardless of who else wanted to be there. Now, you shall pay a price for your misdeed during her Offering." She looked at Syl.

"Syl. Take her to the town, buy tools with silver that Valina shall give you, and take her back to the place Gallae constructs for me. Build a larger house to let the both of you sleep comfortably, or build a second house for her to sleep in. That is your choice to make." Lena said. Syl swallowed a lump in her throat as she felt a clog enter, and not allow her to speak. After a swallow wet her throat, she cleared it, and spoke.

"Empress, how did you know that Gallae gave you a world?" Syl asked. Lena blinked.

"I've been there, in my dreams. I see her there sometimes, like a shadow that isn't quite clear." She shrugged. "I've learned not to question those times, and let her do what she wants to." Kyrie smiled.

"Yes, Gallae is much stronger than my mother, Imera. If she wishes to do something, no one can stop her. Just accept it, and don't think about it." Kyrie looked at Valina.

"Get Sonya some clothes, and send her to town, with an escort. Her new body is still young, and she's not used to the differences yet." Kyrie said and smirked. "And the way that Lena looks at her, she will not like it if someone from town ogles her." Lena pouted and turned away.

"She belongs to me. Of course I won't like it." She reached out and pulled Syl to her. "Just as I don't like it when anyone looks at Nuri, or Syl, I will not tolerate anyone watching Sonya, or Valjhana."

"My little love is quite jealous." Kyrie said, and glared at the Others in the room.

"Don't irritate her."


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