The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 59 – Rachel’s Joy


"Empress....Lena, you've been pouting for nearly the entire day." Kyrie said, after all the events of the week had taken place, all she wanted to do was spend some time with her girl. "When are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Lena turned towards her.

"Where's Rachel!" She asked. "I've tasted Lydia, Hannah, Nikki, Sol, and every Shadow who serves me. Jhana, Lina, Lyria, Thyria, and Cynie! Why have you hidden Rachel from me?" Kyrie blinked, but then started to laugh.

"I haven't hidden her. She's in Haven, watching over the Others, and over you." She tapped Lena's nose gently. "Maybe it is time for you to taste her too." Rachel appeared right after she said that.

"Goddess, so mean. Leaving me out of this for so long!" Rachel whined a little. Lena smiled up at her as she approached the bed. Nuri was still out with Syl and Sonya, so Nadya waited for her turn to comfort Lena. Nadya pouted.

"There goes my turn again." She said softly. Lena smiled.

"We'll eat you again and again, Nadya. Rachel has felt left out, and I could sense it." She tapped her lips with a fingertip. "I'm not sure how, but I could. Now, come here, Rachel. That lovely waist, and those soft breasts look delicious." Rachel blushed brightly as Lena licked her lips.

Once on the bed, Rachel learned what all the ones that Lena consumed had already learned. Lena knew how to make an Other of Haven real happy.

"Don't heal when I do it." Lena said softly as she laid Rachel down. "I have my normal way, but this time, I'm not able to hold myself back." Rachel's breath shuddered within her chest as Lena's mouth dipped down and her tongue wrapped around a nipple. She pulled the nipple up into her waiting mouth and slowly sank her teeth in.

"Ah, so good, Empress." Rachel moaned as her breast was topped by sharp teeth. She watched as Lena chewed on her flesh, and put her mouth down again.

"You taste wonderful, Rachel. Your breasts are so plump and soft, and pale white. You have the flavor of an Asmarian, and a Caedian. Somehow, I also taste Aervik too." Lena said and lowered her mouth again. As she took another bite, she looked at Kyrie.

"I do want to eat her, all by myself, but this time, I want to share her with you. Help me to make it wonderful for her." Kyrie grinned and wiggled as she laid down beside Rachel on her other side. Nadya pouted, and was lightly tapped on her thigh by Lena.

"Don't be jealous. While Nuri sleeps tonight, I am going to snack on your breasts." She lowered her mouth again, and groaned softly. "Your sister tastes so good, Nadya. Do you want a bite?" Nadya blinked.

"I can?" She asked. Kyrie grinned, and as Lena grasped Rachel's left thigh, she grasped her right, and spread her wide.

"Start right there. I bet she's ready for some teeth scraping right about now." Rachel moaned as Nadya's thick body slipped in low, her mouth suctioned over top of her mound, and slowly licked lower. Once on her meaty lips, she sank in her teeth.

"Oh fuck yes!" Rachel cried out as she was bitten in three different places. Lena smiled, pointed to Valina, and tapped Rachel's left thigh. She pointed to Valjhana, and pointed to her right thigh.

"Ah, so good!" She cried out. "I'm being eaten by the Empress, the goddess, a servant of the Empress, and two Shadows! Fuck, I'm going to have to spend a week in the grove just to unwind my lusts from this!"

Nuri stopped dead at the entrance, and groaned. If she had been there, she would have been able to have a bite too.

"Nuri." Lena called out softly as she took another bite and looked around.

"Empress?" She asked, her eyes innocent, and clear.

"Taste her. Take her eyes nice and slow. Then kiss her and take her tongue. We are Offering Rachel to the goddess as a sacrifice of joy." Nuri smiled, and came over to the bed eagerly.

Nuri's soft mouth had large full lips, and they felt amazing to Rachel as her mouth slowly pulled her eyelids open, and she gently sucked out each eye. Once she was finished eating her eyes, Nuri looked at the mouth that she had once kissed so very long ago.

"Do it, Nuri. Kiss me so deep, I'll remember for a long time." Nuri lost her mind and put her mouth on top of Rachel's. Her thick tongue danced in Rachel's mouth, and with slow deliberate motions, she encouraged Rachel to stick her tongue up into her mouth.

Nuri sucked firmly, and slowly bit through the thick flesh of Rachel's tongue.

"Oh wow. I don't think I've ever seen an Other orgasm from being eaten before." Nadya said in awe. Kyrie smiled.

"It's not the first time, but it's more rare than you think. Empress. Rachel is ready to be sent home. Finish your meal." Kyrie said, and laughed as Lena turned towards her with an unfriendly look in her eyes.

"Fine. She's not food, but you have to admit it. She was delicious."


* * *


Rachel lay on the bed in the room behind the goddess's throne. She was exhausted as Lena had taken a bit of her core mist and replaced it with the white, while not changing her nature.

"What's wrong?" Lydia asked. Rachel sighed.

"Just tired, Lydia." Rachel said, and closed her eyes. She didn't want to say what really bothered her, or the words the Empress told her after she sucked softly on her spirit core. That was an intimate act that created more sensations then her teeth on her flesh.

"Alright, sleep for a while. Every time the Empress sends someone home, they are always tired. I wonder why." Lydia left the room, while Rachel stared at the ceiling before closing her eyes again.

Her words were loud within her mind.

"You will be the last deacon I make my own. Stay and do your duty to my mate. I'll see you in my dreams." Rachel hadn't understood the Empress's words, but once she fell asleep, she saw the Empress's eyes shining within her mind.

What had once been red from the mist of the goddess was now as black as the void.

"Rachel!" Eager eyes flashed, and a child ran around her waist. "Wow, your boobs are so big in the dream world the goddess makes for me!" Rachel's eyes widened in shock.

"Jana?" She whispered. "Little Jana?" The girl giggled.

"I've had many names, Rachel. Don't you remember how many times you've eaten my jellies?" Rachel knelt down in shock. The little girl who danced and giggled around the goddess five hundred years ago was right in front of her.

"But you died. The goddess couldn't find you after you died, and she tried for so long too." Rachel said and was knocked over onto her back.

This was familiar as the child pulled open her red hoodless robe, and revealed her ample breasts. The girl licked her lips.

"I've always liked your flavor, Rachel. When I've tasted them, can you eat my jellies? The goddess is away this time, and we can play for while." Jana smiled up at her, her eyes as black as the void, and her teeth razor sharp.

Jana. Jhana. Janna. Jani. Only four of the names that came to Rachel's mind as the child in front of her started to bite into her breasts, like she was one of the Others.

This was the missing piece of goddess's life, and the missing piece in Rachel's. Rachel held Jana's head to her chest, smiled serenely as the shock wore off, and a familiar figure appeared.

"Let her play a bit, Rachel." The black robed child said. "She's missed you a lot, but she'll need to sleep a little bit longer before I allow her to remember."

"Gallae?" She whispered. The child smiled.

"She needs more time before she can handle the truth. When you wake up again, you won't remember her, but the seals are loosening as she grows stronger." Gallae ran her fingers through the child's hair as she bit into Rachel's chest.

"She was just as savage as her sister in these lives of hers. Kyrie coddled her for a thousand years, and now misses her desperately." Gallae sighed. "Just as she said, a few years feels like an eternity, even when you've lived for millions of years."

The child, Jana, smiled up at her, and bent back down to take another bite. To the girl, this wasn't sex. It was about the motherly affection Rachel felt for this child who had no human parents to care for her.

Rachel had been especially attached to Jana, and suffered greatly when she died. The small amount of white mist Lena left behind has soothed her soul core in ways that time had never been able to accomplish.

Soon, Haven would be in an uproar as the one they all once lived for reappeared to give their lives meaning again.


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