The Good Incubus

Chapter 10 (NSFW) Better Than His Dream

Chapter 10

Better Than His Dream


Xie Jie looked up into Hao Kong's eyes, both men burned with desire, "may I? I won't do more than you can cope with." Xie Jie said in a sensual tone.

Hao Kong's mouth was dry, he wasn't sure he would be able to speak, a husky rasp to the affirmative left his lips.

Braking all his own rules in his rush, Xie Jie parted Hao Kong's robes with his long agile fingers.

The penis that greeted him was as glorious as he had hoped, long and straight, with a width that made his eyes bulge, and go instantly hard.

Xie Jie wanted to plunge Hao Kong's shaft deep inside himself, but he didn't think this shy cultivator was ready to go all the way yet. So instead he moved his hips forward and sandwiched the beautiful cock between his pale thighs, with the tip resting in between his soft buttocks.

Hao Kong's body trembled, he was a lot older than he looked, but he had never had sexual desires like he felt for Xie Jie, and he had never been in this sort of position before.

Xie Jie's somewhat smaller shaft rubbed pleasingly against Hao Kong's lower abdomen making sticky patches where ever it touched.

Using his now free hands Xie Jie used one to caress Hao Kong's strong abs, the feel of the rippling muscles made his heart beat wildly, with the other hand he gently stroked the cultivator’s strong jaw and the intimate touch warmed his wild heart.

Concerned that Hao Kong was still not ready Xie Jie asked, "are you alright if I start to move?"

Hao Kong was already losing his senses, due to seriously neglecting his lower half over many decades.

'This is just the start?' Hao Kong thought, 'I'm not going to survive this long.’ He couldn't speak, his voice was lost to the sensation of being held by Xie Jie, his dreams had been a pale comparison to this feeling, so he shakily nodded his head.

Xie Jie pushed his hips forwards down the full length of Hao Kong's hard cock, and moaned softly as it rubbed pleasingly against his soft balls.

Hao Kong let out a low moan of his own, he was in trouble of going already.

Seeing the pleasure in the handsome cultivator's face, Xie Jie felt warm all over. He had always enjoyed pleasuring people but this was some how different, that one moan gave him the greatest sense of delight. His greedy heart wanted more, but he could see that Hao Kong was not experienced and he didn't want him to go too quickly.

Wrapping his tail round Hao Kong’s waist, Xie Jie slid his hands up his strong wide back feeling the muscles tense, and pulled them together even more.

He kissed the beauty in his arms, sucking and licking Hao Kong's panting lower lip, then sealed their lips together and buried his tongue deep inside. At the same time he swung his hips slowly back and forth.

Hao Kong's tongue vibrated with a deep long moan, sending shivers down Xie Jie's spine.

The man in his arms was nothing like anyone Xie Jie had pleasured before, they were fake goods in the face of this original.

Xie Jie’s kiss left Hao Kong breathless while he moved his hips slowly back, he smoothly reached Hao Kong's bulbous tip before pushing forwards right down to the hilt.

Licking his lips as he released Hao Kong’s, Xie Jie marvelled that he tasted as good as he looked.

Xie Jie wished he wasn't bound so he could use his full senses to feel Hao Kong's pleasure and emotions, but he would have to be satisfied just watching this time.

Back and forward he swung again and received another rumbling moan, Hao Kong's body was a delight he wanted to spend years exploring.

Xie Jie swung his hips again kissing Hao Kong's neck, his dark beige skin was so smooth Xie Jie couldn't resist licking it, as he pushed his fingers through his cultivator’s shining hair. Hao Kong’s strong arms tightened around his back, his head laying limply on his incubus’s shoulder.

Xie Jie slowly pulled back and pushed forwards pressing their bodies tightly together, and Hao Kong stiffened in his embrace, with a deep sensual moan he climaxed over Xie Jie's butt cheeks.

Hao Kong lay still breathing hard with his arms limply round Xie Jie, if he thought he was embarrassed before it was nothing compared to now. He may have no experience but he knew this was too quick.

Burying his face in Xie Jie’s long black hair he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry I got to see your beautiful face climax." Said Xie Jie soothingly.

Said beautiful face went an even deeper shade of red and tried to bury its self further into his cute incubus's hair.

Xie Jie gently kissed down Hao Kong's neck and along his shoulder, he was over come with the desire to mark his man. Knowing his power was bound he thought, ‘what is the harm?’ and gave into his desire.

Xie Jie lightly bit and sucked on Hao Kong's beautifully tanned beige skin, leaving a little red mark on the top of his right shoulder.

Hope in his voice Xie Jie said, "next time I'll go slower," as he said this he realised that Hao Kong had not gone fully down, slowly moving his hips again he said sensually, "or just keep going again and again."

Hao Kong gently moaned into Xie Jie's hair, the feel of his own seed was making Xie Jie's thighs slippery which enhanced the sensation that had already made him climax once.

He wanted more but didn't know if he would cope, this was all a delightful first for him, trying to contain himself he held Xie Jie tight in his arms.

Even with his powers bound Xie Jie could tell this was too much for Hao Kong. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No," came the hoarse reply tickling his ear.

"Do you want me to keep going?"

"No," came the panting reply, "too much... but I want you."

It felt like butterflies had taken off in Xie Jie's stomach, "I want you too," he whispered coyly into his cultivator’s ear.

Hao Kong hugged Xie Jie into him even more, like he was trying to make them one being.

"We have time, we can go again any time you want," whispered Xie Jie comfortingly but he didn't remove his legs yet, he was going to have one more happy minute of Hao Kong’s hot wet cock resting against his soft balls.

"Thank you." Came Hao Kong’s horse whisper, as he made no move to disentangle.

'Maybe the repressed nature of cultivators which makes them go so fast, is a fundamental problem with having one as a partner?' Xie Jie wondered, then thought, 'no way, it's just a fun challenge that lots and lots of practice will over come.' With a huge smile he snuggled into Hao Kong's arms, he was going to practise at every opportunity with this beautiful man. 

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