The Good Incubus

Chapter 11 Interrupted Cuddle

Chapter 11

Interrupted Cuddle

Their long cuddle was interrupted by urgent knocking on the door. Hao Kong's head shot up and his body went stiff as a board.

With a laugh Xie Jie calmly got up and put on his robe, while Hao Kong managed to right his clothes, and got him self into a cross legged seating position that hid his semi hard shaft.

Xie Jie opened the door to a red faced young man who was struggling to catch his breath.

As the door began to open the disciple said, "Master Hao you must come quick the…" he trailed off as he saw Xie Jie.

Looking past the beautiful incubus, he saw Hao Kong and started again, "Master Hao you must come quick the Leaders need your help, it's to do with the incident yesterday."

Hao Kong made a move to get up, but as the fabric of his robe moved he was given a strong reminder why he had sat in this position in the first place. "you go on first I'll be right behind you."

The red faced disciple nodded and ran off as fast as he could.

Xie Jie closed the door again and turned to see Hao Kong getting up.

"You can't go like that you need to clean off."

"So do you you’re coming with me." Was Hao Kong's reply.

With a cute abashed smile, Hao Kong grabbed Xie Jie's hand and pulled him out of the hut then round the side. As they rounded the building Hao Kong stopped and stared at the spears still stuck in the ground.

"What happened here?"

Completely distracted by the feel of their hands together and wondering if he could interlace their fingers, Xie Jie replied without much thought, "some disciples found me about to use your bath and one of them attacked, but Dun sent his spears flying, well except one."

Hao Kong shook with rage, "they did what?!"

Xie Jie looked up from their hands in alarm and hurriedly tried to calm Hao Kong down, "it's OK I've only got a little scratch and Dun gave the boy a scratch in return, then their Master came and when he realised what Dun was he apologised unequivocally."

Hao Kong seemed to deflate at each word, then he pulled Xie Jie into his arms, his head hung down on his incubus’s shoulder and his silver hair tickled Xie Jie’s ear. "I'm so sorry, I promised I would keep you safe but you were attacked and I wasn't there to protect you."

'He may need practice at all things sexual but he is a natural at this.' Xie Jie thought as his body tingled, 'how is a simple hug making me so excited?'

"You did protect me you put Dun around my neck, hang on didn't you come out this way last night to wash me?"

Heat radiated off Hao Kong, "I wasn't really paying any attention to my surroundings..." Which as a cultivator he was truly ashamed of, but Hao Kong’s thoughts had been else where last night. Just remembering the feel of Xie Jie's naked body made him start to go hard again, which made him even more aware that he was currently holding the cute young incubus in his arms. "because I was carrying you." Hao Kong trailed off lamely.

'Wow he is up again! This man has to be mine.' Xie Jie thought. A long moment passed with them stood in a comfortable embrace.

Remembering they were supposed to be in a rush Xie Jie said, "as much as I want to put your naughty snake to good use, I think I should throw some cold water on you so you can get this meeting over with, and then I can teach you the ways of the incubus all night long."

It was amazing Hao Kong could stand, as the blood in his body was split between making him hard and making him blush.

‘Wow! Hao Kong really is so cute he gets embarrassed at every little thing. I hope he never stops blushing as I do more and more with him.' With this happy thought, Xie Jie gently pushed out of Hao Kong's embrace, and wrapping his arm around the taller man's waist, walked him towards the well.

Xie Jie took his robe off and laid it over the side of the well, which made several parts of Hao Kong stand up rigidly at the beautiful sight of the pale incubus in the sunlight.

Seeing the strong cultivator not moving, Xie Jie started to untie his belt for him.

Jumping back Hao Kong asked, "What are you doing?"

Trying to stifle his laugh Xie Jie replied, "you can't wash fully clothed."

"Right." Hao Kong said weakly. Stepping back to the well, he slowly removed his clothes.

'Oh this foolish cultivator, doesn't he know taking off his robes slowly is even more sexy.' Xie Jie thought while watching the show.

Taking pity on the highly embarrassed man, Xie Jie turned to the well and started pulling up water.

This turned out to be a bad plan.

When he turned back Hao Kong had finally removed his clothes and was stood trying to cover himself with his two hands.

Xie Jie almost dropped the bucket, he had imagined Hao Kong naked, but seeing him stood there in the morning sun all rippling muscles and highly bashful, was still an instant aphrodisiac! His lower half couldn't help but show its appreciation.

Hao Kong’s beautiful tanned beige body was just to Xie Jie's taste, his strong toned muscles strained over his long limbs as he squirmed in embarrassment at being on display. While Xie Jie looked with longing at his large hands, how he wanted to be held and played with by those strong hands, that were currently holding Hao Kong’s enormous man hood.

Yet the overall image of this dead sexy man was unbelievably adorable, he was so embarrassed it made him undeniably cute, which was oddly sexier still.

Xie Jie emptied the bucket of cold water over his own head, he needed to cool off from that view or he was going to lose control and try to seduce this beauty again.

The sight of the now glistening wet body of Xie Jie did nothing to help Hao Kong, he almost climaxed again right there in his hands.

'This incubus is the most dangerous being I've ever come across and yet I could kill him with a single blow.' Hao Kong sighed, he was completely defeated by Xie Jie and he had never been happier.

Torn between covering himself or getting his own water, Hao Kong decided he did not want Xie Jie to haul water for him, so he released his man hood and started to pull up another bucket of water.

Xie Jie felt like he must be steaming as he watched the sun bounce off Hao Kong's muscles. Watching his powerful hands move one over the other, Xie Jie felt jealous of the rope.

Hao Kong dumped the water unceremoniously over himself to try to cool his mind and body.

Now vaguely clean but both highly aroused, they dressed and walked back round the hut. Xie Jie wanted to take Hao Kong's hand again but wasn't sure if he should.

Hao Kong led the way back down the little path to the big steps then turned left and headed up towards the main buildings.

As they started going up the steps Xie Jie remembered how fast Hao Kong had moved through the forest and said, "I must be slowing you down, it sounded urgent shouldn't you be rushing?"

"If it had been that urgent I wouldn't of rinsed. It's never that urgent if they send one of the younger disciples."

Conscientiously, Xie Jie still quickened his pace.

Hao Kong thought with a smile, 'he is unlike any incubus I've ever heard of.’

While watching Xie Jie swing his arms extra hard to get as much speed as possible, a desire to hold one of those hands rose in Hao Kong, but he thought it was probably not appropriate right now.

Promising himself he would definitely hold this cute incubus’s hand later, he smiled and easily sped up to match Xie Jie's pace. 

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