The Good Incubus

Chapter 12 Preparing To Enter

Chapter 12

Preparing To Enter

Xie Jie and Hao Kong quickly reached the main heart of Snow Mist Peak, where there were many buildings clustered together in a natural valley between the towering peaks of black granite.

The large buildings were made of wood and clay bricks with overhanging roofs of red tiles, and the walls were all painted cream. They looked just like Hao Kong's hut but much bigger.

At the highest point they came to a far grander building with a large walled courtyard at the front, there were beautifully painted pillars at the entrance with an intricate swirling pattern of red, green and black.

Two guards stood out front with spears, seeing Hao Kong approach the guards stood to attention on either side of the doorway.

Inside the courtyard was a large peach tree and a serene pond with fish. Stood on every available space on the large flagstones were villagers, all of them had the same slightly dreamy look on their face like they had drunk too much wine, yet some how different.

Taking one look at the people, Xie Jie grabbed Hao Kong's arm and pulled him back outside, much to the surprise of the guards.

Seeing the look of fear on Xie Jie’s delicate features, Hao Kong asked, “what’s wrong?”

Xie Jie whispered, "I can't go in there with those people, if they find out what I am they will do what ever they can to kill me."

Thinking Xie Jie was just worried that people had a bad impression of incubuses, Hao Kong said, "Don't worry they are villagers from the Snow Mist village at the base of the mountain, they won’t hurt you."

"You don't understand, they are being possessed by a love demon, love demons loath my kind."

Hao Kong had vaguely heard of love demons, "In that case I need you to explain even more, very little is known about love demons.” Smiling encouragingly at Xie Jie he added, “If we cover your tail they won't know your an incubus, you haven't grown your horns or wings yet."

“But if the demon has possessed anyone with strength they can sense our powers." Said Xie Jie, fear clear in his eyes.

The look on the young man’s face pulled at the cultivator’s heart strings, he wanted to hug the cute incubus to his chest and make all his worries disappear.

Putting a reassuring hand on Xie Jie’s shoulder Hao Kong said, "Your powers are currently bound, so it shouldn't be able to sense you. Please, I really need you to tell the Leaders all you know so we can help these people."

Looking into Hao Kong’s dark eyes Xie Jie’s heart raced, he wanted to help but he was scared.

"Don't worry I'll protect you." Hao Kong said reassuringly.

Xie Jie nodded, "OK but we must be careful, it's easy to tell when a regular person is possessed but it's much harder if the person is strong."

Xie Jie poked his tail under his robes and said, "Dun I know its not a good use of your strength, but please can you pin my tail down, I find it impossible to keep it from moving, especially when I’m nervous."

Dun wrapped firmly round Xie Jie's waist and pinned his unruly tail.

“Thank you."

Hao Kong's eyes went wide, "you named him?"

"Yes Dun as in shield, isn't it a fitting name?" Xie Jie smiled and stroked the chain round his waist.

Hao Kong thought, 'so that is what the old collar meant, I think a more fitting name would be old sadistic terror.'

Seeing Xie Jie smile and stroke the chain lovingly, Hao Kong felt a little jealous.

"Are you ready?" Xie Jie asked snapping Hao Kong out of his thoughts.

"Yes, stay close to me."

'If I could I would be holding on to you.' thought Xie Jie, he couldn't help smiling at the thought of holding onto Hao Kong's waist. 'no now is not the time, this is dangerous stay focused.' he scolded himself and followed his strong cultivator back into the courtyard.

There was no reaction from the people inside as the pair walked steadily towards the main building, then up the wide wooden steps and in through the ornate front doors.

Xie Jie let out the breath he didn't know he had been holding, but as his eyes adjusted to the light inside the large hall he held another breath, there were far more possessed people inside.

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