The Good Incubus

Chapter 13 Waiting

Chapter 13


The dreamy eyed people were being examined by a tall burly man, who’s rich brown skin was in beautiful contrast to his simple white robe with a red belt, his long black hair was held up in a neat top knot wrapped with a thin red ribbon.

A small group of people with red belts stood behind listening to him quietly discuss the condition of the people.

The juxtaposition between the man's large strong form and his kind face was striking.

His large dextrous hands that looked like they could snap trees with ease, were currently very delicately turning a young lady's head so he could see her face.

Xie Jie stared open mouthed at the man and Hao Kong felt a stab of jealousy.

Hao Kong and Xie Jie walked further into the hall and sat down on the polished wooden floor off to the side, and waited to be called by the Leaders.

Looking round Xie Jie saw at the far end there was a raised dais with 3 large cushions, 2 were currently filled by handsome men.

Guards were stationed at intervals around the high roofed hall. Off to the right there were multiple cultivators sat writing on or reading through scrolls at low tables.

The two men on the dais were intently watching the big man with the red belt.

The man to the left was very tall with sharp fierce features, his skin lightly tanned in the sun.

He had the front half of his silky long black hair tied up with a long black ribbon, while the rest flowed down his strong back. A black belt tied his robes and he wore a sword at his hip.

A look of impatience glinted in his eyes as he tapped his fingers lightly on his hilt, while watching the burly man.

The other man was not quite as tall as his companion, with quick eyes and a thin mouth, his pale skin looked like he had barely seen the sun.

A long brush danced in his hand as he absent-mindedly twirled it in his fingers, while splitting his concentration between one of the many scrolls surrounding him and the man in the red belt.

His long black hair was pulled neatly up into a tight top knot with a green ribbon and he wore a matching green belt.

Having noticed the different coloured belts, Xie Jie saw all the scribe’s were green and all the guard’s belts were black.

Seeing this many cultivators together he wondered if being a cultivator made you tall? As they all seemed above average height.

Xie Jie whispered in Hao Kong's ear, "what do the different coloured belts mean?" As he asked he saw that Hao Kong's belt was white.

Xie Jie's breath tickled Hao Kong's ear which instantly went red.

Knowing it was pointless to whisper around such high level cultivators, Hao Kong whispered back because he wanted to put his lips near Xie Jie’s ear, he wanted to nibble on that little pale lobe, but that would have to wait for another time.

"It denotes which Leader they follow. The two men on the dais are; Leader Gong who has the green belt, he is the Leader of scholars. And Leader Luo in the black, he is the Leader of martial arts.

The big man inspecting the villagers with the red belt is Leader Chu, he is the Leader of healers."

"Wow they are all amazing and so young."

Hao Kong stared at Xie Jie, did he honestly not know? "They are all over 600 years old."

"What? But they look like their not even 30? Hang on I’m confused, I thought humans only made it to 100 at most?"

"Cultivators age differently to regular humans." Hao Kong hesitated, should he say anything about himself? What if Xie Jie didn't like older men? He didn't think he could take the rejection.

After a fraction of a second Hao Kong decided he wanted to be honest.

In a timid voice he asked, "Then how old do you think I am?"

After a bit of thought Xie Jie replied, "its a little hard to tell with your hair making you look a bit wild, but I guess 24."

Hao Kong ran his hand self consciously through his short silver hair, Xie Jie didn't know.

"Errmm you are a little off, I'm 289."

"Wow that's amazing!" This brought up a very important question to Xie Jie, "have you been single that whole time?"

Hao Kong smiled happily to himself, what had he been worried about? "Yes." He said simply and thought, 'because I hadn't met you yet.'

That explained a lot to Xie Jie, 'no wonder he went so quickly, he really does just need a lot of practice'.

His hand in his hair again, Hao Kong asked nervously, “do you not like my hair?”

Seeing how self conscious the Master cultivator was, Xie Jie answered honestly, “I love the colour, but it is a little wild, would you let me shape it one day?”

Dun raised up from Xie Jie’s waist and gently wrapped around Hao Kong’s beige throat.

Fear shot across the cultivators ruggedly handsome face and he braced himself for pain, but to his surprise none came.

Hao Kong’s hair calmly shaped it’s self to Xie Jie’s desire, shorter at the back and sides, still long on top.

Xie Jie’s eye brows rose in delighted shock.

Hao Kong let out a sigh of relief, then glared at Dun and asked as politely as he could, in the ancient language, “oh great wonder, how come every other time you did that it was excruciatingly painful? But this time there was nothing?”

The deep voice answered simply, “I didn’t want to scare my young incubus.”

Hao Kong’s jaw dropped.

“What just happened?” asked Xie Jie.

“My hair is the symbol of my servitude to...” Pausing Hao Kong asked the collar in the ancient language, “Oh great one may I use your new name?”

The voice sounded almost smug as it said, “No, not until you make it up to my precious pet.”

Sighing Hao Kong said to Xie Jie, “It shows my servitude and devotion to the ancient wonder around your neck.”

“So we are the same house hold!” Xie Jie whispered excitedly. He wanted to hug Hao Kong with every fibre of his being.

Blushing, Hao Kong smiled shyly, the thought of them sharing a home made him feel warm inside.

Smiling brightly Xie Jie stroked the chain that bound their necks together.

Dun slowly unwrapped from Hao Kong and wrapped more tightly round Xie Jie’s waist.

Hao Kong felt jealous, he wanted to wrap his arms round Xie Jie’s waist too.

They sat quietly together both trying to come up with an excuse to hold the other.

"What are you a Master of?" Xie Jie asked, he had been thinking about removing Hao Kong’s belt when he wondered what the colour meant.

"I'm a master of magical creatures."

Xie Jie's eyes widened and he laughed lightly, "you are Master of me then."

Though quiet the sound travelled through the room, many stern eyes turned towards them and the perpetually blushing Hao Kong went bright red again.

The men on the dais saw the pair and waved them over, Xie Jie and Hao Kong went over to the dais and with a deep bow stood in front of the two Leaders.

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