The Good Incubus

Chapter 109 (NSFW) Wings

Chapter 109



Smiling shyly, Xie Jie said out loud, “Dun Guanlian can you get all my men, I think I’m ready to grow my wings.”

Shock and delight bloomed across their faces as every eye in the room turned to Xie Jie.

Hao Kong and Zhou Tu smiled as they were wrapped in Dun Guanlian’s chains and placed behind their incubus, who encircled Hao Kong with his tail and pulled his hard member into his body.

Gently stroking Xie Jie’s tail, Zhou Tu pushed smoothly into Hao Kong’s still wet ring, the sensations making all of them moan in delight.

Following Dun Mírén’s instructions, Xie Jie put out his forefinger on his free hand and she covered it in her light blue armour. Licking the metal shaft, Xie Jie used Gong Qiu Yu’s thrusting motions to push it into his tight ring.

Thrusting deep into Luo Bai while he was entered, Gong Qiu Yu was over stimulated by the feeling of being pleasured on both sides. Surprise in his dark eyes, he came deep inside Luo Bai’s hot body with a sighing moan of, “oh Dun Mírén.”

His toes curling on his healer’s strong bound thighs, Gong Qiu Yu’s energy flowed into Luo Bai and on into Xie Jie through their mark. The lusty energy full of passion and love started the process of Xie Jie’s wing structure fully forming inside his back.

Dun Mírén pushed deeper into Gong Qiu Yu as his muscles relaxed, gently pulsing along her length she kept the lovely scholar rock solid.

Breathing hard while thrusting smoothly in his men, Xie Jie said, “Chu Ling and Luo Bai, I need you two to kiss as passionately as you can when we all orgasm, so the energy flows smoothly through you all.”

Luo Bai shifted slightly in Chu Ling’s embrace and turning his head gave Chu Ling a gentle kiss to test his position, but as he felt his big healer’s soft lips Luo Bai couldn’t let them go and deepened their kiss.

A soft moan vibrated their lips as Gong Qiu Yu grew even harder inside his martial artist, he loved watching his fellow Leaders together.

Seeing and feeling everyone was ready, Xie Jie took a couple of calming breaths and got ready to absorb all of the energy he could.

In his mind Dun Guanlian said, “if you flow a little of your sexual energy round their marks they should all climax together. Concentrate on your love for them and open up to the feel of your men.”

With great difficulty Xie Jie stretched his mind out in 5 different directions and felt the marks of all of his lovers.

Hao Kong’s full mark was easy to grasp, it’s form strong and solid. But the others, that were never supposed to have been permanent, were almost intangible and repeatedly slipped out of his inexperienced grip. Eventually he had all of their marks held firmly with his power.

Feeling the pleasure of his men this strongly was quickly overwhelming Xie Jie, his voice distorted with a moan he asked, “ready?”

The cultivators moaned their replies and the link completed as Chu Ling and Luo Bai once more kissed each other passionately.

Thinking of all the ways he loved his men; their kindness, their passion, their dedication to each other, their humour, their intelligence, their kinky sexy bodies, just to say a few; Xie Jie released his sexual energy through their marks.

All the cultivators bodies sung with sexual delight, held lovingly in Dun Guanlian’s chains and each other’s arms they all happily gave into the sensation. Their bodies tensed and they orgasmed with a joint cry of, “Xie Jie!”

The collective power that surged out of them as they climaxed as one was immense, it was felt over a hundred miles away. But due to the link between them and the energy flowing into Xie Jie’s incubus body, the power wasn’t destructive, it was sensual and loving.

Absorbing as much energy as he could, Xie Jie’s back arched and he screamed in pain as his wings burst out of his back to either side of Hao Kong.

All of them stared, captivated by the beautiful silver bat like wings with dark blue fingers, that hung limply from Xie Jie’s back as he slumped into Dun Guanlian’s chains, his eyes glazing over.

In Hao Kong’s mind Dun Guanlian said urgently, “we miscalculated, he couldn’t absorb all of your energy he is completely drained. And the extreme pain and drastic changes to his body were too much, it has collapsed Xie Jie’s mind, as an incubus he needs sexual release to bring back his senses.”

Without a thought Hao Kong relayed the message to the others, but they were all exhausted.

Panic flared in Hao Kong’s mind as he felt Xie Jie’s breathing turn ragged, what had they been thinking? It took too much energy to grow wings in one go, they were normally grown over months if not years.

High up the mountain there was a deep rumbling, the sound travelled through the peak vibrating the Leaders cave.

Even as they tried to move their numb bodies, all of Xie Jie’s men knew what that sound meant, worried they held each other a little tighter.

The next second a tall slim man dressed in red flowing robes stood beside Xie Jie.

The tall man appeared to be in his early 40’s, his free flowing long white hair which off set his dusty dark skin perfectly, gave him a strange ethereal beauty. His slender face with flushed cheeks, high straight nose, and full lips, that were slightly parted as he looked at the beautiful scene in front of him, made him look ready to join in.

As he gently touched Hao Kong’s shoulder and Chu Ling’s thigh, a loving energy flowed into them all.

Seeing the man next to them, the Leaders and Hao Kong went a deep crimson as they said in awe, “Elder Yan?”

With a dreamy smile that curved his light brown eyes, Elder Yan said in a rich soft tone, “we will have time for greetings later, now you all have a job to do, and I’m really looking forward to watching in person this time.”

The Leaders and Hao Kong didn’t move, they just stared at Elder Yan, shocked by his words and embarrassed by their position.

Dun Guanlian stretched out a chain and wrapped it round the tall Elder, who smiled and gently caressed the links back.

Knowing tales of Elder Yan, but concentrating on his now refreshed body, Zhou Tu wasted no time and thrust smoothly into Hao Kong.

The unexpected pleasure startled the silver haired master, who let out a sensual sigh of delight. Seeing Elder Yan’s smile grow at his reaction, Hao Kong blushed even more.

Elder Yan was the Elder Hao Kong had most wanted Xie Jie to try and seduce, in hopes it would ignite his lost emotions and bring him back from secluded cultivation.

An unconcealed lust grew in Elder Yan’s light eyes as he looked at all of their pleasure filled faces, and he smiled adoringly at them.

Years of remembered misunderstood love and desire raced into Hao Kong’s mind, he had been deeply upset when Elder Yan had gone into seclusion, but he had never understood the depth of his feelings for this beautiful man who had taught him so much.

Now his mind and heart were open, he was over come with desire. Hao Kong reached out and cupped Elder Yan’s cheeks with his hands, pulling the unresisting ethereal beauty against his side, and kissed him gently.

The feel of his powerful Elder was different from anything else Hao Kong had ever felt, his dark dusty brown skin was hard, yet his lips felt soft and plump when they pushed gently against his own.

Having only just regained his emotions, the feeling of love and lust that was swirling through Hao Kong from all his men was too much for Elder Yan. He climaxed on the spot, his body tensed and a deep moan resounded from his mouth, the immense power of his light trembling bloodied Hao Kong’s lips.

Try as he might Elder Yan couldn’t contain his power as his mind was overwhelmed by these new sensations, to his horror a tiny amount of his energy flowed into his former disciple.

The excessive energy filled Hao Kong and the rest of the men to capacity instantly.

Luckily for them all, Zhou Tu was pulled against Elder Yan when Hao Kong kissed him, and his body passed the massive amount of excess energy back to the shocked Elder.

Completely exhausted Zhou Tu fell limply from behind Hao Kong, but before he could hit the floor he was gently caught by Elder Yan.

With a sleepy smile Zhou Tu said in a drawl, “wow your energy is beautiful.”

His heart racing, Elder Yan put his hand on the young man’s chest and carefully flowed his healing energy through Zhou Tu’s system. Again his energy was gently returned to him and Elder Yan’s brows raised in amazement.

With a small amount of precise healing, Zhou Tu’s over strained meridians and Qi points were healed, his eyes opened wide and he asked in a rush, “is everyone alright?”

There was a collective sigh from his men as everyone released the breath they had been holding.

Seeing Xie Jie still stood limply between them, Zhou Tu said sternly, “what are you all standing round for? Help our incubus!”

Realising he had just yelled at his Leaders, Zhou Tu put his hand to his mouth, but seeing their affectionate smiles he relaxed as his men thrust with renewed vigour. Then his eyes shifted to the stunning man holding him in his strong arms and he said, “thank you Elder.”

Shame flitted across Elder Yan’s face and he said, “it is me who should be thanking you disciple, if it weren’t for you I would have killed you all with my carelessness.”

A shy smile lifted Zhou Tu’s lips, he had heard many stories of this charming Elder from Leader Gong and Master Hao over the years. He had always wished he could have met him, he just never imagined he would be naked and making love to his Hao Kong and Gong Qiu Yu at the time. “I’m glad I could help, its an honour to meet you Elder Yan.”

A gentle light glinted in the Elder’s light brown eyes as he smiled at the young disciple in his arms, “the honour is mine disciple Zhou.”


Thrusting backwards Gong Qiu Yu found Xie Jie’s arm was completely limp, knowing they needed to climax quickly, he pulled the finger coated by Dun Mírén out of his rear. Then lifting Luo Bai up right against his chest, he sat slowly down on the end of Dun Mírén’s cylinder that encased Chu Ling.

The huge shaft was way too much for Gong Qiu Yu to take and he gasped in pain as it pushed his ring beyond it’s limits.

Horrified that she would truly hurt Gong Qiu Yu if he pushed down anymore, Dun Mírén screamed at her brother part to help.

To her’s and Gong Qiu Yu’s relief, Dun Guanlian was already lifting their brave scholar up, which dropped Luo Bai deeper onto his cock, the tall martial artist moaned gently in his scholar’s ear, “My Gong Qiu Yu I love you.”

Gong Qiu Yu’s heart thundered in his ears, “I love you my Luo Bai.”

While the two whispered of their love, Chu Ling caressed Gong Qiu Yu’s thigh and sent a little healing energy round his body to heal his strained ring.

At the same time Dun Mírén grew a thinner length out the end of the cylinder encasing Chu Ling, and Dun Guanlian lowered Gong Qiu Yu gently down on to it.

A low moan of delight left the scholar’s lips as he lifted and lowered Luo Bai, while he was re-entered by the ancient wonder.

Holding on to Gong Qiu Yu, Luo Bai leant over his man’s shoulder and kissed Xie Jie gently on the lips. His worry shot round their link as he felt no response from their young incubus.

Gently he caressed his lover’s face and said softly, “my lovely Xie Jie please take our energy so I can see your beautiful smile again, my heart aches without you.”

Xie Jie’s glazed eyes slowly turned on Luo Bai, without any emotion he smiled at his lover.

All of them moved as best they could making love to each other, but having just gone they were struggling to climax again so soon.

With a shy smile to Elder Yan, Zhou Tu pushed his hard member back into Hao Kong’s wet warm body, making his lover moan in delight.

Through their link they could tell they were all at different points, and some part of them knew they needed to climax together to help Xie Jie.

In his mind Dun Guanlian said to Hao Kong, “the trouble is no longer that he is drained, he is full of Elder Yan’s energy, its that he isn’t able to use it in his current state. You need to touch his horns, hold them at the same time as Luo Bai, and what ever you do don’t let go.”

Hao Kong repeated the message to Luo Bai, who said, “alright on the count of three.”

The pair put their hands next to Xie Jie’s beautiful white horns as their men continued thrusting deeply into them.

Locking eyes with each other they said in unison, “one two three.”

In the same moment they grabbed hold of Xie Jie’s curved white horns, the effect was instantaneous.

The power of their now fully grown incubus was staggering, sexual desire billowed out of Xie Jie like a hurricane filling the caves.

Roaring his lust with dead eyes, Xie Jie thrust hard and fast into Chu Ling and off of Hao Kong with complete disregard for his precious lovers.

Luckily Dun Xinyi absorbed a lot of the impact, even so, both men cried out in pained delight.

Xie Jie’s huge silver bat wings flapped and he started to surge upwards towards the rock ceiling, his instincts telling him to take his men on a mating flight.

Quickly Elder Yan gently took Zhou Tu’s hand, then held onto Xie Jie’s shoulder, holding him forcefully to the ground.

The lust and desire flowing out of the young incubus was too much for Elder Yan and he climaxed again, but this time he was ready for it, and even though his body trembled uncontrollably he refused to let go of Xie Jie.

Dun Guanlian tightened around the Elder’s slender chest and helped support him through this much stronger second orgasm.

Knowing he would be unable to stop his energy from flowing into the cultivators and being absorbed by Xie Jie, Elder Yan tinged his energy with healing when taking hold of the young incubus. So as the vast Qi flowed through Xie Jie and his men they all felt their bodies become refreshed.

His gaze locked on the light eyes of the powerful Elder, Zhou Tu passed the excess energy smoothly back to Elder Yan through their clasped hands, a charming smile curved the disciple’s light brown lips as he luxuriated in the healing Qi.

Xie Jie was completely driven by his instincts, which were screaming at him that he needed to claim his men.

Dun Guanlian got his chains into Xie Jie’s mouth just before he could bite down on Luo Bai’s shoulder, gnashing his teeth on the links he roared again and tried to shake the chain from his mouth.

The ferocity in Xie Jie’s face shocked Luo Bai, where was his sweet caring incubus? But he didn’t loosen his grip one bit, he knew this wasn’t his lover’s true face.

Both men held tight to the beautiful white horns, while Xie Jie flung his head from side to side like the wild animal he currently was.

Try as he might he couldn’t remove Dun Guanlian’s chains, roaring again, his dark eyes burning with desire locked onto his Luo Bai, and in a deep growl he half enchanted, “you are mine, let me mark you!”

The brave protector of Snow Mist Peak gulped, in that moment he wanted nothing more than to be claimed by the wild man in front of him. Dun Guanlian gently squeezed Luo Bai to give him comfort, and Gong Qiu Yu bit down on his shoulder making him think he had been marked, while roughly thrusting deep inside him.

Luo Bai cried out with pleasure and held tighter to his Incubus’s horns.

Unable to fulfil his desire to claim his man, Xie Jie thrust ruthlessly into and out of his lovers. Even through Dun Xinyi, Hao Kong and Chu Ling cried out in pleasure and pain, both being pushed towards climax far faster than the others.

For half a second, the two had the same feeling of guilt that they were enjoying this, then realised they had nothing to be ashamed of, because when their cute lover was back to himself he would be relieved that he didn’t hurt anyone.

In the same moment, the pair gave voice to their delight, their deep cries echoing through the cave.

There was a subtle change to the way Xie Jie moved and breathed, and deep in his mark Hao Kong felt a tiny spark of his usual love from his husband.

Leaning forwards Hao Kong bit Xie Jie’s shoulder and pushed as much loving energy as he could into his incubus. Following his lover’s lead, Luo Bai leaned over Gong Qiu Yu and bit Xie Jie’s other shoulder.

Their love crashed into Xie Jie’s empty mind, pushing his instincts to his deepest desire; to pleasure his lovers.

His hips slowing, Xie Jie’s rough movements turned smooth and his cock caressed every place his men enjoyed the most.

The love from the men around him flowed into his mind and body, on instinct he released his love for them through their marks in return.

Each of their marks turned a deep red, their bodies strained with the overwhelming love laced sexual energy, and their voices were a sighing song of love as they climaxed as one.

While the men around him panted and felt drained, their energy was seamlessly drawn in by Xie Jie, and his mind finally cleared.

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