The Good Incubus

Chapter 110 Elder

Chapter 110


Blinking in confusion, Xie Jie sighed gently as he felt Hao Kong’s and Luo Bai’s hands on his horns, this most intimate of sensations felt as if they were held directly onto his heart.

The maelstrom of sexual power subsided as he regained control of himself and they all breathed a collective sigh of relief, while the Duns carefully retracted from their men’s bodies and Dun Guanlian gently put everyone on the floor. 

In the next second they felt Gong Qiu Yu shift and his strongest shield raise, his voice calm he said, “there are a large amount of people heading up here. What do you want to do?”

Turning to his scholar, Xie Jie lost his balance due to his new wings, but before he could fall Hao Kong and Luo Bai caught him in their arms, worry written across their faces.

Still not entirely thinking straight, Xie Jie said, “I’m alright my loves. What do you think the people outside want?”

The men holding him chuckled derisively, and Luo Bai said, “I think they are probably investigating the massive energy discharge from us, and the re-emergence of an Elder.”

Xie Jie’s eyes fixed on Elder Yan and his men laughed as their incubus’s eyes turned lusty again.

Trying to sound stern while his lips curved up in a doting smile, Hao Kong said, “you have already made him climax, so please focus on the problem at hand before you seduce him again.”

“I missed this stunning man’s face contorted in ecstasy?” Pouted Xie Jie as his eyes went wide.

Mocking Xie Jie, while looking earnestly into Elder Yan’s eyes, Chu Ling said, “It was a truly beautiful sight.”

“As was the view of all of you.” Said Elder Yan with a deep red blush on his slender high cheeks.

A little frustration tinged Gong Qiu Yu’s tone as he said, “they are now outside and not happy about my shield, what are we going to do?”

Xie Jie could feel the worry of his men and said soothingly, “I think we should be honest.”

To everyone’s disappointment, with a slight movement he magically put away his silver wings and even hid his horns and tail.

“What if they kick us out?” Asked Zhou Tu, worry in his voice, “We are breaking every rule our sect has regarding relationships.”

Sighing gently, Elder Yan said, “I have been able to feel your repressed love for each other for many years, it has not been good for any of you and you are not alone. It is amazing the repressed love on this mountain doesn’t cause a Qi deviation daily. I agree with Xie Jie, tell the truth.”

Hao Kong joined the Leaders in blushing again, while he asked shyly, “you have been keeping a watch over us?”

“Ah, the joy of being able to feel embarrassed,” said Elder Yan as a wistful smile bloomed across his flushed face, “of course I’ve been watching those I love.”

The feeling of love and lust that burst through their collective link into Xie Jie overwhelmed him, and he couldn’t help but sigh sensually, the Leaders and Hao Kong had deep rooted feelings for this beautiful Elder.

The sound of banging against Gong Qiu Yu’s shield brought them all out of their thoughts.

“Let them in,” Luo Bai said resolutely, “we shall tell them we are lovers and if they kick us out we will leave together.”

Reluctantly Xie Jie said, “as much as I don’t want you to, I think we should all get dressed in clean robes before we talk to anyone.”

Startled that they hadn’t noticed but also thrilled that they were that comfortable with each other, the cultivators retrieved their robes and dressed, bashfully Elder Yan asked, “could I borrow a robe please, this one is a little soiled.” 

They all looked at Luo Bai, who grinned and got a robe from his room, he had the closest stature to Elder Yan. 

They all watched with hungry eyes as the tall dusty dark skinned Elder started to remove his robes.

Seeing the men around him getting aroused again and feeling now was not the time, Elder Yan smiled shyly and changed in a flash.

While he straightened out his clothes Elder Yan was surprised to see Chu Ling’s eyes wide with lust. 

The others turned to their buff healer and Xie Jie asked, “does he look as good as I imagine?”

“Better!” Said Chu Ling licking his lips. 

They all turned when Gong Qiu Yu gasped, “the cultivators who were coming to get the injured possessed have arrived from the other sects.”

His head held high Luo Bai walked to the door and said, “we will face this together, let the shield down.”


Slowly Luo Bai opened the ornate wooden door of the Leader’s spiritual caves and calmly walked out.

Outside the door there was a small flat plateau that dropped off the side of the mountain, at the edge there was a thin steep path that led down to the main sect far below. 

Around 50 people were waiting, just out side the door was clear but every other bit of ground was taken up and some were even stood on their swords floating in the air around. 

All of the foreign cultivators brandished weapons, and even the Masters of Snow Mist Peak were on guard.

With a relaxed smile Luo Bai asked, “what is with all the commotion outside our home?”

“Leader Luo what has been going on?” Asked Master Fen cautiously from the crowd, “There have been many pulses of energy from your caves for the last twelve hours, followed by an explosion of power, and it even appears an Elder has re-emerged.”

Calmly Luo Bai said, “if you put down your weapons you may come in and we shall explain.”

Inside, Chu Ling was astounded to see the sun had risen, then he blushed at the thought of his dear direct disciple Master Fen being told about his night of fun.

Master Park of the Gold Wing sect said suspiciously, “no way I’m going into a confined space with you without my sword after feeling that strange energy. How do we know your not being enchanted.”

There was a general murmur of agreement from the other sect’s Masters, even a few from Snow Mist Peak were apprehensive.

Joining Luo Bai, Gong Qiu Yu said, “in which case we shall meet you on the field in front of Elder Yan’s hut.”

Master Long’s brows rose, “it’s not been Elder Yan’s for over a hundred years, why would you suddenly call it that now?”

Elder Yan sedately walked out of the door and said in a commanding rich voice, “because I have just come to reclaim it.”

All of the foreign Masters took a couple of steps back in fear, even together they would not be a match for an Elder.

Whereas the Masters of Snow Mist Peak looked at the ethereal Elder in wonder. With his re-emergence their little sect had just become one of the most powerful in the land. 

“Now if you will please follow the instructions of Leader Gong, we will all meet you in my field in a few moments.” Finished Elder Yan.

In seconds the space outside the Leaders caves was emptied, except for Master Fen. 

Taking a deep breath to steady his courage, Master Fen asked, “is Leader Chu alright? I would know his energy anywhere, I’ve been worried all night.”

Chu Ling rushed out of the door and grabbed his direct disciple into his arms, “oh Fen Ru Chao, my dear I’m so sorry I worried you.”

Surprise and delight raced across Fen Ru Chao’s handsome dark face as he happily hugged Chu Ling back.

Off to the side Gong Qiu Yu laughed and said smugly to Luo Bai, “I told you it would be within a week. I’m going to enjoy you being my model.”

“You win,” pouted Luo Bai good naturedly, “I really thought it would take longer. You have to agree to not show anyone but our lovers the paintings.” 

“Of course my love.”

Held lovingly in Chu Ling’s arms, Fen Ru Chao wondered happily what he had got himself into.

The Master healer’s eyes went wider and wider as Hao Kong, Zhou Tu and Xie Jie all walked out of the Leaders spiritual caves.

Feeling his disciple stiffen slightly in his embrace, Chu Ling gently put him down, and taking a deep calming breath said tentatively, “Master Fen I would like to introduce you to my lovers.”

Xie Jie’s eyes had been hungrily taking in Fen Ru Chao’s beautiful graceful figure since he left the cave, while Zhou Tu was trying desperately to hide from view behind Luo Bai and Gong Qiu Yu.

A friendly smile split Hao Kong’s lips and he bowed formally to his long time colleague and friend, “well met Master Fen.”

In a daze Fen Ru Chao answered with his own bow, “well met Master Hao.”

Seeing the Master Healer accept Hao Kong, Zhou Tu took a deep breath, came forward and bowing said, “well met Master Fen.”

Returning his bow Fen Ru Chao said, “well met disciple Zhou.”

Zhou Tu’s heart raced, the amazing Master Fen knew who he was. 

Reigning in his desire Xie Jie also bowed, “well met Master Fen.”

Finally coming back to his senses, bowing in response Fen Ru Chao said, “well met Master Xie, thank you for helping save Snow Mist Peak and rescuing Leader Chu.”

Looking up at Chu Ling with love in his eyes, Xie Jie replied, “helping save Snow Mist Peak was the right thing to do, whereas saving Leader Chu was an imperative for me, how could I not do everything in my power to save this wonderful man?”

To Fen Ru Chao’s surprise Chu Ling blushed and smiled shyly down at his incubus. 

The beautiful sight of his beloved Leader smiling so shyly made Fen Ru Chao giddy, and without thinking he said, “I agree, I would do anything in my power to protect Leader Chu and make him happy.”

The spike of lust for Fen Ru Chao from Xie Jie turned all his lovers heads and Hao Kong put a hand on his shoulder, “my love you can’t just seduce all the good men and women of Snow Mist Peak.”

“I don’t want to seduce all of them,” replied Xie Jie with a cheeky smile, “just the ones who are in love with my men. It’s not my fault you are all so wonderful, I’m beginning to think most of the mountain is in love with at least one of you.”

The others laughed, but Elder Yan said seriously, “our dear little Incubus may well be right.”

All of their laughs cut short with startled looks.

While the others were distracted with their thoughts, Xie Jie excitedly hugged Elder Yan, he had not missed the Elder saying, ‘our dear little Incubus’. With their bodies together he now understood the ethereal beauty’s desires. 

Putting a hand gently around the young Incubus’s shoulder, Elder Yan smiled shyly, he hadn’t felt this nervous when he had developed his core hundreds of years ago. Then a sunny smile bloomed across Xie Jie’s lips and he felt his entire being relax. 

Coming back from considering all the people who might have a crush on him, Gong Qiu Yu said to Xie Jie, “new rule for you, no seducing people without at least one of us giving you permission.”

Pushing his lips out in a mock pout, Xie Jie said seriously, “actually I was going to say it should be unanimous before we bring anyone else into our harem,” with a knowing look to his scholar he added, “did you forget I can feel who you are all attracted to?”

Looking shyly at Fen Ru Chao, Gong Qiu Yu blushed, making the Master Healer’s mouth go dry.

Luo Bai’s heart was racing at the thought of them all being with Fen Ru Chao and Elder Yan, but he brought everyone back to the here and now by saying, “as much as I would like to talk about who we can add to our harem, we need to figure out what to do about the people down in that field.”

“Could we just say it was a special type of ceremony to grow an Incubus’s wings?” Asked Hao Kong, “It’s kind of true”

Understanding some of the implications, Fen Ru Chao went bright red and looked longingly at Chu Ling, who smiled shyly down at him and gently held his hand.

Thoughtfully Gong Qiu Yu said, “That’s a great idea, but we say it was a ceremony to get an Elder’s emotions back, rather than to get an incubus his wings.” 

Excitedly Zhou Tu added, “if we say the ceremony requires an incubus to succeed, it would give us a way to persuade the sect to let Jiejing stay.”

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