The Good Incubus

Chapter 111 Flaring Emotions

Chapter 111

Flaring Emotions


The eight of them descended gently into the field off to the side of Yan Zhu's hut, the waiting cultivators watched them with wary eyes, all still on guard.

Xie Jie and Zhou Tu hid at the back behind Hao Kong and Fen Ru Chao, at the front Elder Yan stood next to the Leaders smiling serenely.

Before any of them could say a word, Master Park from the Gold Wing sect, a beautiful pale brown man with long flowing black hair, a stern expression and fierce eyes, angrily spat out the words, “what ever excuse you have come up with I won’t believe, you are obviously under the command of that incubus you are hiding back there.”

Sighing Xie Jie dropped his head, he knew why people had a bad impression of incubuses, but it didn’t feel any less personal when someone attacked him.

Anger flared in Luo Bai as he felt his incubus’s sadness, no one had the right to persecute his cute lover just because they didn’t like demons.

Subtly Zhou Tu move forward between his two Masters and put a hand on Luo Bai’s back, then circulated his energy to relax him before he did something rash.

The Leader’s short temper was well known, so no one was surprised when his body tensed into a fighting stance, but everyone present was shocked to see the fierce man visibly relax.

Before the gathered cultivators could think more deeply about it, Gong Qiu Yu distracted them by saying, “we are not under the control of this innocent incubus, he has been helping Snow Mist Peak. First he helped us to kill a love demon and last night he helped us restore Elder Yan’s emotions.”

Master Verdi, a tall slender dark brown man with kind open features, from the Tranquil Unity sect who were known for their diplomacy, said, “we were informed about the love demon when asked to come and collect our missing disciples, but how do we know that is true?”

A blushing blonde younger woman, Master Jackson from the Great Plains sect said, “I can attest that there was some form of being attacking Snow Mist Peak when we came and bound the incubus before, everyone was possessed by the being who wasn’t...” blushing like mad and looking at the floor Master Jackson couldn’t continue.

“Anyone who wasn’t sexually aroused was possessed.” Luo Bai helpfully finished for her. All of the cultivators present from all the sects stared open mouthed at Luo Bai, who continued, “incubuses are hated by love demons because sexual arousal is the only thing that breaks a love demon’s possession.”

Recovering from his shock, Master Park said suspiciously, “likely story, how do we know it was a love demon and not your incubus? Do you have the body for proof?”

The Great Plain’s Master Jackson said in reply, “it couldn’t of been that incubus, we bound him and he is but a youngster.”

“If he is such a youngster, how come he can hide his form?” Scoffed Master Park.

Try as he might Xie Jie couldn’t keep his worry and guilt from his men, he felt he was constantly putting them in danger, Zhou Tu squeezed his hand and smiled at him reassuringly.

The feel of Zhou Tu’s strong hand and Luo Bai’s fierce strength, mixed with all the other emotions from his lovers, comforted Xie Jie’s heart.

His men loved him and would stand with him through this. For a moment Xie Jie was in danger of setting off another love fluctuation, he felt so lucky to have found them all.

Stepping forwards Elder Yan asked Master Park, “are you saying that this young incubus has enchanted someone as strong as me?”

“He could have,” Said Master Park with his chin held high, while the blood drained from his face, “maybe you are weak to enchantment because you have only just got your emotions back.”

Elder Yan’s hands balled into fists as his emotions flared, he took deep calming breaths trying to relax. It was only a small annoyance, but it had been 200 years since he had had to control his anger and he was struggling.

The power radiating off the Elder was extreme, the Leaders stood protectively in front of their lovers, and many of the surrounding Masters put up shields to protect themselves and their disciples.

At a speed that only a week ago he couldn’t of dreamt of, Xie Jie dashed to Elder Yan, gently cupped his cheeks and pulled the unresisting Elder’s face down to his.

A calming look of adoration passed between them and Xie Jie sealed their lips together.

Power flared in the young incubus and his shining silver and blue wings burst out of his back, ripping apart the back of his robes, his beautiful white horns curved out from his head and his long white tail swayed behind him.

Not holding back, Xie Jie passionately kissed Elder Yan, the older man following his lead as best he could, while trying to concentrate his emotions on their kiss and not his anger.

Pushing the Elder’s firm dusty lips apart with his tongue, Xie Jie sucked on his bottom lip that was as hard as rock.

Completely caught up in their kiss, Elder Yan pulled Xie Jie into his arms and tightly embraced him in a hug that could crush a mountain. Everyone heard the sound of bones braking as Xie Jie’s ribs cracked under the pressure.

His linked men felt his pain and wanted to rush to his aid, but they were unable to fight through the power that was now raging around the kissing pair.

A soft whimper of pain escaped Xie Jie’s lips, but knowing he had to help this beauty in his arms to keep everyone safe, he pushed the pain to the back of his mind.

Dun Xinyi had been a fraction of a second too slow encasing Xie Jie in his light blue metal, pushing under Elder Yan’s powerful arms he managed to protect his incubus’s internal organs from being crushed.

A relieved groan left Xie Jie’s throat, as he pushed his tongue into Elder Yan’s mouth, enjoying the taste and feel of his overly powerful man.

Using his newly developed powers, Xie Jie felt the raw exposed emotions of the overwhelmed ethereal Elder.

Elder Yan’s energy felt like a huge mountain range, powerful and imposing yet stunningly beautiful and serene. On every slope of the beautiful mountains were delicate little flowers, each one was the Elder’s newly awoken emotions.

The dazzling brightly coloured plants were more numerous than the stars in the sky and each one was liable to overwhelm Elder Yan.

With the Elder’s acceptance, Xie Jie used his sexual energy to sooth his mind and heart, strengthening Elder Yan’s resistance to each emotion.

Having helped the ethereal beauty regain some control, Xie Jie began to lose his. Caught up in their kiss, he started to slide his hands inside Elder Yan’s white robes.

Gong Qiu Yu gave a meaningful cough from the side and said, “Jiejing please behave your self.”

Pulling back licking his lips, Xie Jie asked the stunned Elder, “better?”

In a daze Elder Yan hummed happily, “that felt good.”

The huge oppressive energy vanished and the Masters dropped their shields with a weary sigh. At the same time, Xie Jie’s lovers ran to him all asking if he was alright.

Using a long length of chain, Dun Guanlian slapped Elder Yan round the back of the head, snapping him back to his senses.

Holding Xie Jie gently to his hard body, Elder Yan put his hand to the young incubus’s back, as Dun Xinyi dropped back to being a belt.

Using all his skills as a healer, Elder Yan sent his energy round Xie Jie’s body, completely healing his broken bones in a way even Chu Ling could only dream of.

Xie Jie took a shaking breath as the pain receded and he put his wings away again, “thank you Elder Yan.”

A look of disbelieve entered Elder Yan’s face and he said humbly, “no, thank you, you have not only given me my emotions back, you have even helped me to tame them. Jiejing I can never thank you enough.” A tear of pure joy ran down the beautiful Elder’s dusty brown face.

Reaching up Xie Jie wiped the tear away and said with a saucy smile, “well if you want to thank me properly, you know what I like.”

Laughing Elder Yan gently kissed Xie Jie’s cheek and whispered, “we have time for that later.”

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