The Good Incubus

Chapter 112 The Foreign Masters

Chapter 112

The Foreign Masters

Encircled by his men, Xie Jie felt a moment of bliss, until Master Park cried, “what just happened? What tricks are you trying to pull?”

Anger flared in all of the people from Snow Mist Peak. Putting a restraining hand on Luo Bai, Chu Ling said through gritted teeth, “Jiejing just stabilised Elder Yan’s emotions, saving us all.”

“This is why you shouldn’t be messing with the natural order of things by bringing an Elder back.” Yelled Master Park.

Angrily Luo Bai retorted, “fine, if you make it to be an Elder we won’t try to restore your emotions.”

Glaring at each other, the pair’s Qi started to flare putting pressure on those around them once more.

Zhou Tu reached out and took Luo Bai’s hand. 

Surprised by the tender touch, the tall martial artist looked down at the dusty brown hand clasping his, and sighing smiled charmingly at his young lover.

On the other side, Master Park got even more enraged seeing Luo Bai relax, thinking, ‘he’s not even taking me seriously.’

Master Verdi, from the Tranquil Unity Sect, put his hand on Master Park’s shoulder and firmly pulled him back.

Master Park was about to start on the calm Tranquil Unity Master, when Xie Jie asked politely, “why are you so angry? It’s not good for your cultivation.”

Shocked Master Park gaped at the little incubus and spluttered, “I’m... what?...My cultivation is great!”

Slowly so as not to frighten him, Xie Jie stretched out his hand, “may I please help? I would hate for you to have a... Leader Gong what was it you called it again?”

“A Qi deviation.”

Smiling calmly Xie Jie said, “yes, I would hate for you to hurt yourself or others with a Qi deviation.”

Anger flared in Master Park’s light brown eyes and he slapped the hand in front of him.

The moment their hands touched, the angry cultivator’s face slackened and he let out a small sensual moan, his entire body relaxing completely.

A younger pale woman with sharp eyes, dressed in the opulent robes of the Gold Wing sect, who’s beautiful delicate features were currently twisted in anger, stepped forward and demanded, “what did you do to him?”

Slight guilt flitted across Xie Jie’s face and he said, “I was going to give him a little soothing, but his hit caught me by surprise, so my energy went into his system uncontrolled and Erm... well you see, my energy soothed him sexually rather than normally.”

“Undo it now!” yelled the young lady aghast. 

“There is no need,” said Master Park calmly and put a steadying hand in front of his disciple, “I’m fine, there is no lingering trace of his energy.” Bowing to Xie Jie, Master Park added, “I’m sorry, I miss judged you. From your pure energy I can see that you really have no ill will.”

Bowing in reply Xie Jie said, “I’m sorry for not controlling my energy properly, I know its no excuse but I am young and still learning, I will do better in the future.”

“We all make mistakes,” replied Master Park gently, “learning and growing from them is what counts.”

His dark eyes shining Xie Jie said, “thank you Master Park, if the Gold Wing sect ever thinks they have been infiltrated by a love demon or want my assistance with anything else, it would be my honour to help. The same goes for all other sects.”

Putting a loving hand on Xie Jie’s left shoulder, Chu Ling said, “my disciples and I would like to share all we have learnt about Love demon possession and the ways we have been treating those effected.”

Putting a loving hand on Xie Jie’s other shoulder, Gong Qiu Yu said, “my disciples have already started gathering all the information available, and we have been developing arrays that could simulate an Incubus’s sexual field, we would like to share this valuable information with everyone, to help keep every sect safe.”

Master Verdi smiled, “the Tranquil Unity sect looks forward to working with Snow Mist Peak to help protect all sects from love Demons.”

Having heard the previously sceptical Master Park’s words of trust in the young incubus, the cultivators all now believed what they were being told, and there was a general agreement from all those present.

Master Verdi suggested, “I think it would be a wise idea to hold a formal conference to discuss this with all the sects. Tranquil Unity will happily host if that would be agreeable to everyone? Would two weeks be long enough for you to get organised?”

Chu Ling and Gong Qiu Yu nodded, but Xie Jie said, “could it be a little after that please? I need to go to the golden mines of the blessed.”

“Why do you need to go to that accursed place?” asked Master Park.

Full of excitement Xie Jie grabbed the startled cultivator’s hand in both of his and with shining eyes asked, “you know where it is?”

Relaxing and smiling at the cute Incubus, with infinite patience Master Park said, “I was born two villages over from where the dwarfs resettled, at forlorn loss village, we used to trade with them. But you don’t want to go to the mines, a dragon sleeps in the dark and it kills anyone who goes in.”

Looking a little shy, Xie Jie said to everyone’s surprise, “I know the dragon’s fire is terrifying, but my friend is not in the dragon’s chamber. I have to try to rescue him, please tell me where it is.”

Amazed, Master Park held both of Xie Jie’s hands back and said equally excitedly, “you’ve seen inside the mines? How?”

Hesitating unsure if he should say, Xie Jie looked to his men for advice. 

“Master Park and I don’t see eye to eye about much, but I would trust him with my life.” Said Luo Bai reassuringly, “you can tell him and all those present what you know.”

Master Park’s brows rose for a second, then he nodded respectfully to Luo Bai, both of the powerful cultivators lips curved gently up as their eyes met.

Smiling at his beautiful martial artist, Xie Jie said, “Thank you for your council Leader Luo,” then turning back to Master Park he said, “my consciousness was pulled to the golden mines of the blessed by a piece of my armour, it is currently in one of the corridors. While in his mind, I saw some hunters on their way to battle the dragon.” Xie Jie’s dark eyes dropped and he said sadly, “A while after they left, dragon fire filled the corridor, so I guess they were incinerated.”

Master Park gently squeezed the sad Incubus’s hand and smiled at him comfortingly, forever endearing himself to Xie Jie’s men. 

From the crowd of cultivators, a big broad chested man dressed all in black with bright red hair and dark green eyes stepped forwards. Master MacDougall, from the Enlightened Ore Sect asked excitedly, “your armour can withstand dragon fire?”

Raising his chin with pride, Xie Jie said, “the Duns are amazing.”

All of the cultivators took a hurried step back, when Dun Guanlian stretched his chain out and caressed Xie Jie’s cheeks.

Taking a deep breath to build his courage, the shy Master MacDougall took a step forwards again and asked with reverence, “how did you make friends with an ancient artefact?”

“He didn’t just make friends with one.” Said Gong Qiu Yu proudly, “Jiejing if the wondrous Duns are willing, show him the others.”

To everyone’s utter amazement, Dun Guanlian caressed Gong Qiu Yu’s cheek too. 

All the cultivators held their breath as Xie Jie lowered the top half of his damaged robes. Dun Xinyi who had become a breast plate again shone brightly in the sun, and Dun Mírén who was stretched up his wrists changed into a long elegant sword.

In a voice shaking with excitement and wonder, Master MacDougall breathed, “you are wearing three?!”

Before Master MacDougall could question any further, Gong Qiu Yu said, “how about Jiejing tells you all about it at the conference. Hopefully by then he will have rescued the next piece.”

Startled and elated, Master MacDougall nodded dumbly and walked away mumbling about matching sets.

Taking command, Luo Bai said, “if you are all now satisfied, please collect your disciples. You are welcome to enjoy our hospitality, or we will all meet again one month from now at the Tranquil Unity sect.”

Turning to the Master of the Tranquil Unity sect, Gong Qiu Yu added, “Master Verdi your connections are far greater than ours, could I please ask for your help to contact all of the other sects?” At the beautiful Master’s serene nod, Gong Qiu Yu stressed, “Please make sure they know Jiejing is our honoured guest, you know how some sects are about non humans.”

Master Verdi replied with a cordial smile, that brightened his yellow flecked brown eyes, “the Tranquil Unity sect is always happy to help Snow Mist Peak, leave it all to us, and of course we shall ensure the safety of all our guests, human or otherwise.” 

The Leaders and Elder Yan all bowed solemnly, and Chu Ling said, “thank you Master Verdi, your help is greatly appreciated.”

The field quickly emptied, as the cultivators went to the infirmary and main hall to collect their disciples. 

Being as Snow Mist Peak was a smaller and less opulent sect, only Master MacDougall and his disciples who had a longer return trip, decided to stay and were given housing in the heart of Snow Mist Peak; the rest quickly departed.

Master Park held back in the field and spoke to Xie Jie, “when you go to the Golden Mines of the Blessed, remember they are now called the lost mines of the cursed. I suggest you go to Forlorn Loss Village first, the chief is Yon Ore breaker, he is cantankerous but fair.” 

A wistful smile curved the handsome Masters lips and he said, “Yon loves a drink, set aside a day so you can drink with him and he will help you with what you need.”

Bowing solemnly Xie Jie said, “thank you Master Park, from both myself and my armour.” Smiling shyly, there was a glint of longing in Xie Jie’s eyes as he continued, “I look forward to seeing you at the conference with my rescued friend.”

With a smile that brightened his whole face, Master Park bowed, “I hope you have a successful journey... errm I’m not sure what I should call you?”

Looking at the handsome Master in his dark blue robes with gold trim, Xie Jie wondered how beautifully his face would contort while he called his name during climax.

The spike of lust for the handsome Master Park from their incubus, surprised none of Xie Jie’s linked men, and none of them were unhappy with the idea. 

Stepping up beside his husband, Hao Kong said with a coy smile, that Master Park didn’t understand, “call him either Master Xie or Jiejing, which ever you are more comfortable with.”

Bowing and smiling shyly, Master Park said, “I wish you success on your journey Jiejing.”

Using all his restraint to not hold the now amiable Master Park’s hands, Xie Jie cupped his hands and bowed deeply back. 

When Master Park turned to his waiting disciples, both the disciple’s jaws dropped upon seeing the beautiful smile on their usually grumpy Master’s face. Dumbfounded they followed him silently to the infirmary, then back to the Golden Wing sect.


Hi lovely readers, this is an early chapter, (not sure you can have early chapters when your schedule has gone up in smoke.) to celebrate reaching 200 readers 😲💖🎊! 

Thank you for reading and for your wonderful comments, it keeps me posting. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful day💖.

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