The Good Incubus

Chapter 119 (NSFW) Needed Release

Chapter 119

Needed Release


Recap: Luo Bai<Zhou Tu

Chu Ling x Fen Ru Chao

Yan Zhu x Hao Kong

Xie Jie x Gong Qiu Yu

Feeling Luo Bai’s energy, Zhou Tu looked up from his martial artist’s strong muscular back and saw the look of lusty delight in Gong Qiu Yu’s eyes. In that moment he knew what to do for his lover.

Pulling Luo Bai up into his left arm, he took the tall man’s chin in his right hand and pointed it towards their Gong Qiu Yu and Xie Jie.

Softly Zhou Tu whispered in a stern mean voice, “can you see what you have done to our men? Are you still oblivious? Or will you take responsibility now?”

The linked men all looked at the pair as Luo Bai’s head drooped, Zhou Tu had hit him hard; deep shame flowed from Luo Bai into them all.

Held in an intimate embrace by this man, he was now aware he loved, Luo Bai felt such an ignorant fool. He had made his beloved Gong Qiu Yu and Chu Ling feel frustration and helpless desire for centuries, how could he not feel guilty about it?

His voice softening out again, Zhou Tu whispered so all could hear, “you feel guilty don’t you?”

Luo Bai’s throat was choked up, he could feel tears welling in his eyes, all he could do was nod.

“You feel shame at your stupidity don’t you?” Continued Zhou Tu, his soft voice filling Luo Bai’s guilt consumed mind.

Unbeknown to Luo Bai, Gong Qiu Yu began to get up, but Xie Jie could see the deeper meaning of Zhou Tu’s actions and held the worried scholar down in a gentle but firm embrace.

Completely trusting his incubus, Gong Qiu Yu continued to wait and watched the beautiful distorted face of his Luo Bai.

Tears fell from Luo Bai’s eyes, deep down he wished he could go back and change his stupid younger self, shake him fiercely and show him his two friends as he now saw them; the most beautiful wonderful lovers. Again he nodded to Zhou Tu.

“Good!” Said Zhou Tu sternly, and thrust into Luo Bai with total disregard. His solid cock hammered hard into Luo Bai’s rear, shocking him and blanking out his mind.

Luo Bai cried out incoherently as pleasure surged up his spine to flood his ringing dazed head.

Fiercely gripping the back of his lover’s neck, Zhou Tu roughly pushed Luo Bai down onto all fours, his head pointed up towards Gong Qiu Yu.

The strong martial artist’s jaw dropped with his surprise, but he didn’t try to raise back up.

In a voice full of command Zhou Tu said, “now pay off your shame and guilt by pleasuring your men with all you’ve got.”

Xie Jie pushed the stunned Gong Qiu Yu up onto his knees and pulled his robes away, his freed hard erect member rushed up to greet Luo Bai.

With all his strength Zhou Tu thrust hard, making his lover’s powerful body rock forwards, sending Gong Qiu Yu’s cock into Luo Bai’s waiting mouth.

For a few minutes there was only one thought in Luo Bai’s mind, to pay off his guilt; while he was roughly thrust between two of the men he loved.

Feeling his lover was ready, Zhou Tu slowly pulled his hips back, giving his Leader some reprieve and time to think.

Breathing hard, Luo Bai kissed the end of his Scholar’s long hard cock. The dark emotions of guilt and shame finally lifted from his heart, and Luo Bai felt the dangerous shadow fade from his inner core.

Gong Qiu Yu had said a similar thing to him earlier, but he just couldn’t shift his guilt, now it being reinforced again when he could feel the love from all his men; Luo Bai felt released.

The distressed sadness vanished from the fiercely handsome martial artist’s face as he looked up at his beautiful worried scholar.

Gazing into Gong Qiu Yu’s eyes, Luo Bai said in a husky voice cracking with emotion, “I will love you with all I have for the rest of my life.”

Tears of joy and relief flowed down Gong Qiu Yu’s cheeks, and all the cultivators felt the subtle shift in his Qi. His meridians flowed truly free for the first time in hundreds of years.

Gong Qiu Yu’s energy spiked then condensed as his blocked advancement raced forwards. The subtle change became distinct then overwhelming as he pulled huge amounts of energy from the world around him into his now light happy body.

The increase in his spiritual power was felt by everyone on the mountain, the entire peak looked to the Leaders’ spiritual caves, and many disciples cheered for their Leader becoming stronger.

After a dozen heart beats the rush of energy slowed, then finally levelled out. Gong Qiu Yu’s meridians thrummed with energy as his body adjusted to his increased strength.

Caught up in a euphoria of calm delight, Gong Qiu Yu reached down and gently held Luo Bai’s chin, his eyes full of serene love as he said, “I have waited centuries for you to tell me that, my heart’s desire.”

Luo Bai was up onto his feet with Gong Qiu Yu held tightly in his arms in a flash. Their strong bodies pressing together and their breath mingling for a moment as they looked into each others eyes; the look conveying their love deep into each others souls.

In a desperate need for each other they kissed, softly at first but nothing could contain their passion, their lips and tongues going rough and then sloppy as they licked and sucked on each other, their need to be part of their lover overriding all other thoughts.

Breathing hard with relief and exhaustion, Zhou Tu looked happily up at the pair from the floor. He knew he had taken a risk drawing those feelings out of Luo Bai, but he had felt the guilt getting worse and dark emotions are dangerous for cultivators. So when Luo Bai had said he enjoyed being dominated, Zhou Tu knew how to relieve his lover’s pain.

Hugging Zhou Tu from behind, Xie Jie whispered softly in his ear, “you were amazing, you really are a natural.”

Smiling happily Zhou Tu snuggled into Xie Jie’s loving embrace.

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