The Good Incubus

Chapter 120 (NSFW) What Was Your Favourite?

Chapter 120

What Was Your Favourite


Recap: Luo Bai x Gong Qiu Yu

Chu Ling x Fen Ru Chao

Yan Zhu x Hao Kong

Xie Jie x Zhou Tu

Turning back from watching their lovers, their worry for Luo Bai relieved; Hao Kong and Yan Zhu held their heads just far enough apart to breathe, the silvery ribbon of saliva connecting their lips showing the passion of their previous kissing.

Softly stroking his Elder’s cheek, Hao Kong asked, “you have watched everything we have done, what was your favourite?”

“I enjoyed all of it,” replied Yan Zhu. Running his long slender fingers through Hao Kong’s short silver hair, “but I really loved watching your hair shimmer in the sunlight as Xie Jie took you against the well. The look of delight on your face as you were taken roughly for the first time was stunning. I want to give you that level of pleasure.”

Self doubt entered the older man’s eyes and he said in barely a whisper, “but I climaxed from your kiss earlier. I’m sorry, I don’t know if I can even go all the way with you yet, let alone give you that level of passion.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for my love, we can work up to that type of fun. Just let me know what you feel comfortable with now, or if you would rather watch that’s fine too.”

Yan Zhu’s heart clenched; was Hao Kong giving him an out because he was worried about him or because he didn’t want him?

“The idea of your eyes all over my body, as you decide how our men should take me, is also a delight I would love.” Said Hao Kong with a sexy smile.

Gulping, Yan Zhu couldn’t help his eyes traveling down Hao Kong’s muscular tanned beige body, lingering on each of his raised abs as he looked down at his large solid member, that was just beading with pre cum.

He licked his lips as he remembered the gleam of sweat on Hao Kong’s beautiful broad back, glistening in the sun light every time his toned muscles flexed as he made love to Xie Jie against the wall of his hut.

Then his mind was filled with the remembered image of the way Hao Kong’s muscles tensed and flowed as he was taken by Zhou Tu in the field below these very caves. Followed by the contorted lines of his pleasure filled face every time he climaxed with the name of his lover on his lips.

Yan Zhu really wanted it to be his name coming out of his erotic Hao Kong’s moaning gasping mouth.

The end of Yan Zhu’s cock twitched as he thought of it all and he said, “I really enjoy watching you being taken by others, but today I want you to be all mine.”

Sat cross legged on the cushions, slowly the Elder opened his robes and his hard huge shaft rose up towards his once disciple.

Feeling his husband’s arousal, Xie Jie looked round and his eyes went wide at the glorious long solid sight.

Hao Kong couldn’t help but get excited, Yan Zhu was only a little bit smaller than Chu Ling. They had all been holding back, letting Luo Bai be Chu Ling’s first human. But now, to be able to have someone so large in him, it made Hao Kong impatient, he wanted to jump onto Yan Zhu and take him to the hilt.

Seeing Hao Kong’s hungry look, Yan Zhu smiled happily and said, “are you prepared or would you like me to play with you first?”

Having been taken roughly by Dun Guanlian, and then smoothly by Zhou Tu earlier; Hao Kong was pretty sure he was ready so nodded, “I am prepared but please take it slow.”

With a slightly mischievous smile, Yan Zhu said, “Oh you can go as slow as you like,” making his voice as serine as he could manage while his heart was racing, he said, “I want you to show me what you have learnt.”

That phrase was one Yan Zhu had used a lot when he had taught Hao Kong; it instantly made the previous disciple’s ears go red, “yes Elder Yan.”

His heart thumping, Hao Kong straddled the stunningly handsome man who had been his teacher for decades.

Yan Zhu’s strength was evident in every part of his body, even the Elder’s flesh was hard as rock to Hao Kong, as he held on to his shoulders for balance. Taking hold of his long thick shaft Hao Kong gently stroked his man's cock and positioned it between his soft buttocks, rubbing the tip against his loosened hole.

Smiling tentatively down at his nervous lover, he was just about to push his pelvis down, when Xie Jie was suddenly behind the Elder.

Putting a hand on Yan Zhu’s shoulder Xie Jie said, “my dear, you need to relax, if you stay this tense Hao Kong couldn’t even touch your nipples without getting hurt.”

Yan Zhu took a deep calming breath, his heart was racing so hard he was struggling to hear over it’s roar.

Carefully Xie Jie lifted Yan Zhu’s long white hair to the side and dropped little kisses on the back of his neck. Each kiss held a little of his energy, which he flowed soothingly round Yan Zhu’s overly powerful body, helping him regain a little of his composure.

The sensual relaxed sigh that left the beautiful Elder’s lips delighted the ears of all those present, especially Fen Ru Chao.

Yan Zhu’s skin softened as he relaxed; for good measure Xie Jie softly tweaked his cute brown nipples, which made him moan in a deep rich tone.

Seeing his previous teacher softly moaning in sexual delight, Hao Kong was as ever, incredibly thankful for his husband.

Caressing Yan Zhu’s shoulder and kissing his husband on the forehead, Xie Jie returned to the waiting arms of Zhou Tu, and they snuggled together to watch their men.

Hao Kong gently swung his hips round on Yan Zhu’s tip, using his Elder’s pre cum to coat his softened ring, then he pushed the tip in.

‘It’s huge! Oh it's beautiful girth!’ Thought Hao Kong, as he grabbed hold of Yan Zhu’s dusty brown shoulders and breathed deeply a few times, closing his eyes to fully enjoy the wonderful strain in his rear.

The soft worried voice of Yan Zhu reached his red ears, “are you alright? Am I too much?”

“You are delightfully huge,” said Hao Kong with a dreamy smile, “it will just take me a moment to get you all in.”

Relief flooded Yan Zhu’s dark eyes, “I have waited for you for a hundred years; if it means I can be with you, no wait is too long.”

Love flowed into the linked men from Hao Kong, making them all let out a soft loving sigh. While Hao Kong sealed their lips together again, his body slowly opening up to the delightfully huge girth of his Elder’s massive cock.

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