The Good Incubus

Chapter 122 (NSFW) Too Strong

Chapter 122

Too Strong


Recap: Luo Bai > Gong Qiu Yu > Zhou Tu

Chu Ling > Fen Ru Chao

Yan Zhu > Hao Kong

Xie Jie

Sat on his own watching his men, Xie Jie felt all their delightful emotions of love for each other.

After the long night of pleasuring Chu Ling and passing so much energy through their mark, he could feel the big healer’s emotions almost as well as he could feel his husband’s.

Thanks to having grown his wings, Xie Jie could now feel a little of their sensations too. It was dulled through the open marks, but still enough that as he sat there, it felt like there were hands all over his body, while he was being thrust into at various speeds by multiple cocks.

It was everything a young incubus could dream of.

Looking around at his beautiful men enjoying themselves, he felt at home.

Luo Bai holding Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu, as the three made love in the air was a delight he would never tire of.

Then there was Chu Ling happily riding Fen Ru Chao, and Hao Kong’s bum had just reached Yan Zhu’s balls, finally having taken in all of his thick long cock.

Xie Jie was satisfied he had watched over his new lovers and was just thinking of finding himself a hard member to ride; when Dun Guanlian shot out from the collar and lifted Hao Kong off of Yan Zhu.

The old collar roughly slammed his servant against the wall of the cave with a terrible cracking sound and a dull “ooomph.”

A fraction of a heart beat later Dun Guanlian’s chain got blasted through the roof above as Yan Zhu cried out with overwhelmed pleasure, his ethereal face contorting with his orgasm.

Huge chunks of black granite rained down into the room as a section of roof caved in. The impact was so great it shook the whole cave, and Xie Jie was pulled roughly forwards by Dun Guanlian’s collar at his neck.

Instantly reacting, Gong Qiu Yu put up a shield protecting Zhou Tu and Luo Bai.

Dun Mírén turned into a shield and held above Xie Jie’s head, deflecting the large chunks of granite that fell.

Slumped against the wall on the far side of the cave, Hao Kong was far enough away from the devastation that he was safe, but he wasn’t moving.

In a quarter of a heart beat, Dun Guanlian shot back down through the hole in the ceiling and wrapped lovingly around Hao Kong’s motionless body. Cradling his unconscious servant in his links, Dun Guanlian rushed to Yan Zhu, who was shocked back to his senses.

A huge amount of energy erupted from the horrified Elder’s hands and a blinding white light enveloped Hao Kong’s limp head.

Tears streamed down Yan Zhu’s cheeks and he cried piteously, “no no no what have I done? No, my dear Hao Kong.”

Xie Jie and the others were by his side as the light subsided, and Hao Kong took a deep shaking breath, but still didn’t open his eyes.

Sat amongst the granite that had cracked on his head, Yan Zhu didn’t even flinch as Dun Guanlian slapped him hard round the head with his chains. Again and again the thunderclap of metal on even harder flesh reverberated around the cave.

All the while Dun Guanlian cradled his Hao Kong gently with the rest of his links and whispered soothingly in his mind, “my lovely Hao Kong come back to me, my dear I’m sorry I was so slow, please Hao Kong wake up.”

Fen Ru Chao reached over and carefully put a hand on their injured incubus’s back, and they all felt the precise energy of his healing.

The cuts Xie Jie hadn’t even noticed in his haste to get to Hao Kong, healed and he smiled his thanks at the Master Healer.

In as calm a voice as he could muster, Xie Jie said into the quiet of the room, “I can feel Hao Kong’s mark as strongly as ever, he will wake soon.”

After accepting his punishment from Dun Guanlian, but thinking he deserved so much more, Yan Zhu looked up at the others with red rimmed eyes, “I’m so sorry.”

Heart broken at what he had almost done to Hao Kong, Yan Zhu was just about to return to his seclusion for his lovers safety; when Xie Jie’s arms were around his solid neck.

In his ear Xie Jie whispered, “I know I speak for my husband when I say, don’t be sorry. We want you with us my lovely Yan Zhu, we will find a way.”

Held in Xie Jie’s comforting embrace, tears once again ran freely down the Elder’s face, helping to clear the dangerous guilt that was building in his heart.

He had almost killed his beloved by climaxing, how could he not feel overwhelming guilt and sadness?

They all moved in and held the Elder between them, kissing every part of him they could.

The Leaders, who like Hao Kong had felt repressed adoration for the Elder for hundreds of years, felt a little guilty that they relished every kiss.

Having seen the Elder’s slight shift in weight, Chu Ling whispered in a voice so quiet that the rest couldn’t hear, “please don’t go, if you’re not here when Hao Kong wakes you’ll break his heart, and mine. Please, we can’t lose you again.”

“I never want to leave you.” Replied Yan Zhu equally quietly, “but I can’t stay if I put you all in danger, I’m too strong.”

Inside Chu Ling’s mind Dun Xinyi said, “my dear, I know you might find this hard to hear, but if you bound him you would be able to be together.”

The idea of binding Yan Zhu’s powers was complicated to Chu Ling. Being bound was a disturbing feeling even for a young cultivator, for someone of Yan Zhu's age and power it was horrendous. It meant having your strength and sense of the spiritual world around you removed, and you were made vulnerable.

It would mean they could express their love for each other, but was it worth the horrendous feeling of loss for his beloved Elder?

Having not heard Dun Xinyi, but sensing Chu Ling’s inner struggle, Xie Jie asked, “are you alright my lovely bear?”

Smiling shyly at his pet name, Chu Ling replied apprehensively, “Dun Xinyi just suggested that we bind Yan Zhu if we want to be together.”

The other cultivators gasped in revulsion at the idea, but Yan Zhu instantly said, “yes, please bind me.”

There were more gasps and Luo Bai asked, “are you sure? You are aware what it entails?”

“Yes, I know what it means to be bound,” replied Yan Zhu, then with a shy flirty smile he added, “if you bind me you have to promise to be gentle.”

Averting his eyes, he said in little more than a whisper, “I find the idea of being at your mercy rather arousing. But I don’t want to do anything until I can apologise to our sweet silver fox.”

It wasn’t just Yan Zhu who liked the idea of being together, every member that had dropped, began to rise again.

Inside Xie Jie’s mind Dun Guanlian said thoughtfully, “if he was mine, I could bind him as I can you or Hao Kong. But then again for what he made me do to my sweet servant, I would be tempted to bind him for a hundred years.”

There was a deep cracked chuckle from between them, that brought them all out of their thoughts.

Having heard Dun Guanlian’s words, Hao Kong stroked the chains that held him lovingly and said, “my honoured beloved Master Dun Guanlian, you never cease to amaze me, thank you for saving me.”

The chains froze for a moment and Dun Guanlian asked in baffled wonder, “you enjoyed that?”

Before Hao Kong could answer; his husband, followed closely by the others, knocked the air out of Hao Kong with their rushed hugs.

Yan Zhu held back nervously, until Hao Kong said, “get over here my daft old fool, and don’t you dare think of leaving ever again. I will come and drag you out of your cave by your hair if I have to.”

The air shimmered and Yan Zhu was delicately holding Hao Kong’s hand, then he put his hard lips to his man’s soft skin.

With his head down the Elder said, “I’m so sorry Hao Kong, I should have anticipated this and not put you in such danger.”

Hao Kong’s voice was deep and syrupy as he replied, “I willingly accepted the danger of making love to you, my ridiculously strong Yan Zhu.”

Raising his head and looking into Hao Kong’s dark sultry eyes, Yan Zhu said, “please bind me, so that I can hug you with all my strength.”

A look passed between Gong Qiu Yu and Luo Bai, and the tall martial artist put his arm around his big healer for their joint comfort.

For a moment Gong Qiu Yu disappeared into his room, then came out holding the ethereal rope that had bound Chu Ling.

To the others surprise, Chu Ling looked at the rope with familiarity but little else.

In answer to their looks he said, “it’s not the rope’s fault, I felt no ill will from it. If any thing it was just happy to be doing what it was made for.”

Taking the rope over to Yan Zhu, Gong Qiu Yu was startled when Dun Guanlian took the rope in his chains.

All three pieces of armour flashed a light blue and the rope looked like a snake as it fed itself through the links of metal.

Still holding Hao Kong gently in his end links, Dun Guanlian looped the roped filled links around Yan Zhu’s chest.

As the links pulled tight, Yan Zhu sighed and everyone felt the disappearance of a power they hadn’t even noticed until it was gone.

For the first time in a thousand years, Yan Zhu felt nothing of the world around him; he sensed nothing, he had no strength, he was completely human.

To the others he looked like he was moving through porridge, when with all his speed Yan Zhu threw his arms around Hao Kong and hugged him with all his meagre might.

The ability to hug his man without having to be cautious of hurting him, made Yan Zhu’s heart light, even as his senses were dulled.

The light hug stirred Hao Kong’s heart as if he was brought into the other’s soul.

Restraining his strength, as he had when he held Xie Jie for the first time, Hao Kong embraced his Elder and kissed his now soft lips.

Just as Hao Kong was about to deepen their kiss, Dun Guanlian pulled Yan Zhu from his arms.

Suspended in the air just out of arms reach from the beautiful silver haired man he desired, Yan Zhu’s heart plummeted and he yelled, “No, please Dun Guanlian don’t take him from me!”

Pulling the suspended Elder’s arms together and wrapping round his wrists; inside Hao Kong’s and Xie Jie’s minds the old collar chuckled maliciously.

Via Xie Jie’s lips he said, “you know you deserve to be punished, and there is no better punishment for you than this. To watch my beautiful Hao Kong being taken in every way you want to be with him, but not being able to touch even a hair on his head or sense his body, is a fitting punishment.”

Knowing Dun Guanlian was right, Yan Zhu’s head dropped. His desire to be with the beautiful men around him was a heart wrenching pain, yet he also found himself highly aroused to be held apart by the ancient wonder who now dominated him in strength.

Trying to keep the dirty thoughts out of his voice, Yan Zhu said, “you’re right, oh great and powerful wonder, I accept this and any other punishment you think is fitting.”

Gently Dun Guanlian caressed his chains around Hao Kong’s restrained body.

Now his servant had finally stopped trying to get to his Elder; the chains looped around Luo Bai, Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu, pulling them all over to his Hao Kong.

Seeing the restrained Elder’s obvious arousal, the three smiled sensually at Hao Kong and each moved round the smiling beauty, while lightly caressing his tanned beige body.

The feel of his lovers’ fingers sliding over his muscles made Hao Kong’s lower half stir, his freshly healed body felt more sensitive than normal, and he let out a low erotic sigh.

Gong Qiu Yu straddled their man, who was wrapped lovingly in Dun Guanlian’s chains and kissed his soft lips.

Hao Kong deepened their kiss, their tongues dancing around each other as he softly stroked his scholar’s pale pink nipples.

Intending to lift up the pair, Luo Bai went behind them, but was delightedly surprised by Dun Guanlian lifting them into the air.

At the same time the ancient wonder gave Gong Qiu Yu stirrups so he could ride their silver haired man.

Angling Hao Kong’s hips up, which pushed his hard member up to their scholar’s twitching ring, Luo Bai gently pulled Hao Kong’s toned buttocks apart and slid his still wet cock up to his tight hole.

Adding a little pressure he felt that Hao Kong’s ring was no longer soft, and thought the healing must have been a little too complete.

Licking his fingers, Luo Bai carefully pushed into his lover’s body, happily loosening him and enjoying the show of his sexy men kissing.

Leaning up from Hao Kong’s lips, Gong Qiu Yu sat back, slowly pushing his man’s rock hard cock into his body. The feel of his lover’s thick member pushing him apart in his sensitive depths, felt wonderfully filling and he let out a soft sigh of pleasure.

All the while Luo Bai caressed his back on one side and Hao Kong played with his pert nipples on the other.

The feel of Gong Qiu Yu’s body slowly accepting his manhood; made Hao Kong realise with a start, this was the first time they had been together.

Gazing at the two strong sexy Leaders that he had first felt attracted to over 200 years ago, Hao Kong smiled and caressed Gong Qiu Yu’s cheek.

“I love you Gong Qiu Yu.” Said Hao Kong, his simple honesty making the words all the more potent.

The look of love softened Hao Kong’s already handsome face, making his rugged beauty catch at the hearts of all those present, sending their marks a deep red.

As the only one in a position to do so, Gong Qiu Yu leant forwards and gave Hao Kong the deep loving kiss, all of them wish they could.

Zhou Tu smiled at the three men enjoying each other and his heart felt completely at ease. These beautiful men were his lovers and they all accepted each other, kinks and all.

When his beloved Scholar sat back up, Hao Kong reached out his long muscular arms and grabbed Zhou Tu’s hips. Easily lifting the younger man up and over his silver head, he lowered him down onto his chest, so he was sat in front of Gong Qiu Yu facing his face.

Zhou Tu didn’t have a moment to luxuriate in the feel of his sexy scholar’s slender fingers on his chest; before Hao Kong pulled his young man’s hips forwards and his own head up, taking Zhou Tu’s cock deep into his throat.

Suspended in the air, Yan Zhu groaned as he watched his men making love. Part of his mind was screaming and raving that he should find a way to break free and join in, while another part wanted nothing more than to see their looks of sexual gratification all day long.

Satisfied his man’s ring was softened enough, Luo Bai pushed his hard member into Hao Kong and all 4 moaned in appreciation.

The pleasure that surged up from his filled rear, made Hao Kong grow to his full height and girth, pulling his scholar’s ring wonderfully tight again. His tongue and throat vibrated on Zhou Tu‘s sensitive tip, and his rear clenched and squeezed round Luo Bai’s cock as it slid smoothly home.

Having seen Hao Kong’s reaction while being thrust into by Dun Guanlian, Luo Bai held his man’s hips and thrust with long hard strokes; which made Zhou Tu’s cock vibrate as Hao Kong moaned his joy yet again.

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