The Good Incubus

Halloween Special

Hi Lovely readers, so your numpty of an author got distracted by this story idea. It isn't necessarily cannon so you don't have to read it... but if you do, I hope you enjoy.

There are hints about the characters, and possible red herrings or maybe golden keys hidden with in.

Happy Halloween.

Halloween special

Xie Jie sat underneath a beautiful red acer after a night of passion with his lovers.

The morning light began to peek over the horizon, reds and golds dying the black sky as it shifted to blue.

Above him Xie Jie heard a strange whirring sound and he looked up into a….

“What is that?!” Asked the Duns and Xie Jie at the same moment.

The slightly bulbous circular metal object held above him, the outer part spinning at high speed round the inner section.

Too fascinated to run, Xie Jie tilted his head as the whirring got louder.

The next second his hand shot over his eyes to protect against the intense blinding blue light that shone down on himself and the tree.

Blinking his eyes to get his vision back, Xie Jie heard Dun Guanlian ask in an awe inspired whisper, “where are we?”

“It’s like the first race’s workshops, but so much more metal, and what’s with all the trees?” Replied Dun Xinyi.

Dun Mírén said, “the workshop was never this clean, whoa that is not a tree I recognize.”

Finally, Xie Jie’s eyes cleared and he could see the huge metal room that was bigger than the great hall on Snow Mist Peak. Trees of various types were planted in large pots in rows the entire length of the room.

Trying to step forwards to look around, Xie Jie found he couldn’t move, his legs were buried to the thigh in wet mulchy soil.

Wiggling his toes and then his feet, Xie Jie tried to work himself free but the soil was thick and solid.

Behind him Xie Jie heard a high pitched grumbling voice say, “it will be great, see the stars, visit different dimensions, and all you have to do is get trees... Stupid trees. Why should we help these fools that are killing themselves?”

Turning round Xie Jie saw the back of a large fluffy being sat at a long flashing desk, but what fixated him was the enormous window in front of the large furry head. The pure endless blackness, punctuated by white spots of light was captivating in it’s vast emptiness.

The view flickered, and Xie Jie’s entire being revolted against the bizarre sensation in every cell of his body. Doubling over he retched into the soil, his head spinning.

When he finally turned back round, Xie Jie gasped at the beautiful view of a huge round ball of green and blue in the window.

Before he could fully take in the majestic sight, there was a flash of blue light and he found him self ‘planted’ in a beautiful forest of various trees.

Taking a calming breath Xie Jie coughed and spluttered, the air had an acrid smell to it, almost to the point he could taste the burnt smoky fumes.

Eventually he could take a breath without feeling faint, and he shifted his attention to moving his legs, that were again buried in the ground.

Wobbling back and forth he got some space for his thighs, Dun Xinyi lamented, “if we had sister anklet we could get you out in a moment.”

Dun Mírén shifted into a shovel shape and Xie Jie used her to dig his legs and feet out.

Just as he could wiggle his toes, there was a distant rumbling sound from above. Xie Jie looked up into the bright sunlight and asked in his mind, “by the heaven’s what is that?!”

The Duns shook their heads, they had no idea.

A huge white metal beast flew over Xie Jie’s head spewing out vile fumes. His fear lasted but a second, as he realised the beast either didn’t see him or had no interest in him, and flew on it’s way down to the ground beyond the forest.

Still rather scared the beast would come back, Xie Jie fled to the opposite direction, his incredible speed eating up the miles.

The large forest of different trees was intersected by long grey paths, but Xie Jie paid them little mind. After a few minutes he saw huge buildings raising up in the distance beyond the trees.

The massive shiny grey buildings were far bigger than anything he had seen before, they dwarfed the tall oak trees around him, and he slowed as he approached their open area.

He didn’t know why, but he was drawn towards the high city.

At a speed that normal humans couldn’t see, Xie Jie moved in among the massive buildings, he saw most of the fronts were covered in glass, a material that was rare in his world.

But what almost stopped him dead, were the big metal beasts that moved along the wide grey paths. Upon closer inspection he saw there were people inside, and for a moment he wondered if he should try and free them?

Before he could act, he saw a person get out of a beast and he understood the people were traveling in the metal contraptions.

He was amazed that there were people everywhere; covering the lighter grey paths, crossing the main dark grey road, walking in and out of the buildings, sat on chairs spilling out of large doorways, they were everywhere.

Carefully, he jumped from metal contraption to metal contraption above the humans’ heads, and saw yet more people in each level of the buildings.

Now he was getting used to the shock he was in, he realised they were all humans and not a one of them had spiritual power.

Then he felt it consciously, he felt his husband, no that’s not right it was not his dear Hao Kong, but it was so close he had to go see.

The faint link was leading him to the top of one of the tall buildings. He took out his wings and flapped, the people below cried out in surprise at the powerful gust of wind, but Xie Jie was gone by the time they looked up.

Landing softly on the top of the tall building, Xie Jie saw men and women sat at tables or stood round the edges looking out at the city around them. A lot of the people had small smoking sticks in their mouths or had food they were enjoying together.

All of them were dressed in white shirts with black or grey outer jackets, and tight-fitting trousers or skirts. The men had brightly coloured dangling pieces of fabric hanging from their necks.

Xie Jie’s eyes were instantly drawn to the tall man with jet black hair and beige skin, who was stood in the middle of a group of men and women. His loud deep chuckle was like a song of home to Xie Jie.

It wasn’t the Hao Kong he had left at Snow Mist Peak, but it was definitely a Hao Kong.

Xie Jie was about to race up to him, when the Dun’s all said, “don’t!”

“Put away your horns, tail and wings!” Said Dun Guanlian urgently.

Xie Jie instantly complied and then asked, “why shouldn’t I go talk to him?”

“Because this world doesn’t seem to have other races,” Dun Mírén replied, “you’d scare the life out of him.”

Xie Jie sagged, he so desperately wanted to hug his husband, but he knew she was right.

Thinking out loud Dun Xinyi said, “but none of these people have spiritual power, they would have no way of distinguishing Xie Jie from a human like them.”

Just as the four of them were trying to think of what to do. A young man who looked distinctly like Master Park from Gold Wing Sect, apart from his long black hair was cut short framing his handsome pale face beautifully. Came up to Xie Jie and in a strange accent asked, “wow cool Halloween costume, are you a zombie cultivator?”

Looking at the dirt on the bottom of his legs, Xie Jie realised he must be a mess. While he asked the Duns, “what is Halloween?”

Dun Mírén replied, “I don’t know, but it must involve dressing up as something else.”

“If they know what cultivators are, do you think they know what an incubus is?” Asked Dun Xinyi thoughtfully.

Tentatively Xie Jie said to the young man, “actually I’m an incubus.”

The man who looked like Master Park tilted his head and asked, “if your an incubus, where is your tail?”

Being a little cavalier, Xie Jie let out his tail behind him and pulled it round to the front with his hand.

The man got really excited, “wow that is an amazing tail! Where did you get it from?” Not waiting for a reply, the man turned from Xie Jie and yelled over his shoulder, “hey Tu come have a look at this guys tail!”

Zhou Tu turned from his lunch and looked over at Xie Jie, who’s heart almost stopped.

His beautiful young lover looked a little older than him in this world. His bright green eyes held laughter as he walked over to his friend. “Park Lee how amazing can a tail be?” His eyes landing on Xie Jie’s tail he let out a low whistle of appreciation and said, “OK, that is amazing!”

Without thinking, Xie Jie said in a soft voice full of longing, “Zhou Tu?”

The man named Tu tilted his head and said, “I think you have me confused with someone else, my name is Tu Sadeghi.” Sticking out his dusty brown hand he said, “it’s nice to meet you. Love your costume, but what are you?”

Dun Mírén said, “same face, same feel but different man... interesting.”

“I’m an incubus.”

Zhou Tu... Tu Sadeghi replied, “then where are your horns?”

Hoping his fake would work, Xie Jie feigned forgetfulness and put his hand to his head, “oh I forgot to put them on, one second.” Bending and turning away from the men, he put his hands up as if putting something on his head and let out his horns.

Standing back up he said, “there we go,” trying to stave off the next logical question he said, “I’ll put on my wings later, they are rather cumbersome.”

Neither man appeared to have heard what he said, they were just staring at his horns.

“Wow!” Breathed Tu Sadeghi, “they are beautiful, can I touch them?”

A deep chuckle sounded behind the two men and Hao Kong’s rich voice said, “it’s rude to touch someone else’s horns.”

It took all of Xie Jie’s will power to not lunge at this man that looked just like his husband, his ruggedly handsome beige face, his broad shoulders, and the mirth dancing in his dark eyes; were just like Hao Kong’s.

To Xie Jie the man said, “hi I’m Hal Ironwing, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Xie Jie took the hand and shook it gently; he could feel his bond with his husband through this man. But the person in front of him was not his Hao Kong.

“Nice to meet you Hal Ironwing, I’m Xie Jie.”

“What brings you to our roof Xie Jie?” Asked Hal Ironwing.

Tu Sadeghi said, “it’s obvious, he must be the entertainment for tonight.”

Hal looked at the man who hadn’t let go of his hand and said, “I thought that was supposed to be a succubus?”

“Don’t change into a succubus!” Yelled all the Duns.

Xie Jie rolled his eyes internally, “I’m not that dumb.”

In a gentle tone Dun Mírén replied, “yes but you would do anything to please your husband.”

“Also weren’t you supposed to meet us at the restaurant?” Asked Hal Ironwing slightly suspiciously.

Xie Jie was unsure what to say, luckily Tu Sadeghi came to his rescue, “there are always mix ups with these things,” a little red tinged the young man’s ears and he looked away from Xie Jie’s dark eyes, “I think he will do great.”

Hal’s gaze softened and he said with a charming smile, “I think he will do great too.”

In his mind Xie Jie asked, “are my powers enchanting these men some how?”

“Could be, or could be a vague link to your men in our world?” Replied Dun Guanlian, but he didn’t seem entirely convinced by his own words.

Smiling Dun Mírén said, “it could just be that they fancy you. You are a beautiful man my dear.”

Xie Jie scoffed at the idea, he knew incubuses were handsome or beautiful, it was an evolutionary trait, but he wasn’t attractive enough to make people this captivated upon first meeting without other factors.

He thought of the first time he had met his Hao Kong, his now husband told him later, it was his bravery that had first attracted him as well as his looks.

Just then Fen Ru Chao walked out of a door Xie Jie hadn’t noticed at the other end of the roof and yelled, “Hal you got the report for X company yet?”

Hal’s dark eyes held mischief as he bent down behind Xie Jie to hide.

Fen Ru Chao walked over and said in a stern but playful tone, “don’t you hide from me, you know you can’t just sell everything, you need to write the report about it too.”

Standing up and putting his hands on Xie Jie’s shoulders, his hands felt so right there, Hal said, “Oh Chiumbo Fen, I didn’t see you there, right so the report...”

“The report is on my desk.” Interrupted Tu Sadeghi.

Moving behind Tu, Hal’s arms wrapped round the slightly smaller man and he said, “thank you my little Tu, you’re the best.”

A huge proud smile curved Tu Sadeghi’s lips and he pushed ever so slightly into Hal’s strong chest.

His little movement was not missed by Xie Jie, who thought, ‘ah, Tu is in love with Hal in this world too.’

Chiumbo Fen said sternly, “Hal you can’t get your subordinates to do all your reports.”

“But Tu is so good at it.” Said Hal with an adorable fake whine.

A tall dusty brown man in his late 40’s walked up to the group and said with a laugh in his tone, “Mr Ironwing was always the worst of my students for doing his reports.”

Hal blushed, “professor Khan you know I’m not the best at reports, your help was all that got me through your class.”

Chuckling the older man said, “how many times do I need to tell you, now we are working together, please call me Zhu Ali.”

Dun Guanlian said in an awe inspired whisper, “Yan Zhu’s here too! This is crazy.”

Dun Xinyi asked, “I wonder if the Leaders are here too?”

“Oh I bet they would look good in these clothes and with short hair.” Mused Dun Mírén.

“Anyway, no matter what you call me, we all need to get to the CEO’s meeting.” Zhu Ali Khan’s smile turned excited and he said, “then it’s time for drinks.”

His eyes full of childish joy Hal asked, “and maybe trick or treat?”

Rolling his eyes Chiumbo Fen said, “how old are you?”

“Are you saying your not going to dress up?” Teased Hal Ironwing.

Blushing Chiumbo replied meekly, “of course I’m going to.”

Tu said, “we’re all still going as cultivators, right?”

Park Lee replied, “we had best be, it’s what I’ve got at my desk. Seeing everyone dressed in robes is going to be a strange change from our usual suits.”

With a flirty smile Hal Ironwing said, “it’s almost a shame to change you out of your suit, it suits you so well.”

Chiumbo rolled his eyes at Hal’s terrible joke, Park Lee’s ears burned a bright red at the joking complement, and Xie Jie let out a little giggle. They were all so cute in this world too.

Turning to Xie Jie, Chiumbo Fen asked, “what is he supposed to do till then?”

Xie Jie replied with a charming smile that made each of the men gulp, “I guess I could sit here and cultivate.”

The group around him laughed, then Hal said, “he may as well come with us to the meeting, it’s not like its a confidential meeting today.”

“True, plus it would mean he knows how many people he is going to entertain tonight.” Said Zhu Ali Khan.

Feeling he was in over his head, Xie Jie asked, “eerm, I wasn’t told what kind of entertaining I was supposed to do tonight, what are you expecting?”

“Those agencies are getting worse,” Sighed Park Lee, “although I guess Halloween is one of their busiest times. You’re supposed to be telling scary tales and I think dancing? But I thought you were supposed to be a woman so I don’t’ know if that is something you do, or if its appropriate?”

Stood beside Xie Jie, Hal Ironwing said softly, “I think it would be good to watch him dance.”

“I would happily dance for you Mr Ironwing.” Said Xie Jie with a coy smile.

Hal swallowed loudly and Xie Jie felt his heart race, this not-Hao Kong was attracted to him as well.

To the group at large Xie Jie said, “I would happily dance for all of you.”

Each man’s eyes roved over Xie Jie’s body and Tu Sadeghi said, “I’m glad the agency got it wrong and sent you.”

The others all nodded their agreement.

Coming back to his senses first, Zhu Ali Khan said, “lets get to the meeting, then we’ll have more time for dancing, drinking and tales of terror!”

The group all chatted happily as they walked towards the door. Hal Ironwing had his arm draped loosely over the incubus’s shoulder. Being guided down the enclosed stair case, Xie Jie was struggling against the urge to snuggle into not-his-husband’s shoulder.

Hal Ironwing asked in a slightly forced casual tone, “what made you want to become a corporate entertainer?”

A bit lost by the terms but pretty sure he got the gist of the question, Xie Jie said, “I liked the idea of meeting people like yourself.”

The arm around his shoulder tightened for a second, and Xie Jie wondered if there was a Hao Kong in any world, that he would not be deeply attracted to?

To his other side Tu Sadeghi asked, “what is the significance of the collar? I’ve never seen anything like that before.” With his words he stretched out his hand and ran it across the hard metal.

The singular link at the front jingled as Dun Guanlian gasped.

Xie Jie said with a smile, “it is my armour in it’s dormant form. The legend of Xie Jie the incubus...”

“Hey that’s spoilers!” Interrupted Park Lee, “I want to hear the story in it’s entirety tonight.”

Chuckling good naturedly Zhu Ali Khan patted the young man on the head and said, “you always hate spoilers! I don’t get it, it’s like an enticement to get you to watch, or in this case listen.”

Pouting Park Lee said, “but why do I want to know part of what is going to happen when I’m already interested in the story?” His ears went red as he looked at the incubus next to him and said, “and I am very interested in listening to Xie Jie.”

The group walked through a wide open area that was split up by low level walls, in between each little wall was a desk with a little black window on it and a oblong with letters.

Xie Jie had no idea what any of it was for, but he was amazed by the white flat paper, that appeared to be of much smoother quality than any of the parchment he had seen before. He wanted to get some to take home to his Gong Qiu Yu, at the thought of his beautiful scholar, his heart squeezed. Would he ever get to see his men again?

With an intuition that Xie Jie would only have expected from his linked men, Hal Ironwing asked, “are you alright?”

Turning to the handsome man who was so much like his husband, Xie Jie lied, “I’m fine, I can just feel the love between you all and it makes me miss my home.”

The men all paused and looked at each other a little apprehensively, and through their contact Xie Jie could feel Hal’s concern. Sighing he realised they had kept their feelings for each other hidden in this world too.

“I miss the brotherly love of my friends.” Clarified Xie Jie.

Everyone relaxed around him and Chiumbo Fen asked, “have you come a long way to live in New York?”

Filing away the useful information, Xie Jie replied, “yes, my home is very different from here. But you all remind me of my friends.”

Hal hugged the little incubus tight for a second, and Xie Jie couldn’t help but smile inside at how weak this man was compared to his Hao Kong.

The group walked into a large room through some double doors, in the middle of the room was a huge overly shiny yellow brown wooden table, with grey chairs round the edge. The corner room had floor to ceiling windows showing the buildings around it.

Hal Ironwing whispered to Xie Jie, “come stand behind me with my department.”

The group split up and sat in different areas around the table, Hal sat to the left at the far end of the table, and Tu Sadeghi pulled Xie Jie to stand behind him.

Chiumbo Fen sat on the opposite side, Zhu Ali Khan sat to the right of the head of the table and Park Lee sat near the entrance.

Another familiar face sat at the table, next to Chiumbo Fen. A lady in a tight fitting plain grey dress, her long black hair was pulled up in a practical plait; on her face she wore thin metal rimmed glass which magnified her dark intelligent eyes.

The lady who was the spitting image of Wei Yi Min lent in close to Chiumbo Fen and whispered in his ear as she sat down.

With his superior hearing Xie Jie heard her say something about reports being done, but he didn’t really understand much of what was said.

Except for the three chairs at the head of the table, the rest of the seats were taken up by men and women Xie Jie didn’t recognise.

After a brief pause a door to the right side, away from the large windows, opened and in walked the three Leaders.

Xie Jie’s mouth dropped open, he was so used to seeing the three men striding towards him in either their plain white robes or nothing at all. But the sight of them in their tailored suits made his heart race. The luxurious fabric was perfectly cut to accentuate their different body types.

Chu Ling’s muscles were only just contained by the black pin striped suit, his burly thighs in particular showed every curve beautifully.

Gong Qiu Yu’s slender body looked almost feminine with the straight cut, and the dark blue made him look like his skin was made of porcelain.

Then there was Luo Bai, his rod straight back and broad shoulders, made the fabric of his light grey suit beautifully hang down, pulled in pleasingly at the waist.

Like the others, the three Leaders had short neat hair cuts, each shaping their faces.

Xie Jie was captivated by their beauty all over again, although he did miss their long hair.

The three men sat at the head of the table and Luo Bai said, “thank you all for coming, we’ll keep this brief so we can enjoy a bit of Halloween fun. Well done on all your hard work over the last few months, I know it has been rather hectic. But with the closing of this deal, it will only get more fun and manic.”

There were a few good hearted groans of protest from the crowd and Luo Bai laughed, “hard work, hard fun.”

Gong Qiu Yu put a hand on the tall man’s arm and said, “thank you Luo Bai, I’m sure if we have anymore of your inspirational speeches, half our wonderful staff won’t turn up to work on Monday.”

“I think hard work is fun.” Said Luo Bai with a relaxed shrug.

A low rumbling laugh from Chu Ling drew all the eyes in the room and his ears went a light red, “that is why we are the number one marketing agency in the East coast, you really do push us.”

Luo Bai’s eyes softened and he said, “Len we are the number one because you are so inventive with your ideas.”

Hal Ironwing said in a loud voice, “here here, lets hear it for CEO Chowdhury.”

There was a round of cheering from everyone in the room and Xie Jie happily joined in.

Waving his hand to dismiss the adulation, Len Chowdhury said, “it’s no one of us, Quinten’s department brings all our ideas to life, and if it wasn’t for your sale teams Luo Bai, no one would ever see any of it.”

Hal shouted, “Hear Hear, lets hear it for CEO Luo and CEO Gong!”

The room erupted in cheers and Xie Jie copied those around him and slapped his hands together.

Chuckling Quinten Gong said, “alright enough of that, we came here to congratulate all of you. Thank you for your hard work; we look forward to working together for more successful deals in the future.” Grinning in a mischievous way he added, “but tonight we look forward to drinking and eating with you all.”

There was a far louder spontaneous cheer for that.

Luo Bai said, “Right everyone go get changed and we’ll head out early. First round is on me.”

This was the loudest of all the cheers yet, then people started to leave in high spirits.

Dun Guanlian said, “Luo Bai’s name hasn’t even changed! This get stranger and stranger!"

Hal Ironwing and Tu Sadeghi stayed behind and were joined by Zhu Ali Khan and Chiumbo Fen. The four pulled Xie Jie over to meet their CEO’s.

The CEO’s eyes lit up when they saw the four men, then their brows creased as they saw Xie Jie, Luo Bai asked, “Hal who is this man?”

Bowing low Xie Jie said, “well met CEO Luo, my name is Xie Jie.”

Luo Bai’s eyes widened, and he said, “oh he is the entertainment.”

“But isn’t it supposed to be a lady, and aren’t they meant to meet us at the restaurant?” Asked CEO Gong thoughtfully.

“I’m very sorry CEO Gong, there was a mix up with my agency.” Lied Xie Jie.

Len Chowdhury said with a charming smile, “oh well, nothing to be done about it now, do your best young man.”

“Thank you CEO Chowdhury.” Thinking about having to ‘tell a story.’ Xie Jie asked, “would it be alright if I add all of you to my story later, I usually spin some of the people at the business into my tale. Or would it be too strange if I added all of you in? I warn you it’s usually rather raunchy, but I could tone it down if you think that would be more appropriate.”

The men around Xie Jie all blushed and Hal Ironwing said, “but we are all men, how can it involve us and be raunchy?”

“It is about me being an incubus, and incubus’s have large harems of lovers.” Said Xie Jie with a wink to not-his-husband.

Luo Bai asked again, “but we are all men?”

Not entirely understanding why this was a question, Xie Jie replied, “I know, my lovers are usually male, is that a problem?”

Every pupil dilated, and all their jaws dropped.

“Ah I see, men loving men is not approved of in this society.” Said Xie Jie, “I will change my story.”

Hurriedly Len Chowdhury put a large brown hand on Xie Jie’s shoulder and said, “it’s not that its not approved of, it’s just we are not gay.”

A slight smirk twitched Xie Jie’s lips and he said, “oh, I’m not gay either.” His smirk turned flirty and he added, “I would never discount anyone because of something so silly as their gender.”

The looks the men gave each other were subtly different for a moment, more tender and wistful.

“What do you mean this society?” Asked Quinten Gong, “where are you from?”

Evasively Xie Jie said, “I would rather not say. It’s a difficult story.”

Luo Bai’s fierce face softened and he said, “we understand, a lot of people come to America because of difficulties where they are born.”

“Thank you CEO Luo.”

His face flushing bright red, Hal Ironwing said, “I think it would be interesting to hear a story about all of us.”

Everyone else’s brows went up, but Hal continued, “I’ve known you all for years, it would be interesting to see our relationship in a different way.”

“I know just the part for you Mr Ironwing.” A flirtatious smile spread across Xie Jie’s lips as he took the man’s large beige hand, then leaned low and kissed the knuckles. “I shall take you as my first lover.”

A slightly strained laugh left Hal’s lips and he said, “it would be my honour Xie Jie.”

Before the men around him could entirely come back to their senses, Xie Jie asked, “is there anywhere I could clean up before we go? I had a little accident on my way here, plus I need to put on my wings.”

CEO Gong said, “we have a few things to sort out with the executives, Tu could you please show Mr Xie to the bathroom.”

Leaving the others to talk, Xie Jie followed Tu Sadeghi out of the large room and through the maze of low walls, now filled with men and women dressed as cultivators, to a door with a little picture of a man on it.

The tiled room smelt strongly of a substance Xie Jie couldn’t identify and his nose wrinkled. Looking around at the strange elongated porcelain objects against the walls he wondered what they were for.

Tu Sadeghi said, “your welcome to change in here, or there are cubicles at the back.” As he spoke he walked up to the first elongated porcelain object, undid his trousers and pulled out his cock.

The flaccid member was just as Xie Jie knew it in his world. He politely turned away and asked, “is there anywhere I can wash first?”

Finishing with his business, Tu said, “can you use one of these sinks? Or do you need something bigger?"

Xie Jie’s eyes bulged as Tu Sadeghi turned a piece of metal and clean water flowed out the end of a tube, wow that was easier than drawing water from a well.

Quickly fixing his gaze, Xie Jie said, “that should be fine, thank you.”

“Ok, I’m going to go get my robes and I’ll meet you back in here.”

When Tu left, Xie Jie quickly put his left leg in the porcelain bowl and copied the motion of Tu. Fresh cold water ran over his leg and he let out a squeal of delight, then scrubbed off the remnants of soil.

By the time Tu had returned, Xie Jie was clean and had brought out his wings. He was just discussing with the Duns what was the best lie to tell about where he had been hiding them.

“I think say you had them under your robe,” Said Dun Guanlian.

Dun Mírén countered with, “make a joke of it and say you pulled it from your sleeve.”

Dun Xinyi agreed, “yes and be evasive about it.”

Turning round to the young man, who in his world had easily captured his heart, Xie Jie wondered if he needed to say anything.

Tu Sadeghi was completely captivated by Xie Jie’s silver blue bat wings, he couldn’t take his eyes off of them.

Giving a little cough Xie Jie said, “don’t you need to get changed?”

“Oh right yes.” In a hurry Tu Sadeghi ran into one of the cubicles and changed into his white robe with a brown belt.

Xie Jie smiled at the familiar look, even with the short hair.

“What do you think?” Asked the young man.

“You look perfect Mr Sadeghi.” Replied Xie Jie.

“Please call me Tu, everyone does.”

“Then please call me Jie.”

The pair walked out smiling and every head in the large room stared at Xie Jie’s silver blue bat wings.

Xie Jie heard Hal’s deep voice say in a breathy whisper, “worth every penny.”

Chiumbo nodded his head, “those are beautiful.”

The CEOs came out of the room with the table and Quinten said, “I wonder who made those for him, we should try to poach them, the craftsmanship is incredible.”

Xie Jie blushed, “I guess you all like my wings then?”

There were silent nods from the men and women in awed wonder.

Snapping everyone out of their reverence, Luo Bai said, “right off for drinks.”

Grabbing bags and coats, the large room emptied and Xie Jie was taken into a small metal box. One of the workers pushed a button and there was whirring and a disconcerting drop in the floor.

Next to him Hal asked, “not a fan of elevators?”

Feeling a bit discombobulated Xie Jie shook his head and focused on keeping his tail still. No one was paying attention to his sharp barb due to thinking it was fake.

Outside the large group walked among the throngs of people in brightly coloured strange costumes, Xie Jie flinched more than once when he saw a convincing looking demon.

Wrapped in their large coats against the cold, the group made their way past some of the huge towering buildings to a loud building with far more complicated music than Xie Jie had ever heard.

Walking in the men headed to a long counter, Xie Jie felt a bit more at ease in here, it was like a very big slightly warped inn, he understood this.

A glass was placed in front of him and he took it with a shy smile to Luo Bai, “thank you.”

Taking a sip, Xie Jie recognised it as a strong version of the beer the workers often drank in farming towns. He relaxed further and happily drank, he knew with his constitution he could drink this till dawn and only feel a little effect.

The bar was filling up with people in amazing costumes, Xie Jie couldn’t help but laugh that a lot seemed to be dressed as incubuses and succubuses. In the jostling crowd, Xie Jie’s wings got touched several times, each time a new person apologised to him and said how amazing they looked.

Len Chowdhury stood behind Xie Jie, while the others created a circle round him, and the big CEO shouted over the music, “it’s a bit busy in here, do you want to take off your wings?”

Xie Jie thought it would be harder still to explain the disappearance and then reappearance of such large wings, so said, “it’s alright they are stronger than they look.”

“Who made your wings? They are beautifully designed.” Shouted Quinten Gong from the other side.

Xie Jie was not sure what to say, Dun Mírén said, “tell him the truth, you made them.”

Smiling at the armour’s sense of humour, Xie Jie said, “thank you for the compliment, I made them.”

The CEO’s jaws dropped and Xie Jie said with a little pout, “I’m not just a pretty face.”

“Oh but its such a pretty face.” Said Hal with a chuckle.

Feigning shyness, Xie Jie replied, “why Mr Ironwing, are you trying to flirt with me?”

Another low chuckle left Hal’s lips and he said, “I guess if you were an incubus, I wouldn’t need to flirt with you. You would have already enchanted me.”

Xie Jie’s face fell and he said solemnly, “I would never enchant anyone, I value my lovers freedom to choose.”

All mirth left Hal’s handsome face and he put his hands on Xie Jie’s shoulders, “I’m sorry I never meant to imply you would be like that.”

Smiling at the handsome man, who he had to keep reminding himself was not his husband, Xie Jie said, “it’s alright, I understand, some incubus’s are evil like that.” A mischievous spark entered his eyes and he said, “I could enchant you later if you like.”

“You know hypnosis?” Asked Zhu Ali excitedly, “that would be amazing to watch.”

“I know a little, it draws out your desires.” Said Xie Jie mysteriously.

Chuckling at Hal’s mock horror, Len Chowdhury said, “I’m glad there was a mix up and you came tonight Xie Jie.”

A deep longing for his lovers gripped Xie Jie’s heart, but he said truthfully, “I’m glad I got to meet all of you too.”

Over the next hour, the men and women talked and drank. Then they put on their coats against the cold and walked a few buildings over to another quieter building with lots of tables and amazing smells of food.

Xie Jie realised he was about to have a problem; he didn’t eat human food...

Then he had another problem. A young lady in very little clothing, with a pair of little red demon horns nestled in her black hair with bright blue highlights, and sparkly little wings on her slender strong back. Walked up to the group and put her hand on Hal Ironwing’s broad chest.

In a nasally voice she said, “Hi, you must be Snow Mist Limited. My name’s Stacy, I’ll be your succubus tonight.”

Every head turned between Stacy and Xie Jie, who shrank in on himself. He had no idea what to say.

Luckily for Xie Jie, Stacy saw their looks and said in an exasperated tone, “oh for pity sake, those fools at the office have messed up the order again.”

Grabbing on to this life line, Xie Jie said, “I guess so, I can leave if you like.”

“No don’t go!” Cried all the men around him.

Taken aback for half a second, Stacy recovered quickly and said, “don’t worry about it love, we should both stay, this is a much larger group than I was told. I’ll split the pay with you.”

Xie Jie felt a wave of warmth towards this sexy young lady and bowed low to her, “thank you Stacy, but you keep the pay. I’m having enough fun with these lovely people to pay for my time.”

“Don’t be silly, we will pay you too.” Said Luo Bai firmly, “It’s not fair you miss out because of someone else’s mistake.”

“Thank you CEO Luo, that is very kind of you.” Said Xie Jie, and going up onto tip toes he gently kissed the tall man on the cheek.

Everyone present was stunned, their fierce manly CEO had let another man kiss him.

In a daze Luo Bai put his hand to his cheek. The sensation of that soft kiss had felt strangely familiar, like a forgotten dream.

Looking at the faces around him Luo Bai said in a loud commanding tone, “alright stop staring at me and let’s go get some grub!”

Xie Jie saw the looks Len and Quinten shared and thought, ‘so they like him in this world too.’

The restaurant was packed with groups and couples. The workers from Snow Mist Limited were led through the crowd and shown to a large separate room with a selection of large round tables. There were paper decorations of demons and pumpkins hanging from the walls, and a strange substance that looked a little like spiders webs. Xie Jie really wanted to go investigate but everyone else was ignoring them and heading to a seat.

The CEOs, Hal Ironwing, Zhu Ali Khan, Chiumbo Fen and Park Lee all sat at one table, and the other workers chose different tables to sit at; leaving the CEOs’ table with three free seats.

Hal dragged Xie Jie over and said, “now we have two entertainers, you can be our exclusive story teller.”

Smiling Xie Jie sat down next to this charming man and said teasingly, “you just want to hear my story with your names in it.”

“You got me, I just would prefer if it was only us hearing it, if it is as raunchy as you said.”

When the other tables had filled up, Tu Sadeghi and the lady who looked just like Wei Yi Min came over.

Tu asked shyly, “would it be alright if we sat with you?”

The men’s eyes all turned doting and Quinten Gong said, “you’re most welcome to join us.”

The young lady turned to Xie Jie and said, “Hi we haven’t been introduced yet, my name is Mimi Wei.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Wei, I’m Xie Jie. I’ll be your incubus tonight.” Holding out his hand, she placed her delicate pale hand in his, and he kissed it gently.

Mimi’s shy giggle made the men at the table smile, Chiumbo said seriously, “Mr Xie no leading our innocent little Mimi astray.”

There was nothing but innocence on Xie Jie’s face, “I would never lead anyone astray.” Winking at the young lady he added, “but she is not as innocent as you think.”

Her ears blushing bright red, and with Dutch courage from the bar earlier, Miss Wei said to her bosses, “my indecency is my own business.” Leaning in to Xie Jie she whispered in his ear, “as is my fun.”

Xie Jie laughed brightly, “as it should be my dear.”

Sat on their own ten top table, they all poured wine and water for each other from the bottles already present. Their glasses filled they toasted another successful year.

Xie Jie could see why he had been drawn in this direction from the forest. The comradery from these men and women was just like his lovers in the other world, it felt bitter sweetly like home.

Smiling shyly Len Chowdhury said, “would now be a good time to start the story?”

“Are you sure you can cope with hearing a story about us all?” Asked Luo Bai with a smile, “your ears are already red my friend.”

Len put his hands over his too hot ears and his cheeks flushed too, “I’ll be fine. What about you? I can’t even remember the last time you had a date.”

Freezing with a mocking grin on his face, Luo Bai replied, “oh god, neither can I...”

The people all paused for a moment then Hal Ironwing started laughing and the rest quickly joined in.

“I guess that’s what happens when I’m so focused on work.” Said Luo Bai with a charming shrug.

Xie Jie giggled, these men were so similar to his.

“Alright I will tell you the tale of Xie Jie and the men and women of Snow Mist Peak. It all started when a young incubus call Xie Jie left his home after his 21st birthday...” when he got to the part about pleasuring Zhou Tu, Xie Jie asked, “have you decided if you want the raunchy version or the politer version?”

Caught up in the story already, Mimi Wei instantly said, “raunchy...” then realised she had said it out loud and put her hands over her mouth.

The men laughed and Chiumbo Fen said with a forced stone face, “best to give the lady what she likes.”

The CEOs looked at their stern friend with wide eyes. Where as Hal said with a cheer, “I agree with Mimi, go raunchy or go home.”

Xie Jie grinned disarmingly and told in detail how he had first made his lovely Zhou Tu cum rather quickly.

There was a lot of gasps and most of their mouths were covered by the time the nymph skipped happily away up the river to find her dryad.

“Shall I continue?” Asked Xie Jie, a little worried he had gone too far.

Tu Sadeghi nodded in a daze, his jaw slack and his robe feeling a little too unsecure for his rising lust.

Xie Jie’s eyes got soft and he couldn’t help look at Hal Ironwing, when he told of his first meeting with his now husband Hao Kong.

Dun Guanlian said in his mind, “why don’t we do a little magic for them, now that I’m in the story?”

“Sounds good, but how? I don’t’ think they have magic in this world.”

After a very quick confab, Xie Jie said out loud, “at this point Hao Kong put a collar round my neck,” opening the top of his robe he showed Dun Guanlian to the captivated people. “The amazing ancient wonder is magic, he can grow and shrink his chains.” Putting his left hand over the one visible link, Xie Jie flung his arm out with pizazz and Dun Guanlian grew to over 6 ft long.

The on looking crowd gasped then cheered.

The Duns and Xie Jie heard whispers round the table, “wow the craftsmanship on that magic trick is amazing.”

“I can’t even see where the chain pulls through.”

“The metal looks so solid, I hope it’s not uncomfortable for him.”

“This is so much fun.”

Wrapping Dun Guanlian round his waist, Xie Jie told of his trip up the heavenly steps and his bath.

“I’m a little blurry on the details of my heat induced dream, but I know when I awoke, my handsome Hao Kong was right in front of me.”

Deep love radiated off of Xie Jie and he felt those around him become effected, their hearts quickening and their hands itching to hold their beloved.

Taking deep calming breaths, Xie Jie contained his love, making sure to not accidently enchant the men and women of Snow Mist Limited.

Hurrying on he told about Hao Kong being a gentleman who would never take advantage of his prisoner, and Dun Guanlian pleasuring him.

Hal Ironwing said with a charming smile, “I’m proud to share an appearance with such a good man.”

Xie Jie’s heart thumped in his chest, ‘their smile is the same, but Hal has all the confidence my Hao Kong is lacking.’

“I hope I am not the reason our Hao Kong lacks confidence.” Said Dun Guanlian sadly, “I was the one who took his hair and marked him for all to see.”

Xie Jie said to the ancient wonder, “our lovely Hao Kong is proud to be your servant."

Smiling but still a little unconvinced, the old chain said of his talk with Hao Kong.

Quinten Gong asked, “how do you know what was said if you were asleep?”

Smiling conspiratorially Xie Jie replied, “that would be spoilers.”

Their heads turned to Park Lee and he blushed, “what? I don’t like spoilers.”

Xie Jie wondered if he could seduce Master Park in his world, this young man was so lovely and funny, he wanted to have a relationship with his counterpart.

When Xie Jie said about everything he was doing being a first for Hao Kong, Hal said, “not that there is anything wrong with it, but I would just like to state for the record, I am not a virgin.”

Most of the others chuckled, but Tu Sadeghi remained quiet, shyly looking at his hands under the table.

The story progressed till they reached the great Hall and the love demon possession. Park Lee whispered excitedly, “ooo now we get to the spooky bit.”

After the first possession and Hao Kong’s naive method to stimulate Xie Jie, Hal Ironwing said, “that is sort of a let down, I was hoping they would screw, and where is the harem?”

“Patience,” chuckled Xie Jie, “the Leaders’ have only just met me, and Zhou Tu is still unconscious in the infirmary, how can there be a harem yet? And let my dear Hao Kong have a little time to work up to sex.”

Realising that he had just been upset that the men in the story, who had the same appearances as his friends, hadn’t been having sex; Hal went bright red and said in little more than a whisper, “ah yes, of course.”

The others round the table smiled and Luo Bai joked, “are you in that much of a rush for us all to have sexy fun time?”

The mirth in the tall handsome CEO’s eyes became complicated, when no one laughed. Then starting as a nervous titter and building in volume, the others laughed a little too loudly.

Xie Jie continued the story until he awoke after he sent out the energy wave, and saw the leaders had all been kissing.

To the CEO’s and all those present he said, “would you all be willing to kiss to help keep each other safe?”

Blushing slightly the others nodded and Luo Bai said proudly, “of course I would kiss any of my friends to keep them safe.”

A devilish grin crossed Xie Jie’s lips and he said, “so if I was to say that was the only way you could stop me from taking your fellow CEO’s captive, would you kiss them now?”

“Yes!” Replied Luo Bai resolutely.

Quinten Gong and Len Chowdhury both swallowed hard and said at the same time. “I would kiss you too.”

Hearing each others answers, Len Chowdhury and Quinten Gong smiled in sad hearted comradery under the chin of their oblivious Luo Bai.

Xie Jie continued with the story till he enjoyed Hao Kong’s first time in both ways.

When he said about how the Leaders had confessed, Luo Bai looked stunned and said, “how did he not know?”

Controlling his laughter, Xie Jie replied, “would you be shocked if CEO Gong and CEO Chowdhury confessed to you?”

Looking at his fellow CEO’s Luo Bai said, “yes, they don’t love me.”

“Are you sure? Have you ever thought about them that way?” Pushed Xie Jie.

Tilting his head in thought, Luo Bai said, “no, now you mention it I’ve never thought about either of them like that before.”

“Would you like me to release the same energy here, and we can see if they confess to you too?” Offered Xie Jie.

Complicated expressions passed through all three of the CEO’s eyes, and the others around the table watched Luo Bai carefully.

Xie Jie wondered, ‘if I release such energy, how many would confess, and to whom?’

After a long moment Luo Bai said, “no, if they love me, I want them to confess when they are ready.”

Turning to his best friends he said seriously, “if you do want to confess, please do. I don’t want you to have to repress yourselves like the Leaders did.”

Very bravely he added in a shy soft voice, “now that I think about you loving me, I don’t think I would turn you down.”

Every jaw at the table dropped, and Quinten Gong and Len Chowdhury said in unison, “I do love you.”

Luo Bai’s mouth curved into a soft doting smile, he had no idea what to say, his heart was too full for words. Taking one of each of his men’s hands, he gently kissed their palms and put their hands to his cheeks.

Quinten and Len had frozen, they were too shocked and delighted to say or do anything, they just stared at their handsome Luo Bai who had accepted them.

Before anyone else could say anything, Xie Jie did release a little energy into the room, every person relaxed and easily accepted the love between the CEO’s.

Bringing the focus off the new couple, Xie Jie said, “The Leaders didn’t let their newly accepted love distract them, they helped to free the rest of the possessed.” Xie Jie continued the story till he was sat with Hao Kong in his lap in the field, and Luo Bai formally accepted his lovers.

Holding his fellow CEO’s hands under the table, Luo Bai said, “I’m glad you gave your Luo Bai my name, he is a brave and sensible man.”

Smiling happily Xie Jie said, “you don’t know the half of how amazing he is. But that is spoilers.”

He told of how Hao Kong met Dun and how they trained. When it came to taking Hao Kong as his husband, Xie Jie bowed low over Hal Ironwing’s hand and said, “it is and always shall be my honour to be your husband.”

Even with his greater confidence to his counterpart, Hal blushed red, then turned a deeper crimson when he heard of Hao Kong being taken roughly against the side of the well.

Continuing with the story. Not removing all his clothes, Xie Jie even did an impression of Luo Bai’s strip tease dance, much to this Luo Bai’s proud embarrassment.

Then as Xie Jie said it was Leader Miller who came to free them, Hal Ironwing asked slightly suspiciously, “why did you choose the name Miller?”

The picture of innocence Xie Jie asked, “It is the name I’ve always used for this character, and I didn’t want to sub in any of you for it, why do you ask?”

“We have a new client who is called Miller, he is a little... difficult, shall we say.” Replied Hal.

Xie Jie’s brows rose in surprise, and he said, “he isn’t a sparring partner of CEO Luo is he?”

Relaxing Hal smiled as he said, “no, he is not some one any of us knew before.”

“Oh, I guess that would have been one coincidence too far. For my Luo Bai had been sparring rivals with Leader Miller for over a century by the time he came to free everyone.”

Xie Jie talked on and said how the men and women of the Great Plains sect didn’t want to land in his sexual field.

At this point Tu Sadeghi asked, “what does your sexual field feel like?”

“I could let you feel it if you like.” Said Xie Jie with a charming smile.

Shyly Tu asked, “is this like your hypnosis?”

“Something like that, give me your hand if you would like to try.”

Xie Jie held out his hand to the young man who took it.

A soft sensual sigh left Tu’s lips and he said, “that feels amazing, how are you doing it?”

Before Xie Jie could come up with a lie, Park Lee said, “No don’t say, I hate knowing magician’s secrets as much as I hate spoilers.”

The others laughed but no one pushed Xie Jie for the truth. There was a look of sad longing in Tu’s eyes when Xie Jie let go of his hand.

The story progressed till Xie Jie said about Dun Mírén growing up his arms. He pulled up his sleeve to show the beautiful engraved silver blue bracelets on his wrists, lifting his hands into the air he said, “The silver metal grew up my arms biting into my flesh.”

Dun Mírén looked like she slid out in sections from the bracelets and covered Xie Jie’s pale skin till his elbow.

She smiled delightedly as the men gasped. Quinten Gong couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer and asked, “who made your amazing props?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t reveal that secret.” Replied Xie Jie mysteriously, he was really getting into the part of the magician story teller.

Just as he was about to start the story again, the waiting staff came round with their food.

Smiling at the amazed faces around him Xie Jie said, “I’ll let you eat and continue after.”

“Enjoy your food, and we can digest your story so far.” Said Luo Bai.

One of the waitresses said nervously, “I’m really sorry sir, but due to your party growing by one we don’t have food for you.”

“It is fine my dear,” Xie Jie’s charming smile made the lady relax, “I’m not in need of food, I ate a large meal before I left.”

Unbeknownst to the incubus, his tail twitched happily as he thought about making love to his men, it had been wonderful.

The people at the table began to protest, but Xie Jie put up his hand and said with an erotic smile, “you have now heard how I feed, are any of you willing to give me your energy?”

Unexpectedly, Hal Ironwing said in the next breath, “you can have some of mine.”

Xie Jie was shocked, regaining his composure quickly he said, “that is very kind of you, but I’m currently alright.” A touch of sadness clouded his dark eyes as he said, “but if I am stuck in this world for too long, I may take you up on that offer.”

The others chuckled, but Hal said, “the offer is open, husband.”

Xie Jie’s heart pounded in his chest; this man really did have too many similarities to his Hao Kong.

Utterly flustered Xie Jie thought out loud, “where was I?”

Tu Sadeghi said, “the vambraces had just grown up your arms.”

“Ah yes, not the most pleasant of times.” Smiling at the young man Xie Jie asked, “as I’m not eating, shall I continue?”

The people of Snow Mist Limited nodded, and Xie Jie told about his Zhou Tu’s first time.

As Wei Yi Min led the charge on to the battle field, there were cheers of, “woo hoo the cavalry.”

When he got to the bit about transforming into a succubus, shock was written across all of their faces.

Xie Jie said, “I could show you, but I was advised it would be too much of a shock.”

Thinking of the beautifully handsome man in front of them in female form, the men all nodded that it may be too much.

The story continued until Leader Miller’s angry departure, when Hal Ironwing said, “that prejudice bastard, how dare he look down on Leader Luo?! What makes him so great that he has a socially conformist relationship!?”

The men around him stared and Xie Jie felt a relaxing of tensions, he guessed there were going to be a few of them that confessed to Hal Ironwing over the next couple of days.

Xie Jie smiled at Hal’s anger and said Leader Luo’s words, “how can I be angry at losing a rival when I have gained all of you as lovers? If you still want me?”

Everyone at the table held their breath, till Xie Jie said they all hugged Leader Luo tight. He continued with the tale. Now he had reached the part about the men’s first time all together, the table went incredibly quiet, their hearts racing.

There were a lot of rosy cheeks and hands subtly over crotches by the time they had all become lovers.

Trying to sound more confident than he obviously felt, Luo Bai said, “I’m sure I’ll be that good too...”

Quinten Gong put a loving hand on one of his arms and Len Chowdhury put a hand on his other, and Quinten said, “we shall see my dear.”

Luo Bai gulped and Xie Jie giggled. “I just hope your CEO Chowdhury isn’t as big as my Chu Ling, he is a delightful challenge.”

Len’s eyes were wide and he looked down shyly, the others ears went red seeing this different side of their CEO.

“Oh you are.” Said Xie Jie licking his lips.

Swallowing hard, Luo Bai said comfortingly, “I love a challenge as much as my name’s sake.”

There were many gasps and hands over mouths as Len Chowdhury kissed Luo Bai in a rush of passion.

For half a second Luo Bai froze, then wrapped his arms lovingly round the big man’s neck and kissed him back.

When the two pulled back from their first kiss, they were both breathing hard and Xie Jie could feel their deep arousal. He was surprised that he could also feel arousal from Quinten Gong.

Letting his man breathe in a few lung fulls of air, Quinten Gong pulled Luo Bai’s head round to him and sealed their lips together. In a daze Luo Bai’s tongue was sucked into his friend’s mouth and he lost himself to another wonderful kiss, one arm still looped loosely round Len Chowdhury’s neck.

His lips released again Luo Bai said, “mmmm this is the best Halloween ever.”

Luo Bai’s words fell into a completely silent room. Every person was staring at their CEO’s red lips.

With the quickest of thoughts, Xie Jie enchanted, “would you still love your beloved if they were the same sex as you?”

Everyone in the room froze in thought for a moment then returned to their food as if nothing had happened.

In a voice shaking with awe and slight fear, Zhu Ali Khan asked, “what did you just do?”

“I enchanted everyone here to think things through.” His look turned doting as he looked at the CEOs. “It was my fault you voiced and showed your love so publicly, so I did this to help.”

Luo Bai stiffly nodded his thanks.

Without further ado, Xie Jie continued his story. There were a lot less questions and comments from those at the table. By the looks in their eyes, Xie Jie could tell they were taking him far more seriously and didn’t know how to react.

The next time he got a reaction was Luo Bai standing and yelling, “No!!!”

Len Chowdhury put his hand over his mouth to hide his giggle, and Quinten put a calming hand on his man’s arm.

Trying to ignore the tall CEO’s outburst, but inside joining Len in giggling at how cute he was; Xie Jie said, “Chu Ling’s robes fell apart into shreds, revealing a thousand tiny cuts from Luo Bai’s deadly sword across the entirety of his rich brown body, his powerful muscles bulging as he strained to reach his lover.”

CEO Luo sagged back into his seat, in almost the same way Leader Luo had sagged to his knees.

When Xie Jie told of Leader Luo killing the love demon, CEO Luo mumbled grumpily, “good, serves him right for hurting my sweet Chu Ling.”

Xie Jie didn’t hold his anger against him, as he could hear Luo Bai wasn’t convinced himself.

When Dun Xinyi had fused with his body Xie Jie undid the top of his robes and showed the metal breast plate in his full glory. There were many gasps of amazement and Tu Sadeghi reached out and touched the silver blue metal.

“My God it really is metal, how much did this cost?”

Smiling Xie Jie said, “it was worth every thing it took to acquire.”

The next person to comment was Park Lee, when his counterpart left the field.

“That’s it? I was barely a cameo.” He said with a little pout.

Taking the young man’s hand Xie Jie said, “that is the only time I have spent with the handsome Master Park, but having met you my dear, I shall be searching him out at the sects’ conferences when...” with a sigh he corrected sadly, “if I get home.”

A little red tinged the man’s cheeks as he said stubbornly, “you had better.”

The others chuckled and Xie Jie continued the story.

When Yan Zhu almost killed Hao Kong with his climax Zhu Ali Khan put his hand on Hal Ironwing’s shoulder and said, “I’m so sorry.”

Xie Jie couldn’t help but smile, they had all become so engrossed in the story.

“Leader Gong held the ethereal rope and...” Xie Jie froze midsentence.

“Xie Jie what’s wrong?” Asked Park Lee.

There was silence for a second and Dun Guanlian said, “we hear it too. You will have to reveal yourself to help them.”

Without pausing to think for a moment, a charming smile curved Xie Jie’s lips as he turned back to the men and woman at the table, “I’m sorry I have to go, there appears to be others from my world here.”

The people of Snow Mist Limited were half way to standing when Xie Jie put away his wings with a little shrug, “I hope your not too scared to have spent an evening with an incubus.”

Dun Mírén on the left turned into a large smooth shield with a symbol of 3 interconnected swirls on it, the sigil of Snow Mist Peak, and on the right she became a long deadly sword.

Blowing a kiss to the table, Xie Jie was gone.

Out on the cold streets not even two large buildings from where the group were dining, Xie Jie encountered the first Beeimmanis drones. The 3 foot tall black and yellow flying insects were armed with short swords and were making a deafening angry hum.

The streets were full of swarming large bee people, flying angrily down between the huge buildings. Humans scattered as they sort safety inside the buildings but their speed was nothing to the flying Beeimmanis, all along the streets they were captured by the drones and dragged in front of the large dense swarm that was quickly moving up from the distant forest.

A huge line of humans were held on their knees in the cold streets, crying and wailing to be let go.

At tremendous speed Xie Jie moved through the thousand Beeimmanis, Dun Mírén deflecting their strikes, while Dun Guanlian pushed them back in their droves.

Every Beeimmanis mouth opened and the roar of their queen resounded down the streets, “bring me the one responsible for steeling our hive!”

Bringing out his wings Xie Jie flew up, fighting through the warriors. All the time yelling, “your majesty! Please your majesty I beg an audience with your highness.”

In the densest part of the mass of hot bodies, a strong regal voice full of restrained rage said, “let the incubus through.”

Unsteadily flapping his large wings to hold steady in amongst the seasoned warriors that protected the Queen. Xie Jie bowed as best he could to the 4 ft tall Beeimmanis Queen.

Her long three sectioned body sat in a thrown of wax, held aloft by 4 burly Beeimmanis drones, her large compound eyes glared at Xie Jie as she spoke, “you speak for these humans, incubus?”

Scared of the consequences if he got it wrong, Xie Jie said, “your most honoured Majesty I do not speak for these people. But I can tell you these humans are not the ones who have taken your hive.”

Scorn dripped from the Queen’s mandibles as she replied, “why should I believe one of your kind?”

“I am but a stranger here too, I was taken from my world, I know your confusion.”

Anger raged in the Queen’s eyes and every mouth of her hive opened speaking her words across the streets, “What do you know of our loss, our hive was stolen from our world, our very tree taken by the roots and brought to this sick planet. My young are dying of the filthy fumes of this world. I want the one responsible.”

Xie Jie paled, and Dun Guanlian said, “tell her all you know.”

Before Xie Jie could open his mouth to reply, there was a loud bang! And a drone dropped from the sky. The Beeimmanis next to the fallen drone flew to the ground and stabbed the human in a blue uniform.

The man’s silver badge was dyed red with his blood, as he fell to the ground, his groan mixing with that of the downed Beeimmanis next to him.

On instinct Xie Jie put his hands together and enchanted the other men and women in the blue uniforms, before the Queen could command her warriors to kill.

“Masturbate to climax.”

The 20 or so men and women didn’t hesitate, they dropped their metal weapons, then their pants to the floor.

Large and small, the men’s cocks were stroked in the cold air, the ladies’ clits were caressed and all of their high and low voices quickly moaned in the frigid streets.

The Queen’s command died on her lips, “you protect these people in a strange way incubus. I will listen to your explanation, but if you try to enchant me, my warriors will destroy this city and kill every last human here.”

Xie Jie’s heart clenched at the idea of the people of Snow Mist Limited being killed.

Trying to keep his voice steady Xie Jie said, “these humans are not my people, as I’m sure you can sense, they have no spiritual energy. But they are not your enemy.”

“Then who is my enemy?!” Retorted the Queen, her brief calm building to rage once more.

“I was brought in a circular metal vessel that flew through the air. I only glimpsed the being who flew it, but I’m sure they weren’t human. The being’s head was far larger and fluf...”

“Xie Jie watch out behi...”


Hal Ironwing’s voice was drowned out by the sound of the human weapon.

The next heartbeat Xie Jie was caught off guard by an incredible impact to his back.

Dun Xinyi cried out in pain, but his metal was not breached.

Still inexperienced with his wings, Xie Jie was knocked off balance and into the Queen’s warriors. The vicious looking warriors caught the large incubus gently, their eyes glaring at the big blond man in the blue uniform.

Xie Jie’s mind went blank with rage as he saw that the human had turned from him and had his weapon pointed at Hal Ironwing, who’s hands were raised, his fear clear in his eyes.

“You’re siding with that beast?” Asked the man hesitantly, his confusion and lingering lust as clear across his face as his cum across his pants.

“He’s good and helping.” Protested Hal.

The man’s stance loosened, but his finger was still on the weapon. Xie Jie was taking no risks. Mid flight at full speed to Hal, he enchanted, “confess to your beloved.”

Xie Jie never saw the man’s body tense as the enchantment took hold. But he felt a second shot slam into his back, as his arms wrapped lovingly round Hal Ironwing’s fragile body.

Dun Xinyi cried out again but endured. Xie Jie kept his grasp light around Hal, even though his entire body strained with the pain that reverberated through Dun Xinyi’s metal.

“Are you alright?” Asked Xie Jie in a soft tone.

Visibly shaking, Hal put his head down on Xie Jie’s shoulder, tears streamed from his eyes, his voice coming in choked sobs, “that cop tried to shoot me.”

Xie Jie said, “I’m sorry, it was my fault, Dun Guanlian saw the cop tense when I enchanted him.”

The pair heard said cop behind them crouch down in front of a big male black cop and say, “Harper, I love you.”

Officer Harper was still under Xie Jie’s enchantment and his hand never stopped moving on his large hard cock. His dark eyes met his colleagues blue ones and he said back, “I love you too Nolan.”

While gently stroking Hal Ironwing’s strong back, Xie Jie whispered, “I’m sorry, I should never have put you in such danger.”

Hal’s head slowly raised, his red rimmed eyes pulled at Xie Jie’s heart, “I couldn’t stand by and not warn you.” Realisation dawned in Hal’s dark eyes, followed by an intense rage, “that bastard shot you twice!” deflating he asked, “Are you ok?”

Dun Xinyi rubbed against Hal’s chest and Xie Jie said, “I’m protected by Dun Xinyi, those shots hurt him but he is alright.”

Dun Guanlian said, “that ‘cop’ has confessed, he is no longer enchanted.”

Xie Jie turned to see the two cops kissing, and he and the Duns relaxed.

The Queen’s voice broke through their momentary calm, “you say they are not your people, but you protect that one.”

Gently caressing Hal’s cheek, Xie Jie stood in front of the man who was so like his husband, and faced the Beeimmanis Queen.

The Queen’s voice turned suspicious, “you say they have no spiritual energy, yet this one has a trace.”

At Xie Jie’s request, Dun Guanlian wrapped round the startled Hal Ironwing’s waist and lifted him up as Xie Jie flew to the Queen.

Xie Jie told the Queen what he and the Duns had deduced, “Your majesty this man is this worlds version of my husband. I believe the link through our full incubus mark, that connects our souls, is seeping through the dimensions through this man.”

Hal’s hand was at his mouth, “you mean Hao Kong is real, and really does look like me?”

The hum of the Beeimmanis stilled for a moment and the Queen said with a smile round her mandibles, “your married to Hao Kong of Snow Mist Peak?”

Xie Jie, the Duns and Hal were all shocked, and Xie Jie asked, “you know my Hao Kong?”

The Queen tilted her head and peered at Hal Ironwing, “I guess if you gave him silver hair, he does look as handsome as the centaurs described, and that chain at your neck sounds like the ancient wonder that protected that cavalier cultivator.”

Dun Guanlian shivered at the memory and said, “that is a tale for another time.”

“I will honour the wisdom of the Zenith tribe,” said the Queen, “your husband’s trust in you is enough for me to believe you.”

Xie Jie let out the breath he had been holding and said, “Thank you your honoured Majesty.”

“Keep your thanks for now, until we find a way home.” Said the Queen bitterly.

There was a loud sound that rose and fell and Hal said, “those are ambulances coming to help the injured.” Looking to the Queen, who obviously scared him, Hal bravely asked, “please can they be allowed to help the injured? It will lead to more problems if people die.”

Looking at the rows of confused scared people held by the Beeimmanis, Xie Jie asked, “please can you release your captives, they really don’t know anything helpful.”

With a twitch of the Queen’s antenna the prisoners were released and the flashing large metal vehicles were allowed to the downed cop, the only badly injured human.

The Beeimmanis swarmed together round their queen, leaving a small tunnel to Xie Jie, “your Majesty it may be best if you return to your hive, I will liaise with the humans.”

“What makes you think you would be better at negotiating with these humans?”

With great deference Xie Jie replied, “I wouldn’t be better, but it is of less consequence if I am captured or killed. Your entire family is reliant on you your Majesty.”

The Queen nodded her head, “I see why Hao Kong finally fell in love, you are a man of conviction, I hope to see you again in our world.”

Xie Jie and Hal bowed as best they could to the Queen and the Beeimmanis flew back to the forest to the north.

For a long moment the streets were silent then there was a huge cheer. The pair floating in the air turned to see the men and women of Snow Mist Limited, running down the road towards them cheering.

Xie Jie flew to the ground and Dun Guanlian gently lowered Hal Ironwing down, then softly rubbed his head with his links.

In a daze Hal put his hand where he had just been petted by a sentient chain.

The men and women asked a thousand questions at once, and Xie Jie had no idea what to answer first.

Just as he opened his mouth, a loud angry voice sounded from behind, “Put your hands where I can see them.”

Every human hand instantly shot into the air.

Xie Jie was confused that all of the whiter people of Snow Mist Limited edged in front of their darker skinned colleagues. Turning to see a different angry cop, Xie Jie raised his hands in the air, and Dun Mírén quickly returned to being vambraces again.

Quinten Gong said in a barely shaking voice, “this man just help save New York, and your what? Going to shoot him, again!”

“This ‘man’ just hypnotised 20 police officers into masturbating on the street.” Retorted the tall white man, his rage and embarrassment clear in his eyes.

“I’m sorry about that,” said Xie Jie calmly, “but if you had shot the drones, the Queen would have ordered them to kill you all, no matter what I said.”

The blond cop who had shot Xie Jie twice, stepped forwards and put a hand on his colleagues taught arm. “Officer Jackson he is right, that incubus, fuck I can’t believe I’m having to say this, that incubus just saved us all.”

Turning to Xie Jie he said, “I’m really sorry, I lost my head in the heat of the moment, there is no excuse for my actions. Thank you for making me confess rather than...” officer Nolan shivered, “...than what ever else you could have made me do.”

A little smile curved Xie Jie’s lips, “I’m glad your confession was accepted.”

The tall blond cop blushed bright red and he mumbled, “me too. Now please can you stop hypnotising our colleagues.”

“Oh! Sorry! My powers have recently developed, I didn’t realise they were still enchanted.”

There was a collective gasp of relief from the cops who still hadn’t climaxed and fulfilled Xie Jie’s command. Retrieving their weapons, while not able to look each other in the eye, they held to their training and started to go help the people who kept blushing at them.

The cop that Nolan had confessed to, came over once he had straightened himself out and said, “This is a difficult situation, Officer Rex and Nolan go help with the injured and set up a perimeter. I’ll deal with these people.”

“Yes sir.” Said the two officers with a salute, then turned to their jobs.

Walking over to Xie Jie the cop in charge held out his hand, Xie Jie shook it and felt his good intentions. “thank you for your help, I’m not happy to have done that in public. But you are right, we never could have defeated those... Bees???”

“Beeimmanis,” said Xie Jie helpfully, “they aren’t normally violent, but to be ripped from your home is enough to make anyone angry.”

The cop was about to say more, but a large black van came screeching to a halt not far off and a dozen men in fabric armour rushed out. Turning to Xie Jie’s group he said, “none of you go anywhere, there are going to be a lot of questions for you.”

With that he hurried off to meet the new arrivals.

Letting out a long sigh, Xie Jie nervously turned to the men and women behind him.

Hal Ironwing’s arms were around his neck in a moment, “you were amazing! I can’t believe you’re a real incubus; this is crazy.”

Giggling at the man’s jubilation, Xie Jie asked, “your not scared of me?”

Laughing Hal replied, “oh I’m terrified!” Feeling Xie Jie sag he added, “in a good way.”

“You really are like my Hao Kong.” Said Xie Jie sadly and snuggled into the man’s warm embrace.

“I wish we could meet them,” said Luo Bai wistfully, “they sound like amazing people.”

Smiling Xie Jie said, “I don’t know how you could meet them, but I can show them to you.”

Utterly confused Hal Ironwing released his arms and stepped back from the smaller incubus.

“This is one of Leader Gong’s robes,” reaching into the sleeves he pulled out a long roll of parchment, completely missing the shocked gasps of the people around him, Xie Jie said, “he always has at least one painting stored in his sleeves, lets see who this is of.”

Unrolling the parchment Xie Jie smiled, “we got lucky, this is one of his new ones.”

He turned the rough paper round and by the light of the streetlights and various car head lights, the men and women saw, Luo Bai, Chu Ling, Hao Kong and Zhou Tu sat chatting over a pot of tea.

Giving the painting to Luo Bai, Xie Jie reached in and pulled out another painting, “oh sorry I can’t give you this one, its one of Gong Qiu Yu’s favourites.”

He turned it and showed Luo Bai with his sword in his hand in a swirling attack, his long black hair curling round his body, his strong lithe arm on display as his sleeve pulled up, one leg raised at the knee as he jumped.

The people present gulped and looked at their CEO, who looked at the painting in wonder.

Rolling and returning the painting, Xie Jie pulled out one of Yan Zhu and surprisingly Mama Song, tears entered Xie Jie's eyes, “this is an old one of Leader Yan and Leader Song.”

Hal wrapped a comforting arm round Xie Jie and said, “your Mama Song is beautiful.”

Xie Jie smiled and brought out a painting of Fen Ru Chao and Chu Ling instructing the healers, in the background was Wei Yi Min.

Handing the painting to Chiumbo Fen, Xie Jie said, “keep this one too, Gong Qiu Yu has many of you all.”

Reverently taking the painting, Chiumbo Fen said, “thank you, I wish we could give you one in return, but all of mine are on my phone.”

“What’s a phone?” Asked Xie Jie with a tilt of his head. “You have all said so many things that I don’t understand tonight.”

Before the others could explain, Stacy came forwards, shifting round shyly in her succubus costume, until Xie Jie said, “my dear you look lovely as a succubus, what would you like to say?”

Grinning at the man who was a little shorter than her, Stacy said, “I’ve got a polaroid from work, I could take your photo if you like?”

Utterly confused Xie Jie looked blankly at her, while the others said, “Yes!”

The men and women squished round Xie Jie and he wrapped his tail around Hal’s waist. Standing back from the group, Stacy pulled out a small rectangular box and pointed it at them.

“Say Cheers.”

Xie Jie smiled charmingly as the people around him all yelled, “Cheers!”

There was a bright flash, and a small glossy square of ‘paper’ came out the polaroid and Stacy shook it, “OK I have 20 more photos,” shyly she asked, “Xie Jie could we have a photo of the Duns?”

At this point Xie Jie noticed lots of people holding up little black or silver oblongs, but he was confused to see no ‘paper’ came out of these.

Dun Guanlian stretched out and wrapped round the group, and Dun Mírén turned into a heart shaped shield. Dun Xinyi said in a sulky tone, “no fair I can’t become anything flashy like you two.”

Xie Jie stroked the breast plate and said, “they may be flashy, but you saved my life twice today my dear.”

Stacy took two more photos and one of the people who had been held captive shook them for her.

Officer Nolan dragged his commanding officer and now boyfriend over and said, “I know it’s cheeky but could we have a photo with you too?”

Hal Ironwing glared, but Xie Jie smiled, “if you promise to be more careful in the future, your dealing with people’s lives.”

Officer Nolan looked horribly ashamed of himself, “the first shot I got so wrong, I was never trained to deal with any of this, I’m sorry.” Hanging his blond head he said, “I don’t even know what happened the second time. I’ll be turning myself in for disciplining and expulsion first thing tomorrow.”

Xie Jie’s lips curved and he raised a hand, “I could punish you if you like?” He said and smacked his hand in to his other palm, the power emanating from the slap blew back the people’s hair.

Officer Nolan gulped, but didn’t say no, he knew he disserved such punishment and more.

In an awe inspired whisper Luo Bai asked, “how strong are you?”

Bending slightly Xie Jie lifted Len Chowdhury into the air with one arm then lifted up Officer Harper with the other arm, the two big men grabbed each others shoulders to keep balance as they made “whoa” noises of surprise.

Stacy’s camera flashed again.

Putting the two big men back down Xie Jie said, “they are rather light, I guess I’ve gotten stronger again.”

Xie Jie heard the familiar whirring in the distance and he turned to look. His keen sight saw the bright blue light of the craft that had first taken him.

Turning back to the group he said, “the people who took me are back.”

Stacy rushed forwards and put the photos in Xie Jie’s hands. At his questioning looks, she said, “there are lots of others taking photos, these are for you, as a small way for us to say thanks.”

She gave Xie Jie a light kiss on the cheek and he said, “I hope I find you in my world.”

Turning her polaroid on herself she took a quick photo and handed it to him, “so you can find me.”

To the nine who had been at his table Xie Jie said, “thank you for your company today, you helped me to not miss my lovers.”

The people all squished into a hug, Park Lee said in the middle, “you had best seduce my counterpart when you see him.”

Kissing the tall man’s jaw Xie Jie said, “if I had longer, I would be seducing you, so you can count on it.”

Before he could say anything else, Hal’s strong beige hands were on his cheeks pulling his face to his, the man who Xie Jie wished was also his husband, kissed him deeply.

Pulling back from their too brief kiss, Xie Jie said, “you had best stand back, as much as I want to take you with me, this is your world.”

The people around all backed off and they all looked up at the silver vessel, Xie Jie heard many people whisper, “whoa flying saucer.”

Then he was covered in the blinding light and up in the craft.

Two four-legged furry ladies with huge golden eyes stood in front of Xie Jie. The taller one to the left, rubbed her two hands together, “sir we are very sorry for all that has happened, my parlark of a rookie messed up a lot today.”

Behind the furry head Xie Jie saw a huge white plain tree with a massive Beeimmanis hive hanging from a broad branch. A smile curved his lips and he said, “that’s alright, I had a good time in this strange world.”

The taller being said, “I’m glad your alright. We have spoken to the Beeimmanis Queen and she is furious, so has demanded reparations for damages.”

Xie Jie tilted his head, and Dun Guanlian explained, “they are offering to pay you, for accidently taking you.”

“Oh, could I have a piece of your metal? The Duns think it is interesting.”

The taller being blinked its huge golden eyes in surprise and said, “sure.”

Two minutes later, Xie Jie was back on Snow Mist Peak next to a hole where the acer had grown.

A heart beat later, Yan Zhu’s strong arms were round his shoulders, “where have you been? We were so worried about you.”

The tall Elder lifted his little incubus into his arms and the next moment they were in the Leader’s spiritual caves.

Hao Kong was a mess, his red eyes full of tears as he almost crushed his husband with his hug, his head nuzzling into Xie Jie’s shoulder.

A dozen heart beats later, during which time the others had come and were also hugged round their man, Hao Kong’s head came up and he asked, “why do you smell so bad? What are these fumes?”

After telling his adventure, Xie Jie showed his men the photos, they all sat stunned.

When the photo of Officer Harper and Len Chowdhury was seen, Gong Qiu Yu said, “isn’t that Leader Adams of the Great Plains sect? He looks bulkier but definitely the same.”

A glint lit in Luo Bai’s eyes, “oh Leader Miller won’t be happy if Leader Adams really is gay.”

There were many comments on the other people, but when they saw the photo of Stacy, the Leaders and Yan Zhu all gaped.

The Elder said in little more than a whisper, “that’s... no it can’t be....she is always so dignified...”

With his hand over his mouth, Gong Qiu Yu said “it is, that’s Leader...”

The End

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