The Good Incubus

Chapter 133 (NSFW) Felt Like An Hour

Chapter 133

Felt Like An Hour


Recap: Hao Kong x Fen Ru Chao x Gong Qiu Yu

Chu Ling x Luo Bai x Zhou Tu

Xie Jie>Yan Zhu

To the others it had barely been 5 minutes, whereas to Xie Jie and Yan Zhu it felt like over an hour.

When the pair appeared in the middle of the Leader’s spiritual cave, the other men gasped in surprise. The look of overwhelmed sexual delight on the Elder’s beautiful face, as he clung to their incubus was incredibly erotic.

Yan Zhu’s panting flushed cheeks, his long white hair slick in the sweat on his back, the way he was being gently cradled to their incubus’s chest, his white eye lashes fluttering softly as his lover’s shaft moved inside him; all of it made the other’s minds turn lusty again.

Slowly Xie Jie sat down on the cushions next to his men, his huge cock still rock hard in his lover, there was just no way he could go down while this beautiful man was sheathing him.

Yan Zhu softly moaned as he slid further down his man’s huge member, his insides again filled to capacity.

Seeing the Elder’s half closed eyes of sexual satisfaction, Xie Jie gently started to lift him up his shaft, but Yan Zhu tightened his arms around his young lover’s neck and pleaded softly, “please, let me stay on you for a while longer my love, it feels so right, I don’t want to get off you yet.”

“You can sit on me for as long as you like, any time you want.” Replied Xie Jie, and gently kissed the edge of his man’s dusty brown lips.

Yan Zhu felt like the sun was shining on the little fluffy cloud that was his happy mind, and he snuggled into his man’s strong arms.

The look of dishevelled sexual delight on their Elder’s face and body was ridiculously sexy, but also confusing to the other men. Between the pairs body language and the cuts that were quickly healing under the white hair of their Elder; it was obvious Xie Jie had taken their man with incredible force.

Slight worry in his voice, Hao Kong asked, “my love, how are you this strong?”

“I am stronger than I was before,” smiled Xie Jie sweetly at his husband, “but this is my little Zhu’s strength, not mine.”

The Elder snuggled in closer, being called so affectionately by one who really could make him feel little, was making his heart tingle.

Gong Qiu Yi was instantly interested, “what do you mean, it’s our lovely Yan Zhu’s strength?”

“I’m not entirely sure how to describe it,” said Xie Jie and thrust gently into his lover as he thought. “It's similar to how my body adjusts to the different sizes of you when we make love.”

Seeing his men not quite understanding, Xie Jie tried, “I feel like there is a thin layer of my little Zhu’s energy all over my body, and I’m able to use that energy to enhance my speed and strength. I guess I’m still growing and changing, because earlier I did not have this power, otherwise my lovely one wouldn’t of broken my ribs.”

Yan Zhu flinched at the remembered pain he had inflicted, but relaxed in to his incubus’s hold as Xie Jie soothingly stroked his head and thrust his hips.

Putting his fingers to his lips, Gong Qiu Yi thought out loud, “sounds like the energy we put into our robes.” At the quizzical look from Zhou Tu and Xie Jie, he said, “once you get to a certain level of strength, you have to push your aura out round your body to strengthen your robes and anything else you come in contact with, otherwise you would rip through your clothing with every move. A normal robe that is worn by an Elder is one of the strongest things on the planet.”

A proud doting smile softened Gong Qiu Yi's eyes as he looked at Yan Zhu and said, “But when the Elder has as much control as our beautiful Yan Zhu, it will still be soft to the touch if anyone else feels it.”

Zhou Tu’s eyes sparkled as he marvelled at his wonderful men.

“Does that mean you are currently too strong for me to make love to?” Asked Hao Kong.

Xie Jie smiled as he snaked his tail gently round his husband’s waist. The soft caress embracing him took all of the worries from Hao Kong’s mind and he stroked his man’s pale tail lovingly.

Careful to avoid nudging his beautiful Elder, Hao Kong held his husband from behind and rested his head on the shoulder Yan Zhu wasn’t leaning on.

To Hao Kong's amazement, as his head touched his man's shoulder, both Xie Jie and Yan Zhu let out a soft moan, and their bodies moved into each other as if they were trying to become the same being. While at the same time he felt love surge into him through his incubus mark.

Lifting his head up Hao Kong saw the red bite mark on his incubus’s shoulder. With mischief dancing in his eyes, he softly kissed the mark and all the linked men and Yan Zhu moaned lightly.

The sensations from the Elder were overwhelming to those who couldn’t feel the same depth of the spiritual world; Zhou Tu only just stopped himself from climaxing in Luo Bai’s arms.

The men all held each other a little tighter and Fen Ru Chao asked, “what is going on?”

Drunkenly Gong Qiu Yi nibbled softly on the gorgeous healer’s black lobe as he said, “we just felt Hao Kong’s kiss, Yan Zhu’s sensations are very powerful.”

The others were lost to their loving feelings, but with a clear mind Fen Ru Chao saw the implications and asked Xie Jie sternly, “what did you do? This could be dangerous. Elder Yan’s power far out reaches everyone else’s.”

To the younger Healer’s surprise, it was Yan Zhu who’s ears went red. While Xie Jie said innocently, “I thought of that so I didn’t mark my little Zhu, no matter how much I wanted to.” Looking at the older man in his lap with infinite love in his eyes, Xie Jie said, “and I really do want to. So our lovely Elder marked me instead, but you don’t have to worry, I’m defusing most of his sensations before they get to our men, and it will only last till I fully absorb his energy.”

Fen Ru Chao was not convinced this was all alright, but as Gong Qiu Yu’s arms tightened lovingly around his shoulders while kissing him on the head, and Chu Ling climbed into his arms with eyes full of love, he lost all desire to object.

Cuddling his man in his arms and his husband in his tail, Xie Jie said, “I’ll stop as many sensations as I can, but I’m afraid my body is not fully healed from holding the sexual field, so I can’t stop all of our little Zhu’s wonderful feelings from transferring to everyone; stopping our climax energy coming through was rather draining.”

With another naughty smile, Hao Kong kissed Xie Jie’s shoulder again and they all became overwhelmed by the power of each others love.

Unlike the others, Yan Zhu and Xie Jie were stimulated sexually, they both sighed melodically and rocked their bodies together; making Xie Jie's huge cock thrust deep inside Yan Zhu's tight sensitive inner walls.

The others all moved closer, snuggling in behind Hao Kong, enjoying the soft sensual sighs of their two lovers.

Held between his men, Zhou Tu’s energy gently flowed through their meridians as he circulated their Qi together, and as one they took a deep relaxing breath.

Slowly Xie Jie made sweet love to his Elder while surrounded by his men.

For hours Xie Jie and Yan Zhu gently moved together, their energy and hearts beating as one. The other men held each other for a long time, their bodies satisfied, but their desire to be together was overwhelming.

Completely trusting those around them, the watching men opened themselves up to the world and started to cultivate, while held in each others loving arms.

The sky was having it’s last bright glow of colour when Xie Jie and Yan Zhu finally got close to climaxing again.

The spiritual energy of the cave and surrounding mountain was drawn in towards the Elder, as his mind and body struggled to contain the pleasure building in his system.

Xie Jie kissed his lover gently on the cheek and whispered in his ear, “give me all your love my dear little Zhu and I’ll give you all of mine.”

With his words, Xie Jie's huge silver and blue wings emerged with a soft fwoomp noise, and he used them as a shield to cover his men still snuggled up behind him.

A moment later, the climax that had been slowly building for hours surged up through his insides, and he sensually moaned in his lover’s ear, “Yan Zhu my love!”

Energy exploded out of Yan Zhu as he orgasmed in his incubus’s embrace, with a low hoarse cry of, “Oh Xie Jie!”

The massive pulse of gentle loving energy was like a tidal wave flowing out of the cave. At it's centre Yan Zhu’s body tensed in blissful euphoria, his back arched and his head raised to the sky, his long white hair waved in the maelstrom of power, as his hot seed surged out covering his man’s pale chest. While his own insides were once again bathed in his lover’s hot cum.

After 2 minutes of ecstasy and energy flowing through the Leader’s spiritual caves, Yan Zhu relaxed into Xie Jie’s waiting arms, his breathing coming heavy and his eye lids drooping.

Yan Zhu hadn’t slept for hundreds of years, he hadn’t even felt the tiniest of desires to yawn, yet now he wanted nothing more then to be held in his lover’s arms as he slept the whole night through.

Gentle kisses rained down on the Elder’s hot brows, cheeks and neck.

Opening his leaden eyes he saw the smiling faces of his men, “I hope I see you all in my dreams.”

The other cultivators were startled as their Elder fell into a deep relaxed sleep.

Holding his older lover in his arms, Xie Jie was somehow maintaining a serene outer appearance. Through sheer will power he was just about managing to hide his struggles from his men, but on the inside he felt like he was about to explode.

His mind felt hazy and he was unable to stop his body from trying to absorb the energy released from Yan Zhu yet again. Having not developed enough to take in that much in one go, strange sensations of power warring in his system were running through his sexual energy lines. The mass of Qi was trying to escape through his skin while simultaneously trying to dive into his flesh, as he strove to use the power.

In his mind Dun Guanlian said softly, “let us take some of your burden.”

To Xie Jie it felt like there were three out stretched hands, relieved he took them all and the Dun’s cried out as they absorbed a huge amount of power. The armour on his body glowed bright blue as the metal seemed to sing for a moment, then Xie Jie’s mind fractured into 7.

Glimpses of places flashed before his blinded eyes, snippets of sounds crashed into his deafened ears, while strange sensations crept all over his skin, all of it piled into his brain from different places, including 3 lots from the Leader’s spiritual cave.

After a full minute of mental onslaught, silence returned to Xie Jie’s mind and he slumped exhaustedly into his men’s embrace.

There was worry evident in all of their faces as they carefully held Xie Jie and Yan Zhu between them.

With a charming smile that made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, while holding his sleeping Elder lovingly, Xie Jie said in a hoarse whisper, “thanks to our little Zhu’s energy, I’ve seen the rest of the armour and I know where they all are, or were.”

The connection to the armour across the continent had taken a phenomenal amount of energy, but there was still enough to make the Dun armour and Xie Jie power drunk. He smiled again dreamily and said, “please don’t let me sleep too long, I need to go find them all.”

With his words still on his lips, he too fell into a deep sleep.

The cultivators all stood for a moment in confused silence, then Luo Bai said full of pride in his lover, “every moment of every day Xie Jie amazes me, he really is a wonderful man. Come on lets get cleaned up, I want to get everything prepared for when our incubus wakes up.”

It took all 6 of them to carefully pull the powerful men apart.

Lifting Yan Zhu up the length of Xie Jie’s huge member, was like moving a statue made out of daggers that weighed the amount of a mountain.

The second the lovers came apart, Xie Jie’s body reverted back to it’s soft supple self and was easily held in any of their arms. Whereas, the Leaders were all breathing hard as they slowly put Yan Zhu down on the cushions.

Now the Elder was no longer consciously controlling his body, his skin was deadly; every hair, every nail, every sharp contour of the man’s body was more dangerous than a blade, he was so far beyond solid.

But they couldn’t stand the idea of leaving him sleeping in that mess, so they brought water and lovingly wiped clean every part of the Elder they were deeply in love with.

Completely at ease with his men, Yan Zhu didn’t stir from his sleep even once while they cleaned him, it was only when Xie Jie was put down to sleep away from him that he subconsciously reached out for his incubus. Luckily no one was in the way of his hand that moved through the air with enough force to destroy the entire sect.

Carefully Hao Kong placed Xie Jie on the rock floor and slid him under the Elder’s searching hand. Sensing his man’s energy, Yan Zhu turned over in his sleep and cuddled Xie Jie to his chest, making his incubus sigh happily and fall into a deeper relaxed sleep.

Seeing their men snuggled together pulled at everyone’s hearts and they sat watching them while drinking tea.

Putting down his cup, a long sigh left Gong Qiu Yu’s lips and he said, “I can’t put off my duties any longer. I’ll be leaving first.”

Standing up, the Scholar gently kissed each of his lovers on the forehead before heading out. Reluctantly the others followed suit, they had already put off too much so they could be together this long.

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