The Good Incubus

Chapter 134 The Question (NSFWish)

Chapter 134

The Question


Xie Jie awoke the next day still embraced by his Elder’s arms, looking around he saw they were alone in the Leader’s spiritual cave. 

Using his senses that were still growing, he felt Hao Kong moving around a little distance from him. Whereas, Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu were together sat still further away, then Luo Bai and Chu Ling were moving around on different parts of the mountain.

Feeling his men through their connection made Xie Jie’s insides warm, his heart raced in the delighted feeling of almost having a harem. The next moment he felt Chu Ling and Luo Bai respond to his delight and move towards him. 

While waiting for his men, Xie Jie gently lifted Yan Zhu’s arm off of his waist and sat up, putting his Elder’s limp arm in his lap.

The beautiful face of his ridiculously strong man was cutely serene as he peacefully slept, Xie Jie couldn’t help himself, he gently caressed his man’s dusty brown cheek and swept his soft white hair out of his eyes. To wake up in his man’s arms like this all felt like a dream of a harem. 

Slowly he played with his lover’s hand, moving his Elder’s fingers and watching the slender knuckles bend. 

There was a soft sigh next to him, Xie Jie looked round to see Yan Zhu up on his elbow with a gentle smile curving his perfect lips. 

Interlacing their fingers Yan Zhu whispered, “My dear little one you really are adorable.”

“Good morning my love.” Said Xie Jie as he brought the hand he was holding to his lips and lightly kissed the sensitive palm, “I was thinking the same of you my cute little Elder.”

A little red tinged the Elder’s high cheeks and he looked down shyly. Seeing his naked body Yan Zhu blushed fully and said bashfully, “oh my naughty disciples making us sleep naked.”

With an erotic smile, the young incubus ran a feather light finger across his man’s solid abs and said, “I like to sleep naked and I have to say, I love seeing all of you as my first sight in the morning.”

For a moment Yan Zhu just stared open mouthed, shocked at being given such a suggestive complement first thing. Then his emotions flared with joyful happiness, and he grabbed his incubus round the waist and pulled him into a playful hug, rolling round excitedly on the ground.

Xie Jie giggled happily as he was gently shaken by his excessively strong Elder. 

Hearing the sound of rock cracking beneath them, the pair settled into a comfortable embrace and gazed into each other’s eyes, gently Xie Jie kissed his beautiful lover on his soft feeling lips. Neither of them wanted to stop, so for far longer than they had intended their lips moved comfortably together in a tender sharing of affection. 

Feeling eyes on them, Yan Zhu hid his red face behind Xie Jie’s head. 

Chu Ling and Luo Bai were stood open mouthed just inside the door, a look of utter shock written across their handsome faces. In a deadpan tone Chu Ling said, “well that destroyed the last of my misconceptions about Elders.” 

“That was so cute!” Agreed Luo Bai, then asked his fellow Leader, “are we that cute?”

Giggling again Xie Jie said, “you two are just as cute and sexy. Are you going to come and give us good morning hugs or just stand there staring?”

Xie Jie knew he was pushing his luck, so was amazed when the two Leader’s obediently walked over and put their arms around the embracing pair. 

The sound of the two rich deep voices saying “good morning,” tickled Xie Jie’s ears and heart. 

“Good morning my beloved Leader’s.” Replied Xie Jie and was delighted to hear Yan Zhu echo his greeting. 

The Leaders had intended to hug their men and then sit to the side to talk, but they underestimated their desire to be together. With a tact understanding, the pair sat next to their naked men and took their hands.

Pouting slightly, Xie Jie said, “My lovely men, why did you let me sleep so long? I have to go get the horn part of the Dun armour.” 

“We couldn’t wake you even if we wanted to.” Said Chu Ling while poking his incubus’s hard lips, “while you were asleep neither of you controlled your strength, it was like trying to wake a mountain.”

Squeezing his incubus tighter for comfort, Yan Zhu said nervously, “I didn’t hurt anyone did I?”

Luo Bai’s heart almost stopped as he saw the vulnerable look in the older man’s eyes, he gently kissed his Elder’s cheek and stroked his hair, “you didn’t hurt anyone my dear.”

Yan Zhu froze as he heard the soft tone of love from the usually fierce martial artist. 

“I know,” said Chu Ling with an loving smile, “none of us knew Luo Bai was this truly adorable.”

The tall Leader’s ears tinged a light pink, “Of course I’m going to show you all my love, I hold nothing back no matter what I do.”

The thought of their sexy man moaning in many different positions as he gave them his all, came into their minds; even after their previous long day of fun, they all felt themselves heat up.

Wrapping his tail around Luo Bai’s waist Xie Jie said, “that is one of the many reasons I love you my wonderful Bai Bai.” With his words Xie Jie planted a soft kiss on his man’s lips.

Smiling happily with red tinged ears Luo Bai said, “my dear I don’t want you to be away from me for a second, but I want you to help the Duns, so we have gotten things prepared for your trip.”

“Hao Kong is just getting the last of the bits together.” Added Chu Ling.

Sadness briefly passed through their link as Xie Jie thought of being apart from his men, and he felt the other three men head towards them in response to his feelings, “Oh no, what do I do about our link? If I leave it as an open mark it could be dangerous.”

“Why would it be dangerous?” Asked Yan Zhu curiously.

Taking one of the Elder’s hands that were round his waist, Xie Jie placed it on the tip of his soft cock, it wasn’t even a particularly sexual touch, yet the reactions of the Leaders was instantaneous; they both sighed sensually and moved closer to their incubus.

Yan Zhu’s mouth went dry, he swallowed and said, “that was so... what was that?”

“To fully block an open mark takes far more power than to partially block them like I did last night. Just now, it took all of my strength to fully keep the sensation from passing to Zhou Tu and Gong Qiu Yu even at this distance. I know my sensations are heightened while I’m with you my dear Zhu, but the main problem is that I’m still not at full strength after over working my body holding the sexual field. So its going to be impossible to keep all of my men safe when traveling great distances.”

“What about Hao Kong?” Asked Luo Bai as he leant his head on his incubus’s shoulder. 

From the door way the man himself asked, “what about me?”

Gently stroking the tall Leader’s black locks, Xie Jie looked up into his husband’s dark eyes, “I can easily control your full mark my love.”

Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu came forwards from behind their silver haired lover and both smiled as they knelt down with their men. 

All four knelt in a row, their lips curved into matching smiles, and they said in unison, “please fully mark me too my love.” 

In a deep rich tone Chu Ling said, “I desire to be your bear my little rabbit.”

Straight forwardly Luo Bai said, “I want to be with you forever my love”

Passionately Gong Qiu Yu said, “I yearn to be your husband.”

Sensually Zhou Tu said, “please make me your husband, I love you with all my heart.”

Taking each others hands, Luo Bai said for them all, “we want to be with you and be together, please marry us.”


Hi lovely readers of cute smut, 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings. 

Hope you all enjoy this winter holiday how ever is best, stave off the cold and find some fun times.

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