The Good Incubus

Chapter 135 Answer

Chapter 135


Xie Jie’s mind and heart overflowed with joy, he could hardly speak through the happiness that bubbled up his throat, he said in a barely audible tone, “I would love to be your husband.”

The force of the four men throwing themselves at their little incubus, would at any other time of flattened him, but with Yan Zhu’s power coursing through his system, he caught them into a loving embrace and kissed every part he could while he was kissed all over.

They all felt the love and sadness from behind Xie Jie and looked up as one into their Elder’s face, “I’m so happy for you,” Yan Zhu said with a tear running down his cheek, “I wish you a life time of happiness together.”

Before Xie Jie could move to comfort the older man, Chu Ling kissed his tear away from one cheek, Gong Qiu Yu kissed his lips and Luo Bai kissed his other cheek, then said, “my dear Zhu, once our cute little rabbit figures out how to safely mark you, we are taking you as our husband too.”

Yan Zhu’s arms tightened around his incubus in a hug that would crush the other men, and tears threatened to fall once more as he said softly, “please be my husbands when you can.”

Tears of overwhelming joy ran freely down Hao Kong’s cheeks as he hugged their Elder from behind, “I love you all.”

From the mass of men, Gong Qiu Yu asked, “did you figure out how to mark Luo Bai?”

The tall martial artist froze, “I got so caught up in my love for you all, I completely forgot about the issue with the shields.”

They all turned as one to look at Yan Zhu who said, “I don’t know enough about the link to the Leaders protection barriers, we would have to ask his predecessor.”

“Elder Wang?!” asked Luo Bai perking up like a puppy. At his fellow Leaders’ pout he questioned, “why are you giving me that look?”

“Don’t play dumb.” replied Chu Ling, but seeing the innocent look on his man’s face, his pout softened, “you really don’t know? Oh my oblivious lover, you are and always were, completely infatuated with Elder Wang.”

“I was equally happy and sad when Elder Wang went into seclusion,” said Gong Qiu Yu with a pout of his own, “I thought I finally had a chance with you. But oh my, she really is a wonderful lady.”

“I did always look forward to seeing Elder Wang, and I would think up any excuse to see her. Plus I always worried when she went out of the sect...” Luo Bai’s brows creased as he thought out loud, “do you think she knows I love her?”

Putting a comforting hand on his man, Gong Qiu Yu said, “yes, she knows. I think same as our Yan Zhu, if she hadn’t been losing her emotions she may have tried to pursue you.”

“Really? Oh I am such a fool.” Looking to their incubus, Luo Bai asked imploringly, “do you think you could revive Elder Wang’s emotions?”

Xie Jie cupped his fierce Leader’s cheeks and looking deep into his sad eyes replied, “for you my love I will try my hardest, if she wants us to.”

In the next heart beat Xie Jie’s back was slammed into Yan Zhu’s chest by Luo Bai jumping on his lips in a fit of passion, carefully the Elder stroked his younger Leader’s head, while the two men feverishly kissed on his lap.

When the pair pulled back from each other with hungry looks in their eyes; Gong Qiu Yu asked to distract them from their rising lust, “should we go see Elder Wang now? We are on a bit of a time limit; if Xie Jie is going to make it to the mines of the accursed and back before the conference of the sects.”

Snapping out of his desires, Luo Bai nodded, “I hope Elder Wang will be willing to see us, she must be close to ascending after this many years.”

Yan Zhu stroked his chin and said, “last time I sensed Elder Wang, she seemed to have hit a block in her cultivation, I think she would want to see you.”

After Xie Jie and Yan Zhu dressed in fresh robes, they all ascended the mountain to see Elder Wang.

Before leaving the Leaders caves, Zhou Tu asked, “are you sure I should be coming? I’m not a succeeding disciple or a Master.”

Luo Bai was first to put a comforting arm around their young man, “you’re our lover and I want to introduce you to my Master and former Leader.”

Zhou Tu’s pupils shone as he looked at his decisive man, but doubt again crept into his mind and he asked, “you’re not ashamed of me?”

The tender feel of the men crowding into hug him dispersed the dark thoughts in Zhou Tu’s mind.

With a loving kiss on his young man’s cheek Luo Bai said, “you are my lover, I find you a delight that I would love to show the world, and yet at the same time I want to keep you hidden from all but our men, I want to treat you as the treasure you are.”

The other 6 men all nodded their agreement.

“We all want you in our harem with us,” Gong Qiu Yu added, with his ears going red, “and you know I’ve been making excuses to spend time with you for years, just like Luo Bai did with Leader Wang.”

Zhou Tu held back his tears of joy that threatened to fall, “I love you all too, lets go see Elder Wang so I can officially be your husband.”

In a thoughtful tone Xie Jie said shyly, “can we please bring Fen Ru Chao,” the men around him stood up a little taller at the Master Healer’s name, “he is a wonderful man I want to have with us.”

The others all thought of the sexy dark skinned Healer and hummed their agreement, as they tried to control their rising lust. They all thought of the usually composed Fen Ru Chao, moaning unreservedly as he was undone by Hao Kong’s mouth.

Due to his contact with Elder Yan, Xie Jie saw Chu Ling’s movements as he disappeared in front of the others eyes, then reappeared under a minute later.

The rest of them didn’t move from their comfortable hug as they waited for their Healers.

Fen Ru Chao was asking, “...want me to see Elder Wang?”

“Because I want to show you off.” said Chu Ling, and gently kissed his succeeding disciple.

The younger Healer’s brows raced up and he murmured, “you want to show me off?”

In a heart beat, Chu Ling hoisted his man into the air and swung him gently round, “you are amazing, of course I want to show you off my love.”

The usually serious look on Fen Ru Chao’s face evaporated and he replied with a radiant smile, “I love you too.”

Seeing the other men while he swung past them, Fen Ru Chao shyly smiled and buried his flushed head in the crook of his lover’s neck, “my love please can you refrain from swinging me round in front of everyone.”

Due to hiding, Fen Ru Chao missed the adoring expressions on the other men’s faces, as they all thought how cute their Master Healer was now his heart was open.

The speed his Leader change direction and plunged into the hug with the other men, disorientated his succeeding disciple slightly. But feeling the love around him, Fen Ru Chao blushed shyly and melted into their embrace, enjoying being showered with kisses by the 7 men his heart raced for.

Now all together, they were taken by Elder Yan and Chu Ling to the Elder’s part of the peak.

The others were amazed that Chu Ling had reached this level of cultivation; only people of Elder level were supposed have the strength and speed to move through the ancient barriers to reach the upper part of the peak.

Nervously the burly Healer didn’t put Xie Jie down, he softly whispered in his incubus’s ear, “please don’t let me lose my love for our men, please help me keep my emotions.”

Xie Jie’s tail snaked round his man’s strong waist and squeezed comfortingly, no words were needed between them; Chu Ling relaxed and carefully put his precious cargo down.

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