The Good Incubus

Chapter 136 Elder Wang

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Chapter 136

Elder Wang

Stood on a little snow covered plateau among the huge stone spires of Snow Mist Mountain, the group could see many black granite boulders which were clear of snow. Each boulder blocked off a cave that housed an Elder or late stage Master in secluded cultivation.

The huge boulder in front of them blocked off Elder Wang’s cave, beautiful silver runes were carved into the black rock to keep the cave sealed, and contain the huge energy release of an Elder ascending.

Gong Qiu Yu looked at the runes carefully and said, “I can remove these, but it would take some time and it’s much easier to open from the inside, I think we should knock.”

Raising his hand to knock on the black granite rock, Luo Bai’s hand trembled with excitement, and he again wondered about his oblivious self.

The impact of his knuckles against the boulder was less than impressive, with barely a sound heard, but with in a heartbeat the rock began to move with a loud rumbling roar.

When the seal broke, Qi surged out of the cave like a wave, filling the plateau with the Elder’s sedate energy.

The tall slender lady inside looked at them through dark passive eyes surrounded by long white lashes.

Like Elder Yan, Elder Wang’s hair was completely white, which shone in stunning stark contrast to her pitch-black skin. Unlike Elder Yan, her ethereal face was completely devoid of emotion, making her seem like a beautiful statue, rather than a living breathing human.

Elder Wang inclined her head in a shallow bow and said, “well met Leaders of Snow Mist Peak, Elder Yan, Master Fen, Master Hao, Disciple Zhou, Xie Jie.”

The men all bowed back and said in unison, “well met Elder Wang.”

“I am aware of why you have come to see me.” The perfect smile that lifted her full lips didn’t reach her eyes as she glanced to Elder Yan.

Knowing Elders saw all that happened in the sect and that Elder Wang was trying to make a joke to lighten everyone’s tension, Elder Yan smiled warmly back at her.

“I’m really sorry my dear disciple.” Said Elder Wang, even though her words held compassion her voice never fluctuated as she spoke. “It would be unsafe for you to be marked at this time; you would need to pass on the burden of upholding the Leader’s shields to your successor.”

Luo Bai’s head dropped and his sadness flooded the other men’s hearts.

Confused, Xie Jie put his arm round his tall man’s waist and asked tentatively, “is that not something you can do?”

“My successor defected to another sect.” Said Luo Bai as his eyes glinted dangerously with his flaring anger, but a second later he deflated with a sigh, “He was enticed away by power and wealth.” Being encircled by his men, he added, “it’s my own fault, I saw he was weak to material things and envied the rich sects when he was younger, but I thought he had grown out of it.”

Wrapping his arms round Xie Jie, Luo Bai took Chu Ling’s and Gong Qiu Yu’s soft hands in his large rough ones, “My loves please wait a while longer for me, my new successor is not far away from being able to take my burden temporarily.”

“My lovely Bai Bai we will wait for you for as long as you need.” Said Xie Jie, gazing up into his lover's sparkling dark eyes he kissed him softly on the chin.

Overflowing with emotion, his fellow Leaders kissed his hands and nodded their agreement.

Lifting his head and looking lovingly up at his tall martial artist, Gong Qiu Yu said for both of them, “we have waited centuries for you already, what is another couple of decades?”

Tears threatened to fall from Chu Ling’s eyes as he added, “waiting is easy now I can hold you in my arms.” With his words he wrapped his large arms round all of their men.

There was a soft sigh of contentment from their side, they all looked over to see a doting look on Elder Wang’s face. Seeing as her emotions still didn’t reach her eyes, it must have been her muscle memory rather than emotional state that shifted her features.

“It eases my mind that you have found yourself such a loving family my dear Luo Bai. Please take good care of my dear disciple.”

The men around Luo Bai all bowed once more to the ethereal lady, and Xie Jie said, “it would be our honour to look after your disciple Elder Wang. Thank you for helping make him such a wonderful man.”

“He has worked hard, to be such a wonderful Leader,” Said Elder Wang and out of habit her lips curved into a small smile, “you have all become wonderful men, I’m proud of how well you have grown.”

Elder Yan stepped forwards and asked, “Wang Lin, with our incubus’s help there is a chance your emotions could be restored, would...”

“I am not like you Yan Zhu,” Elder Wang interrupted him with a wave of her sleeve, “we may have grown up together but I’m at a different point in my path. Your feelings for these lovely men kept your emotions alive. But mine, that I have repressed vehemently for so many centuries, have already gone; I am now prepared for the impartial work of an ascended. I have but one obstacle within myself to over come and I will leave this plane of existence for the next.”

Completely smothered in the beautiful Elder’s powerful Qi, Xie Jie could feel the tiny shadow deep in her heart. Hearing her words, Xie Jie understood what was holding her back and his features slightly shifted with his understanding.

The Elder’s gaze flashed over to the young incubus and pinned him to the spot; everyone felt the huge power in her stare. Bewildered by her apparent hostility, none of them dared to intervene.

The Dun armour shifted on Xie Jie’s body, wanting to protect their lover, but Xie Jie said in his mind, “I’m alright, please don’t interfere. But if this goes wrong, know that I love you all.”

The Dun’s shook slightly but, trusting their incubus, otherwise stayed still.

“You know, don’t you?” Came the Elder’s cold voice.

Straining every muscle against the oppressive energy radiating off of Elder Wang, Xie Jie lifted his eyes to meet the beautiful lady’s powerful gaze.

A charming smile lifted the corners of the young incubus’s lips and he nodded, “yes I know.”

“And what do you think?” The cold voice asked impassively.

“I have no thoughts, I just know, you are you, and you are beautiful.”

With all his strength, Xie Jie cupped his hands together and bowed deeply. He dropped his head fully down, his long black hair falling around his face, showing his pale skin round the collar.

For what felt like an eternity, Xie Jie stood before Elder Wang completely defenceless.

The silence was deafening as everyone tried to figure out what was going on and anticipate the Elder’s next move.

No one saw her move, not even her intent to move, the next moment Elder Wang gently held Xie Jie’s chin and the huge oppressive power was gone.

Carefully she lifted his head till their eyes met once more, “who knew, outside acceptance was the last thing I needed. How ridiculous, after I’ve spent so long hiding it.” She said with a light chuckle that held no mirth, “please look after my lovely Luo Bai.”

Before Xie Jie knew what was happening, Elder Wang had stepped back and Yan Zhu’s arm was round his shoulders. His beloved Elder’s power surged into Xie Jie’s system enhancing his body, and he saw a huge pulse of energy start to erupt out of Elder Wang.

Xie Jie’s wings exploded out of his back just in time to cover his men from the impact of the power, that shook the mountain and rang out across the land.

Elder Wang smiled at her once disciple, her affection clear even without her emotions.

There was a slight shifting of her robes as she self actualised in her ascension, her body becoming truly her own, then Elder Wang sighed with relief and was gone in a blinding flash of white light.

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