The Good Incubus

Chapter 18 Leader Luo

Hi, sorry to interrupt before you start. Firstly; thank you for reading this far 😁. Secondly; I just wanted to let you know, I'm no longer going to put NSFWish as a warning, I think if you have made it this far you understand all of this is a little rude. I will continue to put NSFW when it is pure smut. I'll put a vote in case you want the warning. 🤞 Really hope this is how author's note works, this is my first one. Now back to the story.


Chapter 18

Leader Luo

Leader Gong and Leader Chu who had long finished thinking and had more questions, sighed to themselves, ‘aww young love.’

Leader Luo on the other hand had zero understanding of love, so coughed loudly with meaning.

Hao Kong’s back went stiff, he had gotten lost in the feel of his incubus’s lovely lips.

Reluctantly releasing Hao Kong’s soft brown lips, Xie Jie licked his own and half lied, “I’m sorry I need a lot of energy after all that, Master was just feeding me.”

Leader Chu smiled in a knowing way, “we understand.”

Leader Luo who didn’t understand at all asked, “so you are fed by kissing?”

“Well any sexual touch gives me energy but I get the most from either kissing or sex.”

All of the Leaders went red again.

Xie Jie’s mind felt wide awake after that lovely kiss, “oh I should have said; you should all stay as aroused as you can right now.”

The faces around him got even redder.

Leader Chu who although a healer, rarely dealt with sexual matters due to most cultivators being so repressed, recovered first this time, “why would we do that?”

Xie Jie simply stated, “Because otherwise the love demon could possess you again, there is no barrier that it can’t penetrate, only being in control of your sexual desire will keep it out.”

“…” the Leaders

“I can help you if you like.” Offered Xie Jie with a coy smile.

Hao Kong stiffened under Xie Jie and subconsciously tightened his grip round his waist possessively.

Leader Luo who was very naive about all things to do with love or lust asked, "how would you do that?"

"A kiss would probably work on you." Replied Xie Jie thoughtfully.

Leader Luo felt like he was being looked down on, but didn't know how and said suspiciously, "Are you not just trying to get energy from me?"

Xie Jie laughed, he could see Leader Luo's point, "If your as powerful as Master I couldn't handle the amount of power you have."

With a little chuckle Hao Kong added, "It's true, I only ever give him the smallest amount of my energy."

Xie Jie's mind raced and he wondered, 'how strong is Hao Kong?'

Leader Luo smiled at Xie Jie's surprise and smugly said, "I am several times stronger than Master Hao, do you think you could even handle my passive energy?" Leader Luo didn't know why but Xie Jie brought out his childish desire to show off.

"I was told when I was young that I have a near infinite capacity to absorb energy, as long as its not all at once." Said Xie Jie innocently.

Leader Luo thought that sounded like a challenge, he loves a challenge.

Smiling a dangerous smile Leader Luo moved closer and leaned forward till his fiercely handsome face was just in front of the young incubus.

Xie Jie tried to lean forward, but was held tight for a second by Hao Kong's arms and his own tail.

Reluctantly Hao Kong moved his arms from around Xie Jie’s waist and placed them on his hips, while Xie Jie hooked his tail onto the front of Hao Kong's robes.

Putting his hands lightly on Leader Luo's cheeks Xie Jie guided their lips together.

The power surge almost overwhelmed him, he hadn't expected Leader Luo to be that much stronger than Hao Kong.

Pushing his tongue into Leader Luo's mouth Xie Jie deepened their kiss, and let the Qi energy settle into his body.

Always liking to be in control, Leader Luo put his hand on the back of Xie Jie's head and pushed their lips together more fiercely, his tongue moving more like he was sparring than kissing.

The emotions that flowed in with Leader Luo’s energy through their kiss were simple, his main desires were to win and protect, it gave the strange impression of kissing a sword; hard and strong yet elegant in a deadly way.

Leader Luo felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a very long time, his not so little sword rose up ready for action. It hadn't been active since long before he was a Master even; and he had been a Leader for over 200 years.

Happy that the Leader was aroused and there for safe, Xie Jie sat back into Hao Kong's lap, and to his surprise his man’s hard large member.

Hao Kong's hands were lightly trembling on Xie Jie's hips, he had reached new depths of embarrassment, 'how can I get aroused watching the man I like being kissed by someone else? Even if that person is the incredibly handsome Leader Luo.' He thought miserably.

'He likes to watch.' Xie Jie thought delighted, just when he thought Hao Kong couldn't be more perfect he found out something like this. Wrapping his tail around Hao Kong’s waist Xie Jie squeezed him with affection and covered his hands with his own.

After a moment Hao Kong's hands stopped trembling, as he thought, 'I should have known he would be happy I'm this kind of pervert.' Hao Kong thanked the heavens it was Xie Jie who had awoken his long sleeping heart.

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