The Good Incubus

Chapter 19 Leader Gong

Chapter 19

Leader Gong


As Leader Luo sat back with a happy smile, Xie Jie looked to the other two Leaders, who had complicated expressions, and asked, "would you like me to help you too?"

Leader Gong blushed slightly and moved forward, he cupped his hands and bowed to Xie Jie, "Jiejing first I would like to thank you for freeing all of the disciples and my self. That was very brave of you."

This being said he leaned back up, Leader Gong looked very nervous as he continued, "I would ask you to please guide me, as you are a Master at this and I would not even be accepted as a disciple." He lowered his eyes in embarrassment, as a Leader and knowledgeable scholar it took a lot for him to admit his ignorance.

Smiling warmly Xie Jie bowed, "It would be my honour to guide someone as amazing as yourself, I hope you will do me the honour of guiding me in everything else in the world."

Leader Gong smiled and nodded, this incubus really was a charming, kind man.

Xie Jie reached forward and cupped Leader Gong's face and pulled him gently forwards, as their lips touched Xie Jie's mind went blank. Leader Gong was far stronger than even Leader Luo. His passive power was enormous, but Xie Jie's body was getting used to huge amounts of Qi energy, it revelled in the power, sending it all round his system.

As Xie Jie licked his thin lips, Leader Gong parted his mouth to let his tongue in, then investigated every corner of the cute young incubus’s mouth and tried everything he could think of, he had little skill but he made up for it with effort, much to Xie Jie’s delight.

The emotions that flooded Xie Jie with the power, were calm and collected but by far the most complicated he had ever felt.

It was as if he was wondering through a bamboo forest and each shoot was a different emotion. He couldn't tell what they all were, but he did feel an incredibly strong desire for some one heavily repressed in the Leader’s heart.

As they deepened their kiss, Xie Jie could have sworn he felt desires for multiple people repressed even deeper.

For the second time in 20 minutes Leader Gong's large brush rose up.

Feeling Leader Gong didn't want to stop, Xie Jie caressed his pale cheeks and continued, going a little deeper into the beautiful Leader’s mouth, showing him a few more moves. Leader Gong let out a little sigh, he really was enjoying him self.

Their tongues danced together as the Leader quickly learnt what felt good, Xie Jie was getting deeply aroused and briefly wondered if he could take this any further? A little worried if he continued any longer Leader Gong would go through aroused and straight to climax, Xie Jie released the lovely scholar.

Pulling back Xie Jie licked his own lips suggestively and said, "any time you would like any pointers or practice please come see me."

Leader Gong blushed he would definitely find a time to go see Xie Jie after this was all sorted. “Thank you Master Jiejing, your instructions are most interesting." Leader Gong said trying, and failing to keep from smiling, he bowed to Xie Jie again and moved back.

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