The Good Incubus

Chapter 2 (NSFW) Rescue

Chapter 2



Warning: blood 

Xie Jie was just crossing a river, when he saw his reflection in the water. His long ink black hair was dusty and stuck to his pale white skin, his clothes were covered in mud from traveling along paths and sleeping in the woods.

With no inhibitions, Xie Jie stripped off his clothes and walked into the cool clear waters to bathe. The sun danced on the ripples of the water, the birds sang in the trees and the breeze gently stirred the leaves, he felt this was truly a wonderful day of summer.

Immersed up to his shoulders, Xie Jie let the waters wash the tension and dirt away from his body. Having grown up protected by his mother's harem, Xie Jie was completely relaxed.

The scream that rang out from up river jolted him up and out of the water, he was on the shore in little over a second.

Looking round Xie Jie could see nothing.

As he stood wondering what to do, the level of the river dropped about a foot, the water rushing upstream.

The sounds of people fighting rang along the river, Xie Jie could feel that the fight was being fought with energy as well as weapons. Curious to see one of these fabled cultivators, Xie Jie crept up river while quickly pulling his robes back on.

Just round a bend in the river, not 100 meters from where he had been quietly bathing, Xie Jie saw a handsome lithe young cultivator dressed in a simple robe, that looked like it had once been white, battling a small water nymph.

The nymph, a small lady with shimmery blue skin and green hair, was furious. She kept screaming at the young man, "how dare you pollute my pool with your filthy blood!"

The nymph swung back a long lethal looking water whip, with another cry of, “how dare you!?” She slashed at the young man.

The man jumped to the side, but his various injuries slowed him down, and the whip sliced at his leg sending blood into the air again.

In her fury the nymph didn't seem to have noticed that she was polluting her pool even more with this man's blood.

Xie Jie was shocked by the fury on the delicate face of the nymph, he knew nymphs could be emotional, but they weren’t normally violent.

Scared that she would kill the beautiful young man and then be murdered by cultivators in retaliation, Xie Jie walked down to the shore of the pool, and called to the nymph, "mistress of this lovely clear river pool, I entreat you, please refrain from further cutting this human. You are making him get more of his filthy blood in your lovely pool."

The nymph saw Xie Jie’s beautiful calm face and stopped in her tracks, her whip pulled back about to attack the cultivator again.

The young man lay sprawled on the muddy shore panting for breath.

Xie Jie walked slowly between the nymph and the man, all the while looking to the nymph, who now that she was no longer screaming in rage he could see had a beautiful delicate light blue face.

With a bewildered tone she ask, "who is this human to you incubus? Why would you stop me from punishing one who has wronged me?"

Standing in front of the injured man, Xie Jie opened his hands with his palms up in a gentle charming shrug, "he is no one to me, but your pool is a beautiful natural wonder that is as pure as you are, I couldn't let you soil your self by dealing with a human like him. Why are you so angry? Surely one small human could not make someone like you this enraged."

At his words, the nymph’s whip slowly disappeared as she dropped her power, "this bloodied human was the last straw, I couldn't stand any more." Beautiful crystal like tears ran down the nymph’s face.

"Then what is the problem?" Xie Jie encouraged.

"It's the dryad at the head of this river." The nymph cried, "he doesn't care about me anymore! He says I bore him."

From what Xie Jie had learnt, he knew that all water creatures could well be fickle, so it sounded quite likely, but if the dryad could be fickle one way he could be fickle another.

"Why don't you go charm this dryad of yours? Take the initiative and go to him?"

Blushing the nymph replied, "I'm not an incubus like you, I couldn't go to him," her eyes perked up at an idea, "unless you could show me ways to please him?"

Looking at the beautiful blue nymph standing in the middle of the pool, Xie Jie said, "I would be happy to show you, but how can I when I have no one to demonstrate on?"

A radiant smile that lit up the whole river curved the nymph’s lips, and she pointed to the injured cultivator lying on the floor, "that's easy, I'll give that one to you."

Xie Jie could see this was a way he could save both the man and the nymph.

"You have a deal, if I show you how to pleasure a man, you have to let me keep this one. He will make a good addition to my harem." That sounded like a plausible excuse as to why an incubus would save a human to Xie Jie.

The nymph smiled again, "your welcome to him, as long as you take him away from my pool."

Moving closer to the young man, Xie Jie could see he was in a bad way, there was blood trickling out of small and large cuts all over his body.

Looking back to the nymph, Xie Jie asked, "do you mind if I treat his wounds first? Otherwise I don't think he will live long enough to make a good demonstration."

The nymph shrugged, "do as you will, but don't take too long."

Ripping a couple of long sections of cloth from the bottom of his robes, Xie Jie knelt down in the wet mud next to the cultivator to strap up the worst of the injuries on his legs.

The man who appeared to be going in and out of consciousness, looked at Xie Jie with alert green eyes and whispered, "are you really an incubus? You don't have wings or horns or even a tail."

Xie Jie was shocked to see the man was still some how awake, and had just been keeping quiet to let him talk to the nymph. Even in this moment of danger, Xie Jie thought how smooth and charming the man’s voice was.

Nodding Xie Jie replied, "yes I’m an incubus but I mean you no harm."

The cultivator raised and unconvinced eye brow at him but didn’t say anything.

Under the mud and blood Xie Jie could see that the man was not much older than himself. His dark brown hair was plastered to his dusty brown face, lines in the mud showed the cultivator was scared and obviously in a lot of pain, but he was keeping himself together some how.

In an attempt to calm the man, while quickly wrapping the cloth around his leg as tightly as he could, Xie Jie whispered back, "my name is Xie Jie, please don't be scared, I heard you scream and came to help. This is the only way I can see that she is going to let us both walk out of here."

Looking into Xie Jie's honest eyes, some of the fear loosened from the cultivator’s face, "my name is Zhou Tu, what kind of "pleasing" do you have to demonstrate?"

"Sexual pleasing." Xie Jie Stated simply.

Zhou Tu instantly tried to pull back from Xie Jie, "but you are a man and I am a man, I'm not that way inclined."

"Don't worry, I won’t do anything that a woman couldn’t do, just lie back and try to relax, try to think of me as a woman and I will make you feel incredible. Then I’ll take you out of here to where ever you want to go."

Zhou Tu looked at Xie Jie’s stunningly beautiful delicate features, those red luscious lips and his dark brown calming eyes. Then his gaze travelled down to Xie Jie's long slender neck and delicate yet strong arms, and the thoughts rolling through his mind made him swallow hard.

Between the incubus’s stunning body and death, Zhou Tu knew which to choose, he gave a very stiff nod of his head.

"I'll talk her and you through it, if you change your mind tell me and I'll try and get us out of here a different way. Just, I'm not very strong, so I don’t like our chances if I have to fight."

Zhou Tu smiled genuinely at Xie Jie's honesty.

The young man’s smile lit up his face beautifully, making Xie Jie’s heart race, he smiled encouragingly in response and tied the last bandage.

The nymph saw Xie Jie's smile and walked over, "what are you going to do first?"

Thinking starting things slow for Zhou Tu would be best, and because it was true, Xie Jie said, "A long deep kiss is the best way to start any interaction"

Waving her hand around in the air irritably, the nymph said, "I know how to kiss, everyone knows how to kiss, I want more."

"But you set everything up with the kiss." Moving with his words, Xie Jie leaned over Zhou Tu, "you can't rush these things, look deep into his eyes and lean down towards his lips, but don't touch them straight out, let your breath mingle with his while staring deep into his eyes."

Zhou Tu's breaths were shallow and shaking with pain and his rising anticipation, he was captivated by Xie Jie's eyes and lips.

"Then gently kiss his lips." Xie Jie brushed his lips against Zhou Tu's and released a tiny bit of his power into his body, not to arouse him but to help Zhou Tu relax.

"Then feel your desire and go in for a deep kiss."

Xie Jie's lips sealed round Zhou Tu's and he pushed the cultivator’s unresisting lips apart with his tongue, while holding his head gently in his hands.

The delicious feeling of power trickled in to Xie Jie from Zhou Tu’s soft lips. He was right, cultivators are the best partners for incubuses.

With Zhou Tu’s energy came his emotions, everything was mixed with pain, Xie Jie was shocked by how much pain the young man was experiencing. He wished he could alleviate it, but he didn’t have that power yet.

Under the pain, was a huge shadow across Zhou Tu’s heart blocking all his desires. Deep under the shadow, Xie Jie found a tiny trace of desire for himself, and even deeper he thought he caught a slither of heavily supressed attraction for others, but he pulled his mind back from these distractions and returned to the man at hand.

Xie Jie firmly kissed Zhou Tu, their tongues dancing round each other, licking and sucking until he could feel Zhou Tu needed to breathe.

Releasing his lips, Xie Jie moved his head and kissed all over Zhou Tu's neck and jaw with gentle sweet kisses, until he kissed Zhou Tu’s distinct nape, and the beautiful man twitched in his grasp. This time he planted a wet deep kiss in his nape, and a small moan escaped from the handsome cultivator’s mouth, surprise was written across his face.

Pulling back from the man’s smooth neck, Xie Jie gave Zhou Tu a questioning look to check he was OK to keep going.

Getting a subtle but distinct nod of yes from the blushing cultivator, with swift hands Xie Jie untied Zhou Tu's robes and slid his hands inside, while being careful to avoid the many cuts on the smooth dusty body. His skin was a shade lighter under his robes, pale brown grey in colour, his brown nipples enticing Xie Jie’s interest.

Remembering he was supposed to be instructing and not just pleasuring, Xie Jie said, "move around his body kissing and feeling while slowly undressing him."

While he spoke, Xie Jie’s lips were off to the side of Zhou Tu's chest just below his muscular shoulder, when he slid his lips over that tender skin, Zhou Tu's back involuntarily arched. Xie Jie again gave it a wet deep kiss and got his second soft moan.

"Play with his sensitive flesh, start making him worked up long before you get to the good parts."

Moving further down Zhou Tu's body, Xie Jie planted soft kisses as he went.

When he fully pulled his robe apart, Zhou Tu’s lower member was already happy to see him arrive, the substantial penis pulsed quickly with the handsome man's heart.

Xie Jie's eyes shone brightly as he gently danced his fingers around the man’s ample shaft and stroked his bulging balls. He couldn't help thinking, ‘Zhou Tu hasn't been properly looking after his needs down here, I'm definitely doing him a favour.'

Zhou Tu got harder still under Xie Jie's light fingers.

"Don't go straight for it," breaking his own words, Xie Jie ran a languid finger down from the tip, "all around here is sensitive, run your hands up his inner thigh,"

Xie Jie ran his hands along Zhou Tu's pale brown strong inner thigh, they were hard yet soft to the touch, which made the incubus’s mouth water.

"Have some fun and then, " Zhou Tu tensed up for he could hear what was about to happen, “use your hand at the base and put it in your mouth.”

With this much sexual contact, Xie Jie could feel Zhou Tu's emotions; his trepidation was far outweighed by his excitement, he was already fully aroused and wanting more. Xie Jie thought, ‘the sexually repressed really are the easiest to satisfy in many ways.’

Placing his thumb into the sticky wetness that had already been released on the sensitive tip, Xie Jie slowly close the rest of his hand around the hard rod, then circled all the way to the bottom, and started a firm up and down motion near the base.

Taking one last look at the glorious pleasure written across the young man’s face, oh how Xie Jie loved to make that look appear, he dropped his head down and kissed the round tip.

With his lips he created suction and pushed down round the hot bulbous shaft, gently sliding his tongue into the little opening at the top.

Dropping his head a little further, he took in the whole tip then pulled back up till only the opening was covered. Up and down he went several times, relishing the flavour of the young man in his hand.

Soft sighing moans kept escaping from Zhou Tu’s lips, he had his hands in his hair trying to do something with the pleasure, but not wanting to release it in the obvious way, unable to help himself he moaned loudly, “oh that feels so good!”

Xie Jie's power had loosened Zhou Tu's voice, but the pleasure he felt was all Xie Jie's work. He could feel Zhou Tu’s member growing to its fullest, as he moved his hand up and down, sometimes with the motion of his mouth sometimes the other way.

Just as Xie Jie was thinking, ‘it’s about time I get a really good taste right down to the hilt.’

With a shuddering gasp, Zhou Tu climaxed into his mouth.

Xie Jie was shocked, this was too fast, and thought the nymph won't be happy either. He kept moving until the last drop coated his tongue, then he gulped it all down in one go, savouring his favourite flavour, man.

The shock of the speed, helped to steady his mind and loosen his desire, so Xie Jie didn't suck all the energy from Zhou Tu, although he still worried he had taken too much.

Xie Jie was slightly frustrated and upset, none of this was how he wanted his first solo sexual encounter to go, but he consoled himself with the fact, that the man was still alive and he would be able to have many more encounters in the future.

Licking his lips he some what apprehensively turned to the nymph. With as big a smile as possible, Xie Jie said, "and that is how you satisfy your man."

The little nymph clapped her hands and smiled, "that is amazing and not too long either."

With all thoughts of the others gone, the nymph skipped happily away up river to find her dryad and try these new fun techniques.

Looking down, Xie Jie saw that Zhou Tu had fallen asleep. His sleeping face was handsome, if still filthy.

Not wanting to stick around, in case the dryad was not happy with the nymph’s attempts at imitation. Xie Jie straighten Zhou Tu's clothes, then as gently as he could, lifted him up onto his shoulders.

He was just about to leave the river bank, when he saw Zhou Tu's sword lying on the ground. Checking there was no one around, he brought out his tail and grabbed the sword, then hid his tail again.

Walking back into the woods, he headed on towards Snow Mist Peak. Not knowing where the young cultivator was going or from, Xie Jie figured the cultivator mountain would have healers who could help.

The feeling of energy earned by himself gave Xie Jie a boost to his step, and the smell of blood coming from Zhou Tu gave him urgency. He moved as quickly as he could, while carrying a full grown muscular man.

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