The Good Incubus

Chapter 3 The Man In The Bamboo Hat

Chapter 3

The Man In The Bamboo Hat

Day turned into night, then back into day again and Xie Jie was still walking through the forest towards Snow Mist Peak. He was going a lot slower as his energy was beginning to fail him, and the man on his back was not waking up.

Had he already died? Was he now just carrying a corpse that when he got to his end destination would bring about his own death?

Xie Jie paused his walking, no he could just feel Zhou Tu's faint pulse through his shoulder, but that pulse had gotten a lot weaker.

Through the trees Xie Jie could see the peak looming up in the near distance, 'I must be nearly there,' he thought, then said, "hold on a little longer Zhou Tu, I'm sure they can help you there." There was no reply from the unconscious man.

Xie Jie push forward as fast as he could, tiredness threatened to over come him, but he kept going.

He made it another mile, and could swear he could hear the sounds of a village, when he felt himself collapse with exhaustion.

Just as his balance was lost to him Xie Jie felt like he hit a tree, he could have sworn there was nothing there a moment ago.

Confused he looked down and there he saw two strong tanned beige hands on his chest holding him up.

Xie Jie looked up again and saw a tall man who's face was in shadow beneath a large bamboo hat.

A deep stern voice came out of the hat, "what are you doing with that cultivator?"

In a daze Xie Jie replied honestly, "trying to get him help"

The stern voice continued to question, "did you do this to him?"

Xie Jie was shocked, his sleepy eyes widening, "no, I would never!" but then he admitted, "well I did take his energy, but that was so I could help him."

"How is draining him helping?" Demanded the stern voice.

Xie Jie's energy deprived mind, blurted out, "he annoyed a nymph with his blood so I made him climax, so she would let him go."

There was a long confused pause.

After a moment, Xie Jie felt the arms stand him back up, he just came up to the man's chin. As the hands went to release him, Xie Jie felt himself start to fall again, and the arms tightened around him holding him steady.

Looking into the dark of the hat, Xie Jie said in a strained whisper, "I'm sorry, I'm too weak. Please take Zhou Tu and get him help, I don't think I can make it."

The voice softened, "what about you? If I leave you in this state you will die."

Xie Jie couldn't fail on his first go, Zhou Tu couldn't die because of him. Tears welled up in his eyes, "it's fine, just please save Zhou Tu."

"Why do you care so much? He is not your kin."

Tears ran down Xie Jie's beautiful face, some how adding to his charm. His energy failing he mumbled, ”I can't be a murderer." With that his energy was spent and Xie Jie sagged into the strong arms of the man beside him.

The strong arms took Xie Jie's weight and turned him into the man's wide chest.

Feeling like he was about to join Zhou Tu in unconsciousness, Xie Jie hardly felt the man hold his chin and raise it up, the warm breath on his face just about registered, then his world exploded into brightness again.

The man's soft lips pressed firmly on to his own, energy surged into his body and he felt a mix of different emotions come with the energy, most of which he didn’t understand, but he could sense a small slither of desire.

Xie Jie's heart beat wildly, he had not used his powers on this incredibly strong man and yet there was a tiny ember of desire.

The kiss was all too brief, but the effect was excessive; like a puppet with its strings pulled Xie Jie shot up. He felt like a baby lamb, just wanting to bounce around.

The man rested Xie Jie back on his feet and released his embrace. Looking down at the retreating arms Xie Jie felt a great loss.

Faster than his eyes could see, the man’s hand reached into his sleeve and pulled out a large silver collar and chain, it was made of some dull metal with shining silver symbols that faintly glowed on the collar.

Before Xie Jie could react, the collar was tightened around his neck and he felt his powers get blocked off from him. He wanted to reach for the collar, but his hands were still holding Zhou Tu.

“Why have you done this?” Xie Jie cried at the man under the hat, “please let me go I have to get help for Zhou Tu!”

Fear surged into Xie Jie’s veins, he knew of incubuses being kept as trophy's or worse. Plus if he was captured, the only fate for Zhou Tu was surely death.

Knowing it was useless but needing to try, Xie Jie ran towards Snow Mist Peak. There was a blur in the corner of his vision and the man was standing in front of him again, as if he had always been stood there.

"Please, if you let me take him to the village I will come with you quietly." Xie Jie begged.

The man in the hat slowly reached out and took hold of the chain hanging down the incubuses chest, he lifted it up to his lips in his large tanned hand. His deep smooth voice gave a low rumble, sending shivers down Xie Jie's spine, was it just hopeful thinking or was that a chuckle?

"Don't you worry little one, I'm going to take you both to Snow Mist Peak, this," the man emphasised his words with a little pull on the chain, "is just for protection."

The man lifted the chain to his lips and whispered something that Xie Jie couldn't understand.

As he gently placed the chain back down his fingers brushed against Xie Jie's chest, it was the briefest of touches with no intent behind it, yet where those fingers had touched tingled for a long while after.

The man turned and walked away towards Snow Mist Peak. Watching him leave, Xie Jie hesitated, should he follow willingly? Or put up some sort of struggle? Or protest at least?

When the man reached 15 paces from Xie Jie the decision was made for him. The collar compelled him to walk by the chain reaching out into the air and pulling the young incubus along.

Caught by surprise, Xie Jie lost his footing and reached out to steady himself with his tail. His long supple white tail was as long as he was tall and ended in a barbed point.

"Aggh!" He screamed in surprise.

The man turned with a start, "what's wrong? I don't sense anything are you alright?"

Looking down and blushing bright red Xie Jie said, "my… tail… is… out…"

For a young incubus it was the equivalent to walking around with no clothes on, how could his tail be out without him knowing?

The man let out a light hearted laugh, "your tail has been out this whole time, I thought you were being cavalier, but I guess you really had no energy."

Xie Jie stared open mouthed, how did that melodious laugh come out of that man? Then he was brought back to reality, "I can't put my tail away?!"

"No, the collar blocks your powers." Stated the man simply.

"But then everyone will know what I am, are you trying to get me killed?"

"You are never in danger when you are with me little one."

Happy there was no danger, the man in the bamboo hat started walking again.

After a few minutes walking in silence, Xie Jie said, "I would feel safer if you would tell me your name," sarcastically he added "Master"

He couldn't see it under the hat, but Xie Jie got the distinct impression the man raised an eye brow in question at him.

"My name is Hao Kong, I hope it brings you comfort." was the equally sarcastic reply.

"It does actually, thank you." Xie Jie answered honestly with a little laugh.

His view of Hao Kong had instantly changed, he seemed big and scary with his face hidden under the hat, but that reply was oddly childish. Feeling more comfortable with Hao Kong, he asked, "would you like to know my name?"

Hao Kong stopped and turned towards Xie Jie, then replied seriously, "your name is a very powerful thing in the world of cultivators, you must be careful who you tell it to."

"But you told me yours.” replied Xie Jie confused.

This was met with silence, Xie Jie really wished he could see Hao Kong's face to know what the other was thinking.

As the silence stretched, Xie Jie realised, "Ah! No, no, no, I'm such a fool."

"What's wrong?"

"I told you Zhou Tu's name!"

Hao Kong rumbled with relieved humour, "that's alright little one, I could easily find out his name if I felt the need, he is a disciple at Snow Mist Peak after all." And with that he continued to walk onwards.

Not entirely convinced this made everything OK, Xie Jie decided to address another problem, "its alright if you don't want to use my name that makes sense, but please can you call me something other than little one?" Xie Jie pouted at Hao Kong's back, it felt like an insult to his man hood.

Humour rippled through Hao Kong's words, "what would you rather I called you?"

They walked in silence for a couple of minutes while Xie Jie thought.

"How about sex kitten?"

The unshakeable form of Hao Kong stumbled over his feet and he had a coughing fit.

Unperturbed, Xie Jie went for his second choice, "no? Then how about ravishing one?"

Hao Kong's coughing fit, that he had almost got under control, redoubled it's efforts to cut off his air way.

"Alluring beast?" Still more coughing, "pale delight?" Xie Jie was becoming more amused and went for even more outrageous names, "Sexual desire? Irresistible night beauty? Arousing fiend?"

By this point, Xie Jie had caught up with the coughing Hao Kong, and took the opportunity to rub his back in a comforting way with his tail.

The feel of Hao Kong’s broad back was most stimulating to Xie Jie, and to his added pleasure Hao Kong didn't flinch away from him.

Taking his bamboo hat off, Hao Kong fanned his bright red face, much to Xie Jie's delight.

Hao Kong was strikingly handsome, the first thing Xie Jie saw was his stunning silver hair, which was cut unevenly 2 inches long, it gave him a slightly wild mystical look, beautifully complimenting his tanned beige skin, which was currently flushed bright red with coughing and blushing.

Hao Kong had a smooth strong jaw, straight nose, flat eyebrows and bright kind eyes of the darkest brown, that were watering with the coughing.

Xie Jie openly stared at this unexpected beauty before him.

"I am not calling you any of those!" Said Hao Kong eventually.

"You think of something then." replied Xie Jie distractedly.

After some thought, Hao Kong replied with, "how about Jiejing, as in Cleanse, which is what you need to do to your mind."

Xie Jie, who’s given name meant pure, stared open mouthed, that was such a close guess.

Misinterpreting Xie Jie’s silence, Hao Kong looked down at his feet like a naughty toddler and said, "Do you not like it? Was that offensive?"

Coming back to his senses, Xie Jie stared at the big strong sexy man who was bashfully looking repentant. Hao Kong was nothing like Xie Jie’s first impression of him. "No its fine, Jiejing is an interesting name for a incubus, but I'm definitely not going to cleanse my self. Although on second thoughts a bath would be nice.” Xie Jie laughed.

"When we get to Snow Mist Peak, first thing we'll do is have a good rinse." Agreed Hao Kong.

"First thing is get Zhou Tu a healer, second bath." Xie Jie said firmly.

"Yes good priorities," Hao Kong chuckled, but his chuckle cut off prematurely, and he looked towards the base of the peak like a startled wolf.

In the blink of an eye, Hao Kong was stood right next to Xie Jie, "Jiejing I'm going to have to take your burden for a moment." Thus said, he took Zhou Tu like he was a feather, placing him on his left shoulder, then he placed Xie Jie over his right shoulder, and moved with immense speed towards the mountain.

Shocked and concerned, Xie Jie could hardly enjoy the feel of Hao Kong under him, he yelled against the rushing wind, "what's going on?"

"Something has happened in the village I need to go help. I'll put you on the heavenly steps, walk up as quick as you can, always follow the chain. If anyone tries to stop you tell them Master Hao sent you. The collar will keep you safe as long as you are good."

The trees, the village, and the start of the steps all blurred past in a matter of moments.

Hao Kong carefully put Xie Jie on the heavenly steps up to Snow Mist Peak, with his right hand he lifted the chain hanging down the incubus’s chest and whispered a few words Xie Jie couldn’t understand.

The chain grew until it reached the ground, then wrapped itself around Xie Jie's waist with a little bit sticking out, almost like an arrow pointing the direction.

Hao Kong put Zhou Tu on Xie Jie’s shoulders, gave him a reassuring smile and a pat on the head, then like a summer mirage was gone.

Xie Jie was shocked to see the village some hundred meters below and thought, 'wow! Hao Kong really is a master cultivator.’

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