The Good Incubus

Chapter 21 Horns

Chapter 21


Hao Kong softly kissed Xie Jie's cheek.

"What do my horns look like?" Asked Xie Jie nervously.

"Hold on," said Hao Kong and reaching into his enchanted sleeve, pulled out a small ornate mirror and held it up in front of his incubus.

Xie Jie flinched, magic mirrors had been used to trap incubuses for thousands of years.

"Don't worry this is just an ordinary mirror." Said Hao Kong then thought, 'I want to capture you heart, body and soul with my love not some mirror.’

Hao Kong carefully flattened his incubus’s hair so he could see the little horns.

Trying to get a better look, Xie Jie turned his head and Hao Kong's finger lightly brushed against his left horn, and his mind went blank as every cell of his body pulsed with pleasure that he couldn't control, all the energy he had just received from the Leaders exploded out of him.

As the shockwave hit them the four men moaned with overwhelming pleasure.

The last thing Xie Jie saw before the darkness consumed him was Hao Kong's worried face contorted in ecstasy.

Some time later, Xie Jie was aware of a warmth a long way off on his lips.

Snippets of sound followed, 'what is that? Yelling? Banging? Is that Hao Kong's voice?' He thought.

"Of course….its…did…."

'Is that Leader Gong too?'


A lovely warm energy seeped in through his left shoulder, his right nipple, his neck and even his right hand.

Xie Jie's eyes fluttered open, and the first thing he saw was the top of Hao Kong's silver hair covering his chest, his lips were on his right nipple licking it wetly with his tongue.

As he came round more Xie Jie could feel lips on the other parts of his body too, it all felt so good, he couldn’t help but moan gently in delight.

When he heard that moan Hao Kong's head shot up, he had tears on his cheeks his eyes red.

"You’re alright." He cried and hugged Xie Jie tighter than was comfortable.

Hao Kong was sat cross legged with Xie Jie across his lap, supporting his back with his knees, his head cradled carefully in his arms.

Looking up into the red rimmed beautiful eyes of Hao Kong, Xie Jie said in a cracked voice, "I'm sorry to worry you. I guess we now know why incubuses don't grow their horns until they have had sex."

Realising what he had said, Xie Jie blushed and dropped his eyes, he hadn't wanted Hao Kong to find out he was a virgin.

Hao Kong’s heart was in total chaos, from having Xie Jie pass out in his arms, to now finding out he was a virgin too. He desperately wanted them to be each others firsts.

Xie Jie felt a lot of eyes on him and became aware of the sounds around them.

Hao Kong, Xie Jie and the three Leaders were currently inside a large shimmering shield, that was being held up by Leader Gong.

Outside the shield there appeared to be the entire population of Snow Mist Peak, the village below and all the people in the surrounding areas.

Xie Jie's eyes bulged, "what happened?"

"You sent out a massive wave of sexual energy, and I guess the love demon took it as a threat, because it has possessed everyone in the area and sent them here to kill you. They started turning up about an hour ago." Replied Leader Luo without any attempt to sugar coat the situation.

"I guess we know it is an old love demon then." said Xie Jie weakly.

"What happened to you?" Asked Leader Chu softly, concern in his kind eyes.

Ashamed of himself Xie Jie lowered his head, "I’m so sorry, horns are very sensitive and because I'm a v... v… virgin, I lost control when Master touched one.”

Looking at the beautiful men with a pleading to be understood in his eyes, he said, “an incubus goes through a physiological change the first time they have sex, it gives them greater control over their body. But I haven't managed to seduce anyone yet."

Xie Jie put his head in his hands, careful to avoid his new horns. He had been so close, he felt such a failure!

Leader Chu laughed and Xie Jie looked up pouting at him. "I'm sorry, I'm not making light of your situation but you have clearly seduced several people, especially the one who hasn't let go of you for the last 3 hours." Leader Chu nodded towards Hao Kong.

Xie Jie turned to look at the handsome man with tear tracks on his face.

"Jiejing you have to remember," continued Leader Chu, "humans don't view sex in the same way as your kind, we are a lot slower to jump into someone's robes, and us cultivators are normally even slower still." He said giving the red eyed Master a meaningful look.

Ignoring his Leader’s look, Hao Kong snuggled onto his incubus’s shoulder, he had never been so scared in his long life as when Xie Jie passed out in that way.

Pointing at the crowd Leader Luo interrupted, "That is all very touching but we need to do something about all of them. I think you should let me out there so I can go find this love demon and kill it."

Leader Gong sighed, "Leader Luo we have already been through this, we don't know where the love demon is, and if you go out alone and get possessed by it you’ll try to kill Jiejing, which could result in all of us getting hurt or worse."

Leader Luo shuddered and looked pensive, “fine, but we need to do something.”

Curiosity got the best of Xie Jie and his eyes travelled down, there he saw a row of three tents.

"How have you been keeping yourselves aroused?" He asked while trying to not stare at their crotches.

Leader Chu and Leader Gong both blushed and smiled shyly, they couldn't face each other.

Leader Luo on the other hand, had spent the time Xie Jie was asleep single-mindedly removing the shyness from his mind, seeing it as a weakness he would not stand.

Very straight forwardly he said, "we have been kissing as you taught us."

At that point Xie Jie noticed the red lips of the Leaders, looking up he saw Hao Kong’s lips were also red and slightly swollen, they had been passionately kissing each other this whole time?

"Leader Luo you are a marvel, you rise to any challenge." Xie Jie said full of praise.

Puffing up with pride Leader Luo said, "now it is your turn, we need you to set them all free so I can go kill the demon before it can possess anyone else."

"I would need to have a lot of energy to release this many people, and I've already proven I can't control it without having…" Xie Jie trailed off, they all now knew what he had to do, or more to the point; who.

Putting his lips to Hao Kong's red ear Xie Jie said, "I wanted to take it slow with you, but I think we might be out of time. I want you to be mine in all ways, Hao Kong please be my first."

Hao Kong's throat went dry, his heart was racing, he opened and closed his mouth but had no words to express himself. However his rock solid lower half spoke volumes.

This was not how Hao Kong had envisioned their first time together and he had already imagined it many times. He wanted to romance Xie Jie, he didn’t know how to romance an incubus but he would have found a way.

However, now for the sake of Xie Jie and all the people inside and outside the shield, he was going to do it here in the great hall, surrounded by all these people and the three great Leaders of his sect.

The thought thrilled Hao Kong. 

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