The Good Incubus

Chapter 22 (NSFW) First

To celebrate my first ever comment, here is an extra chapter. Thanks LordGrimm, I hope it's not too vanilla for you. (it gets ruder later.)

Chapter 22



A look of desire passed between Xie Jie and Hao Kong, and they kissed each other passionately.

Hao Kong’s warm familiar energy flowed into his incubus’s body, it was far more than he had given him before, the energy surged round Xie Jie’s system starting all his juices flowing.

The strong almost single minded desire in Hao Kong’s energy finally made Xie Jie understand what he was feeling, startled he froze.

Worried, Hao Kong pulled his lips back, had he used too much Qi? Seeing the dreamy look in Xie Jie's eyes he felt a momentary pang of fear, had the love demon got him?

Looking straight into Hao Kong's beautiful dark eyes Xie Jie said, "I love you too."

Hao Kong's heart stopped for a second then thundered in his ears, completely overwhelmed with happiness he asked in a daze, "how did you know?"

"I can feel your emotions through your energy." Explained Xie Jie dreamily.

Off to the side the three Leaders stared then hastily reflected, all with the same thought, 'what did he feel in me?'

Hao Kong kissed Xie Jie passionately again, he was in a state of euphoria; Xie Jie accepted and returned his love.

His energy had a distinctly happy feel to it, but after a moment it became troubled.

This time Hao Kong broke the kiss on his own, he understood something from that kiss, "I don't think I can give you enough energy to protect you from me. I'll lose control when I climax and I could…" Hao Kong couldn't finish the thought, "it's why I have been resisting you."

Latching on to completely the wrong part of that statement Xie Jie said, "so you did want to have sex with me?"

His heart soared to the sky, Hao Kong loved and lusted after him.

Gently caressing Xie Jie’s cheek, Hao Kong replied, "It's taken all my will power to resist you, I couldn't risk hurting you."

"We can help with any energy you need." Stated Leader Luo.

Completely oblivious to the social situation, the tall Leader strode over, pulled Xie Jie's head back and roughly kissed him, plunging his tongue deep into his mouth while pumping energy into him, and only releasing when he had to breathe.

Xie Jie's lips went red with the power of their kiss and Hao Kong got painfully hard underneath him.

"You good now?" Asked Leader Luo.

"Mmmm that was great." Replied Xie Jie dreamily.

"Thank you Leader Luo, you are truly one of the great Leaders of our time. Hopefully that will be enough energy." Praised Hao Kong.

Leader Chu and Leader Gong were staring at Leader Luo open mouthed, both of them thought the same thing, 'Leader Luo really is so decisive, is there anything he can't do?'

Hao Kong lifted Xie Jie up and turned him so they were face to face, while Xie Jie wrapped his limbs and tail around his man.

Getting caught up in their desire, Xie Jie sucked Hao Kong's tongue into his mouth and wrapped it in his own, he wanted to hold every bit of his man.

Sliding his hands down Hao Kong's neck onto his chest, Xie Jie parted his robes and continued on down. While at the same time, Hao Kong pulled up his incubus’s robes so his soft behind was resting against his own parting clothes.

Xie Jie's hands got as far as his man's abdomen when his long hard cock finally broke free, and raced up to rest in Xie Jie's luscious valley.

Hao Kong tried to raise his hips to push between Xie Jie's buttocks but confirmed what he already suspected, he had no idea what he was doing.

Smiling sweetly at his man’s flustered face, Xie Jie said, "let me guide you my love."

Hao Kong's heart fluttered, "I'm yours to do with as you please." He replied coyly while blushing profusely.

Xie Jie's smile turned naughty, "don't regret that later."

"I won't." Hao Kong promised with a kiss.

Xie Jie lowered himself down onto Hao Kong's hard cock, his incubus body already soft and wet.

Savouring the feel of his ring loosening and slowly accepting his first giant visitor, Xie Jie sighed in delight as Hao Kong's bulbous end squeezed in, sending waves of pleasure through both men.

Breathing heavily into Xie Jie's chest, Hao Kong trembled lightly sending vibrations up his man’s spine, he was really too sensitive to his lover’s body.

Xie Jie let out a sensual moan laced with an incredible amount of sexual energy, and the front row of villagers stopped moving then started to struggle in the melee.

Leader Gong let his fellow Leaders out of the shield, where they grabbed the nearest scared villager and gently threw them on top of the shield.

The rest of the crowd had very little interest in anything but getting to Xie Jie, so didn't try to stop the powerful Leaders.

One by one the startled villagers landed on the slightly shiny nothingness of Leader Gong’s shield.

Having retrieved all the released people the two Leaders landed lightly on the shield, Leader Chu started healing those that had been injured, while Leader Luo stood vigilant for the next lot.

In their little bubble of bliss, Xie Jie and Hao Kong had no idea of the chaos around them.

Slowly, enjoying every inch Xie Jie dropped his hips down, his incubus body greedily sucking Hao Kong’s huge shaft deeper in.

Half way down Xie Jie let out another moan, more villagers stopped and were rescued by Leader Luo.

His mind going blank with the unrivalled pleasure of being penetrated by his lover for the first time, Xie Jie slid Hao Kong to the hilt. He was just about to raise back up when Hao Kong's trembling hand caught his arm.

"Please wait a moment." Hao Kong panted into his incubus’s pale chest.

Looking down Xie Jie saw his cultivator was becoming overwhelmed already.

The sight of Hao Kong's red rimmed eyes looking up at him, the tear marks still visible on his cheeks, caught at Xie Jie's heart sending a thrilling mix through his body.

Throwing back his head he let out a very different moan, this one had overtones of lust and undertones of love mix through his energy.

The effect on the crowd was far greater then lust alone, a quarter of the remaining villagers and a dozen disciples all stopped in their tracks.

"Get up here!" Leader Luo yelled at the disciples, as he himself jumped down to rescue the villagers.

Some of the older disciples shook off the possession quicker and grabbed a villager on their way up.

The space on top of the shield was fast running out as more people were rescued.

Caught between wanting to give Hao Kong time and wanting to give into his desire, Xie Jie said, “I’ll take it slow my love.”

Holding tightly onto his lover’s hips, Hao Kong nodded, he wanted Xie Jie to move more than anything in the world but he didn’t want it to end, he wanted to make love to his man for hours not minutes.

Xie Jie slowly raised up Hao Kong’s long wet cock, pleasure erupting in both their minds as his insides sucked and pulsed round his man’s hard member.

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