The Good Incubus

Chapter 23 (NSFW) Riding

Chapter 23



Now in their right minds, the villagers and disciples couldn't help but be acutely aware of how aroused they were. 

Xie Jie moaned again drawing every eye down, seeing the devastatingly sexy look of a bashed sexual delight on Hao Kong's handsome face, a lot of the watchers had to fight to control their own sexual desires. 

Noticing the looks on the people’s faces, Leader Chu told them, "The only way to not get repossessed is to stay aroused." 

He got a lot of shocked gasps, but Leader Chu was too embarrassed to continue, so left his warning at that. 

Blushing bright red Leader Chu turned back to his healing, while sneaking quick peeks at Hao Kong and Xie Jie, telling himself it was to help stay aroused. 

Looking into Hao Kong's overwhelmed face, Xie Jie saw that his man was not going to make it long enough, "my love for this to work we both have to climax, so I'm going to have to prepare you for the next stage, I'll be as gentle as I can." 

Breathing heavily Hao Kong replied with a sexy smile, "do what ever you want my love." 

Deep down Hao Kong was becoming aware that his body was open to just about anything his incubus did. 

Pushing Hao Kong backwards, Xie Jie cried out as they tipped over and his lover’s hard cock plunged deeper into his body, “Oh Master!” 

Said Master’s robes flew open exposing his stunning muscular body for all to see. Their delighted moans mixed together and echoed throughout the hall.

Seeing Hao Kong’s beautiful tanned beige body, Xie Jie flung his robes away in a fit of passion and caressed his lover all over.

Now lying on his back, behind Xie Jie’s head Hao Kong could see the people above looking at him with varying emotions, he felt deeply embarrassed but also highly aroused, ‘what is wrong with me?’ He vaguely thought, but the thought was lost to the incredible feeling of Xie Jie’s body riding him, his hips continually lifting and falling, his wet hole caressing and sucking his cock.

After Leader Luo got the last of the freed villagers up on the shield, he started to organise the disciples. 

"We are going to make a shield to the door to get these people out. Everyone pair up, one villager to one disciple. Take your villager straight to the practise hall, and remember to stay aroused to stop the love demon repossessing you. Everyone understand?"

“Yes Leader Luo!” 

With a look to Leader Chu, Leader Luo jumped into the chaos below, fearless of the raging people around him, he pushed and pulled the people carefully out of the way. 

His little sword got nudged and prodded several times, but like the true Leader he was, he used the stimulation to keep aroused and kept going with the task. 

Bringing his hands together then spreading them out wide, Leader Luo sent a large wave of energy into the gap, he used just the right amount of strength to part the people around him.

Up on the shield Leader Chu instated a long shield to the door between the parted people, and the disciples wasted no time running along the new shield, getting the villagers out as quickly as possible.

When the last of the villagers and disciples were out, Leader Luo and Leader Chu started repelling the strongest Masters to take the strain off of Leader Gong.

Xie Jie used his tail to pull up his man’s knees. Hao Kong thought he knew where this was going and relaxed his grip on his incubus’s waist. 

Licking his long middle finger, Xie Jie coated it in a thick layer of special saliva and reached under Hao Kong's balls, then gently rubbed the thick liquid onto his man’s twitching little hole.

"If you can, raise your hips." 

Hao Kong obediently raised his pelvis, pushing deeper into Xie Jie’s body eliciting another low moan from his incubus, which released yet more villagers and disciples.

"Try to keep relaxed, are you ready?" 

"Please be my first my love." Came Hao Kong’s breathy reply.

Xie Jie’s heart thundered in his chest, he greedily wanted to be Hao Kong’s first everything. 

Slowly Xie Jie slid his long slender finger in through Hao Kong’s tight ring. 

Hao Kong was braced for the severe pain, but instead the feeling of being entered by his lover’s delicate finger was a strange new delight, his body relaxed and let the invading digit in smoothly. 

Having always thought of himself as a natural bottom, Xie Jie had scoffed at learning this technique but now he was praising the heavens that he could treat his Hao Kong gently. 

The thick saliva was from a gland in his mouth that had muscle relaxing properties, among other things. 

"Can I move?" Asked Xie Jie with a sensual sigh.

Hao Kong moaned and to Xie Jie's surprise answered, "Please!" 

Xie Jie's love for Hao Kong  threatened to overwhelm his reason, 'he is beyond perfect.' 

Sliding his finger slowly in and out, Xie Jie at the same time began to move his hips a little faster, enjoying every smooth caress of his lover’s hard shaft deep inside him for the first time. 

The feel of Hao Kong’s body was amazing, Xie Jie wanted more, and knowing what his next course was he made sure to prepare Hao Kong properly, he coated a second finger and returned both to his man’s now wet tight hole. 

Hao Kong's moans filled the hall and Xie Jie moaned in response. Being pleasured on both sides was destroying Hao Kong’s stamina but he refused to climax, it all felt too good, he never wanted it to end.

Feeling Xie Jie’s energy through their mark and in his moans, Hao Kong’s mind broke through it’s lusty haze for a second. 

Panic coloured his voice, as he struggled to contain himself, “You’re using too much power, you won't be able to withstand the strength of my climax."

Leader Gong who was sat sustaining the shield not far away got up. Now there wasn't 100 plus people up there, and his fellow Leaders were keeping the strongest Masters busy, he could easily maintain the shield. "Let me help." 

Just the thought made the lovers breathe harder, Xie Jie slowed his movements and gazed up at the handsome cultivator. 

"Please." Panted Hao Kong, his beautiful dark eyes full of teary gratitude for his Scholarly Leader. 

Kneeling to their left, Leader Gong held the cute incubus’s face with his delicate fingers and put their lips together, kissing him gently at first. 

Leader Gong's eye brows rose, the sexual energy coming off of the young incubus was intoxicating, he had no idea how Hao Kong was surviving such power. 

Trying to ignore the rampant sexual energy that was surging into him, Leader Gong used all he had learnt about kissing while Xie Jie slept and focused on that knowledge, he deftly slipped his tongue round Xie Jie's lips, then slid it in to caress his tongue. 

Xie Jie's eyes went wide, ‘has Leader Gong's passive power grown?’ He thought in awe as he moaned into the Leader’s mouth. Unable to keep still while two men were pleasuring him, his hips moved up and down on their own, more vigorously rubbing Hao Kong inside him and he moaned again.  

Leader Gong left him breathless as he pulled back licking his lips. 

"You really are a quick study." Moaned Xie Jie appreciatively.

Looking at Leader Luo and Leader Chu, Leader Gong smiled shyly, "we practiced a lot while you were asleep." 

With a happy shy smile he sat back in the middle of the shield. 

Looking down Xie Jie could see it wasn't only him who had enjoyed his kiss with Leader Gong, Hao Kong was straining as he tried to contain himself. 

Xie Jie slid his fingers out of his lover’s ring, leaning down he kissed up his chest, and looking into his dark eyes said in a sultry tone, "I'm ready for you my love." 

A look of pure bliss exploded over Hao Kong's face, his cock pulsed and his toes curled as he cried out, “I love you Jiejing!”

Xie Jie felt the warm liquid shoot up his insides, as Hao Kong lost control of his strength and trembled with almighty force below him, he now understood why Hao Kong had been so worried, without the extra energy from Leader Gong to strengthen his body, his hips would of been ruined.

Then the enormous accompanying power burst into him from his lover, and he let out an almighty cry of delight, sending sexual energy throughout the hall. 

All the while his inner walls contracted and pulsed sucking the last drops from his man, then holding his prize.

Xie Jie completely lost his senses for a moment and lay panting on Hao Kong's chest, unable to move or think, as he felt parts of his mind and body change. His control over his body increased as he absorbed Hao Kong's seed, the delightful energy was unlike anything he had ever felt before. 

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