The Good Incubus

Chapter 25 (NSFW) Delightful Sight

Chapter 25

Delightful Sight


Five of the seven remaining cultivators froze blinking in confusion, their minds trying to understand the pornographic scene in front of them.

They saw Leader Chu sensually caressing a young "demon’s" chest, while said "demon ravaged” Master Hao, with Leader Gong laying next to them on the floor sensually kissing a dishevelled Leader Luo in his arms.

Before the stunned Masters could say a word, a young female cultivator with a red belt dashed into the hall and ushered the five outside, away from the maelstrom of power.

Feeling the energy radiating off of Xie Jie, Leader Chu couldn't believe the last two cultivators hadn't been released yet, or how Hao Kong was coping.

Leaning forward he softly thrust his clothed tip deeper into Xie Jie’s valley, and whispered into the young incubus’s ear, "I don't think this is working. Is there anything else we can do?"

Fighting madly on a wave of passion and power, Xie Jie forced himself to think, "either I climax and release all my power at once, or I somehow make physical contact with them; seeing how it affected Leader Luo, I think that would be our best bet. You need to hurry, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going,” as if to illustrate his point, he cried out half moaning half speaking, “Master feels too good!"

Leader Chu removed his hands from Xie Jie’s chest, and letting himself have one last contact with his cute bum, stood up moaning sensually.

Leader Chu turned, intending to move over to the other Leaders and discuss how best to free the last two, but he froze seeing Leader Luo sensually kissing Leader Gong, sadness clouding his beautiful dark eyes.

Hao Kong was off in a world of pleasure, his insides were pure melting bliss. His body rocking with every thrust of Xie Jie’s hips was a delight, he could hardly breathe he was panting and moaning so much, he never wanted it to end.

However he knew if it didn't end soon he would be in real danger of his cultivation collapsing. Every time he climaxed Xie Jie sucked more energy out of him and he was getting dangerously drained.

As if in a dream, Hao Kong turned his head away from Xie Jie for the first time since their bodies entwined. Off to his side he saw his honoured Leaders, and between pants he said, "Leaders please can you help me?"

A shadow instantly fell across Hao Kong's head, and he turned back round to see Xie Jie's face mere inches from his own, worry etched in every feature.

Not stopping the smooth motion of his hips for a second, Xie Jie asked, "my love do you need me to pull out?"

Instantly Hao Kong cried, "no! I can do this, I’m just a little drained."

The worry evaporated from his sexy incubus's face.

Starting slowly, energy flowed from Xie Jie's hard cock, every time he thrust forward more energy surged into Hao Kong, making his eyes go wide.

"How?" Breathed Hao Kong.

"You my love, thanks to you my control has grown." Xie Jie leaned down and softly pecked Hao Kong on the lips. It was only the briefest of kisses, he didn’t want to stifle his man’s ability to breathe.

Xie Jie's energy moved round Hao Kong's chakra points like a sensual caress, stimulating his tired limbs and clearing his mind.

His eyes curving with his lips, Hao Kong smiled adoringly at his husband, "thank you my love."

That look and those simple words pierced Xie Jie's heart. He was getting more and more of Hao Kong, it was enough to extract another mixed moan from him, this one had overtones of love and undertones of lust.

The love struck the hearts of all those present, reducing their inhibitions and making them want to confess.

Leader Gong finally broke his kiss with Leader Luo and in a rush said, "Luo Bai the reason you haven't seen me get close to anyone else, is because you are the one I wanted to be close to. I don't expect you to feel the same but I needed to tell you, I love you."

Leader Chu couldn't contain himself either, he knelt down beside his fellow Leaders and took Leader Luo’s other hand, "Luo Bai I have also loved you for hundreds of years. I don’t expect anything from you in return but please let me openly love you."

Bewildered, Leader Luo looked between the two men; he had never thought about either of them as anything other than brother cultivators before today, but then he hadn't thought about anything romantic or sexual since he was a teenager over 600 years ago.

Now he was beginning to understand romance, his feelings were becoming confused. So he answered in the only way he knew how, "I love you both, I’ve always loved you both, but I don't know in what way."

Both men smiled, that was more than they could have hoped for.

“Only one left." Moaned Xie Jie bringing them all back to the present.

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