The Good Incubus

Chapter 26 (NSFW) Last One

Chapter 26

Last One


Looking at the man's rage filled face Xie Jie finally recognised him, "is that Zhou Tu?"

Leader Gong turned to look, "Yes, he is young why is he still possessed?"

"Jealousy?" Panted Hao Kong, the thought of another man wanting Xie Jie stimulated his mind, his back arching he climaxed for the umpteenth time, covering Xie Jie's wet abdomen with more of his hot seed.

Xie Jie smiled at Hao Kong, he could think of nothing better than making the man he loved climax and he was getting to see it over and over again. He slowed his movements savouring a long slow pull back, when only his tip was left he gently bounced it just inside Hao Kong's ring, making him moan and stay hard as a rock.

Xie Jie wanted to make love to Hao Kong all night long.

'No think about Zhou Tu, could it be jealousy?' Xie Jie schooled himself.

Thrusting deeply back into Hao Kong he said, "Zhou Tu told me he likes women not men. It can't be jealousy. Maybe he just hates me? Either way I think the only way to release him will be for me to make physical contact with him. Leader Gong can you reduce the shield so he is close enough for me to touch?"

"It would be easier for me to just let him in and for us to restrain him. Disciple Zhou’s not strong enough to pose a problem." Replied Leader Gong with a complicated expression on his face.

Leader Luo blushed, "Gong Qiu Yu let me”

Hearing his full name come out of Leader Luo’s lips, made Leader Gong’s heart beat wildly.

Getting up Leader Luo walked in front of Zhou Tu and performed a very complicated series of hand motions, "ready when you are Gong Qiu Yu."

Leader Gong blushed, after all these years Leader Luo had finally made a step towards him. He dropped the shield with a sigh of relief.

The second the shield was down Leader Luo reached out and touched Zhou Tu instantly freezing him. Leader Luo breathed hard, his energy was lower than he had thought.

Leader Chu walked up and resting a large hand on Leader Luo’s shoulder said, "I've got it from here Luo Bai." Smiling shyly at the tall martial artist, the big Healer picked up Zhou Tu with one arm.

Putting the other arm around Leader Luo's shoulder he supported his crush back to the others.

Leader Luo gratefully accepted the help, “Thank you Chu Ling.”

Leader Chu’s face split into a huge happy smile.

Putting Zhou Tu down in front of Xie Jie, Leader Chu sat down with Leader Luo between him and Leader Gong, both of them shyly holding one of his hands.

Seeing the straining rage on Zhou Tu's face, Xie Jie’s heart hurt for the young man, "I'm sorry disciple Zhou, please forgive me I must touch you again and without your consent this time."

Xie Jie reached out and sensually stroked Zhou Tu's hand, sending as much energy as he dared into the young man.

There was no change to Zhou Tu's face. "Leader Luo did it work? I can't tell his face is frozen."

Leader Luo shrugged with a worried look.

Concern in his eyes Leader Gong said, "I'll check." Getting up he reluctantly released Leader Luo’s hand and felt Zhou Tu's pulse. "He should be back to normal, but I'll hold him while you unfreeze him just to be sure."

That being said he lifted Zhou Tu up, his strong slender arms around the young man’s waist, pinning his arms to his sides.

Making a less complex series of hand motions, Leader Luo lightly touched the disciple's foot.

Instantly Zhou Tu went limp in Leader Gong’s arms.

"What is going on? How am I back in Snow Mist Peak?" Asked the confused disciple.

"You have been possessed by a love demon, that young man released you." Said Leader Gong and slowly put Zhou Tu back down.

With a confused look at Leader Gong, Zhou Tu’s eyes settled on Xie Jie and Hao Kong, a complicated set of emotions ran across the young man’s face, settling on a shy smile. He tried to cup his hands together but they were badly injured from hitting Leader Gong’s shield for so long, so instead he just bowed, "thank you for saving me again."

Xie Jie smiled up at Zhou Tu, seeing his bleeding hands he said, "I’m just sorry it took so long."

Zhou Tu wanted to say more but Leader Gong put a gentle hand on his shoulder, "please join the others outside, someone will take you to the infirmary."

“Yes Leader Gong.” Zhou Tu bowed again and reluctantly left the hall, with many a backwards glance.

Helping Leader Luo up, Leader Chu and Leader Gong took the opportunity to put one of the tall Leader’s arms around each of them to support him out of the hall.

A small smile raised the corners of Leader Luo’s lips and he said nothing, even though he was perfectly capable of walking on his own.

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