The Good Incubus

Chapter 28 (NSFW) Soothing

Chapter 28



Hao Kong was woken by voices outside. He lay on his sleeping mat in his little hut and slowly came round.

Due to his heightened senses he could clearly hear the people outside whispering, he thought they must be talking about their plans to track down the love demon, but as he listened he heard Xie Jie say;

“How come no one here seems to eat anything?”

Leader Gong’s voice answered clearly, “advanced cultivators absorb energy from their surroundings, we don’t need sustenance.”

“Then why the tea?”

“Who doesn’t like tea?” Said Leader Chu with a bright laugh.

Hearing Leader Chu’s laugh, Hao Kong lay still for a moment wondering what was going on out side.

“It’s good to pause for tea, it helps clear the mind.” He heard Leader Luo’s say, and was even more confused, why did it sound like they were old friends having a tea party?

Rolling over Hao Kong felt horrendous pain shoot through his lower half, and he swore he would get revenge on the love demon. Even gritting his teeth a little hiss escaped his lips.

The door to the hut crashed open and Xie Jie was beside him in a flash, a look of worry and shame on his face.

Putting his head to the floor Xie Jie said, "I'm so sorry Hao Kong, please forgive me."

Hao Kong reached out a shaking hand and stroked Xie Jie's head, careful to avoid his beautiful long curved white horns, "There is nothing to be sorry for, I will get used to it with practice."

Xie Jie looked up, his eyes wide with delight and shock, "am I dreaming?"

"I hope you don't dream of me being in this much pain." Replied Hao Kong with a sour chuckle that contorted his features in pain.

Horrified, Xie Jie said, "I only dream of giving you pleasure."

Somehow this didn't entirely reassure Hao Kong.

"Oh no the effect of my soothing must have worn off." Said Xie Jie when he saw the pain on his man’s face.

At Hao Kong’s quizzical look, he said, "Since I got more control over my body I can secrete liquids to help," Xie Jie smiled shyly, "my lover’s body."

Due to the pain he had felt, Hao Kong hadn't taken in his situation properly, now hearing that Xie Jie had used soothing liquid on him, he had a bad feeling and looked down; yep he was completely naked.

Xie Jie's eyes also looked down Hao Kong’s body and his eye brows rose, a smile spreading across his face, "you really are insatiable."

Hao Kong moved his hands to cover his risen shame, but as he tensed the muscles in his abdomen, a wave of pain passed through him and he lay limply back down with a groan.

Quickly getting up, Xie Jie grabbed Hao Kong’s clean robe from a hook on the wall and gently laid it over him, then knelt back down, "I'm sorry I had to clean your robe and couldn't find a blanket to cover you with while it dried."

Xie Jie looked slightly guilty because he also hadn't wanted to cover Hao Kong's beautiful beige body. He had spent hours in the night etching every line of every toned muscle into his memory.

Hao Kong suspected the truth but didn't begrudge Xie Jie his looking, he himself had spent a long time looking at Xie Jie's naked sleeping form.

"May I please sooth you?" Asked Xie Jie.

"How does that work?"

"I have two glands, one in my mouth and one in my balls." Hao Kong's mouth fell open. "while you were asleep I used the one in my mouth, like when we were in the great hall, but the one in my balls is now a lot more effective."

Getting even harder, Hao Kong thought, 'I really am a pervert'.

Xie Jie beamed happily, "Your predilections are perfect my love."

Hao Kong pulled his robe up over his head with another soft groan of pain.

Watching Hao Kong hide like a child Xie Jie couldn't help but laugh, he loved to watch his cute man get aroused by next to nothing and then get embarrassed about it, he found it endearing.

However he hated to see him in pain, so he asked again,

"Can I please sooth you?"

Under the robe came a muffled reply, "do I have to move? It hurts when I move anything."

As a cultivator with a strong body, Hao Kong hadn’t been in any pain, let alone this much, for decades.

Tears came into Xie Jie's eyes, his voice was heavy with regret, "I'm so sorry, I should have controlled myself more."

Lowering his robe Hao Kong peered out, his heart ached at the sight of his beautiful incubus, Xie Jie’s tail was on the floor and his lowered head had tears falling down his cheeks.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Hao Kong reached out a shaking hand towards Xie Jie's knee.

In a moment Xie Jie had cupped the large rough hand in both of his.

His voice trembling slightly, Hao Kong said, "Yesterday was not exactly normal, I told you then to continue and I tell you now its OK, this pain is only temporary. Please sooth me with your mouth for now.” He took a deep breath, “I think if you go near me with your lovely snake I will get aroused again."

Blushing deeply at his very forward words, Hao Kong hid under his robes again.

Xie Jie leaned down and kissed the back of the hand he was holding. "I'll do what ever you desire, I am yours to command 'Master'"

Under his robe Hao Kong went even redder and his little tent got even higher.

Xie Jie released Hao Kong's hand and moved carefully between his legs.

Dropping right down as he had many times in the night, he gently licked up and down Hao Kong's swollen ring.

Unable to contain himself, Hao Kong sighed in relief as the pain in his behind subsided.

Joyfully Xie Jie pushed his long tongue slowly inside, coating every little bit, and felt the strained muscles bunch around him.

Every part of his cultivator was a true delight, Xie Jie could feel himself heating up. Hao Kong was getting harder and harder right in front of his face, and he wanted to taste all of it. His mouth began to water, making his saliva mix with the thicker liquid and run down his man’s valley.

The sensation of the soothing and the warm liquid trickling down between his cheeks, greatly stimulated Hao Kong and he couldn't help but push his hips up, pushing Xie Jie's tongue deep inside.

Lost in the moment, Hao Kong let out a light sigh, "it feels so good."

Xie Jie's heart raced, Hao Kong really was unbelievably sexy in his naive honesty. Knowing they definitely couldn’t go again now, he desperately fought to keep control of his desire for his lover.

Oblivious to Xie Jie's struggles or his own sexiness, Hao Kong sighed again.

Having fully covered everything he could reach, Xie Jie reluctantly pulled his tongue out with one last lick around Hao Kong's less swollen ring and sat back up.

Hao Kong's breathing was already heavy and his cheeks were flushed, he looked up at his incubus with a look full of lusty longing, and Xie Jie's control almost broke.

Luckily for both men there was a knock at the door.

"Are you quite finished? We need to get back to planning." It was the impatient voice of Leader Luo.

'No, no, no not again!' thought Hao Kong and hid under his robes, 'how many embarrassing things will my Leaders hear me do?'

"We'll be right out." Called Xie Jie.

The sounds of Leader Luo's retreating steps could be clearly heard through out the hut.

"Are you able to get up now?" Asked Xie Jie.

Hao Kong dropped his robe back down, "I think I can if you help me."

"I'm going to have to remove your robe again, is that alright?"

Hao Kong blushed, Xie Jie really was treating him like a fragile maiden. Thinking about it, he had to admit in all things sexual he was a blushing bride.

Determined to get better at all of this, Hao Kong pulled back his robe in a long fluid movement.

He was almost convincing, but was let down by his chest being as red as his cheeks, and he still couldn't get control of his long hard shaft.

Covering his mouth with his hand to hide his laugh, Xie Jie said, "you don't have to try so hard in front of me, I think your embarrassment is adorable."

Hao Kong pouted, which made him even cuter. "I don't want to be adorable, I want to be your big strong man."

Xie Jie's heart skipped a beat, that was the cutest love confession he had ever heard.

Completely forgetting Hao Kong was in pain, he jumped at his lover, and putting his arms and tail around his cultivator, squeezed him to his chest.

"You are my big strong man, who just happens to be unbelievably adorable."

Hao Kong’s strained voice came out from Xie Jie’s chest, “strong but in pain!”

Xie Jie quickly let go, “Sorry, I just got excited at the idea of you being my man.”

Hao Kong chuckled, “now who’s being adorable?”

Looking up through his long eye lashes, Xie Jie smiled happily and helped Hao Kong up to by the sound of many groans.

“I’m sorry the soothing would have been more effective if I’d use the gland in my balls.”

When Hao Kong was eventually up, with a little disappointed pout, Xie Jie helped him on with his robe, while thinking, ‘ah well it was lovely looking while I could.’

Then with Xie Jie under Hao Kong’s arm supporting him, they walked out of the hut.

Hi all, thank you very much for reading this far, it means a great deal to me. I hate to disappoint you but I am going to have to slow down my chapter updates. It is taking me far longer to edit than I anticipated, so until I finish the story I’ll be dropping the amount of releases. I only put up this many in one go so you could enjoy XJ and HK’s first time. I hope you continue to give our incubus and his men lots of love.

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