The Good Incubus

Chapter 29 Waylaying Fears

Chapter 29

Waylaying Fears


Outside the hut, the 3 Leaders sat in a little section of flattened wild grass with Hao Kong’s desk in between them and a map spread out on top.

Leader Gong was making notes on the scrolls around him with a long slender brush held in his elegant dexterous hand.

Scattered about on any free bit of space, were Hao Kong’s tea pot and cups from the hut. Making Hao Kong wonder, ‘how many hours have they been out here?’

The Leaders looked up as they heard the pair finally come out. When they saw the state of Hao Kong they all flinched, and Leader Gong and Leader Chu both subconsciously looked at Leader Luo with longing and worry in their eyes.

Xie Jie was scared the state of Hao Kong had put the Leaders off seducing Leader Luo for life.

They all thought the same thing, ‘Leader Luo is definitely a sword and I want to be his sheath.’

Trying to think of a way to waylay their worries, Xie Jie supported Hao Kong over to the table.

Hao Kong cupped his hands and tried to bow to the Leaders of his sect, but even with his incubus’s help the pain in his lower half stopped him short of a proper deep bow, with a small groan of pain he said, “greetings honoured Leaders.”

The Leaders all bowed back, with looks of respect for the younger Master, “greetings Master Hao.”

Lifting his man up from behind, Xie Jie sat down on the ground cross legged with Hao Kong in his lap, so his bum would be off the ground.

Hao Kong was about to complain that this wasn’t a dignified way to sit in front of his Leaders, but as he felt the position alleviate the pressure on his rear, he settled into Xie Jie’s embrace, and enjoyed his familiar tail wrap around him.

Having been thinking the same thing as Xie Jie, with a smile Hao Kong said, “I’m not that bad,” then returned to his now normal red and continued with, “it’s just the situation yesterday wasn’t normal, so it was rather more wearing on my body than it would usually be.”

Leader Luo smiled kindly, “there is no need to explain to us, we all saw how hard you worked to protect the people of our sect. You being able to cope with that much sexual power in your body is impressive.” Leader Luo cupped his hands and bowed low to Hao Kong.

Embarrassed but also proud, Hao Kong cupped his hands and tried to bow deeply to his Leader in return, but as he leaned forward the pain in his midsection stopped him slightly short again.

Feeling guilty, Hao Kong lowered his head and said, “Thank you all for your hard work yesterday. I’m sorry I put us all in that situation, Jiejing did warn me about the dangers but I didn’t fully understand.”

Leader Gong instantly replied, “Don’t be silly, if you hadn’t brought Jiejing in, I along with a lot of other people would still be under the control of that demon.”

The idea made him shiver. Leader Luo put a comforting arm around the surprised Leader Gong.

In reply to the scholar’s raised eye brow, Leader Luo said, “I have been too stand offish in the past, you and Chu Ling are my oldest friends and...” he swallowed hard, he hadn’t managed to eliminate all his shyness, “I want to know if we can be more than friends.”

With a quick look to each other the two Leaders asked in unison, “which one of us?”

Confused by the question, Leader Luo answered, “I want both of you.”

“...” The two Leaders.

Xie Jie laughed brightly, “Leader Luo the more I know you the more I love your thinking.”

Even more confused, Leader Luo asked bashfully, “what did I get wrong?”

The two Leaders were the only people he would ever admit his ignorance to, so both their hearts melted as he asked.

Leader Chu looked to Leader Gong and with a small nod from him said, “Luo Bai you got nothing wrong, we just didn’t expect you to want this type of relationship.”

Leader Gong took his fellow Leaders hands and with a warm smile said, “you are right, we are the oldest of friends and we would like to see if we can be more too.”

‘What is going on?’ Thought Hao Kong, these were his highly respected Leaders acting like kids with their first love. Looking over his shoulder at Xie Jie he had a wild thought and asked, “Jiejing you are pure incubus right?”

Xie Jie’s eye brows shot up, where did that question come from? “I believe so, I never met my father but I don’t think succubus’s can mate with any other being. Why do you ask?”

“Since you have got here you seem to have spread a lot of love as well as lust.”

“Oh that, that’s because I’m in love with you.” Xie Jie said straight forwardly, “how do I describe it...” he thought for a moment, totally missing Hao Kong’s look of shocked delight, “I reduce people’s inhibitions including their fear of rejection.”

Seeing the look on Hao Kong’s face Xie Jie couldn’t resist giving him a little kiss on the cheek as his member swelled.

Xie Jie continued, “you don’t know the half of it; there are going to be a lot of cultivator marriages coming up.”

“It’s called Dao partnerships.” Corrected Leader Gong automatically, then asked, “what do you mean?”

“As you requested, I’ve been holding a low level field of sexual energy across the Peak to arouse everyone just enough to keep them safe. As a result every time anyone gets highly sexually stimulated I know about it.” With a lusty smile he added, “I actually went and interrupted one pair of men last night, and gave them a little instruction before they really hurt each other.”

“That can happen?” asked Leader Luo thoughtfully.

“They didn’t know anything, with preparation and my incubus body, Hao Kong is like this after his first time because I wasn’t restrained enough.” Xie Jie stroked Hao Kong’s thigh lovingly, “There were extenuating circumstances, but still the first time is hard on a man’s body. I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened to those men, with that much power and that little knowledge.”

Leader Luo asked Xie Jie earnestly, “please can you teach me?” Then turning to the other Leaders with all seriousness, “I will learn well.”

They all thought, ‘He is definitely the sword.’

But Leader Luo surprised everyone with, “you both have to learn well too.”

The shocked Leaders happily nodded their reply. After so many years of loving him from afar, Leader Luo was moving towards them much faster than they had expected.

Having seen Hao Kong’s face in both positions, Leader Luo wanted to try it all.

“If my love is willing, I will give you lessons and demonstrations.” Said Xie Jie with a sexy smile.

Everyone could see Hao Kong was willing, to his eternal shame his little friend had gotten up to his full height again, pulling his robes tight at the front which pulled them up at the back.

Hao Kong quickly covered his manhood with his hands, thinking, ‘I have to get my body back under control.’

His little friend raising up as well, Xie Jie kissed the back of Hao Kong’s neck and whispered in his ear, “I’m so glad I met you.”

Hao Kong felt the gentle nudge on his rear and flinched slightly, it was still very tender.

Xie Jie felt his robes move, Hao Kong’s flinch threatened to release his hard shaft, but he wasn’t concerned as he didn’t know Hao Kong’s robe had lifted up.

Leader Gong coughed and said, “I think a demonstration might be a bit much.”

Leader Chu nodded in agreement, where as Leader Luo looked a little disappointed.

Then with a little extra thought Leader Gong said, “Although participation was very helpful with the kissing.”

Xie Jie smiled, “the offer stands if you change your mind.” His face going serious he added, “make sure you are properly prepared before you attempt Leader Chu’s delightful friend.”

Blushing madly, Leader Chu saw Leader Luo’s face brighten and hastily changed topic. “All of that is for after we sort out this love demon, so let’s get back to planning for that, shall we?”

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