The Good Incubus

Chapter 30 (NSFW) Planning

Chapter 30



“Master Hao, from what Jiejing has told us and from our own deductions we believe that these three caves; here, here and here.” Leader Chu pointed to three different areas of the map as he spoke, “are the most likely places for the love demon to be hiding. Being Master of magical creatures, have you any thoughts?”

Hao Kong lent forward to have a closer look, and let out a tight intake of breath at the pain in his abdomen. His movements pulled his robe higher at the back and his shifting weight pushed Xie Jie’s legs and robes apart underneath him.

To both men’s surprise, Xie Jie’s hard cock slid smoothly up to rest between Hao Kong’s bare butt cheeks.

At the soft touch on his tender behind, Hao Kong froze in his incubus’s arms.

Stifling a sigh, Xie Jie went stiff as a board, this was his perfect dream of how to get through a meeting, but he knew his cultivator would not approve, so tightened his tail around his lover’s waist comfortingly.

Neither man knew how to get out of this position without being incredibly obvious, so stayed still. Luckily for them, the leaders assumed Hao Kong freezing was due to his pain so thought little of it.

“Do you think this one or this one is more likely?” Asked Leader Gong.

Hao Kong tried to think, but he only had one thing on his mind, Xie Jie’s thing.

Thinking that if his cock was there anyway, he might as well sooth his lover’s soar behind, Xie Jie released some soothing liquid into his cultivator’s valley.

Relaxing, Hao Kong thought, ‘that feels so good. No, no, no not again, the Leaders can’t know I’m doing more of this.’

The lessened pain helped Hao Kong force his mind back to the map, and some part of his brain came to his rescue.

He pointed at the mark that was furthest from Snow Mist Peak, off to the north and said, “it’s not likely to be that one. That has been home to a family of trolls for as long as I’ve lived, and trolls are less susceptible to enchantment.”

The liquid at the end of Xie Jie’s penis coated the whole of Hao Kong’s bum, and his hard shaft slid up to his man’s lovely tight hole.

Hao Kong coughed, trying to cover his changing expressions. He could feel the swelling going down in his ring as he was trying desperately to focus on the map.

“Jiejing how deep a cave does a love demon normally like?” Hao Kong asked.

In his own heaven and hell, Xie Jie didn’t reply, he was completely distracted by how wonderful his man’s body was.

“Jiejing?” Hao Kong prompted

“Oh sorry, there was a bit of a distraction in my field there for a moment.” Xie Jie lied, “From what I remember they like...”

Hao Kong’s no longer swollen ring loosened, and the tip of Xie Jie’s cock slipped in, his voice went squeaky for a second and he coughed trying to cover it. “They like caves that are big and deep, as they spend a lot of time in other people’s minds while surrounded by their possessed.”

Hao Kong’s body was unaware of its owners current predicament, and was greedily accepting Xie Jie in under the force of his weight.

Subtly Xie Jie tried to shift his arms into a position where he could support Hao Kong’s weight, but it wasn’t working.

With a heroic effort they managed to keep their faces mostly calm, while Hao Kong slowly slid down the full length of Xie Jie’s hard member, every inch a wonderful and terrible delight.

Internally they were enjoying and horrified by the situation, both thinking, ‘it feels so right in there.’

“This cave here is the deepest.” Said Leader Luo, while pointing at a cave off to the South, close to Snow Mist Peak. “Do you think we should try that one?”

Xie Jie looked at the map without really seeing it properly.

In a daze Hao Kong felt there was something about that direction he knew, “Jiejing wasn’t that the direction you were coming from when I met you?”

“Yes my mother’s Palace is over that way, but that isn’t so close that Mama Song would have taken the soldiers and killed it, that cave is a possibility.”

Leader Luo’s brows rose and he asked, “Your mother has an army?”

“Not really an army, just lovers that used to be soldiers or demon hunters. Mother has a love of strong men and women.” Xie Jie tightened his grip possessively around the strong man in his lap.

“What about this one?” Leader Luo pointed to the last mark off to the East.

“I hope its not that one,” said Hao Kong, “last time I was there it was home to a tribe of Myconid,” with a little grin he added, “they were fun guys.”

Knowing Myconid are a race of fungi people, Xie Jie giggled at his silly man, making his penis move round in delightful ways inside his lover.

Trying not to smile, Leader Luo pointed to the cave closest to Snow Mist Peak off to the south, “we’ll start with this one. Let’s leave today, if we get going now we could be there by early evening.”

Leader Chu put a hand on Leader Luo’s knee, “Luo Bai hold on, we need to cultivate our energy levels back up. If we go into the spirit caves tonight, we can go first thing tomorrow and we will have far more energy to battle this demon.”

Leader Luo looked at the rich brown hand on his knee and with a soft smile covered it with his own.

“OK, we'll go with your plan Chu Ling. I got too excited to get this done.”

His fellow Leaders’ mouths dropped open, in the 200 years they had been Leaders together, Leader Luo had never agreed to anything this quickly.

“There is no need to be so shocked, I want to get this done, but I like the idea of spending an evening alone with you two more.” Leader Luo smiled, then said to Hao Kong and Xie Jie, “I think that is a plan, be prepared to leave at first light. We will be leaving first.”

“Yes Leader Luo.” Hao Kong said simply.

Tentatively Xie Jie said, “Actually I think we should take tomorrow to train you all.”

Surprised to be questioned by one so young, but also beginning to respect the young incubus’s judgement. Leader Luo asked, “In what way do we need to train?”

“You need to train against demonic enchantment,” looking down a little ashamed Xie Jie added, “if I enchant you, you can learn to defend against it.”

Seeing the look on the young man’s face, Leader Chu asked gently, “why are you ashamed of your ability to enchant?”

Not wanting to meet their eyes, Xie Jie continued to look at Hao Kong’s lower back, “it’s a horrible ability that has been used to do terrible things. I only learnt it because mama Song said it could be used as a brilliant defensive move, she said, “enchant and run away as quick as your little legs will carry you my little Jie.””

He smiled warmly, a tear in his eye at the memory and hugged Hao Kong tighter, he missed his family.

The look in the young man’s eyes, pulled at the heart strings of all those present.

With a smile, Leader Luo said, “your mama Song sounds like a wise lady, I would like to meet her one day.”

Breaking free from his eye, the tear ran down Xie Jie’s cheek, he looked up at the men in front of him his grief clear on his face, “you could one day, but I’m unlikely to be able to introduce you. As a grown incubus I’m unable to go near my mother’s harem without causing trouble.”

The look on the lovely man’s face made Leader Chu clutch his chest with his big hand, “you can never see your family again?”

Xie Jie shook his head and buried his face in his man’s back.

The Leaders held hands and thought or their own families, sadness in his voice Leader Gong said, “it’s hard to lose your family, we are all from non cultivator families and I was an only child.”

“I lost contact with my siblings descendants over the centuries.” Added Leader Luo.

A look of forlorn loss entered Leader Chu’s face, “I think you made the right choice. I go visit my siblings descendants every couple of decades, but its been so many generations now, even our appearances hold little resemblance.”

Hao Kong shifted on Xie Jie’s slightly softened penis and said, “I still really hope one day I’ll get to see my father again.”

The Leaders looked at him with a look of compassion, “It must be hard knowing he is so close.”

Xie Jie looked up at the side of his lover’s face, “your father is here?”

Turning towards his young incubus with sadness in his eyes, Hao Kong said, “my mother was mortal and my father took her death hard, he has been in secluded cultivation for over 200 years trying to avoid a Qi deviation.”

Having only had the pain of being kept from his family for a couple of days, Xie Jie couldn’t even imagine the pain the lovely men around him were feeling after so many years.

Hugging Hao Kong as the only one he could reach, Xie Jie said to the others, “if you let me, I would love to have you all as my family.”

The men in front of him all blushed and Xie Jie realised how they had taken his words, he quickly clarified, “I didn’t mean as my harem,” then paused, and with an erotic smile said, “unless you want to? You are the sexiest threesome I’ve ever seen.”

Leader Chu and Leader Gong blushed bright red, while Leader Luo’s chest puffed out with pride, he whole heartily agreed that his men were the sexiest.

Looking round Hao Kong raised an eye brow at him, Xie Jie thought he was questioning his forwardness, so was shocked when he asked, “what about me?”

Smiling brightly Xie Jie hugged him tight, his cock growing to its full height once more, “you my love are definitely going to be my first husband.”

Leader Luo laughed, and taking his men’s hands said, “I would be honoured to be family with someone as brave as you. I’ll think about your offer of being my husband seriously, but for now I think we should go cultivate. We’ll meet back here at first light to train.”

That said he stood, pulling his smiling men up with him and bowed to the still sat pair.

Hao Kong and Xie Jie returned the gesture as best they could while unable to stand.

The Leaders walked quickly off through the field, to Xie Jie’s surprise they didn’t go down the path but jumped lightly up the side of the mountain.

Xie Jie stared in wonder at the disappearing forms of the gorgeous men he had just propositioned.

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