The Good Incubus

Chapter 38 (NSFW) Wanted Man

Chapter 38

Wanted Man


Looking sheepish, Leader Chu dropped his fist and said, “Sorry I...”

His words were cut off as Leader Luo flew at him full speed, slamming their bodies together.

Leader Luo’s hands were on Leader Chu’s cheeks as he kissed his Healer with overwhelming passion, he wanted his man and he wanted him now.

Sliding his hands inside Leader Chu’s robes, Leader Luo yanked the fabric open then moved his hands around his man’s hot sexy brown body, kissing down his neck and chest while breathing hard.

Leader Chu’s eyes half closed in a daze, he had dreamed of his wonderful sexy Luo Bai touching him like this for centuries, but he had never believed it could really happen, now it was happening he was too dazed to know what to do. A soft moan left his lips into his tall man’s hair as his bum was squeezed.

Having felt his man all over, Leader Luo got to his giant man hood and came vaguely back to reality, he had no idea how best to enjoy it. He had barely done anything with his own, let alone anyone else’s.

Xie Jie came to his rescue, “take it in your hand and gently rub the end.”

Leader Luo felt the power compel him for half a heart beat, giving him the information on how to proceed, but then letting him decide if he wanted to.

With a huge smile Leader Luo firmly grabbed Leader Chu’s massive python in his hand and stroked the end, relishing the sound of his man’s deep rumbling moan. Encouraged he moved his hand a little faster and was rewarded with Leader Chu’s breath getting heavy, as his big hands took hold of Leader Luo’s broad shoulders.

This time with out power, Xie Jie said, “put your cock against his and rub them together.”

His mind lost to his lust, Leader Luo pulled his own long hard member out of his robes and put it against Leader Chu’s huge shaft without a second thought.

The feel of each others smooth hot cocks sliding together made them both moan in delight.

In a daze Leader Luo moved his large strong hands up and down from tip to base, his hands became quickly coated in pre cum and slid smoothly as he built up speed.

Leader Chu was losing his senses already, this was a wonderful first for him and he moaned again in appreciation.

Not having been sexually gratified in hundreds of years before his encounter with Xie Jie, and never having been gratified by someone else, Leader Luo’s body heated up fast as he felt himself quickly building towards climax.

Looking into his tall martial artist’s half closed eyes, Leader Chu said, “I love you Luo Bai.”

Without hesitation Leader Luo replied, “I love you Chu Ling.”

His heart racing in his overly hot body, Leader Chu couldn’t contain himself, throwing his head back with a deep sensual moan he shook in his man’s hold and came in his hands, while shaking the ground beneath their feet.

The pulsing of his lover’s cock and the sexy look of him orgasming overwhelmed Leader Luo. With a deep sexy moan of his own, his body convulsed as he climaxed and his cum mixed with Leader Chu’s.

Breathing hard Leader Chu caught Leader Luo as he slumped forwards, in that tender moment he kissed his head and neck.

Realising where they were, and what they had just done with an audience, the two men slowly turned to the trio beside them and saw three flushed men with tents in their robes, staring at them with hungry eyes.

Blushing bright red, Leader Luo pushed his slowly softening cock back inside his clothes and carefully stood in front of Leader Chu, so the healer could shyly re-tie his robes.

Trying to sound natural Leader Luo said, “shall we get back to training?”

Xie Jie burst into laughter while the others stared at him in dumbfounded disbelief.

Thinking the tall Leader was right, Xie Jie took advantage of the opportunity and enchanted, “Leader Luo give me your hands.”

Failing to resist the enchantment, Leader Luo obediently presented his hands.

While looking directly into the tall man’s fierce eyes, Xie Jie licked the cum off with his long tongue, “mmm you both taste delicious.”

Leader Chu went even redder but smiled shyly, and Leader Luo’s mouth dropped open.

In the silence that followed, they all heard movement from the hut and looking round saw Zhou Tu stood staring at them.

They all thought the same thing, ‘how long has he been standing there?' As one their eyes travelled down and saw the tent in his robes, and they thought, ‘long enough.’

The Leaders wanted the earth to open up and swallow them whole; how could they have done that in front of a disciple?

Leader Gong’s eyes went wider still, he instantly recognised Zhou Tu as his favourite student.

Seeing the startled looks on the Leaders faces, Xie Jie moved at speed to his man, and holding him round the waist kissed him passionately on the lips.

Zhou Tu was surprised and delightedly relaxed into his incubus’s hold.

As he pulled back Xie Jie said, “good morning dear one.”

Just as Zhou Tu started smiling, Hao Kong covered his lips with his own and turned the young man towards him while still in Xie Jie’s embrace, their tongues dancing together.

His lips released again, Zhou Tu asked dreamily, “is this a special day or do I get that greeting every morning in your harem?”

Xie Jie smiled, “today is a special day, plus as my harem hopefully grows it would take too long to say good morning.”

Hao Kong and Zhou Tu blushed at the thought.

Turning to the Leaders Xie Jie saw Leader Chu and Leader Luo had relaxed, whereas Leader Gong had a complicated look on his flushed face.

Looking at his highly respected Leaders, Zhou Tu moved from his men’s arms and bowed deeply, “well met honoured Leaders.”

The Leaders bowed back, Leader Luo and Leader Chu said, “Well met disciple.”

Looking straight into the young man’s green eyes Leader Gong said, “well met disciple Zhou.”

Zhou Tu’s heart raced as he gazed back at the beautiful scholar who was his favourite teacher.

Braking the look between them, Leader Luo said, “you’re the disciple who was possessed at the end yesterday.”

Zhou Tu’s head dropped, he was so ashamed of himself, Hao Kong and Xie Jie put their arms round him and Leader Gong took a step forward wanting to comfort him too.

Going to bow but not being released by his men, Zhou Tu said, “I’m truly sorry, the love demon used me as an anchor point to reach into Snow Mist Peak.”

Everyone’s hearts went out to the young man.

Leader Luo again broke the touching moment by excitedly saying, “that’s great, that means you can explain how it felt and help us learn to defend against it.”

Everyone turned to Leader Luo shocked at his lack of feeling, but were surprised by Zhou Tu saying brightly, “it would be my honour to help my illustrious Leaders in anyway I can.”

Hi all, early chapter update, to celebrate 5000 chapter views 🎉. Thank you for reading 💖


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