The Good Incubus

Chapter 39 Anchor Point

Chapter 39

Anchor Point

They all sat in the middle of the flat grass and waited for Zhou Tu to organise his thoughts, the Leaders took each other’s hands, and then blushing Leader Chu took Xie Jie’s too.

Smiling up at the big Leader, Xie Jie wrapped an arm round him and nuzzled his head into his bulging shoulder muscle, then took Hao Kong’s hand with his free one.

With his hands still healing Zhou Tu rested them in his lap, until Hao Kong gently took his arm and moved it over to his thigh.

Releasing Leader Luo’s hand, Leader Gong took Zhou Tu’s free hand gently in both of his, and looking into the young man’s beautiful green eyes said, “disciple Zhou tell us what ever you are comfortable with.”

Zhou Tu who had stared at Leader Gong every time he had been lucky enough to be taught by him, had never let himself realise how sexually attracted he was to the beautiful scholar now in front of him. Looking into Leader Gong’s calm dark eyes while he held his hand, Zhou Tu’s heart raced and he said, “firstly the love demon invaded my dreams, it spent what felt like years taking the worst things people had said to me and using them against me, that is how it captured my mind. Then at some point it started to feed its anger at Jiejing on top of my anger. Once it had my mind it woke up my body and used it as a gateway to our sect. The feel of its energy ripping through my system was horrible but I couldn’t stop it, I’m so sorry I failed you all.” Zhou Tu was trying to keep his emotions in check, but by the end his head was down and his eyes were full of tears.

Before Xie Jie or Hao Kong could react to comfort their man, Leader Gong had put his delicate hands round Zhou Tu’s back and pulled him into a gentle loving hug.

Zhou Tu’s eyes went wide then closed happily, as he put his hands round his Leader’s neck.

Leader Gong gently wiped away Zhou Tu’s tears and felt his heart racing. Realising they were both as excited as each other, he lifted the younger man’s head up and softly kissed his brown lips.

Taken by surprise, it was a moment before Zhou Tu returned Leader Gong’s kiss, but then he pulled his Leader’s tongue into his mouth and stroked it with his own, Zhou Tu happily felt his lips tingle with his scholar’s power as their saliva mixed.

Reluctantly pulling back his lips, Leader Gong smiled into his disciple’s dreamy face, “thank you for sharing such a difficult experience with us, I believe it will be a lot of help.”

Leader Gong, who’s heart had been shut down with his unrequited love of Leader Luo, had never understood why out of an entire room of disciples, his eyes had always been drawn to Zhou Tu’s gorgeous green ones. He had never thought about why he had spent so many hours happily answering the young man’s questions, even if it seemed like he already knew the answer. Now his heart felt free, he knew how much he wanted this smart sexy man.

Turning back to the others, Leader Gong realised what he had just done with his disciple and blushed bright red, but the looks of love and acceptance from the men around them made him breathe easy, with a coy smile he carefully cradled Zhou Tu’s injured hand.

With his usual tact Leader Luo said, “so we have to protect ourselves from attacks against our deepest fears. Right so I should be fine.”

Leader Gong and Leader Chu internally slapped their own foreheads, Leader Luo was not good at self reflection.

Thinking carefully Xie Jie said to him harshly, “Leader Luo you failed to protect your sect, and the man you love was being slowly eaten with out you knowing, before you even realised you loved him.”

The others glared at Xie Jie as Leader Luo’s head dropped in shame.

Leader Chu tried to take his hand from the young incubus and use it to comfort his lover, but Xie Jie gave a little shake of his head and held his healer’s hand tightly.

Leader Luo’s head slowly raised with a steely conviction in his eyes, “what you said is true, but also a load of rubbish, I have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Pulling out of the hands holding his, Xie Jie flung himself at Leader Luo with a big smile, “I know, you are amazing.”

Puffing up like a peacock, his heart thumping, Leader Luo gently took his hands back from his men, and caught the cute incubus in a powerful hug and pulled him onto his lap. Xie Jie straddled the tall martial artist and wrapped his tail round his strong waist.

With a gentle smile softening his fierce features, Leader Luo said, “Jiejing you are the hardest challenge I have ever come across. Thank you for not taking it easy on me.” Then he gently kissed the incubus in his arms.

After their brief kiss, Xie Jie unwrapped his tail and went to stand back up, but Leader Luo didn’t want to let him go. He held onto Xie Jie’s hips, and turning the young incubus in the air, pulled him back down so he was facing the others while sat in his lap.

Smiling happily Xie Jie wrapped his tail back round his martial artist and leaned into his solid chest, just to be enveloped by Leader Luo’s strong arms.

Xie Jie could feel the tall man’s shaft under his bum and slightly shifted so it pushed comfortably between his cheeks.

Leader Luo sighed sensually into his ear and didn’t move a muscle.

Putting his hands together again, Xie Jie cut off any questions the others might have by enchanting, “Zhou Tu kiss Hao Kong.”

Confusion coloured Zhou Tu’s voice as he said, “happily, but why?”

Everyone’s eye brows shot up, then they looked at Xie Jie accusingly, “don’t look at me, I did it right. Zhou Tu kiss Leader Gong.”

Still confused, Zhou Tu blushed and looked at Leader Gong, “may I?”

Happy for the excuse, Leader Gong leaned forwards and kissed him gently on the lips.

“How are you resisting my enchantment?” Asked Xie Jie incredulously.

In a happy daze looking at Leader Gong’s thin lips that he had just kissed, Zhou Tu answered, “It felt just like the love Demon’s enchantment, and I had what felt like years resisting him, I guess it just became second nature.” He shyly smiled at Leader Gong and Hao Kong, “although yours was different, because I really wanted to follow your enchantment.”

Looking at Zhou Tu’s happy green eyes while he told of perceived years of struggle, Leader Gong’s heart shook, and he pulled Zhou Tu in to a tight embrace, “You really are amazing Zhou Tu.”

Leader Gong froze blushing deep red, “I mean...”

Before he could explain using Zhou Tu’s full name, his disciple sealed his lips with another deep kiss.

Sat comfortably in Leader Luo’s lap, Xie Jie wondered how many more people had feelings for his two men and if he could claim all of them, especially those here.

Above him Leader Luo asked, “but how did you resist?”

In a slight daze Zhou Tu turned towards the deep resonating voice, realising he had just been kissing the very intimidating Leader Luo’s lover, Zhou Tu sat bolt upright starting a chain reaction; Leader Gong giggled at the young man, which made Leader Luo smile dotingly, which in turn softened his fierce looks, which led to Zhou Tu sighing with relief and relaxing, which made all the onlookers laugh.

Still staring at Leader Luo slightly apprehensively, Zhou Tu said, “in many ways I just got lucky, the love demon started by pretending to be my father and saying, “a man enjoying the touch of another man is wrong, how can you bring such shame to your family?” But I’ve had a very similar dream for years and every time I have it I just...” blushing bright red he stopped talking.

Still holding his disciple’s bandaged hand Leader Gong gently stroked his wrist, while Hao Kong on the other side rubbed his back.

In a soothing voice Leader Gong said, “go on Disciple Zhou, we won’t judge you and it could be important.”

Closing his eyes so he didn’t have to see the reactions of the men around him, Zhou Tu said, “every time I had that dream, I would think of the two men that I respect the most, thinking it is definitely not wrong the way I like them. When the demon used that dream I thought the same thing, but because of what I did with Jiejing, I think some part of me must of realised the way I liked them was not as pure as I had previously thought, and my strong believe that the demon was wrong protected me. Then it changed tacks and said, ‘Jiejing is a demon, all demons are evil.’ Well no one who has spent more than a second with Jiejing can think that, no matter my misplaced anger at him, so that didn’t work either. And it went on and on till it finally got me.”

To Zhou Tu’s great relief, Leader Gong and Hao Kong continued to comfort him through the story.

Xie Jie had his hands to his mouth and was making “ooo” and “aww” noises with a big smile, his man was so brave and thought so well of him, his tail reflexively tightened around Leader Luo’s waist.

Leader Chu and Leader Luo were both smiling fondly at the young man, watching him with Leader Gong was making them happy in a way they didn’t understand.

The feel of Xie Jie wriggling in his lap was also rather stimulating Leader Luo, who asked, “Just so I’ve got this right, you thought of two men happily which refuted the demon so resolutely it couldn’t enchant you? And those two men are Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong, aren’t they?”

Zhou Tu was nodding along with Leader Luo’s words until the end, where he went completely still again.

Leader Luo finished with an adoring smile, “Oh good it is them. Ok so we just need to strengthen our minds to refute the demon’s words.”

Held between the two men he had spent years thinking about, Zhou Tu was highly nervous, what if they rejected him? Which was the scenario the demon used to get him in the end.

Hao Kong gently pulled Zhou Tu’s face round to him and kissed him softly on the lips, “Zhou Tu you are right, the way we like each other is definitely not wrong, I’m so happy I could be your inspiration at such a difficult time.”

Leader Gong turned his head to him after, giving him another gentle kiss, “you are a wonder Zhou Tu, I hope I can live up to your dreams.”

To his high embarrassment, everyone saw the tent rise in his robes, with his hands bandaged Zhou Tu had no way to push it down.

Hao Kong beamed and Leader Gong blushed, but neither let him go. 

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