The Good Incubus

Chapter 43 (NSFW) Marked Man

Hi all, to celebrate 10,000 views and over 200 favourites, here is an early chapter. Thank you for reading it encourages me no end.

Chapter 43

Marked Man


Removing his lips and teeth from Hao Kong’s shoulder, Xie Jie looked into his lover’s beautiful face. 

There were tears in the corners of Hao Kong’s dark eyes, he was overcome with the feeling of love for his incubus. He could feel he was marked for all to see; he doubted even the strongest incubus or succubus could alter his mark now.

Concern in his soft tone, Xie Jie asked, “are you alright my love?” He had lost control slightly and poured a lot of sexual energy into Hao Kong.

“I’m better than alright, I’m yours.” Was the dreamy reply. 

In a daze Hao Kong’s hands, that were on Xie Jie’s hips, pulled forward rubbing his incubus’s bum against his tip and he let out a deep moan of satisfaction. He had wanted to feel Xie Jie since he got off him yesterday.

Pleasantly surprised by his man being so forward, Xie Jie wrapped his legs tightly round Hao Kong’s waist and rubbed his hips back and forth on his lap inciting him to moan more. 

A strange pleasure erupted inside Xie Jie’s mind and he vaguely wondered, ‘is this part of our Incubus mark?’ But he was too caught up with the feel of his sexy man to think further about it. 

All their movements released Hao Kong’s long hard cock and it rushed up against Xie Jie’s robes, wanting at his man. 

In a fit of passion, Xie Jie raised his hips for a moment and threw his robe onto the grass. 

At the sight of his incubus’s beautiful naked body, Hao Kong grew painfully hard; putting it to good use he slid straight into Xie Jie’s valley. 

With a sexy grin Xie Jie slowly sat down, pushing his lover’s cock through his soft ring and into his tight wet body. 

Hao Kong let out a long deep moan as Xie Jie pushed down, slowly sheathing his manhood. 

This time there was no mistaking it, the sexual delight erupting in Xie Jie’s mind was Hao Kong’s, this was definitely the mark.

“I can feel your pleasure my love.” He whispered into his cultivator’s ear and gently kissed along his neck.

Feeling his tail was getting in the way of his need for Hao Kong, Xie Jie wrapped it round his cultivator’s strong right thigh.

Hao Kong could hardly think, the feel of his man’s body sucking him in was all consuming. 

Xie Jie was amazed how strong Hao Kong’s reaction was, he could now see why he had climaxed so quickly before. 

Their moans mixed together as Xie Jie’s greedy body covered the last of Hao Kong’s manhood.

“Do you think you can move?” Xie Jie asked.

Hao Kong shook his head but replied in a husky tone, “I’ll try my love.”

He felt so weak to his incubus’s body, he tried to lift his hips but couldn’t get a good movement. At a loss how to correct his current position, Hao Kong held Xie Jie tightly to his chest and stood up out of his robe, intending to lay his man on the grass. 

When he stood Xie Jie sank down even deeper onto his cock and moaned against his chest, “Oh Hao Kong you feel amazing!”

Sexual delight surged through Hao Kong’s mind and his eyes went wide, “I can feel your pleasure too my love.” 

Xie Jie smiled up at Hao Kong, “you truly are mine and I am yours.”

Using his strong arms, Hao Kong lifted his man up, sliding him up the length of his hot wet cock to the tip and they kissed deeply. Their tongues entwined and lapped at each other wetly as the kiss went slightly rough with their passion. 

Xie Jie’s breathing was already heavy, Hao Kong’s pleasure through their mark was over stimulating him.

Releasing his lover’s lips, Hao Kong slowly lowered him back down and held him tight to his chest again. Then he stepped down the steps to the grass, still thinking of putting Xie Jie on his back. 

Each step Hao Kong took moved and thrust his hard cock deep into Xie Jie’s body, every new part he touched made them moan together with ecstasy.

As Hao Kong began to bend, Xie Jie held tightly on with his legs and arms, “please don’t put me down, hold me in your arms and make love to me.” 

His heart pounding at the term ‘make love,’ Hao Kong righted himself and in the process pushed deep into Xie Jie’s hot body to both of their delight.

Hao Kong used his powerful arms to lift Xie Jie slowly up and down his long shaft, enjoying the look of sexual gratification in his incubus’s face, as he felt his man’s body caress his wet cock. 

Up and down Xie Jie slid again and again, then Hao Kong held him still and bending his knees thrust faster and faster, as he could feel his lover wanted.

Xie Jie was impressed with the amount of extra stamina Hao Kong had developed, he hoped soon he could do this with him all night long.

No sooner had Xie Jie thought this, than Hao Kong panted, “I need to put you down or against something, I don’t think I’m going to last much longer and I can’t climax safely like this yet.”

Xie Jie pouted slightly, he had never climaxed in the air before. 

Seeing the pout and feeling his disappointment through his mark, Hao Kong said, “wall it is then.”

He held Xie Jie tight again and walked back up the steps, each step a different delight as their bodies gently moved together. 

Feeling dazed as he built towards climax, Hao Kong lent Xie Jie gently against the wall of his hut and briefly kissed his passion swollen red lips.

The cold mud wall felt wonderful against Xie Jie’s hot skin and with the extra support Hao Kong thrust into him once more.

“More my love!” Cried Xie Jie. 

Hao Kong thrust deeper and both men moaned in ecstasy.

“Faster my love! Please give me all of you!” cried Xie Jie, he was losing his senses to the feel of his man thrusting deep into his body, he wanted it to continue forever.

Being told what to do by his lover was adding to Hao Kong’s arousal and he doubled his speed, his heavy breath tickled Xie Jie’s ear, as he put all his effort into pleasuring his incubus. 

“I’ll do what ever you desire my irresistible night beauty.” Breathed Hao Kong and nibbled on his man’s little pale lobe.

Xie Jie smiled as he moaned softly into Hao Kong’s ear in return. His eyes closed as he luxuriated in the heat of his lover’s hard wet cock sliding in and out of him, which contrasted beautifully with the coolness of the hut on his back. Held in his man’s tight embrace he felt loved and cherished.

Through their mark Xie Jie could feel Hao Kong reaching his climax, and he was surprised to realise he was reaching his too.

Hao Kong thrust deeply into his lover’s body, touching just the spot Xie Jie enjoyed most, and both their minds went blank as the sensations of each other through their mark overwhelmed them. 

Pulling each other into a tight embrace, their bodies trembled as one and they climaxed together crying out, “I love you!”

Xie Jie’s seed spurted up in the afternoon sun covering both their abdomens, as his insides sucked and pulsed around Hao Kong’s hard cock getting every drop of his milky liquid.

Every adult on the mountain was slightly stimulated when Xie Jie’s sexual field fluctuated with his climax.

Hao Kong lent into Xie Jie panting into his hair, reluctant to let go of his lover. They held each other for a long moment completely absorbed in the feel of the other.

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