The Good Incubus

Chapter 44 Back Over The Threshold

Chapter 44

Back Over The Threshold 

Slowly the fog of climax left Hao Kong and Xie Jie, and they felt eyes on them. Moving as one, they turned and saw Zhou Tu sat in the doorway watching them, the young disciple blushed bright red when their gaze fell upon him.

“I’m sorry, I felt a strange energy and came out to see what it was, and when I saw you I...” Zhou Tu’s blush deepened and he stopped speaking.

Xie Jie smiled, his cultivators were so shy. Before he could say anything he let out a soft sensual sigh, as Hao Kong slowly raised him up off of his long wet cock and put his feet on the ground, all the while looking at their young man.

Zhou Tu was captivated by the contrast; Hao Kong had a soft sheen of sweat on his gorgeous beige tanned body, his toned muscles flexing as he lifted his Incubus. 

Whereas Xie Jie was beautifully pale with a lithe body relaxed in the arms of his lover, both of them smiled sensually at him. 

“Of course you wanted to watch.” Said Xie Jie as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 

Zhou Tu’s eyes bulged, he had rarely seen a naked man before today and now two freshly satisfied men, who he was deeply attracted to, were walking towards him with out a stitch between them.

“I...I...I...” Zhou Tu stammered while staring intently at the two men, his mouth was dry and he couldn’t find the words he wanted to convey his desire.

“Don’t fluster the young man, he is supposed to be resting.” Hao Kong said to Xie Jie, then to Zhou Tu he said, “you rest, you can always just watch till you are fully healed up.”

Hao Kong had a confident sensual smile, but couldn’t stop his ears turning red at his own words.

Xie Jie understood their deeper meaning, ‘my Hao Kong likes to be watched, as well as watch me with others.’ He wanted to mark his man all over again.

Zhou Tu did not miss the reaction of both men’s lower halves at the suggestion of him watching. 

He was shocked by Hao Kong, he had always seemed so pure. He was not surprised by Xie Jie at all. It made him want to join them even more.

Feeling very shy in front of them, Zhou Tu wanted to drop his eyes, but didn’t want to look away, he didn’t want to miss a moment of their naked beauty.

Hao Kong crouched down next to him and slipped an arm around Zhou Tu’s shoulders. 

Zhou Tu could feel himself heating up as he smelt the natural musk of Hao Kong, up close it was intoxicating, and as it mixed with the smell of sandalwood it became sweet and alluring. 

As Hao Kong went to put his other arm under his disciple’s knees to lift him up, he paused for a second.

Looking into Zhou Tu’s green eyes he said, “well it looks like at least one part of you has recovered, maybe you are ready to join in.”

Blushing again Zhou Tu lifted his bandaged hands, “unfortunately not yet.”

“Not to worry, we have time my dear.” Hao Kong smiled down at his cute man and lifted him into his arms. 

Zhou Tu put his arms around his Master’s neck and breathed in his scent with a contented sigh. 

Xie Jie pushed open the door to the hut, he had tears in his eyes thinking, ‘that was so cute, I’m so glad he wants to join us.’ 

To be carried across the threshold again, this time by his other “husband”, Zhou Tu felt he should be embarrassed but he was just so happy.

Hao Kong sat his man down on the sleeping mat and Zhou Tu reluctantly removed his arms, but Hao Kong held him round the shoulders and pulled him into a one armed embrace, kissing the top of his head.

Sat on the other side of Hao Kong, Xie Jie lent into his other shoulder and luxuriated in the feel of his lover. 

In-between the two cute men, Hao Kong happily hugged them tight, his heart beat loud and fast for them to hear.

Looking across at Xie Jie, in a rush of desire Zhou Tu kissed him gently on the lips. 

Delighted Xie Jie kissed him back and softly slipped his tongue into his man’s mouth, deepening their kiss Zhou Tu sucked on his incubus’s tongue and caressed it with his own.

Zhou Tu’s energy flowed into Xie Jie with his kiss, now he had more control Xie Jie took only a trickle of it, just enough to feel his delightful emotions. 

The shadow over Zhou Tu’s heart had faded, causing Xie Jie to smile internally. So the shadow had been his family’s views and the denial of his true feelings. 

The strongest desires Xie Jie could now feel were for Hao Kong and Leader Gong, Zhou Tu had deep rooted affection for both men. 

If it was any one else sensing these feeling towards their lover they would have gone mad with jealousy, but Xie Jie found it endearing. 

The second strongest desire was for him, it was less strong and more towards lust but was still love based, which made Xie Jie’s heart soar. 

He was also delighted to feel his man’s shy attraction to Leader Luo and Leader Chu, who could blame the young man after todays activities.

The overall feel of Zhou Tu’s emotions was a strong sense of goodness and optimism; which considering all that had happened to him in the recent days was a wonderful thing, and a true testament to his lovely personality. 

Xie Jie’s desire to mark him rose with every second they spent together. 

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