The Good Incubus

Chapter 49 Unexpected

Chapter 49


The three Leaders of Snow mist peak glided gently down the mountain, landing in the now flattened wild grass, hand in hand in hand again.

The Leaders looked toward the hut, and saw Xie Jie and Hao Kong sat drinking tea in the first rays of the morning light. 

When Leader Chu’s eyes rested on Hao Kong, the other two felt the change in his stance. 

With a tact understanding developed over 500 years, the three Leaders moved as one across the field, their incredible speed sending the flattened grass flying in a wide path, their abrupt stop in front of the waiting pair sent wind blowing into their faces.

Leader Chu’s free hand was holding Hao Kong’s wrist a second after the Leaders landed in the field, sensing the mark on his shoulder, he reluctantly let go of Leader Luo’s hand and pulled down the silver haired Master’s robe to get a look.

Having his clothes roughly removed by Leader Chu made Hao Kong blush profusely and he pushed down hard on his crotch, he was enjoying being man handled by the handsome Leader in front of the other Leaders and his husband rather too much. 

Just as the burly Healer exposed the mark for all to see, it turned bright pink. 

Feeling Hao Kong’s arousal, Xie Jie licked his lips, his mark was already providing so much fun.

Not taking his eyes off of Hao Kong’s shoulder, Leader Chu harshly accused the young incubus, “what did you do to him?”

Leader Chu’s harsh tone hurt Xie Jie’s heart, not sure if he should be proud or ashamed, he wrapped his tail round his man’s waist for comfort and said, “It’s an Incubus mark.” 

Now able to see Hao Kong’s mark Xie Jie was instantly distracted, all other thoughts forgotten, he lovingly stroked the mark and exclaimed, “wow you really do heal fast my love!”

The teeth marks had completely healed, leaving only smooth tanned beige skin, and the red bump had smoothed out; now there was just a small strange, currently pink, mark the same size as Xie Jie’s mouth.

Before Leader Chu could ask any of his multiple questions, to everyone’s surprise Dun stretched out his links and rubbed his first link gently on the mark. 

Seemingly satisfied he nodded his tip and retracted back into the collar. 

The men all exchanged confused looks, they had no idea what the ancient wonder sensed that made it so relaxed.

“Hao Kong, can you ask Dun why he looked at your mark?” Asked Xie Jie nervously. 

Hao Kong put one hand to Xie Jie’s neck, it helped get a stronger contact with the collar but mainly he wanted to be near his husband. 

The deep echoing voice in Hao Kong’s mind answered, “I wanted to make sure it is perfect.”

Hao Kong’s eye brows shot up and he tentatively asked in the ancient language, “oh great one is our mark perfect?”

There was an echoing chuckle in Hao Kong’s mind, “you really think I would let my pet make a mistake with his first mark? Especially when it is on my loyal servant. Xie Jie’s Mark is perfection! It will grow and develop along with you both.” 

Hao Kong looked adoringly up at his man, he had tears of joy in his eyes.

There was a slight tremor in Xie Jie’s voice as he asked, “What did Dun say?”

“He said our mark is perfect, it will grow and develop with you. He implied he guided you to make sure it was a success.”

Love welled up in Xie Jie, he wanted to share his happiness with everyone. 

Turning to the Leaders with a huge grin he said, “I marked Hao Kong to show everyone I have taken him as my first husband.”

Hao Kong’s breathing hitched and his mark went deep red. Completely overwhelmed with love, he grabbed his incubus in a tight embrace and kissed him passionately. 

The strong love infused energy of his husband’s kiss made Xie Jie’s sexual field fluctuate slightly.

Leader Chu held the other Leaders hand’s again and all three found they had taken a step towards the husbands.

Lost in their kiss, the lovers missed all of the movement around them. 

Xie Jie pulled back and asked in a breathy whisper, “not that you need a reason to kiss me like that, but to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

Turning an extraordinary crimson, Hao Kong replied shyly, “I’m just so happy to be your first husband.”

This time Xie Jie’s heart flooded with his own love and the field fluctuated again, and again the couple was surrounded by the Leaders.

Confused by his body not obeying him, Leader Luo asked, “Why do we keep stepping towards you?” 

Xie Jie’s heart went wild, it couldn’t be what he hoped, could it? “I’m not sure, what do you feel when you look at me?”

Thinking for a long moment, Leader Luo said, “I feel warm and happy.”

The other Leaders nodded their agreement.

Thinking his heart might float out of his body, Xie Jie thought how best to answer, he wasn’t sure they were ready to hear the truth, but he wanted to be honest with them. 

Tentatively he said, “That is probably why, those fluctuations in my sexual field were both love fluctuations. It makes you want to be with anyone you have romantic feelings for.”

Every jaw dropped.

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