The Good Incubus

Chapter 50 Incoming

Chapter 50


Before anyone could form words to reply to Xie Jie’s statement, the Leaders’ and Hao Kong’s heads whipped round to the sky off from the mountain, all alarmed at what they felt.

Unable to see or feel anything, but aware of his husband’s worry, Xie Jie asked, “what is going on?”

Hao Kong turned to the Leaders, “have you any meetings today?”

Worry clear in his voice Leader Gong replied, “no, this is not a scheduled visit.”

“The children and teenagers are still in the practice hall, should we move them to one of the spirit caves?” Asked Leader Chu.

Leader Luo’s brows furrowed, “no, not yet; I recognise this energy, it’s Leader Miller of the great plains sect from the north. I don’t know what they want, but we have been at peace for as long as we have lived, lets listen to what they have to say before doing anything rash.”

Since the moment he had met them, Xie Jie had been impressed by the Leaders minds and bodies. Now seeing them organise and lean towards peaceful resolutions, he adored them even more.

Not knowing what to expect, Xie Jie looked in the same direction as the others. 

Out of the clear sky came around 100 small dots, the dots quickly resolved into people. As they got closer still, Xie Jie could see they were people stood on swords flying through the air. 

His mouth dropped open at the sight, then he began to be afraid. People with swords and incubuses rarely mixed in a way that was good for the incubus, and he hadn’t got enough control of his body to hide his horns. 

Edging round behind Hao Kong, he held onto his robe and wrapped his tail round his waist for comfort.

Feeling his fear, Hao Kong put his arm around his lover, “what’s wrong?”

“I shouldn’t be here.”

“What? Why not?” Asked Hao Kong.

“I’m an incubus.”

Hao Kong wanted to argue, but he could now see why Xie Jie was afraid, incubuses didn’t have the best reputation among humans.

Without taking his eyes off the sky, Leader Luo said, “don’t worry we will protect you.”

Everyone nodded.

This time, Xie Jie managed to control his emotions enough to stop another love fluctuation.

“Maybe I should hide in the hut? Or a cave?”

Leader Chu smiled warmly at Xie Jie, who was now visibly shaking behind Hao Kong, “there is no way they won’t know you’re here, your sexual field makes it obvious. Please stay out here with us, if they think we are hiding you it will only look more suspicious.” 

Leader Gong added, “we are proud of you, you should not be ashamed of yourself.”

Clamping down hard on his emotions, to not cause another love fluctuation, Xie Jie’s heart thundered in his ears, how had he got so lucky to meet this many wonderful people? 

Cupping his hands and bowing low, Xie Jie said, “Thank you honoured Leaders, I put myself in your care.”

Able to feel Xie Jie’s emotions through his mark, Hao Kong hugged his husband tightly, “your safe with us my love.” 

The people on the swords were moving at tremendous speed. From being a tiny dot on the horizon to being right in front of them took barely 5 minutes.

In those 5 minutes the Leaders sent word to the Masters all over the mountain, ‘be on stand by just in case.’ 

As a precaution they had all armed themselves with swords. 

The Leaders all wore the well made, simply adorned long slightly curved swords of the sect. The white leather wrapped handle of Leader Luo’s was well warn, while Leader Chu’s looked like it had barely been used. 

Whereas Hao Kong’s sword had a handle wrapped in smooth dark leather, and the sheath was made of a dull metal, similar to Dun’s, with a pattern of chains around it. 

With their swords strapped to their hips, they looked every bit the warrior cultivators. 

Looking at his husband Xie Jie had mixed feelings, there was no denying it was a sexy look, but he hated violence.

Due to the field being one of the only places open enough to accept that many flying swords, they stood together waiting out side the little hut.

Watching the approaching cultivators, Leader Luo said, “Jiejing stay back and let us do all the talking.”

“Yes Leader Luo, I’ll follow you where ever you lead me.”

Looking at the young incubus who showed explicit trust in him, Leader Luo felt a tenderness stir in his heart.

The lead person, a tall stern man with mousy brown hair and pale skin, stopped at the edge of the mountain some two metres above the ground and looked down at them with open suspicion in his eyes. 

The 100 or so cultivators off to either side created a wall in the sky.

The three Leaders stood in a row, bowing to the stern man, they said in unison, “Well met Leader Miller.”

The tall pale man on the sword gave a shallow bow back and said, “Well met Leader’s of Snow Mist Peak.”

Keeping his voice light and polite in the face of Leader Miller’s impolite shallow bow, Leader Gong asked, “What can Snow Mist Peak do for you this fine day?” 

This was not what Leader Miller had expected, he calmly considered all his options. 

His eyes landing on Xie Jie, he pointed his finger at the young incubus and said triumphantly, “we have come to free you from his control.”

The three Leaders and Hao Kong took a defensive step in front of Xie Jie.

As calmly as he could, Leader Luo replied, “There is no need to free us from one who is not holding us captive.” 

“Then what is this energy I feel from your mountain? Are you going to tell me its a new technique you have been practicing?” Was the abrasive reply.

Gritting his teeth, Leader Chu politely replied, “We have been under attack from a Love demon, and this kind young incubus has been holding this field of energy to protect us from possession. I suggest you land so as not to be possessed yourselves.”

The cultivators on the swords looked slightly concerned at this development. Many years ago there had been a love demon attack in the great plains area, they had all heard of the desolation left in it’s wake, but they were too well trained to do anything without their Leader’s instructions.

“A likely story.” Was the terse reply. Then to Xie Jie directly Leader Miller said, “If you don’t lower your energy and let us bind you peacefully, we will have no choice but to capture you by force.”

Xie Jie paled, what should he do? He couldn’t let people get hurt defending him, but if he dropped his energy field the love demon could feed on his friends and lovers to it’s hearts desire. 

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