The Good Incubus

Chapter 51 What To Do

I guess every vote does count, especially when there is only one. As voted for, here is chapter 51 celebrating getting 300 plus likes 🎉. Thank you all for your support ❤️.

Chapter 51

What To Do? 

“Leaders, Master, what should I do?” Xie Jie asked imploringly.

Their hearts hurt for the young incubus, it was a terrible position to be put in, both options could lead to people dying.

Ever the defender of Snow Mist Peak, Leader Luo turned to Xie Jie and said, “I have an idea, it’s risky and will probably be painful for you, but I think it will work out the best in the end.”

Xie Jie instantly replied, “I trust you Leader Luo, I will as always follow your guidance.”

His heart racing, Leader Luo schooled his smiling face and turned back to Leader Miller, “If our incubus willingly lets you bind him, and our opinions of him don’t change, will you release him and leave peacefully?”

Leader Miller considered; he didn’t want to fight with Snow Mist Peak for real, Leader Luo was one of his favourite sparring partners. 

When he had been informed Snow Mist Peak had been taken over by an incubus, he had flown here as fast as he could expecting to see a full-grown evil demon. But this young incubus didn’t even have wings yet and was clinging to the famous Hao Kong with his knees practically knocking.

“If he lets us bind him and there is no change, we will let him stay and leave peacefully. However, if when he is bound you all come round from his enchantment; we get to punish him for his crimes, properly, not how you punish here.”

Hao Kong and the Leaders swallowed hard, the very idea of Xie Jie being punished in the ways of the great plains made their blood run cold.

“I have one stipulation,” said Leader Luo firmly, “We must be the ones to bind him from within a shield. He is our greatest hope against the love demon and I don’t want you killing him in your mad rage when it possesses you.”

Leader Miller thought this all sounded plausible, if you took the assumption that there was a love demon, but he had never heard of anywhere finding out about one until it was too late.

“I will agree to your terms, if, you bind him with my ancient artefact.”

Xie Jie put his hand to his neck, “but I’m already wearing an ancient artefact?” 

“How do we know that artefact doesn’t have its own evil agenda?” Replied Leader Miller sneering down at Xie Jie. 

Anger erupted in Xie Jie, “Take that back!” He yelled at the man on the sword. “You can insult me all you like, but don’t you dare insult Dun, he is pure and wonderful.”

Leader Miller’s eye brows rose as Xie Jie started to shout and his mouth dropped open when he said the artefact’s name and called it pure. 

‘Is this incubus for real? Ancient artefacts aren’t  pure.’ Thought Leader Miller as he looked to Hao Kong. 

Everyone in the world of cultivators knew Hao Kong, his beauty was almost as well known as the fact he was the servant of an ancient artefact. 

“You named it?” He asked incredulously, with a hint of jealousy. 

Hao Kong smiled and replied, “not me, him.” And pointed to his lover proudly.

This was all becoming very confusing. Leader Miller wished deeply that Leader Jackson was here, she was the great plains version of Leader Gong, she would know what to do.

“If it has accepted a name from an incubus, it has proven it can’t be trusted.” Leader Miller said the word incubus as if it was a dirty word. 

Dun was seething, how dare this puny human insult him and his pet! He shot out with his chain to hit Leader Miller off his sword. 

The second he felt Dun move, Xie Jie grabbed the chain, the links pulled through his hands burning his skin but he refused to let go, “Please Dun don’t!” 

The chain turned and ‘looked’ at his little incubus. “I’m sorry you have been insulted because of my unworthy self, but please don’t kill them, that is beneath someone as wonderful as you.”

Taking one last angry look at the man on the sword, not retracting his chain at all, Dun looped loosely round his pet many times and rubbed his links adoringly on Xie Jie’s cheeks.

The people on the swords were shocked, no one had ever heard of an ancient artefact showing the slightest liking to a person, let alone this level of affection.

Xie Jie gently rubbed the links with his sore hands and smiled, “thank you Dun.” 

A horrid thought came to Xie Jie and he asked Leader Gong, “me being bound by another ancient artefact won’t hurt Dun will it?”

Leader Gong replied thoughtfully, “all of the ancient artefacts were made by the first race, it should be fine. But then I’ve only heard of one person wearing two artefacts and people say he went mad, it could be better to remove the wondrous Dun first.”

Dun’s links tightened around Xie Jie, no one was removing him from his pet.

Leader Chu moved to Xie Jie’s side, holding out his hands he said, “may I?”

His heart racing, Xie Jie put his sore hands gently in the Leader’s large brown hands and looked up into his kind eyes. “Thank you Leader Chu.”

The rush of energy from the burly Healer was unlike any other energy Xie Jie had felt, it’s gentle strength made him want to hug Leader Chu and never let him go. 

To Xie Jie’s delight the pain in his hands vanished almost instantly, unwilling to let go, he held on to the lovely healer’s hands for a little longer then necessary and smiled brightly into his handsome face.

Looking at the gentle Leader Chu and feeling Hao Kong next to him, Xie Jie steeled his heart for what he had to do. 

Just about to tell Leader Miller he was ready, he had a thought and turned to Hao Kong instead.

Taking his husband’s hands and looking into his eyes, Xie Jie earnestly said, “My love, if when my powers are bound you don’t love me anymore.” Tears welled in his eyes at the thought, but he continued, “I will remain bound and spend the rest of my life trying to find a way to remove my mark.”

He had barely finished speaking before Hao Kong’s lips were on his, kissing his incubus with everything he had. Hao Kong’s love was so overwhelming, Xie Jie couldn’t stop the fluctuation in his sexual field. 

Forever destroying their cold aloof reputation and to their eternal embarrassment, the Leaders found themselves holding hands stood round the lovers. 

While blushing deep red the Leaders looked at each other, knowing what Xie Jie was about to willingly do for them all, they smiled sadly.

Pulling back from his lover’s lips, Hao Kong said, “nothing will change.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“When I met you you didn’t even have enough energy to hide your tail. And the first time you made me...” Going deep crimson Hao Kong coughed, “you were bound. My love for you is real, never doubt that.”

Love burst out of Xie Jie’s heart; he managed to stop it going into the sexual field, but the side effect was when he opened his mouth and said, “I love you Master.” 

His words were laced with love.

Leader Miller found he had flown back towards the great plains a few meters, his head full of thoughts of his wife. 

All but 10 of his soldiers were further towards their home; the ten soldiers had paired off, two pairs were passionately kissing, while the other pairs were shyly blushing and holding hands.  

“What did you...?” Leader Miller started to yell, but when he saw the great Leaders of Snow Mist Peak hugging and alternatingly kissing each other, his words died in his mouth as he ground his teeth together. 

Xie Jie who had been kissing Hao Kong, was stunned when he saw the people around them. 

“I’m so sorry.” Apologised Xie Jie profusely. 

Just then the door to the hut opened and a bleary eyed Zhou Tu emerged, he froze in the door way as he saw the scene in front of him.

In a second Xie Jie and Hao Kong were beside him, “are you alright disciple Zhou?” They asked in unison.

Zhou Tu nodded, “what is going on?”

“The Great Plains sect has come to free you all from me.” Xie Jie said sadly, “they are about to bind me, so you had best prepare yourself.”

Those from Snow Mist Peak blushed, all knowing what he meant.

Paling at the thought of his incubus being bound, Zhou Tu kissed him tenderly and put his bandaged hands on Xie Jie’s soft cheeks. Deepening their kiss, he sucked his tongue into his mouth and caressed it with his own.

Through his energy, Xie Jie could feel his man’s fear, desire and raising arousal. 

As they pulled back from each other, Xie Jie smiled sadly, “I fervently hope you still want to do that when I’m bound.”

With a reassuring smile Zhou Tu nodded, and released his incubus.

Turning to the waiting army, Xie Jie said, “Ok I’m ready when you are.”

Leader Gong sat on the grass and prepared to raise his strongest shield. Gently squeezing their man’s shoulders, Leader Luo and Leader Chu left the area the shield would cover, preparing to defend against anyone who was possessed.

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