The Good Incubus

Chapter 52 Bound

Chapter 52


Leader Miller reached into his enchanted sleeve and pulled out an ornate box, then whispered to it in the ancient language of the artefacts. 

He was just debating how to get it to the Leaders without having to enter the energy field, when Dun’s chain shot out and grabbed it.

Dun moved with such speed no one could react, he had pulled the box from Leader Miller’s hands before Xie Jie even realised he had moved.

The box shattered in his links as Dun pulled back, his chain clutching the shackles inside.

Seeing what was happening Xie Jie cried out, “Dun don’t, you can’t destroy one of your own kind.” Seeing the brown clay open shackles engraved with runes he added, “they are too beautiful to destroy, please Dun!”

Wrapping his chains tighter around his pet, Dun pulled Xie Jie’s arms up in front of his body, with his wrists close together. 

The deep echoing voice commanded Hao Kong sadly, “tell Xie Jie I’m sorry.”

Confused, Hao Kong repeated obediently, “Dun says he is sorry.”

Dun placed the open shackles on his precious pet’s wrists, where they snapped shut with a thunder clap.

Xie Jie’s scream was deafening, the pain was excruciating as every little bit of energy was ripped from his body into the shackles, his powers drained and bound.

The last thing Leader Miller saw, was the young incubus slump into the chains surrounding him, as the clay on his shackles cracked and broke revealing the same dull silver as the collar round the incubus’s neck. 

He thought, ‘heavens its a matching pair,’ then he was possessed by the love demon and his mind was blotted out by rage.

Hao Kong and Zhou Tu were holding up their incubus moments after he slumped. Seeing the state of him panic shot through their minds, Xie Jie’s breathing was ragged, his energy was gone and while he was bound they had no way to give him more.

Straining with every breath, Xie Jie comforted those around him, “I’m alright, how are the others? Are the Leaders alright?”  

Leader Gong had erected his shield with milliseconds to spare. 

In a flashing crash of swords, Leader Luo engaged with Leader Miller outside the shield, while Leader Chu sent soldiers flying with huge waves of Qi. 

The 10 soldiers who had paired off before, stood on their swords dumbfounded.

Leader Chu yelled at them, “Don’t just stand there, help us! They have been possessed by the love demon. Stay aroused.”

The soldiers blushed and joined the foray, diligently helping restrain their fellow cultivators.

The defenders were seriously struggling against so many strong attackers; when a stream of cultivators from Snow Mist Peak rushed into the field, all of them were flushed deep red with exertion and embarrassment. 

At the front of the group was Wei Yi Min, her small frame crashed into the first person she reached, sending the soldier flying. The group following her threw themselves at the soldiers with equal determination. 

They were turning the tide of the fight until the possessed from Snow Mist Peak reached the field, then their numbers overwhelmed the defenders again.

Sweat stood out on Leader Gong’s forehead, “we need to free Jiejing, there are too many to keep out.”

Hao Kong was distraught, he could see his lover’s energy failing and there was nothing he could do, “Dun how could you?” He demanded of the collar.

“I’m sorry, I had to save my sister part.” Came the echoing voice, it was the first time Hao Kong had heard it with out it’s arrogant tone of superiority, it shocked him to his core.

“What did Dun say?” Asked Xie Jie weakly.

“He is sorry, and that the shackles are his sister part.”

Even in his weak state, Xie Jie smiled happily and bowed as best he could to the shackles, “it is an honour to be bound by Dun’s sister part. I’m sorry I don’t have more power for you.”

The shackles shone bright silver, and Xie Jie screamed again as the metal grew up his arms biting into his flesh. 

“We need to get his robes off to see what is going on.” Said Zhou Tu, worry etched across his face.

Hao Kong grabbed the handle of his sword, but he was loathed to draw it, let alone point it at his husband. 

Hearing everything going on in the shield and wanting to help their young incubus, Leader Luo darted in. His form was beautiful as his arms swung and his wrists pivoted perfectly, and in a swirling sword dance he cut the top of Xie Jie’s robes to ribbons, not touching so much as a hair on his head. 

His smile at being able to help, turned to a determined grimace as he darted back out to re-engage with Leader Miller.

The three inside stared at Xie Jie as the top of his robes fell apart, with nothing to hold them up the bottom half dropped away to the floor.

The dull metal of the collar round his neck and the now long shackles up his forearms contrasted with Xie Jie’s far too pale skin shining in the sunlight. 

Link by link Dun grew one chain out from each side of the collar, when the two chains had reached the right length, he linked one on to the ends of each shackle. 

A blue power surged through the joined armour, and the shackles broke away from each other becoming vambraces. 

Hao Kong and Zhou Tu put one of Xie Jie’s arms around each of their shoulders and lifted him into a joint embrace, kissing him lightly on the cheeks. 

Xie Jie’s heart felt as light as his body felt heavy. Scared he had misinterpreted their feelings, he asked timidly, “You still like me?” 

Hao Kong replied, “I still love you.”

Zhou Tu blushed deeply, Xie Jie bound and naked was stimulating his lower half in a way he wasn’t entirely sure was right. “I love you too.”

They kissed their man’s cheeks again.

The Leaders all smiled at their young incubus, their emotions hadn’t changed either, all of this had intensified their feelings for him. But right now they all felt angry and scared for Xie Jie, and they redoubled their efforts to protect their man.

Something shifted in the vambraces and Xie Jie’s powers, what were left of them, unbound and he drew in a deep ragged breath.

Through his mark Hao Kong instantly felt the change, he turned Xie Jie’s face to his own and kissed energy into him. 

When he had to pull back for breath, Zhou Tu turned their incubus to him and kissed energy into him as well.

As his energy grew, Xie Jie reinstated the sexual field as soon as he could. 

Feeling Xie Jie’s energy field flow round him, Leader Chu darted back into the shield as Zhou Tu pulled back to breathe, he gently took Xie Jie’s head and kissed him lovingly on the lips. 

This time Leader Chu didn’t repress his energy, he let his passive power flow unhindered into the young incubus, who’s body devoured it. 

Next Leader Luo was there to take his healer’s place, with a relieved smile he roughly pushed his lips to Xie Jie’s, pouring his energy on top of the others. 

Every kiss held desire, love and respect; the sexual energy field spiked as Xie Jie let the emotions he felt in those kisses flow out of him into the people around them.

All the possessed people of Snow Mist Peak froze and looked in confusion at the chaos around them.

Smiling at his adorable men, Leader Luo darted back out of the shield to contend with Leader Miller. 

While Leader Gong sighed in relief, as the freed possessed helped with the fight and the pressure on his shield dropped. 

Kneeling down in front of his Scholar, Leader Chu held his man’s delicate face and kissed him gently, passing him as much energy as he wanted. 

Pulling back from each others lips, their eyes met and the gentle Healer whispered, so only those in the shield could hear, “I love you Leader Gong, you are amazing.”

Blushing bright red, Leader Gong replied equally quietly, “I love you too Leader Chu.”

With a soft caress of Leader Gong’s pale cheek, Leader Chu vanished for a brief second then appeared in the midst of the possessed and sent those around him flying with his Qi.

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