The Good Incubus

Chapter 59 (NSFW) Three Firsts

Chapter 59

Three Firsts 


Recap: Hao Kong >Xie Jie <Zhou Tu

Chu Ling looked down at their lovely lady and shyly asked, “Xie Jie, please can you continue to play with me? Your mouth feels amazing.”

Smiling brightly up at him, she replied, “it would be my pleasure Chu Ling.”

Letting out a sigh of delight, Xie Jie looked down at her husband, who with a cheeky grin had thrust into his fullest. Love and lust flowed from his mark to his succubus, as he enjoyed his delectable view of all the sexy nervous men surrounding his beautiful wife.

Following his lady’s gaze, Chu Ling saw their silver haired Master laying next to him, and thanked the heavens that it had been their Master Hao..., he caught himself and thought with a tender smile, ‘thank the heavens it was their ‘Hao Kong’ who had rescued their cute Incubus and Zhou Tu in the woods.’ 

Luo Bai gently embraced his big man from behind and tentatively played with his pert brown nipples. He had seen Xie Jie enjoying Hao Kong playing with her nipples, and wanted to hear his beloved moan that beautifully too. 

Imitating his man, Gong Qiu Yu embraced his martial artist and tweaked his little pink nipples as well, and was surprised to hear a sensual moan come out of Luo Bai’s lips. The deep erotic sound stirred a long repressed desire in the scholar, and he kissed up his Luo Bai’s neck and along his broad shoulders. 

The feel of his big man’s warm firm back against his chest and his scholar’s soft warmth behind, was making Luo Bai skin tingle and his heart race, it all felt so right.

Xie Jie pushed her lips back around Chu Ling’s python, as Luo Bai pushed his hard member gently in between his sexy buttocks. The tall Leader pulled his man’s butt cheeks softly apart with his hands, and with his penis still wet with Gong Qiu Yu’s saliva, pushed against his little twitching hole. Adding a little pressure with his cock, he felt his tip slide in with a jolt. 

Chu Ling hissed through gritted teeth as his body accepted in this beloved first visitor, while Luo Bai moaned softly in his ear. 

Feeling his lover’s tight walls squeeze down on his cock made Luo Bai’s mind go fuzzy, but as he felt his dear Chu Ling’s ring tense and heard his hiss of pain he held still. 

Luo Bai wanted to push fully in, to sheath his cock in his beautiful man’s body, but that desire didn’t matter one iota compared to his beloved Chu Ling’s pain. He would wait for centuries if that’s what his man needed, he didn’t care how good it felt, he wouldn’t rush his lover.

Breathing hard Chu Ling tried to relax his rear, but Luo Bai felt too large, his body couldn’t take anymore in. 

Gong Qiu Yu felt the changing muscles in his fellow Leader’s bodies and paused with his shaft gently pushing against his man’s ring. To both of their surprise and delight, Luo Bai’s ring loosened and he slid smoothly in, making them gasp. 

Luo Bai was tight and wet around his cock, sucking him in as if he had spent years training his body for this very moment. 

Very slowly Gong Qiu Yu pushed forward, every muscle that twitched and squeezed around him was a new delight that had his mind flooding with ecstasy, slightly raising up onto his toes he fully entered his lover. 

As his pelvis brushed Luo Bai’s bum, both of them were breathing hard. This was so much better than Gong Qiu Yu had dreamt of for the last few centuries.

Feeling the bodies of the men behind him come together, Chu Ling felt ashamed. He had never felt entirely comfortable with his big form, always having to be careful to not hurt anyone, never being as flexible as the other cultivators, he felt like a boulder in a beautiful bamboo forest. It had been a great hurdle for him in his cultivation, he thought he had overcome it, but in that moment the shame and frustration came flooding back. 

Chu Ling had hoped his large strong body would be good for this, that he would be able to provide joy for his lovers; to now find out he was unable to take in the man he had loved for so many years, brought tears to his eyes.

Luo Bai’s lean muscular arms tightened round his now lover and he softly kissed his head, “it’s alright my dear, we’ll take it slowly.”

Gong Qiu Yu looped his arms around their martial artist and caress Chu Ling’s rich brown shoulders comfortingly. Chu Ling gently squeezed his scholar’s pale hand, while he lifted his tall lover’s tanned hand to his lips, “I love you Luo Bai, I love you Gong Qiu Yu.”

Feeling Chu Ling’s emotions through their sexual contact brought tears to Xie Jie’s eyes, she fervently wished she still had her penis, so she could help this wonderfully sweet man who was making her heart beat in many different ways.

Rashly she pushed her forefingers together, interlaced the rest of her fingers and thumbs making the shape of an arrow, and dropped her hands down to her crotch, thinking of her cock she said the words of power. 

Seeing his wife’s movements, Hao Kong stopped thrusting and went to stop her changing while he was still inside her, but he was too late.

To both their surprise, and Hao Kong’s eternal relief, the only thing that changed was she regrew her penis just above her clit. 

Looking down Xie Jie sighed, this was more like when she tried transforming before, she hadn’t even remembered her balls.

Through her mark Xie Jie could feel Hao Kong’s delight, and looking up into his hungry eyes she could practically read his simple thought of, ‘best of both worlds.’

Her heart raced, he really was her perfect man, “I’ll be right back husband.” Then turning to Zhou Tu added, “my love can you please pleasure our man? Be sure to prepare him carefully.”

Zhou Tu was nodding happily as Xie Jie took his long delicate middle finger and forefinger, pushed them sensually into her mouth and coated them in her special saliva.

Transfixed for a moment, Zhou Tu stared at his fingers, then put them to good use sliding his middle finger into his beloved Hao Kong who sighed happily; this was all like a fantasy he didn’t want to wake up from.

Unwrapping her tail, Xie Jie stood up and took Chu Ling’s big hand in her own, his eyes were wide seeing her penis standing up on her truly feminine body, he smiled thankfully knowing what she intended.

Looking behind her beautiful Healer, Xie Jie said, “Luo Bai you have been Chu Ling’s first, but I want to take him all the way, please may I have our man?”

Luo Bai didn’t understand, how could she take their man? As his eyes travelled down her lovely pale skin to her perfect cock he smiled broadly, “please treat him well Xie Jie.” 

Kissing Chu Ling’s cheek, as gently as he could Luo Bai pulled out of his lover, while pushing Gong Qiu Yu deeper into himself. No matter how careful his man was, Chu Ling still hissed in pain as he lost his first visitor. 

Leading her cute Healer off to the side of her husband, Xie Jie said, “you are like a great bear, whereas I’m a little rabbit, so it would be hard for me to take you standing up, plus it would be easier on you if you kneel.”

Slight sadness in his eyes Chu Ling looked down, and saw Hao Kong laying on the floor with Zhou Tu gently thrusting both his fingers in and out of him. 

Hao Kong smiled up at him with lust filled dark eyes and said, “join me Chu Ling and let my wife take care of you.”

All sadness evaporated from Chu Ling’s handsome face, and smiling brightly he went down on all fours, his head above his silver haired lover’s. A little pain made him wince as he bent, but he ignored it in favour of leaning down and kissing his beautiful Hao Kong deeply. 

Putting his hands round his Leader’s neck Hao Kong didn’t let him go, both of their hearts were racing as Chu Ling pushed down a little more, making Hao Kong’s lips red with their passion.

Watching the beauty in front of her kissing her husband elated Xie Jie, making her hungry for more. 

To Zhou Tu she said, “let me lick a third finger.”

Zhou Tu obediently presented his fingers, and when they were fully wet, returned them to Hao Kong’s hot tight body. At the same time the young disciple took hold of his Master’s long hard cock that was still wet from their succubus’s juices, and slid his hand firmly up and down, inciting Hao Kong to moan into Chu Ling’s mouth.

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