The Good Incubus

Chapter 60 (NSFW) Second Lovers

Chapter 60 

Second Lovers 


Recap: Leader Gong Qiu Yu> Leader Luo Bai

Zhou Tu> Hao Kong x Leader Chu Ling

Kneeling down behind Chu Ling, Xie Jie carefully slid her cock in between his buttocks and rested her tip against his sore little hole. She could feel her glands were somewhere inside her body, even though she had failed to regrow her balls. 

Secreting a lot of soothing fluid, Xie Jie covered Chu Ling’s entire valley, making the big Healer sigh into Hao Kong’s mouth as their tongues danced together.

Feeling Chu Ling’s body relax, Xie Jie pushed her hard shaft gently in, releasing lubricating liquid as she went. Being smaller in size than Luo Bai, helped Chu Ling’s ring loosen with only a little gentle pressure from Xie Jie. Slowly letting in his second sexy visitor, this time instead of hissing in pain, Chu Ling sensually moaned into Hao Kong, who still wouldn’t release his lips.

All of Chu Ling’s shame evaporated as Xie Jie slowly pushed in, the sound of her enjoying the most intimate part of him soothed his mind, while her fluids soothed his body. 

Xie Jie sighed in appreciation as her abdomen nudged gently against Chu Ling’s sturdy rump and his balls caressed her clit. For good measure she released even more liquid, filling up Chu Ling’s insides, making him sigh happily.

Luo Bai and Gong Qiu Yu who had been worriedly watching their man, relaxed at the sound of Chu Ling moaning, and Gong Qiu Yu asked at the same time as Xie Jie, “can I move my love?”

His heart racing, Luo Bai reached his arms behind him and stroked his man’s bum, “please take me Gong Qiu Yu my love.” 

Gong Qiu Yu didn’t need telling twice, he had dreamt of this for centuries. Slowly he swung his hips back and forth, while carefully monitoring his lover’s sexy body the whole time. 

Luo Bai’s body seemed to have been made for this, it happily loosened and tightened with his lover’s passing, stimulating them both. The feel of their soft tender skin rubbing sensually together made them hold each other tight. Without a slither of light able to pass between them, they could feel each others heart beats race. 

The affirmation of their love in physical form was far more important than either of them had thought it would be, now they understood how much their bodies moving together deepened their emotional connection.

Reaching forwards, Gong Qiu Yu stroked his man’s long dripping cock, revelling in the body of the moaning man he had spent so many years yearning for. 

At the same time, Hao Kong finally released Chu Ling’s lips, so he could answer his wife’s question. 

Breathing hard Chu Ling replied, “Xie Jie please move, it feels so good, how do you feel that good?”

Gently rubbing her man’s burly rump, Xie Jie replied, “I’m a being of sexual delight, I was born to pleasure and be pleasured. As your body gets used to it, it will always feel this good my dear Chu Ling.” 

Looking up at the other two leaders, Xie Jie was amazed to see Gong Qiu Yu thrusting smoothly in and out of Luo Bai, who was obviously enjoying himself no end. 

Focusing back on the man she was in, Xie Jie gently squeezed Chu Ling’s sexy bum again and slowly moved her hips back about half way, then thrust gently forward making her cock slide smoothly into her lover’s softened ring; all the while relishing the feel of his strong body. As her abs touched his rump again, she moaned in delight, “Chu Ling you feel amazing!” 

Blushing bright red, Chu Ling buried his face in the crook of Hao Kong’s neck, who lovingly kissed his head. Chu Ling was delighted that his big solid body was providing so much pleasure to Xie Jie, but he was really embarrassed at being seen.

Seeing and feeling Chu Ling in this state was driving Xie Jie wild, the big Leader was so naturally sexy, even before she could watch her cock sliding in and out of him; now she was inside him, she was almost overwhelmed with her desire to claim him for her harem. On instinct she wrapped her tail around Chu Ling’s waist in a possessive nature. 

Feeling Xie Jie’s strong smooth tail tighten around his waist, Chu Ling’s heart started to heat up, he desired Xie Jie as both a man and a woman. He didn’t know exactly when it had happened, but he now knew he was falling hard for her. 

Reaching up Chu Ling gently stroked her tail and was deeply aroused by her moan of delight.

Zhou Tu looked to Xie Jie, and getting her nod, he gently pushed his cock into Hao Kong’s prepared toned arse. 

Having made love to his incubus multiple times, Hao Kong’s ring loosened happily and let in his second lovely visitor. The sensation of being penetrated by his young disciple was subtly different, Xie Jie brought her own wetness and although hard when entering, was slightly softer when in. 

Looking over Chu Ling’s head, Hao Kong smiled lovingly at Zhou Tu, encouraging him to push deeper in. His young man’s cock was bigger than his wife’s, and Hao Kong was loving the sensation of being stretched wider open. 

His thoughts wondered briefly, ‘how amazing would it feel to take in Chu Ling’s massive python?’ and his entire face bloomed into a lusty smile.

The beautiful smile that curved Hao Kong’s lips blew away a lot of Zhou Tu’s nervousness, and he grew larger and even harder as he pushed slowly into his man. 

To be able to be with Hao Kong in both ways after so long of desiring him, made a light breathy moan leave Zhou Tu’s lips. He tried to ask if he could continue but he couldn’t catch his breath to form the words properly.

Breathing heavily, Hao Kong lifted his legs and wrapped them around his younger man, pulling Zhou Tu slowly in, relishing every inch of his first human lover. 

His cute man’s hard member felt wonderfully solid as it slid smoothly in to his fullest. The gentle caress of Zhou Tu’s balls slapping his back, made Hao Kong moan into Chu Ling’s luscious hair; their voices mixing together as their lovers started to gently thrust into them.

Feeling her man had gotten used to her smooth thrusts and his body had now loosened up beautifully; Xie Jie leaned forwards to her fullest, so she could reach round and softly stroke Chu Ling’s massive member. She wanted it in her, but everyone seemed to have gotten into a flow, how could she stop them now?

Feeling his lover’s desire, Hao Kong asked for her, “Chu Ling, do you think you could hold my wife while we pleasure her? She has never climaxed in the air and she has been lusting after you since the first moment she saw you.”

Lifting his head off of Hao Kong’s shoulder, Chu Ling’s red rimmed eyes looked into his handsome beige face. Seeing the younger man’s sincerity, the strong burly healer looked back at the beautiful young succubus thrusting inside him and asked with a trembling voice, “you really find me attractive?”

The ridiculously sexy, emotionally vulnerable look on Chu Ling’s handsome face was too much, Xie Jie climaxed deep inside his body with an exulted cry of, “yes!!!” 

Her seed rushed into Chu Ling’s already wet hole filling him further, and he let out a deep sexy moan. His inner walls flexed and tightened round Xie Jie’s pulsing cock, sucking every drop from her as she twitched and thrust in the depths of his strong firm body. 

Chu Ling’s mind and body were in chaos, when Xie Jie came he could feel her energy flow into him with her seed, it held the warm happy feeling of love and the hot passionate feeling of lust, all directed at him.

It was all too much for Chu Ling to contain, held by Xie Jie and Hao Kong, he climaxed over his succubus’s delicate hand that was still rubbing up and down his python. 

Hao Kong moaned underneath their sexy healer as he felt his wife climax through his mark, energy flowed into and around his body, filling him with her feeling of love for Chu Ling. A smile raised Hao Kong’s lips, with her energy he now knew her love matched his own. Feeling Chu Ling join his wife in ecstasy, Hao Kong was overcome with desire, and kissed every part of his erotic Leader he could reach.

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