The Good Incubus

Chapter 69 (NSFW) Loving Embrace

Chapter 69

Loving Embrace


Recap: Zhou Tu>Gong Qiu Yu>Luo Bai>Chu Ling>Xie Jie<Hao Kong

Zhou Tu’s legs felt weak, as if all his energy had surged into his lover with his cum, he gently pulled his softening cock out of his Scholar’s ring and sat down off to the side of the others.

Feeling tired and elated, Gong Qiu Yu went to sit down on the ground too, but before his bum touched the grass he was caught by his disciple’s loving arms and pulled into a tight embrace.

Their eyes met; beautiful green eyes slightly clouded by climax faced calm deep brown, both reflecting the others love back at them. Gong Qiu Yu melted with that look, his body felt light and happy sat in his young man’s lap, wrapped in his gentle arms.

Feeling drained Luo Bai leant against Chu Ling’s strong back, enjoying the gentle rocking of his muscular body as he continued to make love to their succubus.

Energy erupted like a volcano in Xie Jie, in the throws of passion she struggled to control it all. She knew her first priority was to protect the people of Snow Mist Peak by stopping it going into the sexual field, but then she also wanted to protect Zhou Tu by stopping the energy from flowing into her men.

Madly moving the huge power around her body, she felt her horns swell in size from the thickness of her forefinger to the girth of her cock. Yet there was still energy left over, her body was being overwhelmed by it but she refused to let it go.

Feeling Xie Jie struggle, Hao Kong said urgently in her ear, “you must release the energy, it will be ok my love.”

She cried out, “I can’t let it hurt anyone!”

Holding his hips still, Chu Ling said softly, “it’s alright, please trust us my dear.”

Tears streamed down Xie Jie’s face, her mind was clouded by the climaxing energy of her lovers and she couldn’t properly understand their encouraging words, so she refused to let the energy go, she would not be the reason anyone was hurt.

Just as her senses were going numb, Xie Jie felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking round she saw Zhou Tu’s happy green eyes staring at her, then felt him pull the energy gently out of her body.

Too tired to stop him taking the energy, Xie Jie’s eyes went wide with fear, but her heart beat a little easier seeing Zhou Tu never stopped smiling.

To her delight she heard a deep sexy moan from Chu Ling and saw her cute lover’s other hand was on his shoulder. Free from the overwhelming power, she understood with relief Zhou Tu had sent the energy safely into their big strong Healer.

Tears welled in Chu Ling’s eyes as he felt the sexual release and love of the three men in their energy, reaching back he hugged Luo Bai as best he could and said, “I love you too.”

Luo Bai snuggled into his man’s strong back and murmured, “I love you my dear Chu Ling.”

Smiling warmly Zhou Tu said, “Xie Jie you don’t have to worry about me, enjoy yourself my love.”

Going onto tip toes Zhou Tu pecked her lightly on the lips, then with quick light steps he returned to Gong Qiu Yu and pulled him into his arms again, kissing him gently on the forehead.

Gong Qiu Yu’s heart beat wildly as he looked at his calm young disciple, who had just manipulated enough energy to destroy the peak, while smiling serenely, “that was amazing Zhou Tu. You really are a wonder.”

Happiness threatened to overwhelm Zhou Tu, he had tears of joy in his eyes as he hugged his Leader to his chest, from the heart he said “Thank you my love.” Then froze realising he had just confessed.

Gong Qiu Yu tried to hold back his laughter at his cute man blushing crimson for confessing, when he could still feel his lover’s seed hot in his body.

His heart racing, Gong Qiu Yu replied with gently curving lips, “I hope you will let me teach you, so you can develop even more, my love.”

Hugging his lover tightly, Zhou Tu showered him with kisses, while Gong Qiu Yu smiled and laughed happily at his exuberant joy.

Watching the pair while hugging Chu Ling, Luo Bai felt slightly jealous that Zhou Tu could express his feelings so freely, but at the same time seeing them so happy made his heart feel over joyed.

In front of him Chu Ling’s powerful hips started to speed up once more. Feeling his support going, Luo Bai sat tenderly on the ground beside Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu, his scholar instantly kissed his lips while sat in their disciple’s lap and said, “Luo Bai your body felt amazing.”

The strong martial artist’s ears flushed pink and he looked shyly down, then gazed up at his man through his long lashes, “your skill with your body made me feel wonderful my lovely one.”

Gong Qiu Yu pounced on his man’s lips again, their tongues dancing together. Zhou Tu’s mouth went dry as he watched his beautiful Leaders kissing, tentatively he put an arm around Luo Bai’s waist, pulling them all closer together.

Feeling his young disciple’s shaking arm slip round his waist, Luo Bai couldn’t help but smile for a second as he kissed his scholar. He reflected, ‘I really do have a fierce reputation.’ But he didn’t want this beautiful young man, who he had come to respect, to be nervous around him, he wanted to get close to this cute disciple who also held his lover’s heart.

Pulling back from his Scholar’s slightly swollen red lips, Luo Bai shifted closer into his young disciple’s embrace and put his head gently on his dusty brown shoulder.

Momentarily startled by Luo Bai’s movements Zhou Tu tensed, then still lightly shaking he softly stroked his fierce Leader’s loose hair and felt him snuggle into his neck. Elated, Zhou Tu planted a gentle kiss in his Luo Bai’s black locks and continued to stroke his head with one hand and hug Gong Qiu Yu with the other.

Luo Bai’s lips curved as he felt his disciple relax, and all three sat in a comfortable embrace watching their lovers having fun.


Chu Ling held Xie Jie under her buttocks while Hao Kong fondled and played with her hard cock and soft breasts, her tail was wrapped tightly around Chu Ling’s powerful bicep, her arms looped around his stout brown neck.

Leaning back she put her head on Hao Kong’s shoulder, pushing her pelvis onto Chu Ling’s crotch and cried out for the umpteenth time with delight.

Her body had been craving this type of pleasure for years, and now she was being thrust into by two men she deeply loved, she was in utter bliss.

Xie Jie wanted it to last forever but knew it couldn’t, they were both building up to the inevitable, as was she.

“Give me more! Please give me more!” She cried, her voice hoarse from all her moaning.

Chu Ling and Hao Kong both thrust deeper and faster, their minds going blank feeling their lady’s body squeeze and pulse around their hard cocks, while feeling each other’s thrusting through her inner walls.

Looking directly into Chu Ling’s dark eyes, Xie Jie cried, “More! Please I want all of you!”

Chu Ling had been holding back, just a little, still slightly nervous of his length. But at her last cry he thrust fully into his succubus, plunging his huge cock completely into her waiting body, his balls slapping pleasingly into Hao Kong’s.

They all cried out in exalted delight as they convulsed and shook together, both men climaxing deep inside Xie Jie. Who came twice, once covering Chu Ling’s stunning cock and once covering his toned brown abs.


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