The Good Incubus

Chapter 70 (NSFW) Love Energy

Chapter 70

Love Energy


Chu Ling >Xie Jie <Hao Kong

Xie Jie’s mind was in chaos, the waves of euphoric climax mixed with the thunder of power, her female form orgasming again and again with the last of her lovers’ haphazard thrusts.

Chu Ling’s and Hao Kong’s energy fell on top of the massive power she had received during the others orgasms.

Xie Jie’s body hungrily absorbed a huge amount of the energy, which forced her to grow faster than she should.

Her powers further developed, she couldn’t tell what all the changes were, but she did feel her glands become more potent and her muscles get stronger.

Now that her horns were fully grown, her body started on her wings. The bone structure started growing out from her spine and shoulder blades, the pain overwhelmed her already scattered senses and tears fell from her dark eyes.

Like horns, wings usually grew over years, not minutes.

Pleasure and pain warred inside her body, while masses of energy raged through her system, making her ears ring with the rapturous bliss.

The next moment the pain and power stopped.

She knew she hadn’t managed to absorb all the energy, where had it gone?

Confused Xie Jie opened her eyes and looked straight into the worried face of Chu Ling, who was staring over her shoulder at Hao Kong.

Xie Jie felt her husband’s cock slide limply out of her ring and heard him fall to the ground. Turning in Chu Ling’s arms, she saw Hao Kong laying prone on the ground not moving. Horror shot through Xie Jie’s mind for half a second before she felt the happy emotions radiating off of her husband.

Just as she let out her held breath, everyone felt a strange sensation flow into their bodies from Hao Kong.

His energy rushed through their marks into them all, and unlike when Zhou Tu’s energy had flowed through them, Hao Kong’s energy stayed in their system’s and happily mixed in with their own; creating something new.

They all scrambled over to their fallen man, his eyes were closed and he had a huge grin on his face.

Chu Ling put Xie Jie down next to their lover and they both put a hand to his cheek, feeling he was breathing normally they sighed in relief.

“Hao Kong my love?” Xie Jie asked tentatively, “what did you do?”

As if in a dream, Hao Kong’s dark eyes fluttered open and he looked up at them all through his long silver lashes, “I think I made a beautiful mistake, I’m not sure if I’m sorry or not.”

“What did you do?” Asked Gong Qiu Yu, his curiosity peaked.

“I redirected the extra energy through my mark to all of you. I thought dispersing it would be the best move, but it had already been through my system, which I think coupled with Xie Jie’s full mark may have done something to it; I’m not sure. I just want you all to know from the bottom of my heart, I Love You too!”

They all stared at him, then at each other, they could all feel the love in Hao Kong’s energy.

Their hearts beating madly they moved into each others embraces and sat on the ground round their silver haired lover. Gently, Chu Ling pulled Hao Kong into a sitting position then lifted him into his lap and held him in his strong brown arms.

They were sexually satisfied, but had a deep desire to be close to one another, so happily snuggled up in each others arms.


After a relaxed minute, Xie Jie stood up, “ok who wants to go first?”

Looking down her sexy body, their eyes went wide as they saw her cock standing firm again.

Hao Kong laughed at their reactions and rolled over out of Chu Ling’s arms. Pushing up onto all fours with his arse in the air, he said, “Please sooth me my love.”

Kissing Chu Ling’s stunned slack jaw, Xie Jie carefully knelt down behind Hao Kong and slid her penis into his slightly swollen ring. Deep inside him she released her soothing liquids, making him sigh as all his muscles relaxed.

After gently slapping his beige toned bum and enjoying him momentarily tightening round her, she pulled back out.

Getting the idea, Gong Qiu Yu said, “please soothe me too, my dear Xie Jie.”

Turning over while still in Zhou Tu’s arms, he kissed his young lover as Xie Jie’s wet member pushed into his rather swollen ring. A deep sigh left his panting red lips as she released into him and he melted into Zhou Tu’s loving embrace.

All his previous jealousy now gone, Luo Bai watched with a gentle smile curving his lips as Gong Qiu Yu kissed Zhou Tu. He loved how sexy and cute they were together, and he was really enjoying the sight of them being intimate.

Tearing his gaze away from his sexy men and going onto all fours, Luo Bai said, “It would be my pleasure if you would soothe me too.”

Xie Jie had mixed feelings about her first time with Luo Bai being for soothing, but looking at his sexy buttocks that were red from being slapped by Gong Qiu Yu’s pelvis, she couldn’t resist him.

Sliding a hand down his strong lithe back onto his rump, Xie Jie gave it a gentle squeeze and asked in a voice full of hopeful desire, “Next time please let me pleasure you too.”

There was an excited challenging glint in Luo Bai’s eye’s as he looked back at her and said, “next time you’re taking me first, with your help I want my sexy Chu Ling to make love to me second.”

Xie Jie laughed and said, “I love your thinking Luo Bai.”

Pushing gently forward she slid her hot cock into his firm ring, Luo Bai’s body was a delight she wanted to play with all day, but with great determination she controlled her hips and held still.

Releasing a large amount of fluids she filled him up, making the tall martial artist half sigh and half moan as his muscles relaxed around her.

Then reluctantly she pulled out, rather than thrusting fast and hard into his wonderful body like she wanted.

Chu Ling stared blankly at the pair, his mind was in free fall, Luo Bai thought he was sexy! And wanted him to make love to him! Those were words he never thought he would hear out side his dreams.

Seeing the look of shock on Chu Ling’s face, Xie Jie turned to Zhou Tu, who was down on all fours waiting for her with his body being held by Gong Qiu Yu.

They were so cute together; Xie Jie’s heart did a happy little dance as she slid her hard member into Zhou Tu’s slightly swollen ring and released at her full length.

Zhou Tu sighed happily with Gong Qiu Yu’s arms around him and kissed his beautiful scholar softly on the lips.


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