The Good Incubus

Chapter 73 The Hot Springs

Chapter 73

The Hot Springs

Slowly opening his eyes, Chu Ling thought, ‘this is a lovely dream, I should sleep more often.’

He was floating in the warm water of the hot springs, held gently in Luo Bai’s strong arms, surrounded by the peaceful swaying of the bamboo. The light blue of the sky could be seen between the green leafs swaying in a warm breeze and he could hear the melodious singing of birds over head, all in all it was beautifully tranquil.

Turning his head round, he could see Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu cuddled up, leaning against the water smoothed rocks at the side of the spring. Hao Kong, who held their sleeping Xie Jie in his arms, had his head gently resting on Zhou Tu’s slender shoulder.

Their intimate postures together looked so natural that it made Chu Ling let out a soft sigh, ‘if only they could be this relaxed together forever.’

Dozily flipping over onto his front, Chu Ling gently kissed Luo Bai on the lips, “mmmm, you taste just like the real thing; I don’t remember dreams feeling this real.”

Gong Qiu Yu opened his mouth to correct Chu Ling, but closed it again when he saw the tiny shake of Luo Bai’s head.

“Sleep after sex gives a special kind of dreams, you dream of your true partners.” Said Luo Bai in a soft relaxing tone.

Closing his eyes again, Chu Ling said, “that explains why you are all here, but why is Xie Jie sleeping?”

Luo Bai hadn’t thought his ruse would work, so was totally stumped.

Laughing internally, Gong Qiu Yu replied to his sleepy lover, “The one who last satisfied you before sleep, sleeps in these dreams; so you can enjoy your next lover.”

Chu Ling’s mind was so fuzzy from his first sleep in centuries and he trusted his men so explicitly, that he believed their silly lies, “who should I enjoy next then?” He asked with his eyes still closed.

Sat in the warm waters, the men’s mouths went dry, their strong sexy lover was so vulnerable and cute in his drowsy state.

Hao Kong said in a deep smooth voice, “you have to kiss those you like to find out who you will take next.”

Chu Ling floated round to that lovely voice and sealed Hao Kong’s lips with his own. Pushing his tongue gently in the younger man’s welcoming mouth, he enjoyed the feel of their tongues dancing together in a sensual kiss.

Drifting gently back in the water, Chu Ling said, “mmmm Hao Kong you taste as good as you look.”

The silver haired Master blushed bright red and couldn’t stop smiling at his Leader’s words.

With a loving caress of Xie Jie’s cheek, Chu Ling turned to Zhou Tu and with a huge smile said, “you are amazing with energy, now I want to see how you taste.”

His green eyes twinkling, Zhou Tu leaned down and kissed the sleepy man floating in front of him, Chu Ling sucked his tongue in and licked it with glee.

“Mmmm you taste as good as your energy feels.”

Zhou Tu’s grin matched Hao Kong’s, neither of them could quite believe the adorable look in their Leader’s dark eyes, it made them want to hold this lovely man all day.

Chu Ling turned round again, moving to his long time friend and now lover. Gently pulling Gong Qiu Yu’s legs apart he floated in between. “Gong Qiu Yu, you have been my most wonderful friend for over 500 years. I have loved you for at least 450 of them.” Chu Ling’s blush had little to do with the hot springs, “may I please have your lips?”

Gong Qiu Yu’s heart was racing, he couldn’t deny Chu Ling anything in that moment, he slid his arms around his friend’s neck and pushed their lips gently together, their tongues moving smoothly as one.

Sucking on Gong Qiu Yu’s lower lip, Chu Ling released his man, then licking his own lips said, “you definitely taste like a lover, a delicious lover.”

Gong Qiu Yu chuckled, and thought, ‘even after all this time, my cute friend still surprises me.’ His thoughts paused for a moment, then a doting smile curved his lips, ‘not my cute friend, my cute lover.’

Floating full circle back to where he had started, Chu Ling drifted gently into Luo Bai’s waiting arms.

He couldn’t help but notice that below the calm surface his man was fully aroused, Chu Ling put his hands on either side of Luo Bai’s hips and pushed up with his strong arms, lifting his body part way out of the water.

Water dripped off his bulging rich brown muscles, as he leant forward and kissed his lover’s lips with a rough passion, their tongues darting around each other like swords in a sparring match.

When Luo Bai’s breathing got heavy and he was completely distracted by their kiss, in one fluid motion Chu Ling slid his hands under his man’s bum, scooped him up and stood up out of the water, sending waves rocking Xie Jie’s sleeping form.

Holding Luo Bai to his strong toned body, just above his hard giant python, Chu Ling smiled naughtily.

Shock raced across Luo Bai’s face, as he felt Chu Ling slowly lower him down to that massive snake below his bum, “Chu Ling your awake, your awake, you can’t with out prep...”

A rich deep laugh burst out of Chu Ling’s mouth, “I know I’m awake, I just wanted to know how far you would take it.” Pushing his lips out in a little pout, he lowered his man till his tip just touched his bum and said, “not as far as I was hoping.”

There was stunned silence for a heart beat, then Hao Kong broke everyone’s shock by laughing heartily, and he said, “serves you right for trying to trick him first.”

Looking down, Hao Kong was somewhat surprised Xie Jie hadn’t woken up with all the noise and movement around him.

With a little pout of his own Luo Bai asked, “when did you know?”

Blushing a deep crimson, Chu Ling sat down in the warm water with Luo Bai on his lap, careful to place his python between his man’s thighs, rather than where he wanted it to go.

“When did you know?” Asked Luo Bai again and gently squeezed his legs together.

Chu Ling’s heart raced, his naughty man was playing with him and it felt so good. It took all of Chu Ling’s will power to keep his face from giving away how much he enjoyed Luo Bai’s teasing, “I realised when I caressed Xie Jie’s cheek.”

A little worry in his tone Hao Kong asked, “why when you touch Xie Jie?”

Looking at the young sleeping incubus, a warm smile lightened Chu Ling’s face as he replied, “He is sleeping in a way I didn’t expect, and I know its been a long time since I have dreamt, but things are rarely that unexpected in realistic dreams.”

Still a little unsure, Hao Kong asked, “how is he sleeping?”

His voice soft and low, Chu Ling replied reassuringly, “don’t worry Hao Kong, our little incubus is fine, he is just not exactly there.” He pointed to Xie Jie’s body held in his husband’s loving arms.

This did not have the calming effect on Hao Kong that Chu Ling had intended.

“Then where is he?” Asked Hao Kong beginning to panic. He was pulling his man closer into his chest, when he felt Xie Jie’s energy flow through him, calming his heart and mind. Relaxing for a moment he sighed, then panic raced through his body and he froze.

The curious minds of Zhou Tu and Gong Qiu Yu made them both reach out and feel Xie Jie’s energy.

The Leader’s eyes went wide; looking at his confused disciple and panicked Master he explained, “Xie Jie is in his energy field, that’s how he has been maintaining it while he sleeps, clever little incubus.”

With a smile at Xie Jie, Zhou Tu asked, “should we wake him u...”

They all froze and looked to the path, where they heard the sound of a group of young ladies approaching the hot springs.


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