The Good Incubus

Chapter 74 Distraction

Chapter 74



Zhou Tu was out of the water and dressing in an instant.

The men had all agreed they had nothing to be ashamed of, but were thankful to the young Disciple upon seeing his decisive action.

Gong Qiu Yu flowed his Qi all over Zhou Tu’s body, drying him off, while he helped straighten his robes and hair.

When Zhou Tu was respectable looking, the taller Scholar gave him a brief peck on the lips and watched him go.

As fast as he could, Zhou Tu dashed down the path about 50 metres, then stood still trying his best to calm his breathing and look nonchalant, board even.

A moment later a group of 5 women came up the path chatting loudly, when they saw Zhou Tu they stopped for half a second then dashed forwards to surround him.

The beautiful ladies were all different body shapes and shades, they appeared a few years younger than Zhou Tu. Having recognised their voices straight away, as a group that were prone to gossip and giggling, Zhou Tu hoped without reason to hope, that they would behave themselves.

The first one to reach him, a lovely tall brunette with large friendly eyes, who was called Disciple Chen, said, “well met Zhou T..., I mean disciple Zhou. ”

Ignoring the informality, as it was not the first he had received from this group over the years, Zhou Tu cupped his hands together and bowed properly, “well met Disciples.”

The ladies giggled at his formal greeting and all bowed back haphazardly, “well met Disciple Zhou.”

A pale skinned shorter lady next to the first, called Disciple Qu said, “what are you doing here Disciple Zhou? I heard you were resting after you got in a fight with an incubus.”

The tall buxom lady with long red hair to her side, called Disciple Liu, nudged her in the ribs, “he didn’t fight the incubus, he was saved by him, same as all of us.”

“Then what attacked us?” Asked the pale Disciple Qu.

With a sigh, that said she had had to correct this a couple of times already, the beautiful buxom Disciple Liu replied, “The love demon attacked us.”


A stunning dark skinned lady behind them, called Disciple Huo, said, “I heard Zhou Tu kissed Master Hao while he was resting in the infirmary.”

The others all cried in distress, “Not Master Hao! He can’t be taken.”

Before Zhou Tu could say anything, a more pensive looking olive skinned lady, called Disciple Mu said, “that’s strange, I heard Master Hao has fallen in love with the incubus, did you not see them making love in the great hall?”

The ladies all stopped talking and sighed, “yeah, they were beautiful together.”

Zhou Tu, who had been trying to get a word in anywhere, now said into the brief pause, “Disciples please, that is not appropriate talk anywhere but especially not here. The Leaders are in the hot springs. If you can’t be more respectful, then take your talking somewhere else.”

The ladies giggled at Zhou Tu, who sighed in exasperation.

The dark skinned Disciple Huo said, as if thinking out loud, “what if the incubus goes for the Leaders next? You know they have harems.”

“Not our gorgeous Leaders!” They cried in unison.

Half of them sighed and said, “Leader Chu is dreamy.”

The other half sighed and said, “Leader Gong is beautiful.”

Then giggling at each other, they all cried, “Leader Luo is so sexy!”

This time their loud laughter echoed through the bamboo, startling the birds that then took flight.

Seeing Zhou Tu’s look, Disciple Chen said, “sorry disciple Zhou, I know you don’t like it when we talk about the Leaders with out the highest respect.”

The shorter disciple Qu said, “yeah because he is in love with Leader Gong!” Then sighing she added, “who can blame him.” A cheeky glint entered her dark hazel eyes and she asked, “Have you seen him? Did you go sneak a peek at your precious Leader Gong? Is his skin that beautiful all over?”

Anger flared in Zhou Tu’s heart, but before he could even open his mouth to discipline these disrespectful disciples. The buxom beauty nudged the pale lady in the ribs again, “disciple Zhou would never sneak a peak, he is too honourable,” then in a conspiratorial whisper she said, “I bet Leader Gong’s cock is pale and long and just the right width.”

Frozen with shock by the ladies, who were normally bad for gossiping but they were never this overtly lewd, Zhou Tu couldn’t even utter a sound. Some part of his brain that could still function, wondered if this talk was due to Xie Jie’s sexual field.

Giggling behind her delicate black hand, Disciple Huo said, “I bet Leader Luo is fierce in bed.”

They all giggled again, and Disciple Liu added with a sigh, “I bet Leader Chu is a gentle and kind lover.”

With a naughty smile, Disciple Mu said, “I bet Master Hao is as wild in bed as his hair.” Then with a sigh added, “Oh his sexy body while he was being taken by that incubus, I could happily watch that all day.”

Zhou Tu who had been trying to find a way to stop them, had reached his limit and yelled, “Ladies! Have some respect!”

They all gasped, then giggled again at the deep scowl on Zhou Tu’s handsome face.

The tall brunette said with a pout, “he’s not going to let us peek, lets go swim in the river instead, and lament Master Hao’s being taken.”

As they walked down the hill, Zhou Tu could clearly hear them discussing the sizes of the Leaders, then moving on to discuss all of the male Masters of Snow Mist Peak.

Zhou Tu was fuming as he walked back into the clearing with the hot springs, how dare they talk about the Leaders like that, he would be having words with their Masters about them, again.

He was just opening his mouth to apologise, when his body was slammed into by Gong Qiu Yu, sealing their lips together his Leader exuberantly hugged and kissed him.

All angry thoughts gone, Zhou Tu enclosed his naked man in his arms, and returned his passionate kiss.

Sat in the warm waters, the Leaders and Hao Kong had heard everything said about them. Feeling and hearing Zhou Tu’s respectful and loving reactions, their young man had made all of their hearts race by defending their honour.

The others had complicated feelings about the ladies remarks. Whereas, Gong Qiu Yu had been over joyed to hear them talk in such an accepting, if jealous, way about how his man loved him.

All of Zhou Tu’s reactions had made Gong Qiu Yu want his man, right here, right now, and he saw no reason not to take him.


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