The Good Incubus

Chapter 87 (NSFW) Proud Lovers

Chapter 87

Proud Lovers


Gong Qiu Yu coughed with meaning, bringing Luo Bai back to his senses.

The tall Leader begrudgingly said, “there are people coming my dear Tu,” with a cheeky smile he softly moved his hips, “I don’t think us cultivating like this is the best way to tell the Masters about us all.”

Moaning in delight as his overly sensitive insides were caressed, Zhou Tu’s lips curved into his own cheeky smile and he swung his hips on his tall man’s lap.

Luo Bai moaned in response, he was losing his restraint, he wanted nothing more than to make love to his disciple. Burying his face in his man’s neck and kissing him gently, he replied softly, “if you keep this up I’ll just have to take you in front of your Masters as well as your lovers.”

The others laughed as the young disciple froze for a moment, then to everyone’s surprise Zhou Tu thrust his hips again, blushing like mad he said, “I would be proud to be taken as your lover in front of everyone.”

With those loving words Luo Bai’s resolve broke. Lifting up onto his knees he leaned forwards, pushing Zhou Tu onto all four, and thrust long and deep into his man.

Their energy still flowed smoothly, and after so many hours together they were stimulated more than normal by that one thrust.

Leaning down onto his young lover’s back, Luo Bai breathed in his sweet scent in huffing breaths, reaching round he took hold of Zhou Tu’s hard cock and stroked it with long urgent movements.

They both cried out in pleasure, pushing their bodies together faster. No one wanted to look away, but they also didn’t want the Masters to find out about them like this.

Without moving his eyes, Hao Kong asked Xie Jie, “can you make them finish quicker?”

Disturbed by the idea, Xie Jie asked, “why would I do that? Watching their beautiful bodies together is wonderful.”

Hao Kong couldn’t disagree, he wanted to watch them all day, but he said, “If the Masters find out like this, they will try to take away the Leaders position and banish us all from the peak.”

Horrified, Xie Jie moved at a speed that shocked everyone, he put one hand on each man and pushed his energy into them. The effect was instantaneous, every nerve in Luo Bai’s and Zhou Tu’s bodies sung with pleasure.

Moaning each other’s names and shaking uncontrollably, their bodies held tightly together they climaxed as one.

Released from their lust for each other, Zhou Tu dropped his head, his long black hair covering his face as he panted hard, while Luo Bai hugged him from behind breathing into his neck.

Realisation dawned on Luo Bai, what he had just done and everything he had risked, he felt a little ashamed of himself. Yet at the same time he wished he had been seen, he was proud of his men and their relationship.

Zhou Tu had warring emotions going on in his mind too, he had fallen deeply in love with Luo Bai and wanted to tell the world, yet he also wanted to protect his lover’s reputation, he didn’t know if he could do both.

Trying to get his men presentable before the Masters arrived, Xie Jie pulled Luo Bai up and started to straighten his robes, Gong Qiu Yu did the same for Zhou Tu, while Hao Kong and Chu Ling helped tie up their hair.

Their clothes sorted, they all sat down round the table, but everyone had doubts in their eyes about their appearance. The pair looked mostly alright, but the flushed red on their cheeks and their slightly dreamy eyes was a dead give away they had been up to something.

Taking Zhou Tu and Luo Bai’s wrists, Chu Ling stood up and said to Xie Jie and Hao Kong, “I think it would be best if you all stayed in my room till the meetings are over.”

Putting his free hand on his Healer’s broad chest, Luo Bai protested, “I’m fine, I’ll just go wash my face and be back, stall for me my darling Chu Ling.”

The others followed Chu Ling through to his room and got comfy. Zhou Tu and Hao Kong cultivated while Xie Jie slept soundly on his favourite pillow, his husband’s thigh.


Hours later after many different meetings, Gong Qiu Yu came in to get them.

Walking back into the communal room, they saw Luo Bai studiously studying scrolls, the serious look on his face was captivating to Xie Jie, Zhou Tu and Hao Kong.

With a knowing smile Gong Qiu Yu whispered, “he looks especially handsome when he is concentrating.”

The others nodded as they felt each others adoration rise.

Looking up from his work through his long dark lashes, Luo Bai smiled gently at them, setting all their hearts racing.

Realising he couldn’t feel their Healer’s love, Xie Jie asked, “where is our lovely Chu Ling? I can’t feel his energy.” With a sad sigh he added, “I guess he could have healed his mark already.”

Guilt in his voice, Hao Kong replied, “I doubt his mark would have healed that fast after what I did. Could he be too far away for you to sense?”

Four pairs of eyes turned on him and Gong Qiu Yu asked, “what do you mean ‘after what you did’?”

Looking down and shifting his feet, Hao Kong said, “when I sent our energy through my mark and into all of you, I think, that is to say, there is a high probability that, well it could be...”

Luo Bai sternly interrupted, “Just say it, we can deal with what ever has happened.”

Speaking very quickly Hao Kong finished, “it took some of the properties of my full mark with mine and Xie Jie’s energy into all of your marks making them more permanent.”

Anger flared in Xie Jie for half a second, he didn’t want his lovers’ choice to be fully marked taken away from them, then was dowsed by his worry, “then where is Chu Ling? If our marks are still open, and I can clearly feel all of you, why can’t I feel Chu Ling?”

His tail whipped round behind him unconsciously as he was beginning to panic.

Thinking back through the last couple of hectic hours, Gong Qiu Yu said, “last time I saw Chu Ling, he was heading out with one of his disciples, there was some sort of emergency, so I guess he is at the infirmary.”

“No, I would be able to feel him at that distance!” Insisted Xie Jie. “I’m going to go down there and see if they know where he is.”

The others were surprised how scared and determined he was. In a slightly trembling voice Zhou Tu asked, “why are you so worried?”

His eyes dark with fear, Xie Jie said, “I think Chu Ling has been bound.”

Everyone in the room tensed, to have your power bound was a horrible thing for a being of power, Luo Bai stood up, “I’ll take you to the infirmary. Gong Qiu Yu go check the main hall. Hao Kong go to the practise hall, he may have gone to check on the children. Zhou Tu stay here in case he comes back.”

That said, Luo Bai picked Xie Jie up and was gone like the wind to the infirmary.

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