The Good Incubus

Chapter 88 Missing Man

Chapter 88

Missing Man

Less than 2 minutes later Luo Bai and Xie Jie were back in the communal room of the Leader’s spiritual caves.

The second Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong returned, Luo Bai stopped pacing and demanded, “did you find him? Has anyone seen Chu Ling?!”

They both shook their heads, their worry clear in their eyes, Gong Qiu Yu asked, “what did they say in the infirmary?”

Pale with worry, Xie Jie replied, “no one has seen him, there wasn’t even an emergency.”

Luo Bai punched the outer wall creating a huge hole, “The Love demon has him, doesn’t it? I bet it used a possessed person to get him.”

Xie Jie had been thinking about this since the infirmary and said, “yes, but I actually think him being bound might be good news.”

“How could this be good!” Yelled Luo Bai, his worry making him angry.

“Because if the love demon had managed to possess him, it wouldn’t need to bind him. The very fact he is bound, means our amazing Chu Ling is still fighting.”

Knowing what it was like to be psychologically attacked by the love demon, Zhou Tu said, “we have to go get him.”

“Right now!” Agreed Luo Bai.

Dropping his head sadly, Xie Jie said, “I’m not sure we can.”

When the others gave him questioning looks, Xie Jie put his hands together and enchanted, “All of you strip.”

Even Zhou Tu was caught off guard and dropped his robes, only Hao Kong was left clothed.

“Your worry and anger leave you open to attack. If we charge in there unprepared it will only be worse for Chu Ling, and the entirety of Snow Mist Peak.”

Completely naked, Luo Bai stood still and taking a deep breath visibly relaxed, he turned to Zhou Tu and shyly asked, “could you cultivate my energy? It is really calming.”

Seeing Luo Bai’s vulnerable side was astonishingly cute, for a moment Zhou Tu just stared open mouthed, then trying to keep his mind from the handsome man’s sexy body, he stepped into Luo Bai’s open arms and snuggled into his warm naked embrace.

Now their energy was in sync they only needed physical contact and willing minds. They both sighed as their energy flowed together helping them relax.

Through his worry, a wry smile spread over Gong Qiu Yu’s face and he said, “you have to do that at all the Leader meetings, it would stop him getting in half as much trouble.”

Zhou Tu blushed as his tall handsome Leader smiled lovingly down at him for a long moment.

Turning his now calm clear eyes to the other men, Luo Bai said, “we need to get Chu Ling out of there before the love demon can possess him, it is worth the risk; if Chu Ling is possessed, Snow Mist Peak will fall.”

Having felt the power of Chu Ling’s energy; they all knew he was right, none of them could defend against their lover.

Hao Kong suggested, “Maybe I should go with Xie Jie, sneak in and try to free Chu Ling. The love demon can’t possess us, so we would be in less danger.”

Concerned at the idea, Luo Bai replied, “How would you protect yourselves?”

In response Dun Guanlian stretched out his chain, while Dun Mírén grew out of Xie Jie’s right wrist encasing his hand and becoming a beautiful blue sword.

Shocked by the change, Xie Jie tried to jump back from his own hand, he had never actively held a sword before and they scared him.

Inside his head, Dun Mírén said sadly, “you find me scary?”

Not wanting to lie to his lover, Xie Jie answered honestly, “yes, I find all swords scary, not because of the beautiful sword but because of the person wielding it. If it is you my love I will not be scared anymore.” Trying to show his sincerity he added, “may I touch your blade?”

Her voice choked up with relief, Dun Mírén answered, “as long as you are careful, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I hurt you.”

Carefully Xie Jie stroked the flat of the blade, it was amazingly smooth.

Without warning Luo Bai drew his sword and lunged for Xie Jie.

Using his chains Dun Guanlian moved his startled incubus out of the way and Dun Mírén blocked the strike.

Luo Bai followed up his initial attack with a stab, slash, strike, always pushing his little lover back, jab, slash dodge, lunge. With every move Luo Bai advanced forwards till Xie Jie was backed up against the wall.

Easily Dun Mírén blocked every move, but Xie Jie was completely reliant on the two ancient wonders by the second strike.

With a proud but sad smile, Luo Bai re-sheathed his sword, saying with a bow to the armour, “Dun Guanlian, Dun Mírén thank you for an amazing if short spar. I’m sorry my dear Xie Jie but you are the weak link in this exceptional armour. I would be thrilled if you let me help train you, but it would take longer than we have. I think it would be worth the risk for me to go with you, I could never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you.”

Dun Guanlian wrapped his chains comfortingly around Xie Jie, and his tip bowed to Luo Bai, inside his head, Dun Mírén said, “we agree with your man, also, when this is all over I want a proper spar with him outside at his full strength.”

Xie Jie smiled and said to his armour, “Thank you for your council.” To the others he said, “the honourable Duns agree we would be better off with your help, and Luo Bai they want a proper match with you when this is all over. Dun Mírén said at full strength, what strength was that?”

Getting excited despite the situation, Luo Bai bowed again and said, “it would be an honour to spar with you Master and Mistress Dun.” To Xie Jie he added, “that was about 30 percent of my power.”

Xie Jie swallowed hard, his eyes going wide, he found Luo Bai more amazing every day.

Inside his mind, Dun Mírén said smugly, “don’t worry we are better than him, I won’t leave him with a shred of clothing.” Xie Jie couldn’t help smile at the idea.

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