The Good Incubus

Chapter 89 Doubling Down

Hi lovely readers of cute smutt, to celebrate 1,000 likes 😲🎉🎊, here is an early update. Thank you for your continued support, your comments and likes, keep me going. Hope you have a lovely day 💖.

Chapter 89

Doubling Down 

Gong Qiu Yu had been thinking this whole time and said thoughtfully, “if we are already marked by each other, that means there is no reason to not have a full mark which would protect us fully.”

Not sure how to take those logically stated words, Xie Jie said with a little pout, “that is not how I thought you would propose to us my dear Qiu Yu.”

Fully understanding his insensitive words, Gong Qiu Yu blushed a deep red, “I’m sorry my love, you are right.” 

Lightly taking Xie Jie’s hand in his own, Gong Qiu Yu lifted it up to his lips and gently kissed his knuckles, “Xie Jie my love, please mark me and make me your husband.”

They all gasped and Xie Jie’s love exploded through their link. Between his worry, surprise and deep overwhelming love for his Scholar, Xie Jie lost control and went to mark Gong Qiu Yu on the spot. 

Dun Guanlian held Xie Jie fast with his chains, and inside his head cried urgently, “you can’t now! Your mark took all night of Hao Kong cultivating to settle into his body properly. If you mark Gong Qiu Yu now you won’t be able to go rescue Chu Ling till tomorrow,” his voice went shy as he continued, “and we don’t want ‘our’ man to be in the hand’s of that love demon any longer than is necessary.”

After a long moment of struggling Xie Jie sagged into the powerful chains, he knew his lover was right, he had to hold back for now. 

Feeling his incubus had regained control, Dun Guanlian sighed in relief and gently wrapped round his shoulders. 

Looking into his beautiful scholar’s love filled eyes, Xie Jie said softly, “Gong Qiu Yu my love, I want nothing more than to mark you all, but Dun Guanlian just told me, ‘it took a full night of cultivating for Hao Kong’s mark to settle into his body.’”

Instantly understanding the implications, Gong Qiu Yu kissed his incubus briefly and said, “my honoured Dun Guanlian, may I kiss your chain to thank you.”

In response, Dun Guanlian’s end unwrapped from Xie Jie’s shoulders and laid in Gong Qiu Yu’s out stretched hands. 

Dropping his head down, Gong Qiu Yu put his thin lips to the hard metal and gently kissed each smooth link.

Inside his head Xie Jie heard Dun Guanlian moan gently and say, “I’m having fun with him later.”

From Luo Bai’s arms, Zhou Tu said, “then we had better get going.”

Looking down at his young disciple, Luo Bai said in a tender tone, “I don’t think you should go my dear Zhou Tu,” he tightened his embrace a little, “I don’t want anything happening to you.”

Smiling at his powerful lover’s concern, Zhou Tu replied, “I’m not going into the cave but I am going with you, I’ll wait out side and help if needed. Please make sure I’m not needed, my lovely Luo Bai.” Going up on to tip toes he gently pecked his man’s lips.

“I will keep you safe.” Replied Luo Bai solemnly and pecked his disciple’s lips back.


After a hectic few minutes, they were dressed in full plain leather armour over their robes, stood outside the Leaders spiritual caves ready to depart Snow Mist Peak. 

Drawing their swords ready to take flight, they looked to Xie Jie unsure if he could fly with Dun Mírén. 

Seeing their men’s looks, Dun Mírén said in her incubus’s mind, “I could take you if you like, or we could go with one of our men.”

Understanding her meaning, Xie Jie said, “husband would you give me a lift please.”

Grinning, Hao Kong wrapped his free arm around his husband’s waist, he received a tight hug in return and enjoyed the familiar delight of Xie Jie’s tail snaking round his waist.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Dun Guanlian wrapped around both of them holding them gently together, Hao Kong was shocked and delighted by the gentle caress of his Master’s chains.

Seeing everyone was ready, Luo Bai threw out his sword and let it pull him into the air for the short trip down the mountain. The others followed close behind, all quiet in their worry as they flew to the cave they believed the love demon to be in.


The cave was on the side of a small foot hill, a little way off from the bottom of Snow Mist Peak. The little hill was mostly covered in a dense forest of ever greens, from above the cave mouth they could see down into a little clearing in the trees. 

Staying aloft, Luo Bai said to Zhou Tu, “stay out here, we will go check this is the right...”

A dark haired young man dressed in a white robe with a red belt came running out of the cave, his hair was hanging loose over his ghostly pale frightened face, looking over his shoulder in fear he stumbled in his haste to get away. 

Moving on instinct, Luo Bai flew down and caught the young man before he hit the ground. 

Franticly the man yelled, “you have to get out of here! There is a love demon in there it has my Leader! I couldn’t...” 

The disciple finally recognised the face in front of him, he grabbed Luo Bai’s robes in his fists and begged in panting breaths, “please you have to help Leader Chu! He ordered me to run, I’m so sorry I couldn’t save him.” The man collapsed forwards and cried against his Leader’s chest.

Gently Luo Bai held him in a loose embrace, trying to comfort him enough to be able to ask him about Chu Ling.

The next second, a woman in black robes with purple trim and a black mask covering the top half of her face ran out of the cave. 

In an instant Dun Guanlian whipped out and clipped her on the back of the neck, knocking her out cold. 

Explicitly trusting the ancient artefact, the others ignored the unconscious lady for now and landed around Luo Bai. They were worried for the disciple, but glad they were in the right place and to hear Chu Ling was still fighting.

Putting both hands on the man’s shoulders, Luo Bai carefully pushed the young disciple slightly back from his chest so he could look into his eyes, and said, “Disciple, you did the right thing getting out of there before you were repossessed, we are here to help, can you tell me what is going on?”

The man took a deep calming breath and said, “there are lots of possessed people in there, but they are in chaos because Leader Chu is resisting and he is so...” the man in Luo Bai’s arms blushed bright red, mortified he put his hands to his crotch. 

To the disciple’s surprise, his fierce honoured Leader said, “keep that thought in mind, it will keep you safe from repossession. Can you tell me where Leader Chu and the love demon are?”

Trying to ignore the fact he was in his honoured Leader’s arms with a huge erection, the man said as calmly as he could, “you just keep going straight, follow the shouting and you will come to a huge cavern. Leader Chu is bound in ethereal rope on the far wall.”

They all tensed further, ethereal rope was made thousands of years ago for the purpose of enslaving cultivators, it bound their powers making them vulnerable.

Looking up at his lovers, Luo Bai said, “Disciple Zhou please take this Disciple back to Snow Mist Peak, then return with help, but don’t enter the cave.”

Following his Leader’s gaze, the disciple saw Zhou Tu and threw himself into his arms.

Trying to ignore the man spear pushing into his abdomen, Zhou Tu hugged the other disciple back, “Brother Wu I’ll get you home, I bet Master Pan has been going crazy looking for you.”

Crying into his friend’s shoulder, Disciple Wu sobbed, “It was horrible Brother Zhou, if it wasn’t for Leader Chu I...I...”

Pulling his friend round behind him, Zhou Tu said softly, “I know how horrible it is, I was possessed too, but you are safe now. Hold on I’m going to get you out of here.”

With his friend holding tight, Zhou Tu threw out his sword and they disappeared into the sky.

The others moved over and looked at the unconscious lady, Gong Qiu Yu picked up her long staff and said, “that’s the robes of a necromancer; this could be problematic.” 

Luo Bai’s brows lowered with determination, “What ever happens we will deal with it, all be on guard.”

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