The Good Incubus

Chapter 97 Oomph

Chapter 97


The pain Xie Jie had been expecting was excruciating, Dun Guanlian’s chain burned into his flesh to run along his spine.

Using his link’s to hold his lover up, Dun Guanlian whispered into Xie Jie’s mind, “I’m sorry my love.”

All his men felt his agony through their marks and hugged around him, trying to comfort him through the pain.

As quickly as it shot into his system the pain was gone, leaving Xie Jie breathing hard as he slumped into his lovers embrace.

Sat on the many comfy cushions in the Leaders’ spiritual cave holding each other, no one wanted to move apart.

Not releasing Chu Ling on one side or Zhou Tu on the other, Luo Bai bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry to you all, I lost control of my emotions and almost...” Tears welled in his eyes, and for a moment he couldn’t continue, taking a deep calming breath he said, “my loves I never wanted you to see the point of my sword, I only ever wanted to protect you. Can you ever forgive me my dear sweet Chu Ling?”

With a small hiss of pain, Chu Ling released Hao Kong and hugged Luo Bai with both arms while kissing his cheeks, “My wonderful Luo Bai I’m so proud of you, you were amazing! Your sword form is beautiful and I could see you protect me with every strike you pulled back, I love you Luo Bai.”

Taking his arm from Zhou Tu, Luo Bai put his head on his big lover’s bare chest, where the crisscross cuts had already healed, and let his tears run freely down his warm skin as he hugged him tightly, making Chu Ling hiss again in pain.

Moving forwards, Hao Kong gently stroked the beautiful rich brown ribs of their strong healer, who couldn’t stifle another hiss of pain.

Pulling his hand back Hao Kong asked, “how many ribs are broken?”

With a derisive chuckle that caused his face to contort in pain again, Chu Ling replied, “only the ones that aren’t fractured.”

Hastily Luo Bai sat back up, scared to hurt is man further. Taking a deep calming breath he placed his hands gently on his man’s right side and circulated his Qi energy, Chu Ling’s eyes closed as some of the pain reseeded with Luo Bai’s healing.

Taking his own deep breath, Gong Qiu Yu put his hand’s on Chu Ling’s left side, making their big man sigh as the pain became easier to bear. He smiled down at his men as they breathed hard trying to catch their breath, healing was not their strength.

With a relieved smile he said, “you both took my training so well.”

Puffing up even in his exhausted state, Luo Bai said, “you did hold my hands through your private training for 300 years, I should be able to help you this... hang on did you do that to be with me? And hold my hands? Chu Ling you sneak!”

The burly healer blushed shyly at being caught, and Luo Bai re-bruised the side he had started along the healing process, by hugging his man too tight in his enthusiasm.

Shyly Gong Qiu Yu asked, “if that was why you taught Luo Bai, why did you teach me in private lessons too?”

Looking into his lovely scholar’s dark eyes, Chu Ling replied, “for the same reason my love.”

Tears of joy made Gong Qiu Yu’s eyes shine as he threw him self at his big man.

With an “oomph,” Chu Ling fell over backwards with his men on top of him, Xie Jie couldn’t resist joining in and snuggled in on top. Chu Ling’s big hands pulled Hao Kong and Zhou Tu on top too, luxuriating in the feel of love.

The men around Xie Jie all went slightly stiff, then with a sigh relaxed and as one they all looked at Zhou Tu.

Blushing like mad the younger man said, “I’m sorry, our energy is harmonised due to our mark so it’s hard to stop.”

Zhou Tu moved to get up but a hand of each man shot out and held him down, they all happily relaxed and Hao Kong said, “don’t ever stop, it feels so calming.”

The others happily sighed their agreement.

Confused Xie Jie asked, “what is going on?”

Realising their incubus had no way to feel it, the others felt a little guilty leaving him out, Chu Ling said, “Zhou Tu is flowing our energy round his body, and when it comes back to us it is really relaxing.”

Tilting his head at his healer Xie Jie asked, “doesn’t Zhou Tu always feel relaxing to you through your mark?”

Everyone’s eye brows rose, and Gong Qiu Yu asked, “I don’t feel anything like that, do the rest of you?”

Surprised by them all shaking their heads, Xie Jie asked, “then do you not draw strength from Luo Bai’s bravery either?”

His men’s eyes widened and Gong Qiu Yu asked, “do you feel things from all of us all the time?”

With a huge happy smile Xie Jie snuggled into Chu Ling’s broad chest and replied, “yes, I love the feel of you all. That’s why I’ve been finding it so hard resisting marking you fully, I want the full feel of you like my wonderful husband.” He curled his tail round Hao Kong’s waist and lightly pricked him with his barb, making a soft moan leave his lips.

A little jealousy flowed through their link, they all wanted to be marked and fully linked to each other too.

Feeling their emotions loud and clear, Xie Jie said with his head lowered, “I have made a decision about marking you all. I’m not going to mark any one else until this is all over, and we have spent at least a week together enjoying each others company,” with a deep breath he finished, “while I’m bound.”

They all gasped, they wanted to disagree, they wanted to deny his thinking, but it was the sweetest of gestures; being bound was the most horrendous feeling for any being of power, so to suggest subjecting himself to it for their sake overwhelmed them with his love.

Squeezing together they all felt Dun Guanlian stretch out his chain and gently embrace his incubus, then slither on across all of their bodies embracing them all.

Inside Xie Jie’s and Hao Kong’s minds he said, “my love, if I bind you it will be horribly draining on you and you’ll be cut off from each other, I don’t think it is a good plan.”

Hao Kong said in the ancient language, “my love I agree with the wondrous Dun Guanlian, I don’t think this is a good idea. Being cut off from each other is one thing, but you being drained is too much. Master, am I right in thinking we couldn’t even feed him if he is bound?”

Before the old chain could reply, to their surprise Gong Qiu Yu said in a shocked tone, “you’ll be drained? Then I agree with Dun Guanlian too, this is not a good idea, we would hate to see you suffer.” Cupping Xie Jie’s face he asked, “why do you feel the need to bind yourself my dear sweet love?”

Dropping his eyes guiltily Xie Jie replied timidly, “what if I am accidentally manipulating you? My powers have been a little off with maintaining my sexual field, so what if I am in some slight way enchanting you all? My mark is for life because it is a little bit of my heart I’m giving you, I want you to take my mark whole heartedly of your own free will.”

The love that flowed through their link was so sudden and so strong it made Xie Jie cry out in ecstasy, luckily there was no one else in the area to be affected by the love fluctuation and they were already cuddled close together.

Luo Bai raised his head off Chu Ling’s chest so he could see his incubus properly and said solemnly, “Xie Jie the love demon is dead,” feeling conflicting emotions Luo Bai held his healer for comfort, not ashamed of his actions, but worried what Xie Jie would think of him, “I know you don’t like violence and killing, but if I had let the love demon live, a lot of others would have died.”

Xie Jie moved round Chu Ling’s body a little and wrapped his tail around Luo Bai’s waist. Equally solemnly he said, “Thank you for saving everyone my wonderful protector, I’m proud you are my lover.”

Relieved Luo Bai let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding, just as all his men crushed him with love.

Relishing the feel of the men around him, Zhou Tu had been trying to think through the problem for Xie Jie, and blushing a beautiful crimson he took a deep steadying breath and asked, “Xie Jie would you go on a date with me?”

Xie Jie’s heart thumped in his chest, he knew it was silly to get this excited when he had done so much with this beautiful man in his arms, but to be asked on a date was thrilling, “I would love to go on a date with you my darling Zhou Tu, but to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Zhou Tu explained, “so I can show you that I whole heartedly want to be marked by you.”

The other men felt jealous they hadn’t thought of it first.

Xie Jie replied, “but how will that prove that your not enchanted?”

Sagging Zhou Tu admitted, “I guess I can’t prove to you that I’m not enchanted, even though I’m sure of it.”

Stroking the smooth links of the chain wrapped round them all, Hao Kong said, “my dear love Dun Guanlian, you can feel all of my husband’s powers as you can feel mine, is he in any way enchanting us?”

The end of the chain caressed Hao Kong’s cheek, surprising those who weren’t in the void.

The Dun sibling parts discussed among themselves, then in Xie Jie’s and Hao Kong’s minds, Dun Guanlian said, “we are not sure, we don’t feel in the same way you do. There is one bit of power we are not sure if it is changing your feelings or not, we highly doubt it. I can bind just that bit of power if you like my dear Xie Jie, but I would rather not as it may hurt you.”

Hao Kong’s and Xie Jie’s eyes went wide at the ancient artefact’s words.

Nervously Luo Bai asked, “what is going on? What are you saying to them?”

Sadness and guilt were clear in Xie Jie’s voice as he said, “Hao Kong asked Dun Guanlian if there is any part of my power that could be enchanting you, and he said there is one bit they are unsure of. He is able to bind just that part, which I’m going to ask him to do now.”

Tears pooled in Xie Jie’s eyes as he said, “if I have been enchanting you and you do hate me, please don’t hate yourselves or each other for all we have done together.”

They all hugged each other tighter, and Xie Jie said, “Dun Guanlian please bind me.”

The others felt no change in their love for the men around them, but they felt the connection between them disappear and held each other a little tighter.

The lost sensations of his lovers was like a physical wound to Xie Jie, it squeezed his heart and his pooled tears fell from his eyes, as he felt his men’s energy and emotions get blocked off from him.

He only now fully understood how deeply he loved each and every one of them in all ways.

Feeling lonely in their own bodies not being able to feel each other and concerned for their incubus, the five cultivators caressed and kissed every part of Xie Jie they could reach.

Dun Guanlian unbound his lover and smiled internally, to Hao Kong he said, “tell them all there is no manipulation going on, and that my sibling’s and I want them all to join us, my kinky little lover.”

Blushing and caressing the chain that was wrapping tighter around and defining his muscles, Hao Kong said, “the honourable and sexy Dun Guanlian said we are not being manipulated, and that the wondrous Dun family want you all to join us.”

Dun Mírén changed into gauntlets and using Xie Jie’s hands caressed Zhou Tu and Luo Bai. While Dun Xinyi stretched out becoming a scaled breast plate and moved each scale sensually against Chu Ling’s broad chest.

While Dun Guanlian pulled his chains tighter around Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong and stroked them all over.

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