The Good Incubus

Chapter 98 Coincidence

Chapter 98


Inside Xie Jie and Chu Ling’s heads, Dun Xinyi said, “I really wish we could find brother horn part, then we could talk to all of Xie Jie’s names.”

Dun Mírén replied in just Xie Jie’s mind with a little laugh, “he would love Gong Qiu Yu, both of them are always thinking about one thing or another, but it’s already a miracle that us three are together.”

In a thoughtful tone Dun Guanlian said, “I wonder if some force is bringing us all together. In under a week of being placed round Xie Jie’s neck I have joined with two parts, that can’t be a coincidence, can it?”

Turning to Gong Qiu Yu, Xie Jie asked, “In your studies of the ancient artefacts did you find anything about them finding each other?”

Dun Xinyi excitedly asked, “this beautiful scholar has studied us?”

Out loud Xie Jie replied, “yes that is how he knows your language, I’m glad you approve Dun Xinyi.”

Dun Guanlian caressed Gong Qiu Yu’s cheeks, and only just resisted moving his chains into his sexy scholar’s robes.

A happy smile curved Gong Qiu Yu’s lips, he was proud his efforts were positively acknowledged by the very artefacts he had been studying.

Gently caressing the chains round him as he thought, Gong Qiu Yu said, “I’m not sure if ancient artefacts are drawn together, there are no instances of a being wearing more than one artefact in the last 2000 years, and back then it was a human.

It did not go well for those around him, he ruled his kingdom as a brutal dictator, killing thousands. Some say he was sent mad by the artefacts, but I think he was always evil.”

Turning into gauntlets Dun Mírén used Xie Jie’s hands to hug their scholar, while Dun Guanlian’s chains squeezed him tight, Gong Qiu Yu grinned and continued, “however, you are all made of the same metal, and there are instances of magical objects of the same energy calling out to each other, could it be something like that?”

Via Hao Kong, Dun Guanlian said, “it is possible with Dun Xinyi, it was us after all who went to the cavern, but Dun Mírén was brought to us via Leader Miller.”

Thoughtfully Dun Mírén said, and was repeated out loud by Xie Jie, “when I heard there was an incubus at Snow Mist Peak I felt a strong desire to come here, it was me who encouraged Leader Miller to come save you all. Maybe that was you calling out to me brother part.”

Repeated out loud by Chu Ling, Dun Xinyi added, “when I was used with the ethereal rope to bind Chu Ling, it was his desire...”

Chu Ling’s big hands clamped over his own mouth, and blushing crimson he mumbled, “I don’t think that is pertinent to this discussion.”

Inside Chu Ling’s mind Dun Xinyi said, “if you don’t tell them about your desires you won’t get to experience them and I know my brother part is dying to entangle you.”

Upon hearing his brother part’s words, Dun Guanlian’s chains moved suggestively across the blushing Healer’s beautiful rich brown skin, in spite of his best efforts Chu Ling’s python began to rise up in the middle of his men.

Looking from Chu Ling’s hardening cock to his blushing face, Luo Bai said, “now I have to know!”

Horribly embarrassed Chu Ling replied shyly, “please don’t ask, I don’t want you to think less of me.”

Hao Kong said soothingly, “It’s alright, we won’t think less of you.”

With a knowing laugh Chu Ling replied, “I know you won’t, I saw you with Dun Guanlian.”

Hugging their kinky man, Chu Ling and Xie Jie both went rock hard remembering Hao Kong being man handled by their ancient wonder.

Hao Kong blushed as the three that weren’t in the void raised their eye brows at him.

Taking a big steadying breath and snuggling into Xie Jie’s and Chu Ling’s embrace for comfort, Hao Kong said, “would you be happier to tell us, if I told all of you about me?”

Wrapping his tail tight around his husband’s waist, Xie Jie said with a genuine laugh, “that is an empty offer my love, because even you don’t know how deep your depravity goes.”

With a self deprecating chuckle, Hao Kong stroked his incubus’s tail and his healer’s strong muscular arm and said, “don’t tell them that so lightly, they might get the wrong idea.”

As his men’s robes pulled tight across their laps, he said, “or maybe they will get the right idea.” His body trembled slightly with excitement at the idea of what his men might do to him.

Chu Ling hugged them all to his naked body and said to Hao Kong, “I love you my kinky delight, your courage to tell everyone does help, thank you.”

Kissing the top of his lover’s silver head, Chu Ling closed his eyes and took a calming breath, then said, “as a way to stay aroused to resist the love demon; I used the thought of the ethereal rope actually being Dun Guanlian’s links, and imagined the staff was being wielded by one of you.”

Luo Bai, Gong Qiu Yu and Zhou Tu all gasped with shock, while Hao Kong smiled happily and Xie Jie softly kissed Chu Ling’s chest.

Thinking it through Luo Bai asked, “you want one of us to beat you?” Gently stroking the beautiful brown arm around him he said, “I would never want to hurt you my love.”

Chu Ling hastily tried to explain, “I don’t want you to really hurt me, more like when you found out about my strength and hit my arm, I imagined it was like that.

If I hadn’t been bound by the ethereal rope, that staff would have broken on my body not the other way round.”

Hao Kong said sensually, “I’ll play roughly with you any time you like my naughty desire.” With his words he gently bit the arm round him playfully, making Chu Ling’s eyes shine as he blushed bright red.

Gong Qiu Yu chuckled, “my dear Chu Ling, even after all these years you still surprise me every day, I don’t know if I’d be able to play with you that way, but I don’t think any less of you for wanting to.”

Recalling the scratches down Hao Kong’s back after Xie Jie marked him, Zhou Tu asked Hao Kong tentatively, “is that the kind of thing you enjoy?”

Too nervous to meet his young lover’s eyes Hao Kong nodded, “I want to try just about everything,”

Not wanting his men to think he was just depraved he said in a rush, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to snuggle with you all like this too, this is the greatest feeling.”

Softly stroking their lovely healer’s bulging chest, Hao Kong added thoughtfully, “Although I do wish we were all as naked as Chu Ling.”

Having all his lovers’ robes on top of him, Chu Ling had forgotten he was naked underneath, he blushed and feebly tried to cover himself with his hands.

Having been particularly quiet, Luo Bai raised up and pulled Chu Ling’s arms above his head, then pushed his crossed wrists down on the floor with his strong calloused hands.

Roughly kissing his pinned man, Luo Bai said, “I’m not sure I could hurt you, but I could love you without holding back my strength and see how it goes from there, my wonderful Chu Ling.”

Grinning with delight and relief, Chu Ling let himself be held down as he replied, “I would like that very much my dear Luo Bai.”

They all felt the pair’s lust reach for the heavens, as Luo Bai dropped his head and kissed his lover again.

While holding his healer’s arms with one hand, Luo Bai ran the other hand down Chu Ling’s healing ribs, his man tensed and moaned gently below him as the sensations of pain and pleasure mixed.

To Luo Bai’s surprise, playing with his lover this way greatly excited him. Nibbling down his healer’s neck and chest, Luo Bai gently bit Chu Ling’s pert brown nipple and enjoyed his man moaning again.

All snuggled around and on Chu Ling, the other men didn’t want to move but also didn’t want to get in the way of the pair’s fun.

Reigning in his lust for the moment Luo Bai said, “if I keep doing this now, little will stop me from taking you all the way.”

Chu Ling sighed in regret and said with a submissive tilt of his head, “I would love you to take me to your hearts content my dear, but my body needs to heal more first.”

Kissing his man roughly one more time while stroking his tender ribs, Luo Bai released his highly aroused healer and said teasingly, “think of me doing that to you until you’ve healed enough for me to give you my all.”

The men collectively gulped, all looking at their sexy martial artist with hungry eyes.

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