The Good Incubus

Chapter 99 Hidden Worry

Chapter 99

Hidden Worry

Gong Qiu Yu had been thinking about the Dun armour, and trying to distract everyone for the sake of Chu Ling, he said to Xie Jie , “if the Duns are calling out to each other subconsciously, could you boost their link if we gave you more energy? Or could we follow it back the other way?”

Dun Guanlian said via his incubus, “I think we could once Xie Jie has rested, now he has... ”

Stopping speaking out loud, Xie Jie said to Dun Guanlian inside his mind, “I’m sorry my wonderful love, but I don’t want to tell them how much it has drained me to maintain the sexual field, I don’t want to worry them.”

Confused Luo Bai asked his incubus, “now you have what?”

Softly Dun Guanlian replied to Xie Jie, “my dear sweet love they would want to know, and we are not sure how long you will take to fully heal.”

Concern tinged Chu Ling’s rich voice as he asked, “what are you not wanting to say?”

Guiltily Xie Jie replied to the ancient wonders in his head, “please just for now let me keep this secret.”

But he couldn’t keep his secret; due to his lack of control his feelings of guilt went right through his mark, instantly giving him away.

Grabbing hold of his husband’s hand, Hao Kong asked, “what are you not telling us my love?”

Turning from his man’s worried gaze, Xie Jie buried his head in Chu Ling’s chest, “it’s not something you need to worry about.”

Gong Qiu Yu asked, “what are you trying to protect us from?”

When he saw Xie Jie still hesitate Chu Ling added, “let us help you my love.”

Xie Jie wanted to say nothing was wrong, but the feel of his lovers worry and compassion made it impossible to lie, so he stayed silent.

Luo Bai encouraged with, “we can face it together if you tell us.”

Feeling his heart swaying, Xie Jie still stayed quiet, he really didn’t want to worry his lovers.

A calculating look flashed in Zhou Tu’s eyes and he said, “you would want to know if there was something wrong with us, so you could help, please let us help you.”

Looking up with red rimmed eyes, Xie Jie said, “I didn’t want to worry you, it’s not a big deal, honestly it’s fine.”

Luo Bai said firmly, while gently stroking his lover’s head, “If it is no big deal then tell us.”

Lowering his eyes Xie Jie replied, “Dun Guanlian said, “he thinks they will be able to do more when my body is back to full strength, now I’ve dropped the energy field over Snow Mist Peak.””

Dropping his head onto his healer’s chest he mumbled, “It was putting a great strain on my body.”

Hao Kong grabbed Xie Jie and pulled him into his arms, “why didn’t you say?!”

Caressing his man’s worried face, Xie Jie replied, “this is why I didn’t want to tell you, there was no other way to keep everyone safe and it was a burden I was happy to take.”

The cultivators all wrapped their arms over their young incubus, their hearts beating as one, each of them fell a little more in love with their man.

Being practical, Gong Qiu Yu asked nervously, “does the wonderful Dun armour know if the damage is permanent?”

Dun Guanlian said instantly, “no its not permanent, I would have stopped you before it got to that point. It will just take a while for you to heal fully.”

Thoughtfully Dun Xinyi said, “If you had grown your wings you could have kept the sexual field up for a few years without difficulty.”

Xie Jie’s eyes went wide in surprise and he asked, “there is that much difference in my power after I grow my wings?”

Sagely Dun Xinyi said, “Your wings are just the outer representation, there are many more inner changes that occur too.”

Xie Jie relayed the messages to his lovers, who all started thinking along the same lines, ‘how do we help our incubus grow his wings safely?’

Summing it all up with a relieved smile Gong Qiu Yu said, “so you just need rest,” his smile turned a little shy, “and lots of energy.”

They all cuddled together tighter and enjoyed the feel of being together again.

After a long tender cuddle, Xie Jie said sadly, “I suppose we should get up so you can cultivate? I’m guessing cultivating in this position is not an option?”

Zhou Tu surprised the others by saying, “actually I’ve been cultivating since you all said you liked the flow of my energy. The feel of you around me and your Qi flowing through my meridians while I’m this comfortable, is ideal for my cultivation.”

The strong feelings of love that flowed from his men took Xie Jie by surprise, he momentarily lost control of his power and felt his men react to the love fluctuation in their link.

Kissing and sensually moving their hands around each others bodies, the men luxuriated in the feel of each others desires.

When they came back to their senses, Xie Jie said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that reaction from you so failed to stop the fluctuation in our link, when I’m fully healthy again that shouldn’t happen any more.”

Breathing heavily, Chu Ling said, “so you know to expect it next time, our feelings of love were so strong, because Zhou Tu cultivating while connected to our energy shows his explicit trust, as cultivating that way makes him incredibly vulnerable.”

Everyone hugged and kissed Zhou Tu, who shyly smiled and said, “I feel perfectly safe with all of you.”

Xie Jie smiled at his men while thinking, ‘they are so cute,’ out loud he said, “OK that helps, sometimes you surprise me with the different things you find endearing.”

Snuggling back onto his beautiful healer he asked, “does that mean we can stay like this while you cultivate?”

The others took deep calming breaths and opened their bodies to the world, then started gently pulling energy in.

Feeling the familiar change in his lovers bodies, Xie Jie relaxed on his man mattress with his eyes closed and fell into a deep sleep while embraced and loved.

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